The Science of Cheese
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The Science of Cheese Michael H. Tunick
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With oices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland hailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries. Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016
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For Gail, Dan, and Susan
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Contents Preface ix Acknowledgments xiii U.S. and Metric Units xv Periodic Table of the Cheeses xix 1. In the Beginning: Milk 3 2. Curds and Whey: Cheesemaking 21 3. You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better: Aging Cheese 49 4. Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety 58 5. Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt 68 6. Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting 82 7. Surface Mold Cheeses, Sulfur Compounds, and the Senses 92 8. Smear-Ripened Cheeses, Esters, and Aroma 99 9. Interior Mold Cheeses, Ketones, and Microbial Strains 107 10. Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture 117 vii
11. Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species 128 12. Cheeses with Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing 139 13. Very Hard Cheeses, Terpenes, and Terroir 150 14. Process Cheeses and Nutrition 159 15. Analysis and Flavor Comparisons 174 16. Laws, Regulations, and Appellations 199 17. Do Try his at Home 229 18. he Cheese Stands Alone 239 Glossary 243 References 247 Index 273
Cheese. he adult form of milk. Hard and sot; new, mature, and overripe. Graced with a spectrum of smells from wispiness to shocking assault upon the nostrils. —Richard Condon, A Talent for Loving, 1961
People have been enamored with cheese for a long time. he intricate combinations of appearance, aroma, lavor, and texture have inspired writers to refer to cheese as “milk’s leap toward immortality” (Cliton Fadiman), “the soul of the soil” (Pierre Androuët), and “the wine of foods” (Vivienne Marquis and Patricia Haskell). Cheese has much in common with wine and beer: they result from fermentation by microorganisms, they are “value-added” products (processing greatly increases the value of milk, grain, and grapes), and they relect the local climate and terrain. Cheese may be kept for months, and traditionally provided a source of protein, vitamins, and minerals during the winter when other food was scarce. Cheese is nutritious and delicious, and can be appealing or appalling. here has been a great deal of research on this complicated food—over 20,000 scientiic papers about some aspect of cheese have been published over the past ten years alone. Some authors have distilled this information down to the basics for the general public, and others have written works that most people without a scientiic background are unable to understand. I’ve tried to take the middle ground, by writing about the science without getting too technical. Like many books on this subject, we will cover milk (Chapter 1), ix
the fundamentals of making cheese (Chapter 2), aging cheese (Chapter 3), and the diferent classes of cheese (chapters 4–13). But we will also cover the chemical compounds involved and how the lavors arise as we talk about cheese classes, and we will detail nutrition (Chapter 14), how cheese is analyzed (Chapter 15), rules, regulations, and specially designated cheeses (Chapter 16), things you can do at home (Chapter 17), and other topics besides. his book is a product of the accomplishments of two organizations, the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). ACS has over 160,000 members worldwide who conduct research in chemistry, teach it, or write about it. Scientiic societies like ACS promote knowledge by holding meetings where scientists present results of their research, by publishing journals and books based on these results, and by providing online information, including webinars. ACS began ofering webinars to its members in 2010 and started a series called “Chemistry of Food” the following year. he irst presentation was given by Charles Bamforth on the chemistry of beer, and I had the third talk, titled “he Chemistry of Cheese and Why We Love It.” Oxford University Press had already published three editions of Charles’s book Beer: Tap into the Art and Science of Brewing, and they were looking for someone to write a general-interest book on cheese chemistry. hey viewed my webinar, invited me, and the result is in front of you. ACS has over 30 technical divisions dealing with various areas of chemistry. One of these, the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (AGFD), has been an all-volunteer group since its formation in 1908. I was chair of AGFD in 2001 and am its secretary now. Most divisions including AGFD hold symposia at the two annual ACS meetings in March/April and August/September. Some of our recent symposia have covered such diverse topics as nanotechnology, tree nuts, bioactives, cereal grains, waste utilization, subtropical fruits, consumer safety, chocolate, allergens, Hispanic foods, lavors, and many more. ACS and AGFD are geared for professionals in the ield, but they do have resources for the general public, available online at and My employer is ARS, the primary research arm of the United States Department of Agriculture. ARS has nearly 100 facilities across the country, and one of the largest is the Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. he Center has six research units focused on aspects of agricultural research, including the Dairy and Functional Foods Research Unit, where I am. he Unit and its predecessors have conducted research on cheese and other dairy products since the late nineteenth century. Of our many advances over the years, the most visible to consumers is lactose-reduced milk, which will be discussed in Chapter 1. We also developed a reduced-fat Mozzarella that has been used in the National School Lunch Program since 1995. Nowadays, our work deals with cheese characterization
and safety; whey utilization; conversion of milk casein to edible ilms; development of bacterial cultures for cheesemaking and bioactive peptides and proteins; lowering the environmental and economic impacts of food processing; and development of products from plant cell-wall polysaccharides in fruit and vegetable processing residues. ARS also has online resources for people who may not be scientists but who are interested in topics related to food ( Our agency is committed to public outreach, and has been for a long time. In fact, a book titled Varieties of Cheese: Descriptions and Analyses was irst published by USDA in 1908, renamed Cheese Varieties and Descriptions in 1953 (this edition is available at the National Agricultural Library website), and revised again in 1978. Many other books describe cheese varieties, along with recipes and how to buy and serve cheese. But this book will describe the chemistry, biology, physics, nutrition, and even climatology involved in cheese. It is arranged so that the more technical topics are conined to boxes that you can skip (I won’t be insulted, honestly). Along the way, we’ll encounter some related topics that will add to the discussion. About one-third of the milk produced in the United States each year goes toward cheesemaking, and on average each American consumes around 34 pounds of cheese annually. Here is the story of the science behind it.
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It’s hard to focus the mind on praise, one thinks too much of the holes in the cheese, or the slice of cheese, of the emptiness that goes with all good. —Beginning of letter from William Carlos Williams to fellow poet Marianne Moore, 1944
Actually, it is easy to praise the people who helped with this book. hanks to
Peggy Tomasula and Sevim Erhan for allowing me to write the book in the irst place. hanks to my other coworkers for their help over the years, especially Diane Van Hekken, Edyth Malin, Harry Farrell, and two long-time colleagues who unfortunately passed away several years ago, Virginia Holsinger and Phillip Smith. Edyth, Harry, and Ellie Brown are responsible for the molecular models. Ray Kwoczak is the cheesemaker at our lab (one of his make sheets is shown in Box 2.1), and Susan Iandola, Moushumi Paul, Jim Shieh, and Brien Sullivan are also on the project— thanks to all of them and to Peter Cooke and Doug Soroka, who produced the electron microscopy images. At the American Chemical Society, Samuel Toba and John Christensen invited me to give the webinar that started me on the path to this book. At Oxford University Press, Assistant Editor Hallie Stebbins invited me to write the book, and Associate Editor Mary Calvert and Editor Jeremy Lewis deserve my gratitude for getting it into publishable form, along with senior production editor Natalie F. Johnson, editorial assistant Erik Hane, and copyeditor Gail Cooper. xiii
hanks also to Sara Risch of Science by Design for advice on packaging, Linda Ettinger Lieberman at Moskowitz Jacobs, Inc., for checking the rules developing experimentation section of Chapter 14 and Hildegarde Heymann at University of California–Davis for information and opinions on complementary compounds. hanks to Phil Wolf of the USDA’s Dairy Grading Branch for checking the section on grading, to Nana Y. Farkye of California Polytechnic–San Luis Obispo for providing information on the World Championship Cheese Contest, and to Devin Peterson of the University of Minnesota for the information on gas chromatographyolfactometry and the photo. Special thanks to Paul McSweeney at University College Cork for reviewing the manuscript. hanks to Jim Victor and Mike Geno for allowing me to use pictures of their art work, and to Lois Tendler, Robert Sandell, and Karen Sandell-Stern for the milk bottle caps. hanks also to my colleagues with the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and my family for tolerating me. I have tried very hard to be as accurate as possible in this book; any errors are my fault. I also apologize if your favorite cheese isn’t mentioned, but with thousands of varieties in the world, it is impossible to get to them all. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing speciic information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
U.S. and Metric Units
As diferent as chalk and cheese. —British expression referring to two things outwardly alike but not the same
U.S. customary units (degrees Fahrenheit, inches, pounds) are used in this book since Americans are more familiar with those than with the metric system. he conversions to degrees Celsius, millimeters, grams, and milliliters follow. Temperatures
he temperatures given in this book are in degrees Fahrenheit. he equivalents in degrees Celsius, rounded of to whole numbers, are given in Table 0.1. Length
A micrometer is a millionth of a meter, or a thousandth of a millimeter. An inch is equivalent to 25.4 mm. Table 0.2 shows some conversions from inches to millimeters.
U.S. and Metric Units
Table 0.1 Conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius °F
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74
0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118
24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48
120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195
49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 63 66 68 71 74 77 79 82 85 88 91
Table 0.2 Conversions between inches and millimeters in
1/8 ½
3 13
¼ ¾
6 19
3/8 1
10 25
U.S. and Metric Units
Mass, Concentration, and Volume
A gram contains 1000 milligrams, and a kilogram contains 1000 grams. A kilogram is 2.2 pounds, so a 1000-pound cow would weigh 455 kilograms. A concentration of one part per million (ppm) is equivalent to one gram in 1000 kilograms, or a drop of water in 13 gallons. A part per billion (ppb) is one drop in 13,000 gallons—the volume of a round swimming pool 18 feet in diameter and 7 feet deep. A gram of water is equivalent to a milliliter of volume (also called a cubic centimeter, or cc for short). hirty milliliters make up a luid ounce.
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PERIODIC TABLE OF THE CHEESES This table includes the categories of cheese, major cheesemaking countries, and some noted variees menoned in this book. Each box contains the atomic number and symbol for one of the 114 chemical elements whose existence has been confirmed.
1 H Havar
2 He Herve
4 Be Beaufort
5 B Brie
6 C Camembert
7 N Norwegian Jarlsberg
8 O Oscypek
9 F French cheese
10 Ne Neufchatel
11 Na Netherlands cheese
12 Mg Manchego
13 Al Afuega'l Pitu
14 Si Srred curd cheese
15 P Process cheese
16 S Swiss type cheese
17 Cl Cantal
18 Ar Asiago Pressado
19 K Kefalotyri
20 Ca Caerphilly
37 Rb Reblochon de Savoie
38 Sr Surface mold cheese 56 Ba Batzios
3 Li Limburger
55 Cs Cabrales
87 Fr Fresh cheese
21 Sc Stretched curd cheese 39 Y Yarg Cornish
88 Ra Ricoa
22 Ti Tiroler Almkäse 40 Zr Zamorano
23 V Very hard cheese 41 Nb Naboulsi
24 Cr Cron de Chavignol
25 Mn MahónMenorca
26 Fe Feta
27 Co Coage
42 Mo Mozzarella
43 Tc Torta del Cesar
44 Ru Rocamadour
45 Rh Raschera
75 Re Red Leicester
76 Os Ossau-Iraty
108 107 Hs Bh Hushåollsost Berner Hobelkäse
72 Hf Humboldt Fog
73 Ta Taleggio
74 W Whey cheese
104 Rf Roquefort
105 Db Daniblu
106 Sg Spressa delle Guidicarie
* **
57 La Langres
58 Ce Cebriero
59 Pr Provolone
89 90 Ac Th Abondance Tronchón
91 Pa Picodon l'Ardèche
61 60 Pm Nd Parmigiano Noord Hollandse Reggiano Edammer 92 93 U Np U.S. Noncheese pasteurized milk cheese
28 Ni Natural rind cheese 46 Pd Picodon
29 Cu Cascioa d'Urbino
30 Zn Ziegenkäse
31 Ga German cheese
32 Ge Greek cheese
33 As Asadero
34 Se Selles-surCher
35 Br Brick
36 Kr Kasseri
47 Ag Allgäuer Bergkäse
48 Cd Cheddar
50 Sn Spanish cheese
51 Sb Sbrinz
52 Te Tête de Moine
53 I Italian cheese
54 Xe Xigalo Siteias
77 Ir Ibores
78 Pt Pontl'Évèque
79 Au Austrian cheese
80 Hg Homogenized milk cheese
49 In Interior mold cheese 81 Tl Tilsit
83 Bi Bio
84 Po Portuguese cheese
85 At Anevato
86 Rn Romano
109 Mt Maytag Blue
110 Ds Dorset Blue
111 Rg Ragusano
112 Cn Chevron
82 Pb Pickled/ brined cheese 114 Fl Formaella Arachovas Parnassou
62 Sm Smearripened cheese 94 Pu PoulignySaintPierre
63 Eu Époisses de Bourgogne
64 Gd Gouda
65 Tb Tiroler Bergkäse
66 Dy Derby
67 Ho Halloumi
68 Er Esrom
95 Am Allgäuer Emmentaler
96 Cm Casu Marzu
97 Bk Berner Alpkäse
98 Cf Cheese food
99 Es English style cheese
100 Fm Fourme d'Ambert
116 Lv Livarot
69 Tm Tomme de Savoie 101 Md Mont d'Or
70 Yb Yorkshire Blue
71 Lu Laguiole
102 No Noord Hollandse Gouda
103 Lr Ladotyri Mylinis
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The Science of Cheese
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Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese? —Job speaking to God, Job 10:10
One warm day in the Fertile Crescent some 8,000 years ago, a traveler started of on a journey with some milk in a pouch. he milk may have come from a sheep, which was one of the irst animals to be domesticated, and the pouch was simply a sheep’s stomach. Ater a while, the traveler stopped to take a drink from the pouch and discovered that the milk had separated into a sot white solid and a yellowish liquid. He took a taste of the solid and found it had a bland but agreeable lavor. his is the most-told story about the irst production of cheese; we know for certain that it was made in Northern Europe in the sixth millennium bc ater archeologists analyzed residues in ceramic sieves found in modern-day Poland. Cheesemaking served as a way to preserve milk while providing nourishment to lactose-intolerant people (see below). Soon, others found that the lavor grew more intense the more days the cheese sat around; diferent species of animal produced diferent tasting cheese; and adding salt preserved it longer. he reasons behind all this are rooted in chemistry. he milk coagulated into a solid (the curd) and a liquid (the whey) because of enzymes in the stomach lining, and bacteria in the milk acted on the curd during storage to generate lavorful compounds. It took until the nineteenth century for anyone to realize this, but that didn’t stop people from creating and experimenting with cheese. Now, more than 2,000 varieties of cheese are made around in the world. Some of today’s varieties have been around for a while: Gorgonzola was irst noted 3
he Science of Cheese
in ad 879, Roquefort in 1070, and Cheddar in 1500. More are being developed all the time, as cheesemakers apply trial and error and a combination of talent and luck. he most important factors in cheesemaking are the composition of the milk, the development of acid as the curd forms, the amount of moisture in the curd, the way the curd is manipulated, and storage conditions. But before we continue, we should deine some terms. •
Moisture is the amount of water in a food. Generally, the higher the moisture content is, the soter the cheese and the shorter the shelf life. Fat includes solid fats and liquid oils. A fat or oil molecule is in the form of a triglyceride, which consists of a “backbone” of glycerol bonded to three chains of fatty acids. If straightened out, the structure would resemble a capital E. he shorter fatty acid chains are volatile and contribute to aroma and lavor (one is depicted in Box 1.1 along with glycerol and a triglyceride). he fat in dairy products is oten called milkfat or butterfat. Fats and oils are relatively stable in cheese, though they do degrade into lavor compounds. Cows produce less fat in summer than in winter. Feed also afects fat content in milk. Fat in milk is in the form of droplets, known as globules. Protein in cheese composes the network in which the fat globules and water are held. All proteins consist of amino acids linked together in a threedimensional network, and typically almost all of the protein in cheese curd is casein (pronounced KAY-seen). Several other proteins are found in whey. Proteins will break apart with ripening, contributing to lavor and decreasing the hardness of the cheese. High heat or the addition of certain compounds will cause many proteins (though not casein) to unfold, or denature, resulting in a loss of biological activity. Enzymes are proteins that hook up with other molecules and speed up a chemical reaction. Milk has some 70 indigenous enzymes, and in most cases their role in cheese is unclear. We will see that non-indigenous enzymes added to the milk start the breakdown of casein and lactose. Carbohydrate in cheese is basically lactose, also known as milk sugar. Lactose will also break down to generate lavors. Milk is the only source of lactose found in nature. Energy refers to the caloric content of a food. A food Calorie (note the capital C) is the energy required to heat a kilogram of water by 1°C. Minerals include calcium and phosphorus in milk and the sodium chloride added to cheese. Vitamins are nutrients containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are required by the body and must be obtained from the diet. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are soluble in lipids, and the B vitamins and vitamin C are dissolved in water.
