Wush Ear Cleaner Commercial Actor (2025)

1. Wush TV Spot, 'Dirty Ears: 15% Off' - iSpot.tv

  • 5 okt 2022 · Check out Wush's 30 second TV commercial, 'Dirty Ears: 15% Off' from the Auditory & Vision industry.

  • Check out Wush's 30 second TV commercial, 'Dirty Ears: 15% Off' from the Auditory & Vision industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

2. Wush TV Spot, 'Clogged Ears? 15% off and Free Shipping' - iSpot.tv

  • 20 nov 2022 · Check out Wush's 60 second TV commercial, 'Clogged Ears? 15% off and Free Shipping' from the Auditory & Vision industry.

  • Check out Wush's 60 second TV commercial, 'Clogged Ears? 15% off and Free Shipping' from the Auditory & Vision industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

3. Wush TV Spot, 'Clean Out Your Ear' - iSpot.tv

4. WUSH™ Ear Cleaner - Black Wolf

  • Official TV Offer - WUSH is the NEW safe and effective way to remove earwax. With the press of a button, WUSH generates a massaging triple jet stream of ...

  • Official TV Offer - WUSH is the NEW safe and effective way to remove earwax. With the press of a button, WUSH generates a massaging triple jet stream of water that gently removes dirt and ear wax

5. Wush TV Spot, 'Demonstration: 15% Off' - iSpot.tv

  • 24 okt 2023 · None have been identified for this spot. Have questions about this ad or our catalog? Check out our FAQ Page. More Wush Commercials.

  • Check out Wush's 30 second TV commercial, 'Demonstration: 15% Off' from the Auditory & Vision industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

6. WUSH™ PRO Ear Cleaner - Black Wolf

  • WUSH is the NEW safe and effective way to remove earwax. With the press of a button, WUSH generates a massaging triple jet stream of water that gently ...

  • WUSH is the NEW safe and effective way to remove earwax. With the press of a button, WUSH generates a massaging triple jet stream of water that gently removes wax build-up and flushes it away. Features & Benefits Safe & Effective Wax Removal: This rechargeable, water-powered ear cleaner includes 1 ear irrigator

7. Actor In Wush Ear Cleaner Commercial - Just Speak

  • 1. The actor in the Wush Ear Cleaner commercial is named Emily Johnson. She is a talented actress who has appeared in a variety of commercials, television shows ...

  • In the world of advertising, there are few commercials that have captured the attention of viewers quite like the Wush Ear Cleaner commercial. One of the key elements that has made this commercial so memorable is the actor who stars in it. This actor has not only become the face of the product, but has also gained a significant following due to their performance in the commercial. In this article, we will take a closer look at the actor in the Wush Ear Cleaner commercial, and explore nine interesting facts about them.

8. I'm an ear doctor – you've been cleaning your ears all wrong

  • 31 mei 2022 · Cropped shot of an attractive young woman cleaning her ears with an earbud in her bathroom Here are some at home remedies to remove ear wax that ...

  • It is incredibly satisfying to clean your ears with cotton swabs.

9. Who Are The Actors In The Little Caesars Commercial

  • Brian Huskey, who plays Little Caesar in the commercials, has been a professional actor and comedian for over 20 years. He has appeared in numerous television ...

  • If you’ve ever watched television, you’ve likely seen a Little Caesars commercial at some point. The pizza chain is known for its catchy jingles and humorous advertisements that often feature a cast of quirky characters. But who are the actors in the Little Caesars commercials, and what do we know about them? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the faces behind the popular pizza chain’s commercials and uncover some interesting facts about each of them.

10. Photos & Videos - Marco DelVecchio appreciation thread - LPSG

  • 23 feb 2023 · For the past few weeks, I've been watching TV and a commercial for the Wush ear cleaner keeps showing up. ... actor and has appeared in ...

  • For the past few weeks, I've been watching TV and a commercial for the Wush ear cleaner keeps showing up. While I don't care about the product, the model in the ad really grabbed my interest. So, after a quick Google search, I found out that his name is Marco DelVecchio and he's a model/actor...

11. affresh TV Spot, 'Hollywood Houselift: Easy Answer' Featuring Jeff Lewis

  • Bevat niet: wush ear

  • Check out affresh's 30 second TV commercial, 'Hollywood Houselift: Easy Answer' from the Cleaning Supplies & Fresheners industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

Wush Ear Cleaner Commercial Actor (2025)


How often should you use WUSH ear cleaner? ›

For general ear cleaning pressure level 1 is adequate and can be used 2 times per week in the shower or over a sink. Approximately 10-15 seconds is all it takes in most cases to clear out wax.

