The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)

op a. TEBBLES' VT COCOA IN SOUTHPORT. arm lithe doubt flis pereseer sad isperir esthete et Dr 'Dibbles Vi-Coms thee elitaised eremend tan swine awl to It widbete dimples the esseth of oilier breath tire thelbeed, thles tairstal Smithy, be award the path. ithatheetheme lath been limited. se doubt.

le bet it must be borne is meth ths. this Lesemaire mitemies-plase sad the Isesethip et airkdak rthideet se dist tie re- Seth obligee. bee Try be atospited es ter thst tibia is beim casemate is ell the alike earth sad Waage. of the We bath eared thethaelie sad detailed impels- Ace le be made se to the sissitiem width be pm. referred le balls with the people et the peso thethiseed.

ird Ism meertathed that the math 11 theivismitthis is its father. -7 a Tiset.7l a r111 font t7d ttievr that lb. careargeben of Dr. Terri Vi-Cocoa is largely and Parry ineressing. sad that the sales keep going up ia nearly every estabhernent where it ii mold, 'rile they re sot declining la angle one.

to go tato this matter erie tert it lengl. 7 oar repreametateme haa rated Ow prreipel repenwer in the borough slid the tarry wtalell WI the arras mil es sereal of are eondiseted es Ilerrile. The trier and reports of the proprietors may se satd to be rarer, in fernier of Dr. Ilbblex deread for this worerfitl food preparation is in. erring.

hut et a very unprecereted ratio. 'Phis Imo been proved by actual inquiry and wane it the noire which have been arrived at may he herby mated. Fier of all we 11 put in th endear decreed from a leading Metros and on doubt the majority of those arse mat of arms may be ear to he the perk and mortar agree that it takes loafer time for new food anhit ho reach the pub', throngh them thou through liiihrierarehnuseren. gran. and Pores As earverme call tor ear real dor genders sensempently we.

not rentertar 3. tlne burner of Mr. CounerSor J. B. Foggat, condom ted at 2O.

NeYillietreels 25. Ined-strest. sad 66. Marlesalintrest. is well brown in Southport.

Ws replies to the queries put to him were moat en. phone sad esprit. Without menivent'e bre, tion be mid Dr. Three Vi-Cocas has taken the place of all other tomes of a like dear trine It has harked them oat of the market. Peot4 woo once use it are always sere to nom.

bark turner supplies." His owl WWI were, he addel smartly increasing. The answers to the questing, of one replete, given he leading grorers mar het published to the order which they rear is his note-book. Joseph Omer, of 103. Lord-streett, thoroughly trademark dere aa (stetter busmen said that his sere ere on the rears The now Or Oniii premed. fumed by Herr W.

and T. 11 Chambers, at 205. next door, who are ohm reprisratettim met it trade Progress we. sr reported Sy Peri. N.

M. Fowls and Sea. 12, Lorton-aro. who may remised as Itolion warObotwomen. Breton sad Nissen.

the Family Darer, Storm. 41, Loren-street. are experienced an Clpanion of trade. Merrell and Co. Limitsd, have branches from thew Liverpool headquarters in Chispelrareet and Lnyd.etreet.

and that retreats for Vi-Coros keep silvering. Hewn. Wl.4eil• hors tact Son. 165. Ernethank-street and 23, Tippet Aegliton-road, Dirkdale, rme espenenned a solid averse on Oheir It is the nave with Mr.

William Taylor, Tr, bank-street, ler. ewer, rearaises itoot feature ia hie bottotts art rakes a special dirky of the article. ilsire red be no hesitatmei root areenise the Parrots ef the foregoing ft rim ernimentative of the tram grorers amongst the two hundred or se who ham rope in or Strider As we have rid, no retrogrescon of emeterners has been arrested arywhere. Pone put to the ineall shops so for a. they were proaerated, the same anillring, sad to the erre proportion, as those received from reit h4gar brethren.

Prase prevent. as from grim into further piaralses. hit the imstard and absolute aornirsey of time must Carry X. Own conviehon. Ii might be well refer notrlnding if we should make einaptional reference to at least one most important establishment in rah the exertsence of Dr.

Tibbtos' VvCrost a receiving a fair erre of gaining public approval. For this purpose we cannot do better than Windt to the premises of Messrs. T. Seymour Mead sad Ca. Limited, situated ia avapelieleset.

opposite the Nancashire and Yorkshire Railway-station. Oar repreertative was afforded every reality for pursers his inquiry by Mr. S. Barrer the menages Dr. TMldes' Vl.Cocea has fair erre of roger, here, even though it may not be upeeially probed.

The report is that. "it the greatest sumer of the day. We hearted long tunas before prang it oar lir but ire we did so it has taken well." and arr. the demand keeps increasing. and the re promisee to be befogs tang the largest of it.

hind." Nemi we add mow? It raid be impertinent. We feirly think that we have proved our ce4e. The interviewer cord ntst be be the wernsaity of the testimony givfill upon Dr Tibliles' Viterna by the trade of Peurport. mire ne a food under emery and arwermg all requirements, hoe beea ward to hr people of almost eery etre and occupation. showtng it.

liostriful ronongir power. in cone. of the greatest variety. The reeits of Dr. Mbhled Vi-Cocoa are procreated by Maass rola orrupattono remoter a high perenee of train or bodily exertion; its tore sr perforated wonders in earns of traria who says rained their Migrations with inputious beer toes.

or here lost their appettte. it. nutritive 'ewer has bees (reit tipOn, sad in lime capacity st alt, ass fen.l4setverage for children oho am outgrowing their Ntcnnita, for Ir emee mooed to all ateserberts. and for erre. wadervia, bag niarehee: sal above all it bee bean hesitily approved sad vrekotned hy brain-workers.

lama, men. and by those whose occupation neer mutes indoor unpngessasat and leek of ample Inarri.k Mere totalities than these rould not prasitily be xcli for any nor. or have they ever Ware heen arrived In any othrr 'modem until Dr. llbbles' VtiCocos aat put upon the market. The unique vstaling sad restorative powers of Di Vi-Coroa are being recognised to an eater hitherto unknown in the harry of apv g.reparstata.