In the Beginning
Box 1.1 Molecular Structures Scientists ind it easier to visualize molecules by drawing structures, using abbreviations for the chemical elements and lines for links between them. For instance, butanoic acid is a fatty acid found in cheese and rancid butter (the name comes from the Greek word for butter). Its structure fully written out looks like this: H
Each C represents a carbon atom, each H a hydrogen atom, and each O an atom of oxygen. A line, either horizontal or vertical, is a single chemical bond, in which two adjacent atoms share an electron. Each carbon atom may be linked, or bonded, to as many as four other atoms, which in this book may be hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or another carbon. he double line to the right represents a double bond, in which adjacent atoms share two electrons. An O is capable of having only two bonds, which in food may be one double bond with carbon or two single bonds. An H is limited to one single bond, which it may share with carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. When a number of C’s are linked together in a series of bonds, we’ll refer to the string as a carbon chain. When you get more complicated molecules, all those C’s and H’s clutter up the structure. We can streamline the picture by using numbers: CH3CH2CH2COOH All we’ve done is remove the bonds, show the number of hydrogen atoms bonded to each carbon atom, and abbreviated the part with the oxygen atoms. Chemists know that COOH means that an O is double-bonded to a C, with an O-H also attached to the C. his COOH group tells us that the compound is an acid. We can also depict the molecule without most of the H’s, using a skeletal structure:
Here, we assume that the starting point on the let is a CH3 and that every corner also corresponds to a C. he H’s are only shown when their position is important or to avoid confusion. he H is shown with the last O here so we don’t think something else is attached. Glycerol, to which fatty acids are attached to form triglycerides, is a clear, syrupy substance oten used in personal care products, where it is called “glycerin.” Its skeletal structure looks like this:
(continued )
he Science of Cheese Box 1.1 (continued ) A triglyceride consisting of three butanoic acid molecules therefore can be depicted as:
Molecules are not really shaped like any of these pictures. Instead, they bend themselves into the shapes requiring the least energy. Scientists use computer programs to ind the most likely shapes, which they call molecular models. Some models of casein will be shown in Box 1.5.
Two more terms: for the purposes of this book, artisanal refers to cheese made primarily by hand in small batches from locally obtained milk using traditional methods. New varieties may be attempted, but the process is not fully mechanized. Farmhouse cheese is an artisanal cheese made on a farm from milk obtained from that farm’s herd. Mammals
Cows and other mammals have been used to make cheese since ancient times. Even the word cheese can be traced back a long way (Box 1.2). Almost 9.2 million milking cows are in the United States (Box 1.3), and six breeds of cow are responsible for 98 percent of the milk produced. Table 1.1 lists the six cow breeds along with the amount and composition of the milk they produce. he last three columns are averages for Wisconsin cows. Holsteins, also known as Holstein-Friesians, were developed in Holland and Germany more than 2,000 years ago. hese are the familiar black and white animals that most people imagine when they think of cows. Holsteins are considered rugged and good feeders. hey are the most eicient breed in generating large amounts of milk. Jerseys originated in the Channel Island of that name and are cream or light brown, sometimes with patches of white. hey are sensitive and are inicky eaters, and are noted for producing more fat and protein than other breeds. Research in our laboratory showed that Jersey milk is more suitable for cheesemaking than the milk of the other ive breeds; the more milk protein that is casein, the better the yield of cheese, and Jersey milk is the only one with over 83 percent of protein as casein. You can
In the Beginning
Box 1.2 Etymology Why is it good to be “the big cheese,” but bad to be “cheesy”? Where does the word cheese come from? For these answers, we turn to etymology, the study of formation and development of words. Cheese derives from the Latin cāseus, passing through such forms as chasī (Old High German), kasī (Old Saxon), and cēse (Old English). Some other European languages have similar words for cheese: kaas (Dutch), käse (German), cáis (Irish), queso (Spanish), and queijo (Portuguese). Casein also comes from this word. he Latin jūs, juice, evidently referring to the whey, led to northern European words for cheese: juusto (Finnish), juust (Estonian), and ost (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic). A third Latin word, formaticum, means “shape” and was used in the term formaticus caseus, “shaped cheese.” his gave us two other words for cheese: fromage (French) and formaggio (Italian). he Greek word for cheese is τυρί, pronounced tyri. It is the source of the word tyrosine, an essential amino acid that was discovered in casein in 1846. It is also the root of turophile, “cheese lover.” Our English word sour comes from the Indo-European word syr or sir, relating to the souring of cheesemilk. he word is used for cheese in Slavic languages: cыp (“syr,” Russian and Belarusian), cиp (“seer,” Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian), cиpeнe (“seerenneh,” Bulgarian), ser (Polish), sýr (Czech), and syr (Slovak). Baltic languages also use syr/sir as the root: siers (Latvian) and sūris (Lithuanian). he word for cheese in Hindi, Persian, and Turkish sounds like “paneer,” which is also the name of a fresh South Asian cheese coagulated with a food acid such as lemon juice. he expression cheese it!, meaning “stop it!” or “be quiet!” was featured in many old movies and comic books, oten as “Cheese it, the cops!” It was noted in an 1811 dictionary of British slang and appears to have come from a mispronunciation of “cease.” Another slang dictionary, from John Camden Hotten in 1913, cites “cheese your patter” and “cheese your barrikin,” both of which basically meant “stop talking.” “Browned of,” meaning disgusted or fed up, apparently originated with the Royal Air Force during World War II and referred to rusting of metal; the expression reminded some of browning of cheese when heated, leading to cheesed of. How did cheesy turn into a word meaning cheap or inferior? Urdu, now a national language of Pakistan and an oicial language in ive states of India, has a word chīz that means “thing.” he British picked up on it when they controlled the area starting in the eighteenth century, and by 1818 incorporated it in a phrase “the real cheese,” meaning “the real thing.” Hotten’s Dictionary deines cheese and cheesy as “a irst-rate or very good article.” In the U.S., a good fastball in baseball is sometimes called “hard cheese,” with a high fastball being “high cheese” (Spanish players call it “alto queso”). Cheese also features in the expression “the big cheese,” meaning a boss or very important person. But (continued )
he Science of Cheese Box 1.2 (continued ) sarcastic use of the word turned it into a pejorative, with the adjective “cheesy” being recorded in the negative sense in 1896. An unabridged 1940 dictionary has both senses for cheesy: “ine; excellent; smart; esp[ecially], ironically, worthless; good-for-nothing.” Many people’s surnames are derived from the trade of their ancestors, and cheesemaking and dairying are no exceptions. he irst individuals with the last names Cheeseman and Cheesewright were makers and sellers of cheese. he press used to squeeze the whey from the curds was called a wringer, giving us the last names Ringer and Wringer. Cowherd and Coward come from cow herder and Cowley from cow pasture (cow lea). Byers means cow sheds and Boothby is a farm with byers on it. One derivation of Day is dairy worker. “Wick” meant dairy farm in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, giving us Fenwick (dairy farm in the fen), Gatwick (goat farm), and Sedgwick (dairy farm in the reed beds). Cheese is still an English surname; the father of British comedian John Cleese was originally named Cheese, but changed it upon entering the army to avoid ridicule.
Box 1.3 American Cows here were over six million farms in the United States in 1940, with three-quarters of them having at least one milking cow. Now America has around two million farms, and fewer than six percent of them have milking operations. he reasons for the decreases are: • Technological advancement, starting with the introduction of electricity in rural areas, which enabled farmers to refrigerate their milk and keep larger quantities of it. Also, machinery has replaced workers, harvesting of crops and milking of animals has improved, the biology of plants and livestock is better understood, and computerized monitoring has given farmers a better idea of what to expect. Fewer farms are feeding more people. • he shit from forage feeding to a coninement system with feed rations, which has increased milk production per cow and eliminated the time and efort required to shuttle cows between pasture and milking parlor. he amount of milk per cow was just 5,000 pounds a year in the 1940s. • Specialization, as dairy farming is no longer a sideline on a farm along with several other activities. In the 1940s, about 45% of milk produced was for consumption on that farm, another 43% was sold as a sideline, and 12% was produced on and sold by a dairy-only farm. Now, about 75% of milk produced comes from dairy-only farms. • he daily grind of having to stay on the farm and take care of cows is not appealing to people who desire easier ways to make a living. • Economic considerations have forced many dairy farmers out of business. Almost 90% of dairy farms are family-owned, and some of them lack the money
In the Beginning Box 1.3 (continued ) to withstand luctuations in milk price. When milk prices are low and feed and fuel prices are high, some farmers are forced to sell their cows and equipment and close down. Others prosper by making farmhouse cheese, a value-added product. he number of milking cows in the United States has dropped from 21,994,000 in 1950, to 10,799,000 in 1980, to 9,197,000 in 2011. he average number of cows per herd has grown from 6, to 32, to 179 in that span. Although the amount of milk produced by American cows continues to go up (it was over 196 billion pounds in 2011), the number of farms with a permit to sell milk has dwindled dramatically over the past twenty years, from more than 130,000 to less than 52,000. Which state has the most dairy farms? hat would be Wisconsin, with 12,100. Pennsylvania is a distant second, with 7,240. Table b1.3 shows the 11 states with at least 1,000 dairy farms as of 2011: California averages a whopping 1,061 cows per herd, while the other states listed above average between 61 and 171. California, Wisconsin, and New York are the top three states in cow population, with Idaho (580,000 cows in 575 herds) fourth, Pennsylvania and Minnesota ith and sixth, Texas (435,000 cows in 590 herds) seventh, Michigan eighth, New Mexico (333,000 cows in just 140 herds) ninth, and Ohio tenth. Farmers can have many cows in a herd if they have the land available, resulting in growth in nontraditional dairy areas with open space. Among the ity states, Idaho ranked twentieth in milk production in 1975, and New Mexico was forty-irst; both states have since become heavily involved in dairy farming. Table B1.3 States with 1,000+ dairy farms State Wisconsin Pennsylvania New York Minnesota Ohio Michigan California Iowa Indiana Missouri Vermont
Dairy farms
Dairy cows
12,100 7,240 5,450 4,325 3,170 2,160 1,675 1,670 1,650 1,530 1,000
1,265,000 538,000 610,000 465,000 269,000 369,000 1,778,000 201,000 173,000 94,000 134,000
he Science of Cheese
Table 1.1 Comparison of cow breeds Breed
Holstein Jersey Brown Swiss Ayrshire Guernsey Milking shorthorn
% of U.S. cows
Weight in pounds
Annual pounds of milk per cow
89.0 7.6 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2
1500 1000 1400 1150 1100 1450
24,030 16,840 18,800 15,700 16,130 16,060
% fat in milk
3.7 4.8 4.1 3.9 4.6 4.0
% protein in milk 3.0 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.1
guess that Brown Swiss cows came from Switzerland and are dark brown in color. hey are docile, though sometimes stubborn. Ayrshires, a red and white breed, were developed in the Scottish county of Ayr. Ayrshires are quite hardy but also nervous and can be diicult to manage. Guernseys, also named for the Channel Island where they were irst bred, range in color from light fawn and white to deep yellow. heir milk is also yellow owing to its higher fat level and the secretion of orange-colored β-carotene from their feed (β, pronounced “beta,” is the second letter of the Greek alphabet). Guernseys are eicient milk producers. Milking shorthorns originated in the English county of Durham and are known as dairy shorthorns in the British Isles and South Africa. hey are a combination of red, white, and roan. hey are considered to be eicient grazers and easy to manage. Many other breeds are found outside the United States. You can igure out where Danish Red, Dutch Belted, Norwegian Red, and Russian Black Pied originated. Flamande and Montbéliard are French breeds, and Illawarra originated in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia. But you don’t have to make cheese from cow’s milk. Milk from many mammals can be used to make cheese, but the ability to collect the milk and coagulate it limits the choices to cows, goats, sheep, water bufalo, and a few others. As Cornell University Professor Frank V. Kosikowski, who was the dean of cheese science, once asked, “how does one milk a guinea pig or a 100-ton whale careering through heavy seas?” Here ( Table 1.2) are typical values for the composition of milk from dairy animals (there will be more comparisons in Chapter 11 and an explanation of scientiic names in Chapter 9):
In the Beginning
Table 1.2 Comparison of milk from diferent mammals Species
Cow Goat Sheep Water bufalo Reindeer Yak Zebu
Scientiic name Bos taurus Capra hircus Ovis aries Bubalus bubalus Rangifer tarandus Bos grunniens Bos indicus
87.4 87.3 80.1 82.8
% in milk 3.6 3.2 3.8 3.4 7.9 6.2 7.4 3.8
4.7 4.1 4.9 4.8
82.7 86.5
6.5 4.7
5.8 3.2
4.6 4.7
American dairy goat breeds include Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Saanen, and Toggenburg. he two major dairy sheep breeds in the United States are East Friesian and Lacaune. Many water bufalo are in Italy, where the milk is used for authentic Mozzarella cheese, or mozzarella di bufala. A couple of herds of river bufalo (as opposed to swamp bufalo, the other species of this animal) are maintained in the United States for the same purpose. Reindeer (known as caribou in Alaska and Canada) have a great deal of protein and fat in their milk—baby reindeer need extra nourishment and fat insulation in their cold environment. Reindeer are the only milk source for people living in Arctic regions since no other dairy animal can survive up there. Two people are required to milk this animal, one of whom has to hold it by the horns. Finland’s Juustoleipä (“bread cheese”) oten comes from reindeer, and is caramelized before an open ire ater pressing. Yak and zebu are in the same genus as cows. Yak cheese originated in Nepal, and is also made in Bhutan, Kashmir, Tibet, and Mongolia. Zebus originated in South Asia, have spread to other parts of that continent, and have been imported to Africa, Brazil, and Mexico. here is one farm, in Sweden, making moose cheese. It takes two hours to obtain a gallon of milk from each of their three animals. hey produce about 650 pounds of cheese a year, and it sells for $500 a pound, making it the world’s most expensive cheese.
he Science of Cheese
Making Milk
As you might imagine, the composition of milk varies among species. Box 1.4 compares cow, goat, sheep, and water bufalo milk. hey do have one thing in common: they all produce milk in the same way. When a dairy animal consumes food, it is digested in her stomach and small intestine. he stomach consists of four chambers: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Semi-digested food (the cud) is regurgitated from the rumen and re-chewed. he reticulum is only partially separated from the rumen, allowing the contents of both to mix. he food then passes into the omasum, where some of the volatile fatty acids that were generated from carbohydrates in the rumen are absorbed into the bloodstream. he abomasum is the only part of the stomach containing gastric juices, and prepares dietary protein for further digestion and absorption in the small intestine.