What is the best ear wax removal? ›

Over-the-counter solutions

Look for water-based ear drops with ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, acetic acid, docusate sodium, or sodium bicarbonate. You can also consider oil-based ear drops for earwax removal. Look for those with peanut, olive, or almond oils.

Are water-powered ear cleaners safe? ›

Ear irrigation can be done safely at home, manually with a syringe, or using a commercially prepared ear irrigation kit. Use water close to average body temperature and a gentle technique to instill water into the ear canal and avoid ear damage.

How do you clean ear wax with water? ›

Instead, soak a cotton ball and drip a few drops of plain water, a simple saline solution, or hydrogen peroxide into the ear with your head tilted so the opening of the ear is pointing up. Keep it in that position for a minute to allow gravity to pull the fluid down through the wax.

What are the side effects of ear flushing? ›

Using a cerumen spoon to remove the remaining wax can cause damage to the skin covering the external auditory canal. Symptoms of complications include sudden pain, ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, nausea, and dizziness.

How often should I clean my ears with hydrogen peroxide? ›

Frequency of Use:

Use it three times a day for a week, and see your doctor if symptoms of infection get worse. If used to prevent excessive wax buildup, use according to the frequency with which your ears block. If you need to have then cleaned out three times per year, use hydrogen peroxide three times/week.

What's best for removing ear wax? ›

It's there to protect your ears from dirt and germs. But regularly using eardrops, or olive or almond oil, will help soften earwax build-up. This will help it fall out on its own and should stop your ears getting blocked.

What completely dissolves ear wax? ›

Use solutions to dissolve earwax

Baby oil. Glycerin. Mineral oil. Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide-based ear drops (such as Debrox®).

How do you remove deep ear wax at home? ›

If your doctor recommends that you try to remove earwax at home: Soften and loosen the earwax with warm mineral oil. You also can try hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of room temperature water. Place 2 drops of the fluid, warmed to body temperature, in the ear two times a day for up to 5 days.

How does WUSH work? ›

WUSH is a handheld ear-cleaning device that uses jet water pressure to flush out wax from the ear canal, similar to what you would have done if you've ever had your ears professionally cleaned in a doctor's office.

Can I use a waterpik to clean my ears? ›

Do not use a dental irrigation device, such as a Water Pik, to remove earwax. The force of the water injures the ear canal and ruptures the eardrum. Do not use ear candles. They have no proven benefit in the removal of earwax.

Can salt water unclog your ears? ›

The salt water will soften the wax and loosen it up while it soaks, and draining your ear will get rid of the solution and the earwax that it pulled loose. Use a cloth to finish the job around the outer ear and clear away the last of the wax, as well as dry your ear off.

How do you get rid of earwax in 30 seconds? ›

Soak a cotton ball with the hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head and drip the peroxide into your ear. You may hear it fizz as it tries to dissolve the earwax. After about 30 seconds, drain your ear onto a washcloth.

Why does my ear crackle when I put hydrogen peroxide in it? ›

This is an indication that the hydrogen peroxide is activating and breaking down wax buildup.

Is it safe to put hydrogen peroxide in your ear for an earache? ›

In conclusion, hydrogen peroxide should not be used in your ears, as the risks outweigh the potential benefits. You're instead advised to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any ear cleaning method, especially if you have a history of ear issues or if you experience any concerning symptoms.

How often should you use ear cleaner? ›

Frequent washing, however, can do more harm than good because it strips the ear of this delicate, protective lining, leaving the way open for bacteria to get in and multiply. Experts, recommend that you only clean your ears every two to four weeks.

How often should I use ear spray? ›

Use one spray three times a day into the affected ear. To do this, place the tip of the nozzle into your ear and press the pump down once. You should continue to use the spray for two days after your symptoms have gone. Do not use the spray for longer than seven days in total, unless your doctor has told you otherwise.

How often should you use ear clear? ›

You can plug the ear lightly with cotton wool to prevent leakage. Keep head tilted for several minutes. Remove the cotton wool and repeat in the other ear. Use twice daily for up to four days (Or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist).

How often should I clean my ear holes? ›

When cleaning, you want to be very thorough and clean both the front and back of the piercing. Dr. Sophia Reid, a board-certified dermatologist, recommends cleaning piercing sites two to three times a day, at least for the first two to three weeks. Then, weekly cleanings will suffice.


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