Went, and merit alone. is what is erred by Dr. Tihbles Vi-Oseca. and the pen' prrore are prepared to wad to any reader olio IMMO the Southport triter" (a parsed will do) a dainty tat of Or. Tibbles' Vi-Corot trio sad poet pad.

Dr. Three' Vi-Cores. 64 and It can re from all errata gyres and storm or front Dr. VitCocoa. Limited, 60, 61, acti 92.


HOLLAND'S Fessol Sugar Sweets yes Amid tiny. procure. Becalm. atev poa es. eel, properties pie.

By hundreds who've tried there this feet Ds bees told, ROLLAND'S Sweets give delight le lie yeas( elid the oldl If vim put HOLLAND'S 166141 to. critical test. You If call them the purest and flavoured the bed; No child to partake of them seed be afraid. Since of sugar the finest he'll warrant they've made I NOT.T.AND Dear Drops and Butter Drops sons can excel. And the same I II remark of his Acid as well.

All i lr: turo to J. IfOLLAND'S shoes Sweets to Will never again those Confections forsake! And 111 just toll you his Mist Rock you try. It. steeliest virtnes von will not An HOLLAND, sod do not delay, his 51P0144 have no rival in Benthport le-day. 5 CILLPELSTRELT, 29 LONDON.STREET, A G.


ew. ea AgioNsi6lie. r.ttawk ijo ou ort ooD PRACTICAL MARRA- ROBERT JONIS, wnVARCE 01311 WOIUCS. suiramr, zavziroos. NI A PP SOU ILIPOILI SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.

RICH PARR DISTRICT. On Sande) afternoon ea united gatherieg of the and teachers in emeneloon with the High Perk district of the Seedity School Union we. held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel. High Park-read. The fellorrieg took part the dessweiretion.

aed were represented ti list fly Cherch toOgregintioni late and tlft 11 111 (Can: Independent Methodist Church Theneserl, and tbe Methodist Chinch. Mr. W. preetekd. and Imre shoo pelmet Mr.

Cooneillor Peek Menus. Thee. khuar. W. Lyon.

T. A. Taylor, Thos. Sutton. R.

Taylor. Henan C. Watt itremersel. sod Haygartb (secretary of the Dam and of dentooMretiomi. The 'motile( was opened with hyena mid prayer.

after wisich The Cheinnen Med that that visa the erotiel greeting had had in the outlying districts. They had generally had an annual dernonetration in the Cambridge Hell, bet that sem a hang way to ask the scholars to come from High Park. dale, Orroskirk, or dkelmendels. and so, to obelefie the difficulty. they bed thought it better to have distriet usthertnun and tont wan the wend they had had since the new clepartere.

Dr. Pi.nn, in the comes of on intereeting and instructive tested by specimene of idols and cherries collected in foreign said he intended to speek to the Younger scholar, end the tent he would mks was, l'here is on. 6 4 and unit Medieeor between God and men Christ Jesue If they were to go oat to China they yroold find that thi- people did not believe is one Cod. The images he was se real idols people had fallen down and worshipped. One vim the household god, the protector of the family.

the god of II any of the family were sick. the aid of tbie god wee invoked, Another idol was a god she was sop eviL rill 'n eh i ven soio nfra ti me a kind of fetish woeship prevailed. Certain charm'i strapped to the foreheed or ing around the neck were supposed to provect the from all danger, and to melt an did they carry this belief thee in the lest wee of there men. eappoWing theeriselme invulnerahle. I rushed to the menthe of their 'minim' guise.

and, of comer, were at once killed. A. they sew them wee it net sad to think that more in the world woe. shipped each gods than worshipped the only true God When weer rent out to teach the heathen, the deist thing they told them There is one God, the creditor of all things but if that were all they could leech them, it was not mirth the wide to seed them oat. There was one God, but them was also one Mediator between God and new Christ Jesus.

fled saw that they could not nyelerreand and bad a wrong impression about Hee. emu if they were not idoleerws. and so, by sad He appointed Hie only Son to be the Mediator. and Christ CetllP SO live the life of a man, and when they looked et she life of Jeeus on earth, performing doing kindly mid ermines sem awl calling to Him, they wonld uudereand a little more about God. and wonlal see what a kind and heed He bad, and how much Ile really cared for them.

Deming the afternoon appropriate hymns were song. accompanied on the hormoeinio by Mn. Thos. Barton, wed 6A the collection yea made on belted( of the fluids of Um dueday SATURDAY CONCERT AT THE INSTITUTE. Meese the binidred and e.

mocerte which Setiarday night's at the Tensperauce 11. Int, few, we venture to think, have is well repaid the trouble of prianotion as this latest of thew. More people applied for edMenall the doors then there were sista to si-nnonotlate. and UV hall was 111 a parked condition I afore the concert, was well tondos weigh. number of the Nine late to arrive, Mr.

G. Smith, who occupied the choir, set a new scenario by deliver' lag the speech in vise airline part of the lle wrongly oriel the when. tages of abetnence to in matter what his seta even from the point of new of economy alone. The concert, to large onset wee Mr. Leslie Harrit's amen.

followed encore after hit pima with suck regularity throughout the evening that he as lea sweated fair that his euuld think he bad taken a levee ef the ploifeem for the night. Thu laughed, mid showci they would be quite contest 11 he shou'it. Oita of the best songs in the lint part, I traders one of the ben Mr. Harris baa ever written, was a new celled 'The lady's peony paper." in Midi be gives most delightful skit ea those comprellarisive publications which tell as I how to do everything. frost the furnishing of I lady's with parlour cheer, as he puts it, to the making of piano with and a tin I tack.

The acknowledgnient of the encore to this was given in little piece. which both an idea sod in reusing expreation a extremely dainty. a song ante led "The wallow pattern plate." Mr. Hann's other contributions to this part were the new sketch and sqnlia. and his rendering of Her goklea Mar me hanging down her haele is the Is of llendelesolei, Monet, Chopin, and Liszt, In Cie it 7 lie Marneteristie 'llia village choral society," the ludicroui a ti on Th Mad dolly." end a smosical sketch in wbirli be in the pleameteet way the peculiamies of the Cluidans pantomime.