Box 1.4 Milk Composition he Agricultural Research Service maintains an online database of food composition, and here is a chart based on those numbers for milk along with other sources. Amounts are per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of milk. Units are in milligrams, except where noted in parentheses. NM means not measured. Vitamin C is susceptible to degradation by heat, and up to a quarter of it is lost by pasteurization. he level of D too low to prevent deiciency of this vitamin, so American processors add it to milk at a concentration of 400 international units (10 micrograms) per quart. Vitamin D is created in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, but that process is insuicient for our needs in the darker winter months. It is present in fatty ish, liver, and other organ meats, but these foods are not consumed in great quantities in the United States. Some yogurts, margarines, and breakfast cereals are also fortiied with vitamin D. Table B1.4 Milk composition of four species Component
Water bufalo
Water (grams) Protein (grams)
88.13 3.15
87.03 3.56
80.70 5.98
83.39 3.75
In the Beginning Box 1.4 (continued ) Component
Water bufalo
Carbohydrate (grams) Fat (grams) Cholesterol Energy (Calories)
3.25 10 61
7.00 27 108
6.89 19 97
Calcium Copper Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc
113 0.025 0.03 10 84 132 43 0.37
193 0.046 0.10 18 158 137 44 0.54
169 0.046 0.12 0.31 117 178 52 0.22
4.14 11 69 minerals 134 0.046 0.05 14 111 204 50 0.30 vitamins 198
0.046 0.169 0.089 0.373 0.036 0.005 0.045
0.048 0.138 0.277 0.310 0.046 0.001 0.07
0.065 0.355 0.417 0.407 0.060 0.007 0.71
0.052 0.135 0.091 0.192 0.023 0.006 0.36
0.94 0.06
1.29 0.058
4.16 0.18
0.07 0.3
0.07 0.3
Retinol, A (international units) hiamine, B1 Ribolavin, B2 Niacin, B3 Pantothenic acid Pyridoxine, B6 Folate Cobalamin, B12 (micrograms) Ascorbic acid, C Calciferol, D (micrograms) Tocopherol, E Phylloquinone, K (micrograms)
he Science of Cheese
Nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream are carried to the mammary gland, which contains alveoli. An alveolus is a cavity or sac with cells on its surface. Each alveolus has many secretory cells in which proteins, lactose, and fat are built. Amino acids from the digested proteins are assembled into casein and whey proteins, and the caseins become balled together into casein micelles (MY-sells, see below). At the same time, glucose is converted to lactose, and triglycerides are constructed from fatty acids. Some cells may specialize in the diferent processes. In each alveolus, the secretory cells surround a lumen, a reservoir in which components mix to form milk. From here on, the milk is mostly water with casein micelles and globules of fat suspended in it. Each lumen drains milk into a duct, and each duct leads to a cistern inside a teat. When the animal is stimulated by its sucking ofspring or by simply being in the milking parlor, she releases the hormone oxytocin. he hormone signals the muscles to compress the alveoli, and the milk stored in the lumen is forced into the ducts, through the teat cistern, and out. A dairy cow typically gives birth to her irst calf at two years of age. he gestation period of a cow is nine months, and the lactation period, the time when a cow produces milk, averages 305 days. A calf needs only 2,200 pounds of milk, so in earlier times the rest was taken by the farmer. hese days, calves are fed a diet and the farmer recovers all of the milk. Milk production reaches a maximum 40–60 days ater calving, at which point the cow is bred again. he second calf is born a year ater the irst one and the cycle repeats. Cows are capable of having ten lactations, but are usually culled from the herd ater two or three.
Casein Micelles and Fat Globules
Casein micelles are up to half a micrometer in diameter, and many (but not all) dairy scientists theorize that each micelle is made up of units known as submicelles, which are held together by colloidal calcium phosphate. A colloid is a particle between a tenth and a thousandth of a micrometer in size, and suspended in a liquid. Phosphate is an atom of phosphorus surrounded by four oxygen atoms; several amino acids in casein contain phosphate groups. Phosphate bonds with calcium in milk to form calcium phosphate, which cements the submicelles together. he formula for colloidal calcium phosphate in milk is believed to be Ca3(PO4)2, so we’ll just abbreviate it as CCP. Newly born animals (and people) need calcium and phosphorus to grow, and casein micelles allow plenty of it to be available in the form of CCP. When cheese is made, the acid generated by the bacteria releases some of the CCP to the whey; the amounts of acid produced and CCP lost are determining factors in the type of cheese being made.
In the Beginning
he four major types of casein are αs1-casein (pronounced alpha-ess-one), β-casein, κ-casein (kappa), and αs2-casein. Intact κ-casein is the only one of the four not sensitive to calcium, and is found on the outside of the casein micelle where it prevents the other casein micelles from clumping together (Box 1.5). We will see in Chapter 2 that κ-casein molecules are cut into two pieces during the early stages of most cheesemaking, causing the casein micelles to fall apart and coagulate into a curd. he inability to coagulate casein is the major reason why milk from some mammals cannot be made into cheese (Box 1.6). Unlike casein micelles, fat globules do aggregate in untreated cow’s milk. Before homogenization caught on, milk was sold in bottles with agglomerated fat globules—cream—forming a layer on top in half an hour. he cream rises because
Box 1.5 Casein Models Casein micelles contain the four major types of casein, with four αs1-casein and four βcasein molecules for every κ-casein and αs2-casein. Molecular modeling has shown that each type of casein has a particular structure. he molecules appear to it together within a submicelle, though not everyone is convinced of that idea; I once attended a conference where someone asked, “Do you believe in submicelles?” and got a mixed response. he shapes of αs1-, β-, and κ-casein are shown on the let, and, if you are a believer, a model of a submicelle with these molecules is at top right. Scanning electron micrographs showing magniied casein micelles and submicelles are at lower right.
Shapes of casein molecules and micelles.
he Science of Cheese Box 1.6 Milk From Other Species Although all mammals produce milk, cheese cannot be made easily, or at all, from some species. Camels have historically supplied milk to North Africans and Asians, but it is diicult to coagulate the milk into a curd, and much of the protein and fat are lost in the whey, so cheesemaking is not economical. Central Asians ferment horse milk into the alcoholic drink kumis, but the milk lacks κ-casein and will not coagulate at all. Some mammals, such as zebras, cannot be domesticated, while others, such as rabbits, are too small to produce much milk. Can you make cheese from human breast milk? hat is the strangest question I have ever been asked about cheese, and it’s been asked several times. he answer is no, because the milk won’t coagulate properly. Breast-feeding mothers oten have milk let over, and people sometimes wonder what can be done with it. Perhaps make some sort of cheese from it? Daniel Angerer, chef of Klee Brasserie in New York City, prepared and served some in his restaurant in 2010 before the Health Department asked him to please stop it. It turns out that his recipe called for 2 cups of breast milk and 2 cups of conventional milk per batch. Breast milk alone can’t be made into cheese because it contains too little protein (only 1%), and only some of the protein is casein. In early lactation, 90% of the proteins are whey proteins, decreasing to 50% in late lactation. Research in our laboratory some years ago demonstrated that human milk will not form a curd. A French web site, Le Petit Singly, advertises that they have made cheese from “breast milk of woman” since 1947. If you try to order some online, you will be sent to a page asking you if you are crazy. hey admit on that page that it is a hoax, though some news outlets have reported on the “company” without discovering it is a joke. If you do have surplus breast milk, it is best to donate it to a breast milk bank, where it will be used to feed infants in neonatal intensive care units.
it is less dense than the rest of the liquid. Homogenization reduces the size of the fat globules and strips of their protective membrane, causing the globules to stick to the casein and preventing creaming. On the other hand, milk from goats, sheep, and water bufalo takes hours to cream. As a result, some goat and sheep farmers refer to their animals’ milk as being “naturally homogenized.” Most cheese is made without homogenizing the milk, as we will see in Box 2.2. Other Uses for Milk
You can do other things with milk aside from drinking it or making it into cheese, yogurt, etc. he whey is oten powdered and used as a food ingredient or as a nutritional supplement, as will be discussed in Box 2.9. If the casein is separated by adding rennet and then hardened in a formaldehyde solution, it is converted to a plastic that
In the Beginning
was formerly used for buttons, imitation ivory, and fancy goods. he casein may also be separated by adding acid to skim milk. If you mix this “acid casein” with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), water, denaturing agents, and a few other ingredients, you get sticky, lowing white glue. Centuries ago, before commercial paint was available, farmers would coat the bare wood of their barns with a mixture of milk, lime, and linseed oil. he milk-lime combination resulted in a binding agent similar to the casein–baking soda blend, and the oil acted as sealant that allowed the paint to soak into the wood. To prevent fungi from growing on the barn, they added a natural fungicide—rust. Rust, or iron oxide, turned the paint red, which is why barns are oten that color. In more recent times, some dairy farmers began painting their barns white, knowing that consumers associate milk with that color.
Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy
Some people have problems digesting milk. Milk allergy is an adverse reaction to one or more proteins in milk, whereas lactose intolerance is the inability to break down the lactose molecule. hese conditions are deinitely not the same: allergy, or hypersensitivity, is mediated by the immune system, and intolerance is not. Cow’s milk proteins are the initial foreign proteins fed to many infants, and may provoke an allergic reaction in the immature digestive system. Around 2.5 percent of children have milk allergy, but most of them outgrow it by age three. It is rare in adults. To determine the presence of milk allergy (or any dietary allergy), the suspected food is eliminated from the diet. If symptoms disappear, the food may be given in gradually increasing amounts until symptoms reappear, thus giving a range in which the food may be consumed without adverse efects. Lactose intolerance afects far more people—roughly 65 percent of the world’s population. he others are termed lactase persistent, because they retain the lactase enzyme (β-galactosidase) that splits the lactose molecule into glucose and galactose (Box 1.7). Lactose cannot be absorbed by the body unless this split occurs in the small intestine. If lactase is not present, the lactose moves to the large intestine where bacteria metabolize it, generating uncomfortable gas in the form of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane. he lactose also draws water from the intestinal wall, causing diarrhea. he ability to digest lactose appears to involve evolutionary and demographic factors along with genetic, physiological, and social aspects. Lactase persistence apparently arose as a result of a mutation of a particular gene some 7,000 to 10,000 years ago within dairy farmers in Central Europe. Vitamin D is necessary for absorption of calcium and phosphate, and milk serves as a good source for both in the higher
he Science of Cheese Box 1.7 Lactose Metabolism he lactose molecule consists of two rings of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms joined by an oxygen atom. he enzyme β-galactosidase (pronounced BAIT-ta ga-lactoe-SY-dase) breaks the molecule at the oxygen junction, forming galactose and glucose, both of which can be digested by humans. In this diagram, the various parts of the molecules are pointed in diverse directions, and many of the hydrogen atoms are not shown. Can you spot the diference between glucose and galactose?
latitudes of Eurasia where the production of vitamin D in the skin is hampered by lower levels of sunlight. he following table ( Table 1.3) shows the distribution of lactase persistence in various countries. You can see that almost everyone in northwestern Europe is lactase persistent, but the number decreases as one goes south and east. he genome sequence of “Ötzi the Iceman,” who died 5,300 years ago and was frozen in an Italian mountain pass until he was found in 1991, indicates that that he was lactose intolerant. Milk fat residues in pots found in Libya indicate processing of cow’s milk there between 5200 and 3800 bc, supporting a theory that lactase-persistent people and their cattle moved from Europe into Africa during that period. he migrants presumably intermarried with the locals, causing at least some of their ofspring to acquire the lactase-persistence gene, which is useful in hot climates where milk serves as a relatively safe source of water. As a result, some African and Middle Eastern populations can digest milk. Most Eastern and Southern Africans cannot, and many in Asia and Australia are also unable to do so.
In the Beginning
Table 1.3 Lactase persistence around the world Country
Lactase persistence (%) europe
United Kingdom Ireland Denmark Finland Germany Germany Spain Poland Italy Italy Russia Turkey Jordan Jordan Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Kuwait Niger Senegal Sudan Sudan South Africa South Africa Uganda, Zambia Pakistan India
British Irish Danes Finns Germans above 52°N latitude Germans below 52°N latitude Galicians Poles Northern Italians Sardinians 3 European groups middle east Turks Urban/agricultural Arabs Mediterranean Arabs Bedouins and urban residents Arabs Kuwaitis africa Tuareg 4 groups Haddendoa, Amarar Dinka, Nuba Sotho and Swazi Xhosa and Zulu Bantu asia and pacific Punjabi Indians
95–97 96 96 83–92 87–94 76–86 66 59–71 49 11–18 41–52 26–31 76 23 81–86 43 42–53 87 71–100 80–87 21–25 25–35 11–19 0–6 41 36–39 (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Table 1.3 (continued) Country
Sri Lanka China China
Sri Lankan Kazakh Mongols and Northern Han Chinese hai Aborigines Maori
Taiwan hailand Australia New Zealand
Lactase persistence (%) 28–29 24 8–12 12 0–3 16 36
Fortunately, people can do two things to avoid lactose problems when consuming dairy products. he irst is to drink lactose-reduced milk. his product was developed in our laboratory in the 1970s and the principle is simply the inclusion of β-galactosidase in the milk. he enzyme is added to milk ater being generated by yeast such as Kluyveromyces lactis and molds such as Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger. Lactose-reduced and lactose-free milk are available from several manufacturers. he other way to avoid lactose-related problems is to eat cheese. As we will see, nearly all of the lactose in cheese is removed during manufacturing and aging. he next chapters describe how this happens.
Heavens defend me from that Welsh fairy, lest he transform me to a piece of cheese! —William Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, 1602
Nowadays, cheese is produced by men and women instead of fairies. he procedure for making cheese depends on the variety, and the cheesemaker keeps track using a “make sheet” (Box 2.1). Here are the basic steps: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Standardize milk Pasteurize milk Add starter culture Add rennet Cut and cook curd Drain whey Pile curds Handle curds Add salt Press Coat or Package Ripen
An important factor in cheesemaking is the yield, the amount of cheese obtained from milk. Cheddar manufacture typically results in 10 pounds of cheese per 100 pounds of milk, for a 10 percent yield. Other semi-hard and hard 21
he Science of Cheese Box 2.1 Make Sheet Cheesemakers use make sheets to keep track of the steps, timing, and other information during a cheese manufacturing run. An example for Queso Fresco is below. T/A in the next-to-last column refers to titratable acidity, a measure of the lactic acid generated.