Mr. .1. W. Howard sang Angels pieta thee" and another song in am agreeable though not very powerfol tenor mem, sod Mies Nellie Burrows was mewed for A May which she supplemisted with "Waits end rays" an her wars piece. Master Percy Langhorne me down on the for three cienet The holy city." The better land." sad The led chord" his rendering of rchich clearly Mowed that he will become with a little mere eeperiesce a eery ahle erne.

tofoist. 'llse only arttste we hare net yet mennored cam Meta Marie Burnett, who if by no mess unknown in Southport. Her Yore a clear and mumal, and she hay an admirable manner of thavery. which elm et sucieeta wage expenence. She me encored for emelt of her three songs.

sail Iscr first, the demean, Angus Mardotiald," was theunguiehad by a suitability of eepresies this lent an added Maine to the song. After Lb. last song, "Leek Lomond." me esponded to the nicornie applause by ringing with Mr. Hanle Poor little nsn, poor little maid" ((lea and Prethee. pretty maiden" Patentee The two duet, were gives in demeaning style.

but Mr. Harris mold not refrain (rots buriespong the pretty of Mr. Gellert's The aresa menu were played by Was Winifred THE SULTAN AND CRETE. ABDUL'S VINWS ON AUTONOMY. Telegraphint ma Sunday.

the Rome eterrespem I dent of the "Daily News" eaya. I had opperennity of from an onimm aou able ren an important statement ow the ilueetion, which will give an et idea of the dtpliwnstic et the present time. The Pruett hare freshly masted at the Porte that Turkey shall agree to the 0,,,, of autonomy for Crete drawn up by them. and which it is nriderstood Turkey had already agreed. To this the Government of the Sultan han given a reply vintaising the followtng eranted Crete auloinwny in gen-ral way when Coioo6l Yams and the Greeks were in and when war was imminent with the epeeist Merit of premeting bat details were never entered into The Porte never intended that autonomy should the witiwilawal of the Ottoman ttnops floon the island and the et Chriw an Faropean governor not rihwet to the Sultan.

To them condinons Take, ME never egree. an they wiettil mean Um abaiidoernent of her mvueigutv in the Wand. and she will protest against any attempt to coerce her Ifonerur. oho won agree to antimorny under the following corditions. That order be rewstehlistitd in by the Turkish rceitnawled.

if the Preen it. by Chrivtian European Mawr, but in the service of the Sultan. or entering Ma amine at that time Y. That the Cov.mnr it. a rheimiten, bat a sohitet.

hie choice being made in invert between the Power and the Porte. 3 That all the leaser malificat.nni of or from the Constitntioe of Raiera al Iltde shonhl be agreed to beaten the Concert of thy Powers and Turkey 4. Turkey will grant the the coneenwovis med. them after the ectaitutioa at Helena. such allowing them a few-tien of the Contains dote and continuing to nakt Qom pay only the tithe.

TURKEY ARMING. F7CFRIfifiTVIL MOBILISATION OF TROOrt. flw Coastantinopleenryespondent of the Alan. dard" states that, military preparations AA a large wale. Within the last fort night 01.

following Wales hare Dern issued Tie first direets the mohilisation of fifty hattslions in the The weond orders the warder of Me Third army Corps to send Immo. thatelv twenty battalions of reirOT.Ol to 114.4017 to lake the plow of the 200111 Redifs who are oiffering from the of the etiolate there. Three ere not to be wet either to the Hclearian t.r the Montenegrin bat are to he held In readiness to be deetwiehed to to be notified later by sealed ordera The third irate dimes. the rommander of the Foneth Army at Meringhien to mohilige 40 halts, lime at their fall strength. waking on that roma to eight dirwona It is contemplated to a rentrre of font more divisions for this eorrs The trade orders that the Warnielieh cavalry is to he kept at a permanent war footing 'Me Elk insole noktotes special Commainon to in.

pret all depots. rnonttatiel. everywhere. Sig ethe we to be maintained Tn the rnofter of all three preperstiong the Tortie are iwanng eiteh other whore nest the horswi tails decorate thee banners are to wave. THE GOVERNMENT AND SILVER.

ADOIRICAN PROPneAta DRCT.TN7D. The Cabmen. on ltatorday. tleek weir the roesimarmatione from Franco and the United Meats an reference an nterrettorial agreement with a view to mewing Stable monetary nor of etehanee helmet, gold and elem. The Tone" very mecinctly the resoh of the 4ebberstione follows Niw York comeppowlent armee that the Phireb Government are to have deetaned to reopen the leehan Hint.

or enter monetary conferenre. There is renew, to behove that the roprounno coholont.allr the of the Cohnoto on We elo not knew remedy whit the mowed" oshmitted by 11r. Wolcott to oar Goyeroment have leen. hie there ia no dotht that the opeteeer of the Tedian Milne was the 000neorion moot The Glvernnwrit of India. stapporied be the helm O.

have atronedy proleofoif sober and the Home Government mint have felt boond, is that mar of wine" unlade for Tithe to endorse tbe position taken up by the authoritite. In order. however. to raftot the empatheers with hinetallern an the Cabiset. ta ieteestine very likely he rime that whale this point rannot ho the Government prepared to reworlof ARV further to laoroatirs for the urut of elver that may he laid before than by the Meted Stets.

and rearm DILICIOII6 WARAWATTKI TVA. DILICTring 1147, tWaTTILV TVA. 11.04 Yr Lemurs COhsrticurn direst.ire, egmen i. and agreeably aperient. Sid.

of a lea 7en and en 19 LnrA.dreet. Wattles emilial4 THE REV. J. GUINNESS ROGERS IN i UNIONISM IN SCOTLAND. SOUTHPORT.

I The Coatral Cosenative Couaeil as 3 0 nomn bolellms the mired Non' totted their 15th repot of them cerdeemet premium( el like Mg Lad awe and of the pogrom of the party dm 21 800 elath so the AkAbomos7 posit year to the wisolseni of the Natter' v. 1814 0 it. 01 Thom el Gooreatio Aseseitiggeste Mr heeeleel. Mgr ea eam 0100016 Al the OSOIDeiI AMOS the' mils its eawlefliMili et Lew 09111 1611 8 or. amps Wks Is Mob Illikherf nionwiwee Webetwiste sod reekewebe lbw fiekewilotben I feweilia ekfloikco to sales weft inoilletoo of lenetiew, eseserwin mg isegeweirro les a natoiliow.

II wee Mad to the envirenonant et the dielliege of the power irsidiohis, Zur esm ero do g. et ethit hi .4 22 1 7 ele so meb er Ms 4, 4l ammili ewe eabearad to the menu. Owls, lad verve.) tan ft Me osier eteneen ha IN the coarse of his ammo the preesher said. eseelineem or thaw females ter log Meth Or il num had a faith he mot belielle amaggoot, stall further gresigieg amieOnes is the Meg. then.

was the faith He heiMeed saute of edisesuon to pow sad backward dielaises. woodod very meth more than they sometimea ee tame peen for the elie smodl be understood to get Lack to the recognition of liele railways. Nee been i II liii fist that then was sowsegaing that pigempapat eon ned maim great ailed it. faith whack was comma to ow, oast that the el of the Ilaprellery for Ilestimad Apart hots Mich there was no to the Provnuoiiiil Order Mi. maims pro ty bat in winch there was perfect sift an elberat local sea lees nw of ellen all who had eutend into the fellow op ke the 10-Mareng .7 2 .4 1 G0d a lhere was all the a ttaegpep pelealteC WlotoOtso, to tin world between the trash tg ano ga emsom ea ooseed; bmit thai that gee iseseatial, vital, sod the fringe of truths rt ibpi ih Kill, or ne on snag.

bees, us wooed N. It was the central it utk alone which be made one of the first Items of Government bed cootituted the faith that woo the common in nett memo of anii of all the churches, and was itself Om 1.0111 01l be mole he Ili. Gore only loandation cud teat of their Christianity. It to psmm it into law. The Union retina aloe red was not to be found in one church.

It was out the hired in the continued slimes In the work le feature of vey creed. It was the common doe- Sr. end registration. trine tuft 1.1 all. jell.

Christ died for our mos and tome again, according to the toes. If they had not that. they yet to IMOD Oils. WO iitat precipice of the tauspeal were. 'limit lath.

they were tolu, wad once tor all deltvered to the nano. That the had boo reir.ilen to WOW treat it there was to tie no suOtrectioa, and to at then waii to to let oddities. A oat did Lot Mesta at all taut the Church, in tM ages through which it hod posed, had received es ..6. light it did not teem that there utieht not be meet, fuller, clearer of the than there was turn. Lint at did this, that these was no caber tiespeL Ob, yes.

the Church has alitays been Learning. 4 all the osattiries it Use been gathering somethnig up front we ezperience of individual mannn or to the trate. And now it limo sUll, bat ae it ecnifimea that it has received no aew sevelation. Now that peatee to the net; error against winch Ire bad to coeteod today. Only lot week he ow in the obituary of the 'limes" a record to this Lost Mr.

So-and-so hod died, that be ma a ma, of brilliant scrolarehip, and that be. along with )Ire. tkeaadtio. founded new and strange religion. The too had a very awkward task who, in the 19th century after Christianity bed been in the world doirg the work that it had.

founded new and strange religion. Already this man and Ms religion had been forgotten. 'rho record in the 'I onee would come ma a serprtse to mauy who were quite unconactous that any new religion bad boa loaded. But was not this as iodisation of the spent of the tones It was a mystic religion. Mystic roll: gion esemed to him to b.

a for a I religion ilobody understood. and which it au very proualsle the mail woo net it did slot norhirstaaad hammed. lint it Was auto revelation. if it was anything. And the mischief ea.

that there wore iiiirn.era of men to-day who deluded themselves into the belief that they were to be the beechen of thp world, and, what be thoegibt was al litOro extrmorrl.nery thing, there mere number of peorle 111 too aorld who were ready to take at their own valnation, and to pee GOO. tion to that Mich they bad to say. He read in one of the rename of the day that the work of the novelist, of all people, was to Wok the foundations of belief. the (attire of the race, the freedom of the will, the limits of political economy, and tbe unity of hivtory. They were not to take their theology from the Word of God, they were not to listen to the tesuniony of the Church of (Threat, with all that it had done, and all that it had suffered, but mine novella who had pretty gift of style.

or a pretty fancy, use to inatrect them in those deep 'olive concerned life now and hereafter. Thin was the vpirit of lawlemma which the Apostle foretold would come, hotly, the proctor drew um to the instroction given in the teat, that they were earnemly to contend for this faith. Not to contend for creed of their wee matter Of very small importance indeed. What they lied to contend for M. that whack could neter be changed-this Mimed truth, that God was an Christ reconciling the woad himself, not imputing their memos: ante them.

How were they to contend for it There were some people who did not like controversy. 1 hay thought it was a very hard to be emceed in with other men. So at VOW hut it wee very neceesary all the seine. The world I was to day jest as full of the enemies of the Gavel as it was in the first days. It was Inc them to cultivate faith, arid with faith courage.

They had to paint to the world the portrait of Chnst they bad to commend the Gospel by representing the holinese, the grace, and the kodernees of the (impel they bad to be lisle, representatives of Cliret. He pnyed that they might so repre.ent Has sprit that the beauty of Hie love should shine in ell thou conduct and i conversation. i i s. utsz dv.WE the Orme TY, orgrAnlmm SUMMARY OF NEWS. A.

Alderehot telegram stetve that another It of infantry Lee bore ordered to le ready to ego: barit for meat wet. Three drafts will leave oa the sane date. On Sunday a lad named Felelstein was conveyed to St. BartholotorMy Loudoo. from hydn.plo dna.

having been bat be pet dog, which bay been lollnd. 'There is ample evidence that a revival in the chemical trade has LAM place during the pert week. The outlook for the ranter is brighter than antieicreed. It is generally unden ood that Ur. Herbert Hesitater.

now of the Waterocelour be the neer president in the plass of the late Sir John Gilben. The Nottingham tranteey undertaking was on Saturday morning by the Corporatos for referees-nuns a payment to the sham ho'ders at the raae of £lO per "Lord" George Sanger, circus prt, as. Bedford as S. Irian for certein Ifislefienre by meeting thMis wftb show lulls in apology was and the ewe withdrawn.