A make sheet for Queso Fresco.
Curds and Whey
cheeses vary from 8 to 12 percent yield; cottage cheese, which contains 80 percent water, produces a 15–17 percent yield. he cheesemaker will adjust procedures and amounts to maximize yield (and proit margin) while maintaining the best possible product. Collection and Standardization
When milk is collected at the farm, it has to be immediately cooled (see Box 2.2 for the grades of milk and Chapter 16 for rules and regulations). his raw milk is transferred to an insulated tanker truck (it does not have to provide refrigeration) and delivered to the cheese plant unpasteurized. he fat and protein levels of the milk may then have to be adjusted to create a uniform product with the highest possible yield, in a process is known as standardization. Skim milk, skim milk powder, or
Box 2.2 Milk Standards All dairy farmers have to abide by quality standards for animal health, facility cleanliness, milking procedure, equipment cleaning procedures, water quality, and waste disposal. No drug residues or added water are allowed. he milk is inspected regularly and judged to be either Grade A (luid grade) or Grade B (manufacturing grade). he liquid milk purchased and consumed in the United States is subjected to relatively little processing, so its standards therefore have to be very high. About 97% of American cow’s milk is Grade A, which meets these highest standards. Grade B milk is not consumed until ater it has been converted into cheese, butter, or milk powder; the processing involved in making these products eliminates any dangers from lower-quality milk. Grade B milk cannot be used for luid milk, but Grade A can be used for making cheese and the other products. Milk normally contains relatively few bacteria as it leaves the cow, but the number will grow quickly without refrigeration. he storage temperature and resulting bacterial count are the primary diference between the two grades. Grade A milk is cooled to a maximum of 50° within 4 hours of the start of milking, and to a maximum of 45° within 2 hours of the completion of milking. Less than 100,000 bacteria per milliliter (3 million per ounce) of Grade A milk is allowed. Grade B milk is cooled to a maximum of 50° unless it is taken to the processing plant within 2 hours; if stored in a tank, it is cooled to 40° within 2 hours and maintained at 50° or less. he maximum number of bacteria in Grade B milk is 500,000 per milliliter. (continued)
he Science of Cheese Box 2.2 (continued )
Grade B milk bottle cap from the 1930s. Source: Author’s collection.
Box 2.3 Homogenization he fat droplets in raw milk are various sizes (1–15 micrometers), and may be considered as dispersed throughout skim milk. Milk fat is less dense than water and therefore rises to the top. In homogenization, milk is forced through a small oriice at high pressure (2000–4000 psi, or 13.8–27.6 megapascals), reducing the size of the fat droplets to 1–2 micrometers, making them more uniform. he milk is sent through twice to prevent the droplets from clumping. By doing this, the milk fat globule membrane that surrounds each droplet is stripped away. Proteins in the milk then cover the droplets, making them denser and less likely to rise to the top of the milk container. Homogenization started to become popular in the 1930s and was almost universal by the 1960s; prior to that, milk was delivered to homes with a cream layer on top. Cheesemilk is not usually homogenized because the reduction in size of the fat globules alters the texture and functionality of the resulting cheese. Smaller globules are trapped in the protein matrix and are not released during heating, which prevents melting. Removal of the milk fat globule membrane leaves the globules susceptible to a higher level of degradation, which may lead to rancid flavors. Blue,
Curds and Whey
Box 2.3 (continued ) Feta, and cream cheese are often made from homogenized cow’s milk since it leads to a whiter color, increased breakdown of fat (desirable in these varieties), and a smoother texture. Other varieties come out with a poor texture and a moisture content that is undesirably high when the milk is homogenized. Queso Fresco is supposed to be a non-melting cheese, so the milk is homogenized to prevent melting.
cream may be added to the milk, or some fat may be removed. he milk is not usually homogenized (Box 2.3). Pasteurization
Once the milk is standardized, it is pasteurized by heating to 161° for 15 seconds, or 145° for 30 minutes. hese time–temperature combinations (some others with shorter times and higher temperatures are not normally used for cheese) must be applied to “every particle of milk” according to the regulations in the United States, and will inactivate all milk-borne pathogens and most of the naturally occurring
Figure 2.1 Pasteurization heat exchanger. Source: Author’s collection.
he Science of Cheese Box 2.4 Raw Milk Cheese For many years, authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have feared that raw milk can be dangerous because there is no pasteurization step for killing pathogens that might be present. Illnesses caused by E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, and Salmonella have been linked to consumption of raw milk and products such as raw milk cheese. Listeriosis, an uncommon but oten fatal illness caused by Listeria monocytogenes may also be correlated with raw milk and cheese made from it. Interstate sales of raw milk have been forbidden in the United States since 1982, and 20 states will not allow sales at all. Retail store sales are currently legal in 12 states, and on-farm sales are allowed in another 13 states. he remaining states have other regulations such as “cow shares,” which entail part-ownership of a cow and the right to any raw milk coming from her. Much raw milk comes from certiied dairies that have to undergo stringent sanitation requirements and testing. In the U.S., cheese made from raw milk must be held for at least 60 days. Any pathogens in the milk should die out during this time, and the acidity generated by the cheesemaking process will prevent pathogens from the environment from taking hold. Bacterial contamination from just one cow can spread through an entire vat of milk and then to a production run of raw milk cheese, which is why the rules exist. Raw milk cheeses from outside the U.S. must also follow this requirement or they cannot be imported. he CDC and FDA recommend that children under ive, pregnant women, and people with immunodeiciency problems or chronic disease should not consume raw milk products. Many cheese connoisseurs disagree with these regulations, since pasteurization not only kills of pathogens but also the naturally occurring bacteria that contribute to lavor and might convey health beneits. hey oten refer to pasteurized milk cheeses as “dead cheese.” A test of 890 attendees at a recent Oregon State University food festival showed that 426 people preferred the raw milk version of a cheese, 319 preferred the pasteurized version, and the rest had no preference or could not tell the diference. he study also showed that some consumers consider raw milk cheese to be a delicacy and are willing to pay more for it.
enzymes. Pasteurization is performed with a heat exchanger, such as the one shown in Figure 2.1. Raw milk is oten used for cheesemaking outside the United States (and sometimes in it; see Box 2.4). But unless you speciically look for raw milk cheese, the product will be pasteurized. When the milk is ready, it is pumped into a temperature-controlled stainless steel vat. he vats are oten elevated in large operations so the curds and whey can drain out the bottom by gravity (Figure 2.2). he vats are double-walled, meaning that water at the desired temperature lows between the outer and inner walls.
Curds and Whey
Figure 2.2 Elevated double-walled cheese vats. he disk-shaped objects atop the vats cover the stirring motors. Heating/cooling water lows from the vertical pipes into the space between the walls. Source: Author’s collection.
he cheesemaker may put a few legal additives into the milk. One is annatto, which comes from the achiote tree found in Mexico, the Caribbean, and the western portion of South America. Annatto gives cheese an orange or more pronounced yellow color (Box 2.5). Conversely, titanium dioxide may be added to mask color. It is a mineral commonly added to toothpaste—and to Mozzarella, leading to a whiter cheese. Hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide are added to some varieties to bleach color. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) may be added to speed up coagulation and improve the irmness and yield of the cheese. Fruits, vegetables, meats, spices, lavors, and smoke may also be added during cheesemaking, as described in Chapter 14. Classes of Cheese
At this point, we should take a look at the diferent categories of cheese, since each is made a diferent way. Cheeses may be classiied according to moisture content, country of origin, species of animal, texture, or other ways, but we will use manufacturing procedure: see Table 2.1.
he Science of Cheese Box 2.5 Why Is Cheese Yellow? “hey had but one last remaining night together, so they embraced each other as tightly as that two-lavor entwined string cheese that is orange and yellowish-white, the orange probably being a bland Cheddar and the white ... Mozzarella, although it could possibly be Provolone or just plain American, as it really doesn’t taste distinctly dissimilar rom the orange, yet they would have you believe it does by coloring it diferently.” —Mariann Simms, 2003 winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest for writing intentionally bad opening sentences to imaginary novels
he color of food inluences our perception of it. Studies have shown that color afects our expectations of the lavor of food, more than labeling and even its actual taste. When a transparent version of a popular cola beverage was introduced in 1992–1993, regular drinkers of the normally colored soda did not like it, even though the lavors were identical. Consumers anticipated the lavor from the soda’s appearance, and were thrown of when they drank it. he product was discontinued. Cheese is no exception to the association between color and lavor. Some people perceive orange Cheddar to be richer than yellow Cheddar, though their fat contents and lavors are identical, so cheesemakers add annatto to color it. he major component of annatto is bixin (the scientiic name of the achiote tree, the source of annatto, is Bixa orellana). Much of the molecular structure of bixin is similar to that of β-carotene, the compound that gives carrots their orange color. Cows transfer carotenoids (β-carotene and related compounds) from their diet to the milk, where they bind to the fat. he fat content of milk is less than 4%, the carotenoid concentration is less than 0.1%, and the fat globules are surrounded by casein, so the yellow color is not visible. Most of the whey is lost during cheesemaking, causing the fat and carotenoid contents to increase, and the casein network loosens up to reveal the fat, to the point where the resulting cheese takes on a yellow color. Goats, sheep, and water bufalo do not pass carotenoids to milk (converting it to vitamin A instead), and their cheese is white. Consumers expect some cow’s milk cheeses to be white or light yellow, resulting in the addition of titanium dioxide, a widely-used white pigment.
Curds and Whey
Table 2.1 Classes of cheese Class (alternate name)
Varieties commonly sold in the U.S.
Fresh sot Whey Pickled (brined) Stretched curd (pasta ilata) Surface mold (bloomy rind) Smear-ripened (washed rind) Interior mold (blue-veined) Cheddared (English style) Washed curd With eyes (Swiss type) Very hard
Cottage, cream Ricotta Feta Mozzarella, Provolone Brie, Camembert Limburger, Brick Blue, Stilton Cheddar, Cheshire Gouda, Colby Emmental, Gruyère Parmesan, Romano
As you might imagine, diferences in factors such as microorganisms, temperature, and timing result in the great diversity in cheese throughout the world. Let’s start with the starter. Starter Cultures
When the milk has cooled to the desired temperature, the acidification process is begun. For fresh soft cheeses such as cottage and cream cheese, a food-grade acid such as citric acid, vinegar, or lactic acid may be added to coagulate the casein. Raw milk contains naturally-occurring bacteria, so unpasteurized cheeses are sometimes acidified by allowing the bacteria to grow without human intervention. Otherwise, starter culture is added, and the milk is stirred to mix it. Starter cultures consist of lactic acid bacteria, which ferment the sugar in milk— they convert lactose to lactic acid and make the milk more acidic (Box 2.6). These bacteria •
• • •
allow the milk to coagulate faster when rennet is added, since rennet enzymes work better under acidic conditions, cause the protein matrix in the cheese to contract and force out more whey, make it diicult for non-lactic acid bacteria to survive, and contribute greatly to lavor and texture formation during ripening.
he Science of Cheese Box 2.6 Lactic Acid Lactic acid is formed from glucose and galactose in a long series of reactions involving more than a dozen enzymes in lactic acid bacteria. Each lactose molecule generates four lactic acid molecules, so the acidity of milk containing starter culture can build up quickly. Acidity and alkalinity are measured by pH level, with 7 being neutral, lower numbers being acidic, and higher numbers being basic or alkaline. he pH of milk is around 6.65, meaning it is slightly acidic. he structure of lactic acid is:
In spite of what has been popularly believed for almost a century, some experts now theorize that your muscles do not generate lactic acid when you overwork them. Acid builds up when your muscles become fatigued, but this may be caused by other cellular processes. Lactic acid is, however, produced by bacteria in your mouth, and is responsible for tooth decay. One other acid found in milk is citric acid, which is found in citrus fruit and also in milk. It has this structure:
Both lactic and citric acids are precursors of some lavor compounds, as we will see in Chapter 4.
Starters are available as powders, liquids, or frozen liquids, and are added to the vat as “direct vat starters.” Many cheese plants grow their own “bulk starters,” starter cultures that are propagated in reconstituted skim milk powder or other media. Cultures may be “deined strain,” containing as many as six known and well-deined strains of bacteria, or “mixed-strain,” with an undeined mix of bacteria. Since bacteria survive in whey, some places use the previous day’s whey in a procedure charmingly called “backslopping.” Starters fall into two groups. Mesophilic (Greek for “middle-loving”) bacteria tolerate moderate temperatures (68°–104°) with an optimum of 86°. hermophilic (“heat-loving”) bacteria thrive at higher temperatures (86°–122°, and optimally around 108°). Common mesophiles include various subspecies of Lactococcus lactis along with Leuconostoc mesenteroides and other Lactococcus species (Lactococcus and Leuconostoc are genus names, and lactis and mesenteroides are species names. We will discuss the diference between genus, species, subspecies, and strain in Chapter 9). hermophiles are used in Italian and Swiss varieties where the initial
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Figure 2.3 Starter cultures in Mozzarella cheese. he round bacteria, like strings of pearls, are Streptococcus thermophiles, and the rod-shaped bacteria, like sausages, are Lactobacillus delbrueckii, subspecies bulgaricus. he gray area is the casein matrix, and the dark cavities had been occupied by fat globules. Source: Author’s collection.
temperatures are high, and include Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, Lactobacillus helveticus, and Streptococcus thermophilus (Figure 2.3). Leuconostoc and Lactococcus lactis also metabolize citrate, which is present in milk at low concentrations. he breakdown products of citrate are important contributors to lavor, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas generated during the process helps with formation of the eyes in some cheeses such as Edam and Gouda. Adjunct (or secondary) cultures are also added when making some varieties. hese are not responsible for producing acid but instead generate lavors during ripening. hey are oten added ater the curd has formed. he three types of adjuncts are: •
Bacteria such as Propionibacteria and Coryneform bacteria. Propionibacterium reudenreichii metabolize citrate, lactate, and other compounds, and produce carbon dioxide gas that leads to the “holes” in Swiss, Gruyère, and other varieties. Coryneforms, primarily Brevibacterium linens, are found on the surface of cheeses such as Brick and Limburger.
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Molds such as Penicillum camemberti and Penicillum roqueforti, unsurprisingly used for Camembert and Roquefort. P. roqueforti is also used to make blue cheese, Stilton, and others. Yeasts such as Geotrichum candidum and various Candida species, used in Brie, Limburger, and some cheeses with mold.