The Idelioat, Frederick Area. to It Royal NlktiObal Lifeltost on, eel BO timed at Port Wigtownelum watt laun-lud on Sunday moiling. and reenned Id gen from 11. I beeline Sea, of igerwank Norway. Net one of thoee who started for InondiLe.

els the Mount of Yukon river, after the middle of July, has mached his destinafton. Some of tb Oaverene bone returner'. hut the will bane to enter la the ice on the Talton ispeditase to search for geld as air shore. of tbe sea of Okhotsk has. to iterlan oksspsper.

discovered twelve ref p.pfheht.. solve of then very nrh TL mpg-titian will ikntor at Okhotsk. awl um ita op nest year. The oche of Devonshire kik ti 1 lsis in tentage of being present at ltesstlnisres to Not brr 9. be will be r.reteci Mayor.

1. owning his Genes will rntertko ZSO gunk. at banquet at tbe Queen's liolsl, sod there Ind bp eerrusal procession The bs le of named Crowfall wits yretenisy at the biAtoni a mtietary treorh at (Anthem. The dramas I bs.i hrobn his spina! eolumn In his terrible fell. The ash surrounle.l in eysiery.

A small temporarily es-d as Jewish takirernele at btspney Green, VFW se alight on Smoky night by Me lotto( .1 .1 ireworks. Before anyilong could In bo aim tbe structure it was mweloped fl llamas sad moo sf(rrwwlacollapsed. Ur who left for Amerlea on hlatierelay. will he in England art, as tends to get thrones the hundred lectures imaged for him is Ur United States by the cod of January. awl Or e-toe direet to thin country for Mager May Minn he was able to make re madly.

Biehant. the newly-appointsd Judge if the Queries Bench D.vrioa, will take the oaths air be sworn in before the Lord Chrysler in I lan private room at the Home of Lords en new day morning nest. He yell preside at a smarting ereert of the Association ot Lancsatrians in Lender at the Holborn Senescent on Widnerlay reaaag mat. Ethol Brooke, rook. employed at To died ear 4 yrierday inornur ostler rocking 0T- Marl On Saturday even4r deviatel was din nag a priding over the ire wheel lite does became molted.

and die WE 11 SO dreadfully burned that eke could sot he mord hem whirs Sib, had Blies Dame a stiff eouth-weeterly gale in the IBA Sea, on 4). the Weed sterv.ihip Werick, 4000 tor burden, stritrik the Maidens Rocks, off Otenana, and had her forepart. Mewe in The Liverpool stemodup Comic subsequently towed the disabled easel ir.o Larne At Lancaster Quarter dleemons. Wm. Shaw.

twenty-eight yews of age. tannin pleaded guilts to larceny at Brenton. on July 13. and, ardor of presnoas convictions having been proved. the pt-aoaer, was seatenced to amen yeses' penal eerntnile sad five years' pollee supervision.

The Grand Waster of the Freemasons of the Preinoi of Quebec has retied proclamation de'. Marina the warrant of new lodge esterlimbed in Montreal under she antlionty'of lie Orient of Prance irregular or illegal, and forbidding rHamm to boldlntarrowee with of the French lodge. Andrew Hare. swearer at lareiek Gaol, pending trial at the Cork Winter Arises for Inasehreaking, reaped from prier no night. Hare broke the of hie cell, getting to the roof of the gaol.

Conan, tap his bedelothes into rave ladder he deteended into the eourtyard, throe wry' the outer will He is etill at large. Considerable anitorment wee canted at Dundcy Police-court yesterday. when Whelps, the charrosn. left the remit-tonal bench and torn the dock. where he wee cherged 'nth allowing his deg to go unmarred He remarked thet what wva err lot the goer was race for the gander.

awl paid fine of ldt. He then returned to tilt chnir and imputed a 'miler fins upon the twice of the win. A terrible clammier happened at Solsinson's Opera HOUR Cincinnati on during Olt evening perforators. A portion of the reib. in and framisework of the huge dome suddenly fell to the floor of the brae.

litre of the audience were fatted to lie dead. sad down so kreibly mired that they cannot miner. Many others war by fragmeats and ism seriously inured. Sir Edward Aruold on. married on Fender at St.

Mautdaa' Chunk, Earl's Court, by the the J. P. to who has been educated in The Jape near Winieter and Sato Sir Arthur and Lady Arnold. rem among those present. Sir Bars has taken brute Bo Gardens, where he will mode diet the middle of nes month.

neuter's at Victoria. BIWA. 44.1/311.4•. telegraph. that the steamer sheet' isteraiad on Satorday weld front St.

eeporta the ere. et the Neearrh, which was crushed is the ioe, have hewn perked op by the steam whaler lkirtAter. The, had been 11 days on an we block .1) feet square All were bedlv frozen. and their sufferings had driven Gee of thee insease. The Kaiser on Sunday prisided at limbs et the soremooy of blemog the 63 colours whieh took place in freest of the monument to ttsa Greek Tbo Emperor addressed tbs Weep.

led hirruelf presented the nes gar The four eblest Imperial maraud pot with the Imperial bodyguard. The Penpreiss the ecsonony from the bekony of the Palace. rhoeletn; rue of brutality to a Birmingham polliemnan woe hoard resitierdoy. A policeman named Mewls woe aiiarked by fear Teethe one at whom bst his ter through. Be get the ofhom's ear helmet, his teeth sled IWt it regmatealy porton of it hung against ho eeeek A large moved stood round, bit none twit the Aker port Cberry.

the alleged dimities, was Me. witted to the stemiatia BM Madan, 111 well known repro. Oft the Meth-Western bee et fea- MOM with Mocking iniuty. He lied charge of the flenteh mune to Cerliele, and when panne under Hartford Bridge at a greet speed a stone. hurled with murb violence from the hedge, skink him over the eye.

inflicting fearful wound. Err, i ham set in and hie reseeirtion prownous The New York Herald politiehes deepotch from Mike. dmenbirie the wonderful gold die. (metes at Cook Ulm. Masks, in United States territory.

The newly danowertel region Is emit) emendl sod has Mild climate and fertile soll. of mime blue the emu goiddeldhoe.e Mite with over 20600 in gold duet mid nuggets. It is generelly hely ied that this elortrict will divide attention with IDondike met year. Bean Haddock. who sustained setiaus injuries in the Llisenpss field Rhondda.

on Setirdey tome to the coilaine of bend- wiel nutiog football Math between the home teem and Cardiff, the MINS night. He leaves widow end eight ebb. deem the youngest of whom WY born the The bandstand wee erected for the um of the bog oily. but WWI crowded with peopk at the law Mathew spectator was senowily hurt. wagoner sensed rehmed John Baker.

aged Vip, we with shocking death at Chile, near ltsebester. ow Saturday morning. He wee aryilla tafe stop pile of runaway and had embed mie of the horses by the head when he was overpowered. knocked down and limked and emt over. When ti up the fellow was he Wale of milkier sod he ems I while being apnveyed to St.

Bartholomew Hospital Rochester. John tester SLLpherd.street. Bury. Was al WO' 'utast yeeierdey morning when sonething told him to retain home. He went PM tar now sod diseovered his father nolentiv battering hie mothers heed with an into bar.

He (riled him, holding him down until tbe poboe arrived. The Woman had eight eats to the bene. both eyes Mired end hrr (tire covered with She me removed to the Bury Infirmary. her husband wee At a meeting of the emenoske Rural District KlOnwelk, the military inspector reported that BM, glued the water from two wells at Kenwing bed artimitted to the county who cernlied that the wet, from thrrn was niv.ply horrible. mil must not be further used for any pu.pow.

It wan he mid fearful water or rather liquid 'mese. The oniried the wide to be Scoot at once. The Inger bees used fox aunty pan by the inhabitants. At village wedding at Aelley. mar Leigh tk: villagers resorted to the oid-frieluined and flinger-011.

oniom of fastening ioies the to make the bridal perty par toll. The driver of the menage the newly-married ample. deeming the olvitruetion cleared. drove rapidly or sad the harem. homologic smarogied.

went Joe and tie airtime wee violently upset. The bad narrow escape the hones bolting, bit. red severe bruises the patty fortattetely meet majored. To sere courts. male.

tootbasem at Me of breathier. drub Bleck Cu'. Tao eel wade the trilled medic. Hankie Celebrated Blare 0. Pruerre.

W. P. ff.artier's label es may pr. 0.614,1 HARVEST FESTIVALS. ST.

PETERS Marmot thanksgiving servicne in coanection with St. Poses Church. Birkdale. were Ltd on Sunday and, heth moaning and everting. were well attended.

The F. J. Gough, 11 A. alum curate of Christ Churra occupied the pulpit at 11., morning singe, and preached an escelleat and appropriate enema. In the meting the W.

H. flatfield. HA, near of St. Thilip'sCourrh. gave OR able discouree based on the fine term if the eighth rhapier a Amos 'A baskets( summer It had been well and wiaely saidhe obsened, that thta earth of ears was nothing more or teds than a miidaty parable; there ems no lesf.

or dower, or dewdrop but bore the image of the isuntil, God and revealed to them the deep things! cornerted with the life of the mut. The whole fare of nature, to baa who read aright. was CON with ceiestial typee marked jut like the dial-plate of wateh with sigaifirant intimation, of the objects and processes el the world enema. To those who gem the natter may seriatis thought A seemed absent itimomible how atgrone mold think of the if the harvest without ohera VOW non the wonderful working of the lain of nature. hit elio how thole recalled lain ponied hook mon distinetly to nature's God.

Referring to wools of the ten, the speaker showed how they applied to the hfe. It was of them men sad womea that it wm said By their fruits ye shall know them." Han was la Seeded to priduee in his lie a basket of litinUnir fruit which. in the words of hat. Nal, was interpreted as the fruit of the spier joy, peace. long-suffering.

I entleases. itoodoest. awl temperriet. Surely in all those shop had, to to atthets of rammer fent, whielt they west ietended to Ming forth in and prove at such tirua ss that, that their twinkle giviag was not merely thanaziving of the lips, but in reality what thanhegiring ought to thartheliriag. That was the cdri ring they madeto God of the that was produred by BM Spirit in their The preacher went on to explain that much frit't twilit not be produced without saerider, and, in conclusion, urged them to eivkarom to live at and at their a life jot an if they were in the immediate presence of Christ.

ao that they might. be enahr.l to make the semi. aces required of them to St them for the new life. and that they might by content rommtme with Him partake of His character. corvine at which the near.

the ltee. Dr. Cooper. assisted, were felly special hymns and caaticles hoing mine. The anthem.

to the Lord of Harmed wee excellent" rendered in the evening by the choir. ALL SAINTS'. WENNINOTON-ROAD. Os Sunder, harvest tkenkagiving eel-vireo of a on- iniceirsin' character were held at All Sair.4' acheol, Wetningtoaroad. in coonection with services emulated there mith week.

The building had for the been tastefully decorated with al kinds of produre. and it prorcted only primmer In the window mere heaped SCORN, fruit and In great profusion. while plentiful quantity of evergreens mie need to i a fi utong tinieh to the whole. Occupies prominent position a the reMral wildcat was beauttfaly-made misiatuni rick. which atteacted a good deal of attention.

On the top of the marline-4-4c was platted handsome einereoria and at the foot was a Rae coMertion of eseetatiles, flanked by foliage plants. A tr'e st one end of the room we. lake with basket of fiat and meg of flowers, and in the centre eras a Ithee loaf of bread. kindle supplied by Mr. Near On the top of the eupbeard close by was a heap of vegetables.

and the dreplare was hidden from Tien by a fringe of corn greased with mirth core The detentions were carried out by the foil owing armee, who deserve to be romphenented on Me meek of their work Rohertshaw. Hie. A. I the Hisses Pearson, Hr. the Yams Ira Jonm, Mr.

When. Hr. Firth. Mrs. Woolley.