Lipase enzymes are also added in the preparation of some cheese varieties such as Parmesan. Lipase attacks the fat in milk and leads to lavor formation. But cheesemaking is not as easy as pouring in a preparation of microorganisms and waiting for perfect curd to be created. Cheesemakers have to be microbe wranglers who are sensitive to changes in the performance of their tiny little friends. A corollary of Murphy’s Law states “under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the organism will do as it damn well pleases.” he most dreaded condition is bacteriophage, or simply phage (can rhyme with either “cage” or “lodge”). Bacterial cells can be infected with viruses just like human cells, and phage results when this happens to a starter culture. he milk acidiies normally during a phage infection, but the culture stops growing, and the cheese produced has to be discarded. Phage-resistant cultures are available, and the cheesemaker usually rotates between two separate culture stocks. In case you are a bit squeamish about eating bacteria, remember that your body has ten times as many bacterial cells as human ones. Over 500 species are found in your intestines alone. You literally can’t live without them. Cheese provides an environment for microbes to grow, resulting in a product that runs a gamut of lavors and textures. But not all of the bacteria in the curd are placed there deliberately. Box 2.7 describes non-starter bacteria in cheese and Box 2.8 describes an unexpected side-efect that may occur with them.
Box 2.7 NSLAB his acronym stands for non-starter lactic acid bacteria. hese are the bacteria that are not inactivated by pasteurization, or otherwise ind their way into the milk and curd. Some NSLAB are resistant to the cleaning and disinfecting agents used in the cheese plant, and have been isolated from the equipment, loors, and drains. NSLAB may also be airborne, originating from the environment around the plant. NSLAB proliferate during ripening, eventually becoming dominant in the cheese. At the start of ripening, a typical cheese may contain a billion colony-forming units of starter bacteria per milliliter of cheese. During the irst month, that number may decrease to ten million, allowing NSLAB to increase. hey can provide typical lavors, atypical but desirable
Curds and Whey
Box 2.7 (continued ) lavors, and of-lavors. Some 60 Lactobacillus species are known, of which about a dozen have been detected in cheese as NSLAB. he presence of NSLAB, molds, and other microorganisms that are not intentionally added brings some uncertainty to the cheesemaking process. Consider the story of Liederkranz cheese, which is an American version of the European cheese Limburger. Liederkranz was developed in Monroe, New York, in 1891 by a Swiss cheesemaker named Emil Frey, who went on to create Velveeta 27 years later. Frey named the cheese ater the Liederkranz (“wreath of song”) singing society. he Monroe Cheese Company, the only irm to manufacture this variety, moved to Van Wert, Ohio, in 1926. Frey, his assistants, the starter cultures, and the original equipment all moved, too. he wooden shelves used to store the cheese stayed put, however. When they tried to make the cheese at the new place, it did not turn out properly. Various changes were attempted, but the original could not be duplicated. Finally, they smeared the new tile walls with the residue from the wooden shelves from the old plant. Nobody would ever do that sort of thing nowadays, but the cheese came out perfectly. Some of the microorganisms (probably Coryneform bacteria) loated from the wall and into the vats, the same way they wated from the shelves and into the vats at Monroe. It was then that the cheesemakers realized that their product was not just afected by what they add, but also by things they don’t add.
Box 2.8 Green Cheese And Green Meat “he moone is made of a greene cheese.” —thomas heywood, Proverbs, 1546
When you say that the moon is made of green cheese, you are not claiming that Earth’s satellite is green in color. You are actually comparing the color and shape of the moon to a fresh or unripened cheese: a green cheese is an unaged one that is white to light yellow. he expression originated in England long before Heywood recorded it. But cheese can turn processed meat green. When packaging some cheeses with cured meat inside a sandwich, the meat begins to turn green within a few hours or days. he culprits are starter bacteria that produce H2O2, hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 resembles H2O, water, but the extra oxygen atom makes it highly reactive. Meat is cured by adding sodium nitrite, NaNO2, either in pure form or by adding celery juice or celery powder, which are naturally high in it. he NaNO2 reacts with myoglobin, the protein that gives muscle its red color, and when heated forms nitrosohemochrome, the pink pigment in cured meat. H2O2 reacts with this compound, creating green-colored products. A commonly used starter culture, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, is a (continued)
he Science of Cheese Box 2.8 (continued ) very efective producer of H2O2, and another popular starter, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, is also a good H2O2 generator. At least one nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (Weissella paramesenteroides, found in grasses and silage) also forms H2O2. hese bacteria tolerate NaCl, NaNO2, heat and smoke, and the H2O2 they generate remains even if the bacteria are killed during processing. Changing the cheese used in the sandwich will eliminate the green meat problem.
he pH of a material is the measure of its acidity or alkalinity, on a scale of 0 (highly acidic) to 14 (highly alkaline), with 7.0 being neutral. Milk has a pH around 6.6, meaning it is slightly acidic. Once the pH of the milk has decreased by 0.2–0.3 units, rennet is diluted in water and added to coagulate, or set, the milk into curd. he initial curd is called the coagulum. Rennet consists of a number of enzymes, especially chymosin (also called rennin), which is produced in the stomachs of mammals for digestion of the mother’s milk. Chymosin is a protease, or proteolytic enzyme, meaning that it breaks down protein and forms a curd. Other enzymes in rennet are pepsin, which is also a protease, and lipase. Rennet is typically added when the milk is at 104°–107°, though some varieties have higher set temperatures. he amount of rennet added is usually about 26 ounces per 1,000 gallons of milk. Traditionally, rennet was isolated from calf stomachs, such as the ones shown in Figure 2.4. Some cheese is still made this way, especially outside the United States. Professor David Barbano of Cornell University has visited a cheese plant in Italy where they leave an entire stomach at the bottom of the vat. When the enzyme is used up, a new stomach replaces the old one. (No, this practice is never seen in the United States.) Most cheese plants use other rennet preparations. Some rennets are secreted by certain fungi such as Cryphonectria parasitica and Rhizomucor miehei. Others use recombinant chymosin derived from microorganisms, including Kluyveromyces lactis or safe versions of E. coli. Some European cheesemakers use rennet derived from local plants, such as the cardoon (or artichoke thistle). he cardoon is used to coagulate Portugal’s principal cheese, Serra da Estrela, which is made from raw sheep’s milk. Cardoon also coagulates cow’s milk, but is not used because the resulting cheese is bitter. Fungal, recombinant, and plant rennets have the advantage of not being from animal sources, making them acceptable to people with dietary restrictions.
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Figure 2.4 Calf stomachs drying in preparation for cheesemaking. Source: FAO.
Box 2.9 Coagulation One milliliter of milk contains hundreds of trillions of casein micelles, which consist of submicelles bound together by CCP. he surface of these micelles is composed of submicelles rich in κ-casein, which is a string of 169 amino acids. One portion of the κcasein molecule is attracted to water and sticks out of the micelle surface like a hair. he hairs of the κ-caseins seem to prevent micelles from interacting with each other. Two of the amino acids in κ-casein, phenylalanine and methionine, are found at positions 105 and 106. Chymosin breaks the bond between them, sending the macropeptide (amino acids 106–169) and the protruding hairs into the whey. (he 1–105 portion is para-κ-casein, which remains in the curd). Ater most of the macropeptide has been removed from the κ-casein, the micelles are able to stick together when they collide, stay in contact, and build into a coagulum. Coagulation is highly dependent on temperature and must take place above 65°. Casein aggregation also depends on the pH level: all of the CCP goes from the micelles to the whey at pH 4.6, but only half of it does at pH 5.6. Additional factors may include size and shape of the molecules, electrostatic charges on the micelles, and other forces. he mechanism of rennet coagulation is not completely known and has drawn interest from many researchers, since it is such an important part of making cheese.
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Figure 2.5 he author using cheese knives to cut curd. Source: Author’s collection.
All rennets work in the same manner, by attacking casein. As mentioned in the previous chapter, casein comes in the form of micelles, made up of submicelles and stabilized by κ-casein. Chymosin snaps the κ-casein at a bond between two particular amino acids; the larger section of κ-casein (known as para-κ-casein) stays attached to the submicelle, and the smaller part (macropeptide) is dissolved in the whey. he micelle is thus destabilized, and various interactions then allow the caseins to aggregate into a three-dimensional coagulum (Box 2.9). Chymosin is water-soluble, so the more moisture in the curd the more chymosin is retained in the cheese, leading to extra lavor development later on. Cutting and Cooking Curd
Once the curd has formed, the cheesemaker begins the process of removing whey from it. With some soter cheeses such as Camembert, the curd is gently ladled into boxes and allowed to drain by gravity overnight. Harder cheeses require cutting of the curd with cheese knives, consisting of a metal frame strung with horizontal wires and another frame with vertical ones, as shown in Figure 2.5. Quarter-inch knives, for instance, have wires that are a quarter-inch apart. By sweeping through the vat horizontally and vertically, the curd is cut into cubes, increasing the surface area
Curds and Whey
Figure 2.6 Stirring the curds and whey (bottom). Source: Author’s collection.
(slicing a piece of something exposes new surfaces) and allowing more whey to be released. Expulsion of whey from curd is known as syneresis (sin-er-EE-sis). he curd pieces are gently stirred to keep them circulating without shattering them (Figure 2.6), and the vat is heated, cooking the curd and causing the casein to fuse into ilaments. he variety of cheese being made dictates the curd size, temperature, and heating time. he cook temperature is important because it: •
Regulates the starter culture. Bacteria are active within a certain temperature range. Helps control removal of calcium. he more active the starter culture bacteria, the more acidiication takes place, and the more soluble the CCP, which is dissolved in the whey. Cheese with a low pH and low calcium usually has a more crumbly texture. It also afects rennet activity. High cook temperatures inactivate rennet and prevent the enzymes from breaking down protein during ripening. Controls whey removal from the curd. More whey is expelled at higher temperatures. Minimizes growth of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in the vat. Higher temperatures are more likely to accomplish this.
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he temperature inside the vat is slowly raised to the cook temperature; if raised too quickly, the outside of the curd pieces will dehydrate and harden, preventing whey from escaping from the inside. Whey Drainage
Eventually the pH of the whey drops to 6.1–6.4. Cheeses such as Swiss are initially pressed before the whey is drained, which leads to a smooth texture without openings due to whey pockets or trapped air. Another type of opening is starting to be created, however, since the Propionibacteria in the starter culture are generating CO2 gas from lactate digestion. Gas bubbles form in the curd, the smaller bubbles merge to make larger ones, and the characteristic holes, known as eyes, are formed. With other varieties, the whey is drained out from the bottom of the vat, leaving the curds exposed to air. Box 2.10 describes what happens to the whey. Handling Curds
By now the casein ilaments are fusing, or matting, into a solid mass. Some cheeses without eyes are subjected to cheddaring, in which slabs of curd are cut, stacked, and lipped to give time for the pH to drop while creating pressure and allowing heat to be retained and more whey to be removed (Figure 2.7). Cheddar, Queso Fresco, and
Box 2.10 Whey Utilization he whey from renneted cheese curd, called sweet whey, used to be discarded, fed to pigs, or spread on ields as a fertilizer. In 1942, one company poured their whey down a deep abandoned well on their property, apparently deciding that where there’s a well, there’s a whey. he trapped whey, under pressure, eventually developed enough gas to blow of the top of the well. Whey is now too valuable to toss out. By allowing it to acidify and heating it nearly to boiling, the whey proteins coagulate into a ine curd that is made into Ricotta or Requesón. Boiling whey with milk and cream causes the lactose to caramelize, producing the Norwegian Geitost. Many Mozzarella plants also have a Ricotta operation. But the real moneymaking use for whey is in the manufacture of whey powders. Ater the fat is removed, whey is iltered under pressure through microiltration membranes that catch bacteria and casein, and the whey proteins are retained by an ultrailtration membrane. Ater drying to remove the water, whey protein concentrate (20%–89% protein) or whey protein isolate (at least 90% protein) is obtained. Whey powder is used in many foods because it foams well, provides a golden surface on baked goods, binds water, and adds nutritive value. Our laboratory has used whey protein powder to produce high-protein cheese pufs.
Curds and Whey Box 2.10 (continued ) In Chapter 1, we mentioned that proteins come in the form of amino acids linked together. hree amino acids, valine (shown below), leucine, and isoleucine, have branches or forks. hese branched-chain amino acids are found in great numbers in muscle tissue, and fuel working muscles while stimulating the generation of protein. Whey proteins are about two-thirds β-lactoglobulin, one-fourth α-lactalbumin, and one-twelth serum albumin, and all of these contain 19%–25% valine, leucine, and isoleucine. hese proteins are rapidly absorbed into the body. Nutrition and health food stores sell canisters of whey protein powder to body-builders and athletes. People lose muscle mass as they become older, and whey protein is helpful for reducing frailty.
Figure 2.7 Curds piled for whey drainage. Source: Author’s collection.
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Figure 2.8 Milling the curd. Source: Author’s collection.
other varieties are milled—sending the curd through a machine that chops the curd into pieces (Figure 2.8). Salting
Salt, more properly sodium chloride or NaCl, is added to cheese to enhance lavor and to control microbial and enzymatic activity. he acid production of the starter cultures and growth of spoilage bacteria are inhibited by NaCl, which causes dehydration of bacterial cells. With some varieties, curds are dry-salted in the vat by sprinkling a measured amount of NaCl over them. Blue cheeses are dry-salted by rubbing NaCl on the surface, and Mozzarella, Feta, and others are immersed in brine containing approximately 22 percent NaCl, at a pH of about 5.1 and a temperature around 54°. he NaCl content of cheese varies, but is usually under 2.5 percent. here will be more on salt in Chapter 5. Pressing
he curd is transferred into rectangular boxes or round hoops for pressing. hese stainless steel forms are also known as molds, but we won’t use that term, to avoid confusion with the microorganism. he forms are lined with cheesecloth,
Curds and Whey
Figure 2.9 Horizontal cheese press, with cheesecloth visible. his type of press takes up a lot of loor space. Source: Author’s collection.
a cotton gauze invented for this purpose, and pressure squeezes the last of the free whey through the cloth and out through small holes in the forms (Figures 2.9 and 2.10). This step also shapes the cheese and helps impart the correct texture. Soft cheese is barely pressed at all, and Cheddar is pressed at 25,000 pounds per square inch (172 megapascals, in the metric system). A cheese with a disk shape is known as a wheel, and a cheese with rectangular sides is called a block or loaf. Cheese does not have to be pressed and formed to be enjoyed. Fresh salted curds are a snack food in some places (see Box 2.11). Coating or Packaging
Cheese is packaged to reduce moisture loss from the surface and prevent contamination. Softer varieties are packaged in a wooden container to allow for stacking. Aluminum foil, cellophane, paper, plastic wrap, and even wet towels are often used on cheese. Since CO2 and other gases may be generated in some cheeses, the wrap should be permeable to prevent bulging of the package in
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Figure 2.10 Vertical cheese press in use. his type of press has a small footprint but creates more pressure at the bottom than at the top. Source: Author’s collection.
these varieties. According to Dr. Sara Risch, a packaging expert who runs Science by Design in Chicago, vacuum packaging is the most effective in keeping air out, and curtails further microbial activity in the cheese (Figure 2.11). Some cheeses are aged uncovered so that the surface forms a rind. The surface mold and smear-ripened cheeses have a rind containing microorganisms, and hard cheeses such as Stilton and Parmesan obtain a rind through drying out of the surface. Rinds help control release of gas from the cheese and absorption of air. Many other cheeses are protected from the environment to prevent a rind from forming. Some cheeses, especially those made from goat’s milk, are coated with ash to prevent the formation of a rind. he ash may also assist with growth of desirable molds that increase the pH of the cheese by metabolizing amino acids, and lower the acidic lavor.