Ho. H. Ashen. the Mitre Vioothir the Meese Jones, His Wright. to Mures Wright, not Hits Robinson.

A plentiful supply of tore materials wid eontrbuted he mono members of the congregation, and some of the plant. "my a teat by Mr. .1. Ilathawsv. There warn ertwded cam rregation at the afternoon when the prear was the vicar.

the Rev. Dr Porter. In the evening, the buddies was again to the lemon extent. sad the congregation jolted veer heartily in the 'TM lesions inn mad by Mr .1. A.

Jones and Hr. A. Willson. the latter alto at the harmonium. The sermon was preached be the Rey.

H. Price Do who took for lite teat St. Matthew 1 37. They did eat and were rot-14olicna were in aid of the Attire fund. I 110 Sower.

frou, an.l awe distributed among the each aad poor el the din ST. PETER'S CHURCH. FORMAT. The enamel harvest thanksgiving in section with St. Peter's Church.

Formby. yew he'l on Sunday lan. The listener of the building was sot to any any for the OKAYS OU. SA a was the wieh the vicar that it would he better that the motto that might be spent in decorations ehoulet be given io the offertory. olotit vvo on behalf of thy organ fund.

'lb. preacher in the mornme was the Rev Thos. Bishop. 'em a lame congregation sad the enthern seieoted was 'Oh God. who ie hke unto ThssS" In the sfternoon ebildren's eervice was held when a short address was given by the Rev Mr.

Wo-op. no pulpit in the evening was occupied be the Re, Chares Lesser. 11. vicar of St. Beetle.

The collections for the three Ins, as fo'lons £45 4. 6 1.. £1 96. evening. LT 14.

id. Total, £54 Is ltd. (Morse Fox sad 79. Lardwireet, fee Gent Enratenyht I Lady Vaders are Informed that Saidall't Salutary Towels rsa be cdawne.l Fetal in South. wt at the fellewiag hbops Orlando it.b.

es 09, Leed-ebrset; Hunt and Son, Be. Disrobe, 51, Lerd-easet: 0 Wrkdale 1.. A. Meow amid 233, Lspiwireal N. A.

Howard, 225. Lord-dreet: Beetbrerd, Sass. sod It miser J. Broadleaf sad Ce ilwaior, Chapel-nt. Madame Lac 81.

Lord-etreet 10. care, Chemist. Nevill-si rare M. Adams Chemed Proderick Round. Ctiewat, 10.

Loados street and 25. York. mad: 0. Creek, Ised-eisitet: Mn. W.edsor.

25, Chapel stasis Mrs. 77. Lordoast Mrs. Riebinead, Lerdstreet J. Wll4.

vreetb. Maoist: 11, Bad, Clitsawt: Clornist Wild. 17. Dirta-street: L. Baker 15.

Sairisbrair-svestee. S. 373. Lord-etsest Seetkport. Sest Towels are saw add ue Paola, dooms Sue 1 it Alan a of clocen as Wawa I.

i.e: 12. st 2. la SA Sae 3 and Sae 4 ,21 it elfo Lw BOOTHROYD, SONS, AND RIMMER, Have 1 4evvire in announeing that they an sew Nankin a SPECIAL SHOW EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES. KO TSB MTLNM SZASON. And the favour of ibex leer- r.r, Ira be imitaased.

DEPARTMENTS MILLINEta, MANTLES, MRS, BILKS. DItEB6 FABkik: 01.0 VB, PO MERY. BLOOMS, TEA GOWNS, DRESSING GOWNS JACKET'S, CORA3RTA LCE.s 3U3BONS, TNGS, BLANI STA DOWN QUILTS LD DRAPISKY, MILLINIZT, RESSMAKING, AND MANTLE WORKROOMS All under most Competent Management, with a full eta! of experienced kande. No efforta spa -ed to owe the requireroenta of our Customer and to tarry out all Orders is eordaace with the nvoet approved Faebioa. PATIMATES SUPPLIED.

PATTI.R?:B FROM AiFT DRPARTMENT ON APPLICATION. BOOTHROYD, ONS, lain THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FrRNIBRIWG OUSE DRAPERY SOVI'IdPORT, 151, 133, 155, 157, soompoirt FOND ED 11130. TamPigue aIbRELLAS, XV CLARK PATIENT DRIVING TUB for HORSE CLIPPING ra.n be era Irsth swam or bared peon Works at the rate of from 2000 to 3000 cuss ref MLIGIII4. 251 LOAD-BTIRIT Cheapest and be for amity of large studs. Any penes infringimg tie pekoes for above will be bold reepoweble.

CLARE'S PATILsiT HORSE CLIPPER. YE No. 1. Ongual. bre tem before the public may years.

MIT CLARICE PATENT HOERR CLIPPER. TT ye. 1, Orional. amorist the mar. EEL THOS.

Z. SUTHERLAND, CLAM'S PATENT HORSE CLIPPER No. I. Ornrinnt Ina been to chi. 500 bonne wnbout sharpening iIIT LIME'S PATENf HORSE CLIPPER 21.

LOZD STIREET. Tv ho. Onginal. ao Emmen ahl over the world. W.CLARKS PATENT HORSE CLIPPER No.

2, One-headed esselare, for heari. PECIAL SHOW OP muses, quarters. A UTUMN FASHIONS. Clel on LIPPER at bberty to bold the borer. CLARICE PATEN I' IMUR-sE CLIPPER.



FLANNSL BLOUSES. COLLARS. CUPFS, AND TIES. for tlt lege. byline, oge.

IV CLARK'S PATENT HOILbE CLIPPER RR No. 4. Orembopper tem. the always on the cvL 10 le' CLARK'S PATENT HOME CLIPPEV No 4. Sprlnge.

newer qdkas slorpenmeg. for Ow C. 100484. CL4RX'S PATENT NORSE CLIPPER VT No. S.

prowtrvos soft sod may notioa. WV CLARK PATENT POODLIt C1.11.1' Ail. wo-kt see Rued Cots equal to thartng. VET CLAIM 21 PATlitiT 6 RBRVA CUPVT MN ui lAur nun for reqatring thew bear ut obort rim for CLARK'S PATENT HORSE CLIPPit It. All repay, at over, eau be teat hy paler! post TAM ft SUTHKRI.ANDt 4 51., ORD- SOUTHPORT.