Curds and Whey Box 2.11 Why Do Fresh Cheese Curds Squeak? Some small cheese companies, especially in the northern U.S., sell bite-size cheese curds that have not been pressed or aged. hese curds will emit a squeak when you bite into them, especially if they are less than a day old. he casein network in unpressed fresh curd has not knitted into a compact structure, but rather is porous with plenty of air trapped inside. he wet, elastic curd vibrates when you put your teeth through it, and this vibration is at a frequency in the audible range.
Cheese curds. Source: Author’s collection.
You can observe a similar efect by pulling your wet hair between your ingers ater shampooing it. he detergent in the shampoo removes the oil from your hair, so your ingers don’t glide smoothly, but “skip” along wet strands. he outer surface of hair is also protein, primarily keratin, but this time it is your ingers that do the vibrating. School students used to hear a high-pitched squeal when the teacher ran a piece of chalk across the blackboard in a certain manner. (If you are under 25, ask your parents what a blackboard is). When the chalk was positioned at a particular angle and gripped the right way, it would skip rapidly. he resulting high-frequency noise would reverberate in the ear canal and produce a physical reaction in many students.
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Figure 2.11 Vacuum packaging. Source: Author’s collection.
Natamycin, which inhibits mold and fungus growth in the moist conditions inside the pouch, is also added. Natamycin is produced by a common soil bacterium and has been used for years on sausages, packaged salads, and other foods. Cheddar, Mozzarella, and other cheeses that may be used for melting are oten shredded and sealed in plastic pouches. he shreds are prone to clumping, so they are coated with a small amount of cellulose, corn starch, potato starch, or calcium sulfate. hese powders coat the shreds and block out the moisture that causes caking.
Once the cheese has been made, it has to be stored for a length of time in a step called aging or ripening. Diferent varieties necessitate diferent temperatures, relative humidity levels, and storage times, which afect growth of microorganisms and thus the rate and extent of lavor and texture development. Unpackaged cheeses need speciic conditions to control formation of a rind or development of yeast or
Curds and Whey
mold on the surface. Many varieties require two or even three rooms to properly age the cheese. his topic will be covered in Chapter 3. Ater the cheese is brought home, it is best to keep it between 42° and 52°, in darkness, with the humidity around 80 percent. Soter cheeses require a refrigerator, which is typically 37°–41°. If a cheese has been opened but not fully eaten, wrap it with parchment or waxed paper and then enclose it all with plastic or foil. Cheeses that come in a box or tub should be stored in it. If the cheese is odiferous or runny, it may be wrapped in paper and placed on a plate, and the plate then covered with plastic. Wrapping should be changed every day or two, since repeated opening of the refrigerator results in temperature luctuations that are detrimental to cheese. Freezing cheese has been described as an assault on a living thing and is not advisable—the texture is damaged when the water turns into ice crystals and tears into the protein matrix.
he shape of a cheese variety has its origins in the traditional methods for manufacturing it. Dry-salted cheeses require a good deal of pressure to shape the curd into a solid and non-fragile shape. Hoops were less likely to deform or break than rectangular forms, and were easier to manufacture. Swiss-type cheeses were made with adjustable hoops that could be tightened or loosened. In recent years, stronger stainless steel forms began to be used, since the resulting cheeses require less space in storage. At the retail shop, the wheels are sectioned into wedges like a pie. Sot cheeses, which need less pressing, are oten rectangular. he corners can be a problem with rectangular cheeses. Surface mold cheeses are round to prevent the microorganisms from attacking corners in four directions (top, bottom, and two sides). A disk-shaped cheese has only a top, a bottom, and one side going all the way around. Sharp corners tend to be over-salted (with NaCl penetration from four directions), resulting in difering characteristics than the bulk of the cheese block. Some cheeses are therefore pressed in square hoops with rounded corners. he thickness of a cheese is also important for absorption of salt. he larger the dimensions of a cheese, the longer it will take for salt to penetrate through it evenly. Many traditional cheese shapes are used. Provolone has four: truncated cone, melon, pear, and sausage. Brick is unsurprisingly shaped like a brick, and Swiss types come in wheels. A cheese that has a rectangular cross-section is frequently referred to as a “loaf.” British and Australian cheesemakers fashion some cheeses into clothbound barrel shapes known as “truckles.” French goat’s milk cheeses are shaped into
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disks, drums, ig shapes, logs, and narrow pyramids. Sainte-Maure de Touraine is fashioned into logs with a straw through the center to hold it together and allow air inside. Ireland’s St. Killian is similar to Camembert, but is hexagonal. Colby and Cheddar sometimes come in cylinders, known as “Longhorns.” Scamorza is oten fashioned into shapes of animals. Edam produced for export is coated with an impermeable red parain wax that makes the cheese resemble a red cannonball. he red color originally came from the application of turnsole dye, which was used as a food colorant and to illuminate medieval manuscripts. Rags soaked with the dye were hung over pans of urine, and the ammonia gas that emanated therefrom made the dye alkaline, turning it purple. he cheeses were rubbed with the rags, and the surface became red upon drying. Eventually red wax was substituted, to retain the traditional color. he spherical shape reduces surface area, allowing more moisture to be retained, and eliminates corners that could be chipped of during handling.
Box 2.12 Giant Cheeses “He has bitten his way into the Big Cheese.” —O. Henry, he Unproitable Servant, 1911
Giant cheeses have been manufactured for publicity or special occasions. A Cheshire cheese weighing 1,235 pounds and using the milk of 900 cows was made in Cheshire, Massachusetts, sent by sleigh for 500 miles to Washington, D.C., and presented to President homas Jeferson on January 1, 1802. Inscribed with “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” it was called the Mammoth Cheese due to the discovery of mammoth (now known to be mastodon) bones the year before. Cautious of accepting free gits, Jeferson paid $200 for it and displayed it in the East Room for a year. Not to be outdone, supporters of President Andrew Jackson made a 1,400-pound cheese for him in 1837. But the largest cheese prior to the twentieth century was a 22,000-pound Cheddar made in Perth, Ontario, for the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. “he Canadian Mite” was made from 27,000 gallons of milk from 10,000 cows that were milked by more than 1,600 “maids.” he curd came from 12 factories over a three-day period and was emptied into a hoop at the local railway station. he curd was pressed with 200 tons of pressure ater each illing, forming a cheese 9 feet in diameter and 6 feet high. A larger cheese was made for the Wisconsin Pavilion at the 1964–65 World’s Fair in New York. he 34,591-pound Cheddar required 42,500 gallons of milk from 16,000 cows. Twenty men worked around the clock for 43 hours to make the cheese, which measured 14½ feet by 6½ feet by 5½ feet. he current record-holder is a 56,850-pound Cheddar made in Oregon by the Federation of American Cheese-makers in 1989.
Table 2.2 Comparison of classes of cheese Class (key varieties)
Noted characteristic
Fresh sot (Cottage) Whey (Ricotta) Pickled (Feta) Stretched curd (Mozzarella, Provolone) Surface mold (Brie, Camembert) Smear-ripened (Limburger, Brick) Interior mold (Blue cheese, Stilton)
Curd washed and “dressed” Coagulated whey protein Stored in brine Kneaded and stretched in hot water Penicillium camemberti on surface Brevibacterium linens brushed on surface Mold powder added to curd and by skewering Curds stacked and lipped to remove whey Whey rinsed out with water Propionibacteria added, CO2 formed Low moisture, oten grated
Cheddared (Cheddar, Cheshire) Stirred curd (Gouda, Colby) With eyes (Emmental, Gruyère) Very hard (Parmesan, Romano)
Moisture (%)
Calcium (%)
80 72 55 44 50 45 39
0.08 0.21 0.50 0.74 0.28 0.59 0.66
5.0 5.9 4.2 5.3 6.9 6.6 6.5
37 40 35 30
0.68 0.71 0.90 1.12
5.4 5.8 5.6 5.4
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Some Spanish varieties have unusual shapes. Valencia’s Queso Servilleta (“towel cheese”) is tied in a towel knotted at the top to drain the whey, resulting in a distinctive indentation. Tronchón is dome-shaped with a deep dimple on top. Galicia’s Cebreiro is made with a hoop that does not encompass all of the curd, causing some to bulge outward from the top, imparting a mushroom shape to the cheese. Another Galician cheese, San Simón, resembles the business end of a torpedo. Several varieties such as Queso Panela are molded in a basket and take on that shape. he size of cheese also depends on tradition, as well as convenience and ease of shipping. Some huge cheeses have been made from time to time (See Box 2.12).
Cheese Characteristics
A list of classes of cheese along with common varieties and some compositional data is shown in Table 2.2: Casein micelles absorb the lactic acid that is generated, driving out CCP, which dissolves in the whey. In general, cheeses that have less moisture have less lactose and less acid formation, and therefore higher calcium and pH levels. he pH levels of interior mold, surface mold, and smear-ripened cheeses go from 4.6 to near 7.0 because the yeasts and molds quickly metabolize the lactic acid and some of the protein, forming ammonia from the latter. he calcium in the micelles becomes insoluble and migrates to the surface in Brie and Camembert, sotening the inside of the cheese. he procedures for manufacturing each class of cheese are diferent. We will cover these in Chapters 4–14.
Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese. —Variously attributed to Mexican ilmmaker Luis Buñuel (1900–1983) and American actresses Billie Burke (1884–1970) and Helen Hayes (1900–1993)
Aging Cheese
Age does indeed matter with cheese. Enzymes continue to degrade the compounds in cheese during storage, generating a huge array of breakdown products that contribute to flavor and aroma. Moreover, the feed the animals ate, the climate they lived in, and their species all have a say in the cheese. Processing parameters are also important. Strictly speaking, ripening refers to the chemical and physical changes occurring in cheese during storage, and curing refers to humidity, temperature, and other factors, though the two terms are often used interchangeably. Aging cheese is usually held in a room with temperature and humidity control such as the one shown in Figure 3.1, though many artisanal cheeses are stored in a cave. Cheese caves may be naturally occurring, or they may be carved out of a hillside or dug out of the ground. Ventilation is a must for aging rooms and caves so that the gases given off during ripening are carried away. Vacuum-packaged cheeses are an exception since the product is not exposed to air. Remember that the yield of cheese during manufacture is around 10 percent, with most of the water being lost in the process. Aside from water, cheese consists of protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and lavor compounds in a form much more concentrated than in milk. A seemingly minor diference in milk can amount to a major one in cheese. In fact, many factors can cause a batch of cheese to turn out diferently than expected (Box 3.1). 49
he Science of Cheese
Figure 3.1 Aging room. Source: Author’s collection.
Box 3.1 What Can Go Wrong? “It’s not really a cheese for eating—it’s more for encasing in concrete and dumping in the ocean a long way rom civilization.” —jasper fforde, hursday Next: First Among Sequels, 2007
Any number of factors can lead to a less-than-ideal cheese. When a cheesemaker sees that things are going wrong, some alterations in the procedure are made to increase the chances that the batch, or future ones, won’t have to be discarded. he following table (b3.1) shows common problems for hard and medium-hard cheeses and the some of the procedures that may be used to ix them. he steps in italics are usually the most efective. Other problems can also occur, such as equipment failures and power outages. So can natural disasters: on May 20, 2012, a strong earthquake and two atershocks struck the region of Italy that produces Parmigiano Reggiano, the name-protected version of Parmesan. A total of 633,700 wheels were being aged at the time, and some 300,000 of them in twelve facilities were damaged when they tumbled onto the loor ater the shelves fell over or collapsed. he wheels that were aged more than a year were chopped into pieces and sold. But damaged wheels less than a year old had to be sent away without being labeled as genuine Parmigiano Reggiano. hey found use as ingredients in other products, but the inancial loss from the inability to use the oicial designation amounted to millions of dollars.
You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better Box 3.1 (continued) Table B3.1 Cheesemaking problems and solutions Problem
Steps to take
Cheese is too sot
Increase expulsion of whey
Cheese is too hard
Decrease expulsion of whey
Cheese is too acidic
Decrease acid production
Cheese is not acidic enough
Increase acid production
Insuicient microbial activity during ripening
Increase microbial growth
Raise calcium content by adding calcium chloride to the milk Cut curd into smaller cubes Raise cooking temperature Maintain temperature during inal stirring Raise pressing time or temperature Add water to milk or during cooking Cut curd into larger cubes Lower cooking temperature Cool curd cubes for a few minutes before stirring ends Add more NaCl to whey, causing curd cubes to swell Reduce pressing time or temperature Reduce amount of starter culture Add water to milk or add more water during cooking Raise cooking temperature or start cooking early to slow lactic acid development Raise amount of starter culture Add less water Reduce cooking temperature Cool curd cubes for a few minutes before stirring ends Increase amount of starter culture Increase storage temperature Increase storage humidity
he Science of Cheese
he aging process in cheese is sometimes called ainage (French for “reinement” and pronounced AH-fee-nahj), and a specialist in charge of aging cheeses to create the best possible product is an aineur. In some places, cheese manufacturers sell their unripened product to aineurs who have their own aging facilities. he aineur is the person who lips the cheeses to retain their shape, applies or wipes of mold, monitors rind development, and otherwise controls the development of lavor and texture. Maturing cheese is snifed and visually inspected by inserting a trier (also called a cheese iron, shown in Figure 3.3) and extracting a long cylinder of a sample. he aineur breaks of a small piece to examine the texture, places the rest of the cylinder back in the cheese, and makes judgments about adjusting humidity and temperature and when the cheese is ready for sale. Not everyone agrees with the idea of paying an aineur to look ater their cheese, however. Some cheese sellers feel that an aineur is an unnecessary expense that can be avoided by simply keeping an eye on the product. A New York Times article presented both sides of the issue, followed by the results of a blind taste test of three cheeses. he samples from the one store that did not have an aineur scored much worse than the cheeses from two stores that did employ one.
Figure 3.2 A trier is pushed or twisted into a block of cheese to extract a sample. Source: Author’s collection.
You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better
Length of Time
The number of weeks or months a cheese is aged depends on the variety and what the cheesemaker, affineur, wholesaler, or retailer wishes to accomplish. The longer a cheese is allowed to sit before it is offered for sale, the more flavor compounds are formed, and the more the texture changes. If a milder cheese is desired, the aging process will not be nearly so long as that for a sharper, more flavorful cheese. The cheese has to be sold before undesirable flavors crop up or the body softens too much. Some of the cheeses that are lower in moisture can be aged for years. Some Cheddars that were unknowingly aged in wooden boxes for 28, 34, 39, and 40 years were discovered in 2012 in the back of a cooler and were found to be very sharp but creamy and not dry. The oldest cheese was sold for $10 an ounce. Feed and Species
Milk from animals grazing on pasture is not the same as milk obtained from animals eating conventional feed, and the diferences become noticeable as a cheese ages. American cows are commonly given fodder, which includes hay, silage, and total mixed ration (more on this in Chapter 11). Pasture-fed cows, on the other hand, consume forage—they graze and eat what they want. Some of the compounds from lowers, grass, and weeds either pass directly into milk or are converted in the animal into other compounds. Many of these compounds impart desirable lowery lavors to cheese. As we saw in Chapter 1, the composition of milk varies among species. he proteins and fats in the milk are also diferent. Box 2.7 listed the four types of casein in milk: αs1-, αs2-, β-, and κ-casein. Goat’s milk contains little or no αs1-casein, which is the primary structural protein in cheese. Sot goat’s milk cheese is quite limsy; if you start to unwrap a goat cheese that was shaped into a log, one end will fall of under its own weight. Goat’s and sheep’s milks contain fatty acids in diferent proportions than cow’s milk, resulting in more piquant aged cheeses. he inluence of feed and species on cheese lavor is discussed in Chapter 5. Terroir
Terroir (from the French for “land” and approximately pronounced terr-WAHR) is the word that encompasses altitude, soil, and weather on a farm and their efects on the food it produces; especially wine, but including cheese. Consumers’ attitudes
he Science of Cheese
toward a sense of place carry over to the food coming from there, especially if a small-scale operation is involved. Terroir implies authenticity, culture, history, knowhow, and reputation, making it a desirable characteristic for artisanal cheeses. he efects of terroir on cheese as it ages are described in Chapter 13.
Pasteurization inactivates several milk enzymes and kills nearly all of the indigenous microorganisms as well as bacteria that enter the milk from the environment. he resulting cheese therefore contains fewer lavor compounds than raw-milk cheese because of decreased protein and fat breakdown. For example, a study of Cheddar aged for eight to 24 weeks showed that Cheddar made from pasteurized milk contains 25–30 percent fewer fatty acids than raw milk cheese. Although protein breakdown is unafected, pasteurized-milk Cheddar has less intense lavor since fewer fatty acids are available to degrade into lavor compounds. Another study indicated that French cheeses made from raw milk have more aroma and somewhat diferent lavors than those made with pasteurized milk. Some enzymes such as plasmin do survive pasteurization, however, and are present in the milk during cheesemaking. he temperature of cooking, the size of the curd pieces, the amount of pressure used, the storage conditions, and a host of other processing factors all contribute to the quality of the inal product—and the product isn’t really inal, since biochemical processes are taking place until the last piece is eaten.
he lactic acid bacteria in the starter culture mostly die of while cheese ages, and oten their cells open up and spill out their contents, including enzymes responsible for the formation of lavor and texture. If these microbes stay alive, the cheese won’t ripen as quickly. In many varieties, Lactobacilli that are added or come in from the environment begin to dominate as Lactococci disappear. Most of the remaining lactose is metabolized by surviving microbes. Sometimes mold will grow on the outside of a piece of cheese ater you have brought it home. his mold is not part of the aging process—it comes from spores in your refrigerator and was not in the cheese when you bought it. If it is a hard cheese, you can cut of the portion containing the foreign mold and eat the rest. Mold can penetrate soter cheeses and send veins into the interior, so these varieties must be discarded if you notice contamination.
You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better
Flavor Compounds
How many lavor compounds are in cheese? One study in 2004 looked at three Cheddars, one medium-lavored blue cheese, two strong blue cheeses, and three very hard cheeses. he researchers found 73 odor-active compounds, of which 61 could be identiied. Only four compounds were located in all nine of the samples they tested, which highlights the diversity of lavors in the world’s cheeses. According to Professor Robert McGorrin of Oregon State University (and formerly of Krat Foods), Cheddar cheese has from 750 to 1,000 volatile compounds, with about 250 of them being signiicant contributors to lavor. he major lavor compounds in cheese may be grouped into eleven categories: • • • • • • • • • • •
Acids Amino acids Fatty acids Alcohols Sulfur-containing compounds Aldehydes Ketones Esters Lactones Furans Terpenes
he basic structures of most of these are compared in Box 3.2. Acids are substances that, when dissolved in water, lower the pH. hese include mineral acids (such as sulfuric acid), nucleic acids (DNA), and carboxylic acids (which have the COOH group we saw in Box 1.1). Carboxylic acids are the only ones found in cheese at appreciable concentrations, and for our purposes we will classify them into acids, fatty acids, and amino acids. Amino acids are the links that, when assembled properly, make up a protein. hey each contain a nitrogen atom, and we will discuss them along with other nitrogen-containing compounds. Fatty acids are breakdown products of triglycerides and are precursors to many lavor compounds. Alcohols are familiar molecules. he smallest is methanol (wood alcohol), with one carbon atom, and the next is ethanol (grain alcohol) with two carbons. he alcohols responsible for lavor and aroma in cheese have longer chains. Sulfur-containing compounds include methional, methanethiol, and various sulides.
he Science of Cheese Box 3.2 Structures We will use a chain of eight carbon atoms to illustrate the diferences between compounds. Remember that each end and bend represents a carbon atom unless marked otherwise. Alcohols have names ending in ol. he molecule above is called octanol since it has eight carbon atoms and oct is the preix for eight. Alcohols are characterized by the OH attached to a carbon atom, representing an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom.
Aldehyde names end in al. his example is octanal, which has an oxygen atom double-bonded to the carbon atom at the end.
Ketones look like aldehydes, but have the double-bonded O attached to two carbons somewhere in the middle. his molecule is 2-octanone, where 2- designates which carbon has the oxygen, and -one denotes a ketone.
he above is caprylic acid, also known as octanoic acid. It is classiied as a fatty acid since it is derived from fat. Note the COOH group at the end.
Esters are combinations of acids and alcohols. his example (above) is ethyl octanoate, where ethyl denotes the two carbons on one side of the oxygen, octan is for the eight carbons on the other side, and -oate means an ester. Had there been one carbon on the end instead of two, the compound would have been methyl octanoate. Methyl denotes a single carbon atom attached somewhere on a chain.
Lactones are a category of esters known as cyclic esters, with a multi-sided ring of atoms. he molecule above has eight carbon atoms—ive in the ring and three on a “tail.” his atom is δ-octalactone, where δ (delta, the fourth letter of the Greek
You’re Not Getting Older, You’re Getting Better
Box 3.2 (continued) alphabet) means that ive carbon atoms are in the ring. Lactone comes from the Latin lac, “milk,” also the source of the words lactose and lactic. An important lactone in cheesemaking is glucono-delta-lactone, a common food additive which the body metabolizes to glucose. It has this structure:
he thick and dashed lines are for visualizing the molecule in three dimensions. he parts of the molecule with the thick lines can be imagined as coming up from the paper and pointing toward you. he parts with the dashed lines go through the paper and are pointed away from you. he structures of amino acids, sulfur-containing compounds, furans, and terpenes will be covered in the upcoming chapters.
Aldehydes, like alcohols, are relatively simple. he smallest is formaldehyde, solutions of which are used as embalming luid and fortunately not found in cheese. Aldehydes are rapidly converted into alcohols or acids. Ketones are structurally similar to aldehydes but are more plentiful in cheese. he simplest ketone is acetone, used as nail polish remover, and a tiny amount of it is found in cheese. Esters are important lavor compounds in many fruits and fruit products. hey have low perception thresholds, which mean that a little goes a long way. he aroma of isoamyl acetate can be detected when it is dissolved in water at a concentration of 2 parts per billion. Lactones are also detectable at the parts-per-billion level. hey have properties like esters since they are cyclic versions of them, meaning that some of the carbon atoms are arranged in a closed ring instead of an open chain. Furans are derived from breakdown of carbohydrates. he furans in cheese primarily consist of furaneol, homofuraneol, and sotolon. Terpenes come from pasture plants. Terpenes are not found in milk or cheese from cows on conventional feed. In the following chapters, we will explore the characteristics of the lavor categories and pair them of with the classes of cheese. Cheese texture also develops during aging, and that subject will be covered in Chapter 10.
he cottage cheese has doubtless sotened his brain. —Miguel Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605
The two most eaten fresh cheese types in the United States are cottage cheese and cream cheese, and the most popular fresh varieties in Latin America are Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco. hese cheeses have relatively little lavor since they are not aged and there is not much time for lavor compounds to form. Nevertheless, they do have some lavor, and we will explain how it arises. In this and the following ten chapters, the procedures for making popular varieties will be described, along with the formation of their characteristic lavors and related topics. Note that scientists have not found all of the pathways that create lavor compounds, nor do they agree on what some of them actually taste like in cheese. As we will see, the concentration of a substance and the other molecules present can mean a great deal.
Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese, cream cheese, and Queso Blanco are acid-coagulated varieties, meaning that little or no rennet is added. In this aspect, they are similar to yogurt (Box 4.1). he manufacture of cottage cheese, which got its name because it was made in small country homes from letover milk, begins when starter and possibly some rennet are added to milk at 70°. For “short set” cottage cheese, the curd is held at 88° for 5 hours; for “medium set,” 83° for 8–9 hours; for “long set,” 72° for 12–16 hours. Cheese made without rennet is cut at pH 4.8 with quarter-inch knives, resulting in small-curd cheese. When made with rennet, the curd is cut at pH 4.8 with 3/8-inch
Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety
Box 4.1 The Difference Between Cheese and Yogurt Like cheese, yogurt (“to thicken” in Turkish) is produced using starter cultures, usually Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus and sometimes including biidobacteria and Lactobacillus acidophilus. Unlike cheese, the milk is heated to 185° for 30 minutes or 200° for 10 minutes, which kills of any pathogens and causes the milk protein to denature, or fall apart. By doing this, the milk thickens instead of forming curds. he starter is added ater the milk is homogenized and cooled to 110°, and the temperature is held there for 2–3 hours. he result is a gel with a pH of 4.5. No efort is made to remove whey, so fruit and lavor are oten added to neutralize some of the tartness. Yogurt production was exclusively artisanal until 1919, when Isaac Carasso, whose oldest son was named Daniel, began industrial manufacture of yogurt in Barcelona, Spain. He named the company Danone, Catalan for “little Daniel.” he son took over the company in the late 1930s, moved it to New York in 1942, and changed the American version of its name to Dannon. Strained (or Greek) yogurt is strained to remove whey, producing a thicker product. A pound of milk is needed to make a pound of regular yogurt, but four pounds are required to obtain a pound of strained yogurt. Labneh (from a Semitic word for “white”) is a similar product popular in the eastern Mediterranean.
knives to create large-curd cheese. Cutting must be gentle so that the fragile curd doesn’t shatter into tiny pieces, known as ines (which would be lost with the whey, decreasing the yield). he curd is allowed to heal undisturbed for 15–30 minutes, which allows the curd pieces to shrink and expel some whey. he curd is cooked to 117°–133° over 1–3 hours, which kills undesirable bacteria and causes the curd to become irmer as more whey is driven of. hen the curd is washed three times with water at 72°–90°, 50°–61°, and 36°–41°, removing lactic acid and lactose and preventing additional acid production. he washing step also cools the curd pieces and keeps them from clumping together. Ater the water is drained, the curd is dressed by adding cream containing small amounts of salt and stabilizers such as guar gum or xanthan gum (see Box 4.2). Dry curd cottage cheese, also called pot cheese in England, is made the same way but is not dressed. Cottage cheese is not pressed; farmer’s cheese is the pressed version, and is found in sliceable loaves or logs. An alternate method of making cottage cheese is by adding acid to cold milk with no starter or rennet. he milk is slowly warmed to 90° and glucono-delta-lactone is added. his lactone converts to gluconic acid in water, which lowers the pH and causes the CCP to dissolve and the casein micelles to aggregate into a network. he pH reaches 4.5–4.7 within an hour, and the product, labeled “direct set,” is packaged.
he Science of Cheese
Box 4.2 Stabilizers Xanthan gum, guar gum, and locust bean gum (also called carob bean gum) are polysaccharides, a carbohydrate in which a section of the molecule repeats itself many times to form a long chain. Xanthan gum is isolated from the coat of the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris, which may be grown in whey, where it metabolizes lactose. Guar gum is extracted from guar beans, a legume grown mostly in India. Locust bean gum comes from seeds of the carob tree, found in the Mediterranean region. hese gums are efective thickeners—a small amount greatly increases the viscosity of a liquid (water has low viscosity and ketchup has high viscosity). hey also exhibit shear thinning, which means that chewing or mixing it lowers its viscosity, and when the chewing or mixing stops, the viscosity recovers. hey are used in salad dressings for this reason since it causes the liquid to low easily when the shaken and poured, and then thickens again and sticks to the salad. Xanthan and guar gums control the viscosity of cottage cheese dressing. All three gums stabilize cottage and cream cheese by coating the fat droplets and keeping them from separating out.
When milk is soured by allowing the starter bacteria to grow for 14–18 hours, heated to 200° so the casein falls apart, and then strained, the result is a fresh cheese known in Germany as quark or quarg (from twarc, “curd”), in Russia as tvorog (same derivation), in Austria as topfen (“pot cheese”), and in France and other places as the local translation of “white cheese.” Like cottage cheese, it is oten made without rennet. Cream may be removed or added, resulting in a cheese with anywhere from zero to 40 percent fat. Quark normally has a creamy texture, but adding a small amount of rennet leads to a irmer cheese.
Cream Cheese
Cream cheese is another fresh, sot, acid-coagulated cheese. Homogenized milk is used to reduce fat loss (the fat globules become coated with casein) and to produce a sot, smooth curd and a white appearance. Using only a starter, the curd is held at 72° until the pH reaches 4.5. Agitators break the curd, which is then heated to 175°– 185° to help syneresis and inactivate the starter bacteria. he curd is not cut, and about 0.75 percent salt is added, along with 0.25 percent guar gum or locust bean gum to stabilize the cheese. Ater homogenization to mix the ingredients, the cheese is packaged without cooling (“hot-packed”) or ater chilling to room temperature
Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety
(“cold-packed”). he sot American cheese labeled as Neufchâtel is made the same way but contains 20–33 percent fat, whereas cream cheese is required to contain more. Cream and Neufchâtel cheeses have smooth textures with no curd pieces visible. Note that American Neufchâtel is not related to the French cheese of the same name.