251 Loso-wriasT. OP ALL SADDLERS IRONMONGERS. AND CUTLERS THE WORLD. VIU CLAIMS YAIVIILLOI3II 111111120 TV WON as the beet, earls Aiken sell Palm. Sprains.

tri the eheapeur mad beet In the maeket. W3I! eltahenere the trorlol for coltishly Worth Gurnee Rettle, aoti qoU itleherthle for ell el end hoinea brutes. CLAWS PARIATRFUSIS, the Great for Roa ent and Whe.lers, Ims hefo, th- inihltr 25 seen ta eeekatil Care to' Sore lintstem of the Throat. S.sutt. Curbs.

Splints. Riney-me, etc Enlarged or Still Joints mo he redneed. Corn. meted litaseks. Sinews, and Sedebones wade elastic.

It the quiekeet known remedy to redrew and it not hit. te. et. trritnuon when and does not preview. Ike I om Its wool dad, work, wilob a treat adrantage.

CLARK SIIOPLFMUROMA or the Own IV a MO Reath. awl Shelly mail erarke. seedy rhanamd frwor. gurtor, imseemenag the glued. cf the horn ead horses throwing illy ir making the Ism( Sank and preereta lannewea.

This pew naration is warranted to (lire all the shows Ism brew before the pclte for 30 and never to fad. N. owner, of homes rtiwild be this setatimble flask, 5, Ortordemeet. London. W.



Th 5 CYCLES Th. PAI.MPAL The YELLOW Or TO APPLY FOB OUR ApI'ANCED PRICE 4.lhr TIE COBIIOPOI.ITAN CYCLE DEPOT, ewDL IJNE.STREET Mezt the Neer Empire Threw). ENOCHSBEDO ELLIS'S NEW BRANCH. UNPRECIMENTIO OFFEN. TO OUS CUSTOM 117 an sncleata Oat web the pruductere of Met CELEBBATKD AltitllNDA PoNTRATTS ateured the Atioscy for theme texoufol Work.

of Art, and shag offer Owen to OUR CUSTOMERS aa a RPECIAL PIONTIR. Yet; are worth two guineas and are f. I nenU fold for roach mnre HOW CAN WE DO THIS? WE WILL TELL YOU I We want yieur undivided and we me willing to woke a to meet TRI I MORE WE SELL, THE CHEAPER WE CAN SELL. the meter number of the public we the better for each individuallv. We know of no better offer we aim yes, anA one that will be mere that Una.

There is nothint occon.neil.• in a home. thaw THE FACES OF LOVED ONXII tit walla. ..1 1 .7 we make Oar yon Are eolith ho one rortrAit. rowed Eavlorgod from photo deetred. Artosueelly Anialed BY A I NEW PROCKSeI.

A tree And derslnlay I guaranteed. YRA LIED COIIPLIETE, on pay. most of die nominal of I. 6.1. TAKE ALPYANI ftf.F.

TIIIB unique ffee without deley A very large these I A large neleetton 01 Fromm for teem Partralis Is kept I. stock. WATCH OTTR WINDOWS FOR SPECIMENS. WILLIAM TAYLOR, FAMILY GROCER. 77 STREET SOUTHPORT.


ioelodom PIANOS by Collard. Hata, Mimeo Bishop, Squirt sod Loregrao. Front Carnet, ORGANS by 8011. Y.oioy. tbicago Domerooo.


NIVNIMDIG CARDS IfIJLATINT nonsoxis WILD-WICILLIS PAM I TEM DISPENSING GIP HOMEOPATHIC puisoiarnoNs. Shies eaterlag elm our New at 13 Iderillxtreet. the member of Prescriptions Dispensed basso much inereeeed that we hart been compelled to engage anotLer Asvimeat to in that department. For NOrno time our her been called to the EXORBITANI PRICES charged by Homoeopathic Chemist, for diepensing HOMEOPATHIC So we decided that our new Amestant should he as who bad prnetirel experience of Pharmacy. is order that we might give our IPreende the ovivantexc of having their ROAICoo patine Preseriptlons Dispensed at REASONABLE PRICES.

Having secured the mervicee of an Assistant who has for yeses been dispenser with Honueopatktc Chemist. we are now prepared to deepense all acriptions at price. shout one half of those monally charged. For example, the dos. Homoeopathic Mixture, which is USUALLY CHARGED WE SHALL CHARGE 90.

AU Tinctures. 'reiterations. tte are made in strict accordance with Homoeopathic from the purest Drugs and Chemicals. We would again draw the attention of the public to the fact that every time potent drug is dispensed it is checked by CliniElist (by examinatioe). and also that every peesteriptma diepeased is checked in like Inanalf SPECIAL LINES.

UlB. Rea, Qnality. guaranteed E-4 not to Split. I'vost price 76 our price 379 Second Quality, rinsi price. oar pnee VNEMA DOUCHES.

Bream. with 'of best tubing. and dump prem. Caul price. 76 our price We believe the above prices are pit El 'SEC Strome Springs, Basil sod Molesktn.

Usual I prior. bugle 34. Doulile 6 our price, Jos's' B. FOGOITT. pHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST (MY EIAM 13 NEVILL-STKEZT, 25 STEI IT, 66 HOLEY, Paoli OLIVER ATCHRRLEY.

Si AXN 81L1 MERCER AND cosTumIER, 301 4 ORD.PTPEFT. NEW AUTT'SIN GOODS. HIOII FASHIONS awe EXCLUSIVE. at PRWER, Disrlsycd le all Departments, And se Early Vivi of Inspection ill MILLINERY. Stylish and Inespeems.

New Jackets. Real and Elcrtrar Seal Copse. as. COSTUMES. Yak EW SILKS, DRESS FABRICS Lu ARNITURES EIIiIIOMIVO sad nrensely Chola.


I I.rwear AND JACKETS, Ac. Ageacy. This Si httlarto. as ender the Practlcal Gooh.c. if Mr, DRESSMAKING.





The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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