European Varieties
Brin d’Amour (French for “bit of love”) is a fresh sheep’s milk cheese made in Corsica and also known as Brindamour and Fleur du Maquis (“lower of the macchia,” Mediterranean shrubland). he 5-inch squares are covered with blue-gray mold and rosemary and other local spices. It is sot ater a week, almost runny ater a month because of proteolysis, and hard ater two months as it dries out. he lavor intensiies with time as compounds are absorbed from the exterior. Crowdie, from Scotland, is also similar to cottage cheese. An artisanal British variety, Caboc, has a crunchy exterior and an interior with a texture similar to that of cream cheese. According to legend, this variety dates back to the iteenth century when a noblewoman led from the Isle of Skye to Ireland to avoid abduction and marriage; she brought the recipe for Caboc with her when she returned. he variety was revived in 1962 by a descendant of the creator. Starter cultures are added to cream-enriched milk, which is allowed to stand in milk cans for three months. he sot curd is drained in bags, shaped into logs, and rolled with toasted oatmeal, which does not contribute to lavor. he Italian sot cheese Bel Paese (bell pah-AY-zeh, “beautiful country”) was invented in 1906 and is uncooked, pressed, and coated with wax. Also made in Wisconsin, it is ripened for a month or two. Mascarpone (ma-skar-POH-nay) is not considered by many to be a cheese since starter and rennet are not used to produce it. Warmed cream is coagulated by citric acid, tartaric acid, or vinegar, and is drained through cheesecloth or, in large-scale operations, separated by centrifugation. he product resembles dense cream with a fat content over 70 percent. A common use is in the dessert tiramisu (Italian dialect for “pick-me-up”). Mascarpone dates back to the sixteenth century, and the origin of the name is debated. It could have come from a visiting Spanish oicial who called it mas que bueno (“better than good”), or it was derived from a Ricotta named Mascherpin, or it comes from mascarpa (“whey remaining from cheese manufacture”), or it was derived from mascarpia (dialect for Ricotta), or it was named ater a dairy farm that made it, or it was derived from mascherare, the Italian verb for “dress up,” referring to the treatment of the cream.
he Science of Cheese
Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco
Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco are bright white unaged cheeses that originated in Spain and spread to Central and South America. Queso Blanco is Spanish for “white cheese” and is made by heating milk to 185° and adding acid such as vinegar. he casein and whey proteins protein coagulate, the whey is drained, and the curd is drysalted, packed in hoops, and pressed. Paneer is a similar cheese from India, but little salt is added. Chhena, from eastern India and Bangladesh, is kneaded instead of pressed. Quark is a German and Eastern European variety in which acid-coagulated milk is stirred to produce a thick and creamy texture, and then strained. Spanish for “fresh cheese,” Queso Fresco difers from Queso Blanco because it is coagulated with rennet, at 86°–90°. he curd is cut ater 45 minutes, cooked at 115°, and stirred. he whey is drained ater an hour, and the curd is milled into ine pieces with a grinder. he curd is then dry-salted and packed into forms, shown in Figure 4.1. Queso Fresco is a non-melting cheese used for frying. It doesn’t melt, because its pH is about the same as milk’s (6.5–6.7), which allows the CCP to remain in the protein matrix and hold it together. Melting is also impeded because the milk is homogenized, which reduces the size of the fat globules and allows them to be held tight in the protein matrix. he milling step also makes it a crumbly cheese.
Figure 4.1 Queso Fresco. he crumbly nature of this cheese is evident from the surfaces of these cut pieces.
Source: Author’s collection.
Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety
Unfortunately, Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco have been implicated in outbreaks of food-borne illness. Many health professionals recommend that pregnant women avoid fresh Hispanic cheeses for this reason. In truth, any cheese ought to be safe as long as it is made under sanitary conditions.
he safety of a food is of paramount importance. Its enjoyment is of no value if the consumer becomes sick from eating it. Cheese that is made without sanitation in mind is at risk for food-borne illness since it provides such a good environment for microbial growth. Microbial contamination of commercial cheese is rare, however, because manufacturers implement food safety plans. A prominent system used by the food industry is Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), which was originally designed in the 1960s for providing contaminant-free food for astronauts. HACCP has seven parts: •
• • • • • •
Conduct a hazard analysis, identifying all safety hazards and measures that should be taken to control them. Locate critical control points where a preventive measure can be applied. Set a limit that the critical control point cannot exceed. Set the monitoring requirements for each critical control point. Establish corrective actions to be taken if a limit is exceeded. Set a procedure to insure that the HACCP system is working properly. Keep records.
here have been no outbreaks of illness resulting from cheese made in plants using HACCP or any efective food safety system. Unfortunately, some people are involved in making illicit “bathtub cheese,” which is homemade cheese made under less than sanitary conditions and then sold door-to-door, from the back of a vehicle, etc. Queso Blanco and Queso Fresco appear to be the two most common cheeses made in this fashion. It is important for consumers to purchase labeled cheese from an established store.
One way to insure that a cheesemaking operation is following good hygienic practices is by having an oicial inspection. he Dairy Grading Branch of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service inspects about 150 cheese plants at least twice a year. Inspections
he Science of Cheese
are voluntary, unannounced, and cover more than 100 items, including milk supply, plant facilities, condition of equipment, sanitary practices, and processing procedures. he instruction book for inspectors is over 400 pages long and includes butter, cheese, dried products, frozen desserts, ice cream, milk, whey, and yogurt. When inspection is completed, the inspector meets with the plant manager to review any steps that must be taken before approval can be granted. Ater corrections are made, the inspector comes back, checks the place again, and, if all goes well, approves it. If a facility is approved, its products become eligible for grading, which is an impartial opinion of the quality of the product. Grading is discussed in Chapter 15.
he most dangerous pathogen in the cheese industry is Listeria monocytogenes, the source of listeriosis, which is oten fatal. his bacterium lives in soil, decaying vegetation, water, and feces, but cannot survive pasteurization. It has been traced to loor drains and other places in food plants with standing water, giving it the potential to contaminate cheese ater pasteurization. Listeria is a hardy bacterium since it grows even under refrigeration and persists for months. Queso Blanco, Queso Fresco, and other sot cheeses have high pH and moisture levels, making them particularly susceptible to contamination by Listeria, which may thrive in cheese with a pH over 6 and moisture content over 50 percent. he largest listeriosis outbreak in U.S. history occurred in mid-1985, when 48 died and nearly 100 others became ill from consuming sot Hispanic-style cheeses made from unpasteurized milk. A sot smearripened cheese, Vacherin Mont d’Or, caused over 120 cases of listeriosis in Switzerland between 1983 and 1987, resulting in 34 deaths. hat cheese was made from pasteurized milk, and the Listeria was traced to contaminated brushes and wooden shelves. Recalls of sot cheeses such as Brie and smear-ripened cheeses such as Leiderkrantz and Limburger have taken place in the United States and Europe because of Listeria contamination. Escherichia coli and species of Campylobacter and Salmonella have been implicated in many outbreaks of food-borne illness, including a few in cheese. hese have been traced to improperly pasteurized milk or post-pasteurization contamination. Like Listeria, these organisms do not survive pasteurization. Unlike with Listeria, people rarely die from being infected with these bacteria. Figure 4.2 shows what Listeria and Salmonella look like in cheese under an electron microscope (see Chapter 15 for how an electron microscope works). Pasteurizing milk and conducting a proper sanitation program are the best ways to prevent problems from dangerous bacteria in cheese. Cheese made from raw milk is also safe as long as it is free of pathogens. he Food and Drug Administration requires aging for at least 60
Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety
Figure 4.2 Listeria (let) and Salmonella (right) in Queso Fresco samples made and inoculated in our laboratory. he experiments were performed to develop new ways of killing these bacteria. he white line at lower let corresponds to 2 micrometers.
Source: Author’s collection.
days at 35° or higher for any raw-milk cheese, with the assumption that any pathogens present should die out because of the high NaCl and low pH and water content. he FDA is taking another look at the regulations since research has shown that some pathogens are able to survive the 60-day period, while others will not survive in cheeses stored between 40 and 86° and containing traditional pH and salt levels and less than 50 percent moisture. A recent study of 41 raw milk cheeses from across the United States indicated that the FDA rules are adequate: no pathogens were seen. he shelf life of fresh cheese is less than 60 days, meaning that raw milk cannot be used for those varieties. None of the above implies that cheese is dangerous to eat. If you stick to commercial cheese sold at your local store, the chances of getting sick from eating it are essentially nil. Acids
he cheeses described in this chapter are not aged but do have lavor. he sources of lavor compounds in cheese are lactic acid, citric acid, proteins, and lipids, all of which are degraded into simpler molecules. Salt also provides lavor, but it remains intact. Lactic and citric acids are present in milk, and formic and acetic acids are among their breakdown products. Formic acid, from the Latin formica (ant, since it is found in red ant venom) has one carbon atom, and acetic acid, from the Latin acetum (vinegar,
he Science of Cheese Box 4.3 Lactic and Citric Acid Metabolism We saw the structures of lactic acid and citric acid in Box 2.6 and the structure of glucose in Box 1.7. All are metabolized by bacteria in a series of reactions to form compounds such as pyruvic acid:
Enzymes in bacteria that break down lactic acid form CO2 as well as—
he “green aroma” of acetaldehyde refers to the scent of cut grass. he bacteria that break down citric acid form CO2, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetoin, and probably the most lavor important compound in this group:
diacetyl, or 2,3-butanedione (buttery aroma)
which is diluted acetic acid), has two carbon atoms. Propionic acid has three carbons and a pungent, vinegar lavor similar to acetic acid’s. he name comes from the Greek pro + pion (forward + fat, because it is at the top of the list of compounds that are similar to fatty acids). “Propane” is derived from this word. hese compounds impart a pungent acid lavor. he lactic acid that is not metabolized by bacteria gives cottage cheese its acidic taste, and is present at up to 450 parts per million. Lactic acid is not volatile, but formic acid and acetic acid, which are both present at up to 300 ppm, are volatile and are partly responsible for the aroma. Cottage cheese contains over 2.5 percent lactose, and cream cheese has over 3 percent, whereas an aged cheese has almost none. he bacteria that convert lactose into lactic acid continue to work ater the cheese is made, breaking down the lactic acid into pyruvic acid, which is the precursor to several lavor compounds (Box 4.3). Citric acid
Fresh Sot Cheeses, Acids, and Safety
is also present in cheese; Cheddar contains about 0.2–0.5 percent. Mesophilic bacteria (but not thermophilic bacteria) metabolize citric acid to diacetyl, the primary lavor compound in cottage and cream cheese. Metabolism of lactic and citric acids is also responsible for CO2 formation, which creates the eyes in Swiss and Dutch-type cheeses. Cheese contains two other important classes of acid. he breakdown products of proteins include amino acids, and lipids are degraded into fatty acids. hese are covered in the next chapter.
If you think cheese is just food, you’re an eejit, because it is so much more than that. It’s poetry. It’s passion. It’s pathos. It’s no coincidence that milk and human blood are almost the same temperature. Had you thought about that, now? —Sarah-Kate Lynch, Blessed Are the Cheesemakers, 2002
Now we get into more lavorful cheeses and the factors that help make cheese more than “just food.” Amino acids and fatty acids are the classes of molecules that are cloven into many of the compounds mentioned in Chapter 3. Salt also enhances lavor and helps control microbial growth. Ricotta
Ricotta (Italian for “recooked”) is the only common American cheese made from whey. Starter culture or acid is added to whey generated from production of another cheese variety, and once the pH reaches 5.6–6.0 the whey is heated to 185°. he whey proteins (the ones mentioned in Box 2.9) will collect on the surface over a 30-minute period. he curd is removed with a perforated scoop and iltered to concentrate the protein. Ricotta is not pressed. Two varieties similar to Ricotta are Requesón (made in Spain and Mexico) and Requeijão (Portugal and Brazil). A small Requesón operation is shown in Figure 5.1. Gjetost or Geitost (Norwegian for “goat cheese” and pronounced YAY-toast) is cooked goats’ milk, cream, and whey. he mixture is boiled for several hours, driving of most of the moisture and caramelizing the lactose. he cheese, which is not aged, is brown with a smooth and irm texture, and has a sweet caramel lavor. An example is shown in Figure 5.2. Mysost and Brunost are cows’ milk versions. 68
Figure 5.1 Artisanal Requesón set-up in Mexico, with a propane tank for providing heat. Source: Author’s collection.
Figure 5.2 Gjetost. Source: Author’s collection.
he Science of Cheese
Feta (from the Italian for “slice,” since it does not fall apart when being sliced) is traditionally made in Greece from sheep’s milk, with up to 30 percent goat’s milk allowed. Over half of the cheese consumed in Greece is Feta. his variety is ancient, and Homer apparently wrote about it in he Odyssey in the eighth century bc (Polyphemus, the Cyclops who devoured six of Odysseus’ men before they blinded him and escaped, kept sheep and goats and “dressed the milk up for cheese and pressed it into wicker cheese baskets”). Feta and other cheeses ripened in brine such as Domiati (which originated in Egypt), Halloumi (Cyprus), and Telemes (Romania) have high NaCl concentrations to allow for preservation without refrigeration (more on salt later). Domiati, in fact, is made with milk to which NaCl has been added, at concentrations up to 15 percent. Milk is cooled to 93°–96°, Lactococcus and Lactobacillus starter cultures and lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat) are added, and calf or lamb rennet is added ater 15–30 minutes. An hour later, the curd is cut into three-quarter-inch cubes without cooking, scooped into perforated forms, and held for several hours at 60°– 64° to drain the whey. Dry salt is placed between slabs of curd in plastic containers. Ater a day or two, the cheese is washed and repackaged into barrels or cans illed with brine containing 6–8 percent NaCl, and stored at 60°–64° for up to two weeks. he pH is around 4.5, making Feta one of the most acidic cheese varieties. Feta is frequently sold in crumbled form, as consumers oten use it in that form in salads and other dishes. Feta contains up to 100 ppm fatty acids, and nearly that quantity of acetic acid. Acetic acid is a major contributor to the lavor of Feta, which also contains alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones. Bryndza
Bryndza (from the Romanian for cheese, though it is also slang for “poverty”) was developed in eastern and central Europe and irst mentioned in the late iteenth century. Shepherds would add rennet to sheep’s milk, drain the curd in cloth bags, and bring the curd to market each week. he curd was salted, pressed, and brined or packed into barrels with salt. Nowadays, the cheese is placed on shelves at 65°–68° and lipped regularly for two or three days, then transferred to another room at 59° for 3–6 days. he dried surface is scraped away, and the cheese is pressed for two days. Finally, the cheese is broken into pieces, possibly mixed with cow’s milk cheese (it must contain at least 51 percent sheep’s milk), salted to a concentration up to 2.5 percent, and pressed into a paste between rollers. Bryndza is similar to Feta, but soter and less salty.
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Amino Acids
Protein consists of long chains of amino acids: β-casein has 209 amino acids, αs1-casein has 199, and κ-casein has 169. here are 20 amino acids required for life, all are found in cheese, and some of them are shown in Box 5.1. Amino acids are not responsible for saltiness but do account for the other four basic tastes, as we will see in Chapter 7.
Box 5.1 Amino Acids he building blocks of protein, amino acids also help build the lavor proile of cheese. Almost all amino acids have the same basic structure shown here, where R is the “side chain” that distinguishes them, and NH2 is the amino group.
Microbes have several basic ways of breaking down amino acids. One is by using lyase enzymes to split of the side chain (lactic acid bacteria don’t do this, but yeasts and molds do). Another involves aminotransferase enzymes, which transfer the amino group to another molecule. Aminotransferases are found in most cheese microbes. he ultimate breakdown product of the amino group is ammonia, NH3, which has a familiar and unpleasant odor. Following are some of the amino acids whose breakdown products lead to signiicant lavors.
Leucine: Bacteria degrade branched-chain amino acids such as leucine into 3-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanol, and 3-methylbutanoic acid. Isoleucine and valine, which are also branched, break down into similar compounds.
(continued )
he Science of Cheese Box 5.1 (continued ) Tryptophan: Bacteria, yeast, and Brevibacterium linens are capable of splitting this molecule, producing indole and skatole (Box 5.2).
Methionine: he sulfur compounds in cheese mostly originate from this amino acid. Lactobacillus and Lactococcus bacteria, Brevibacterium linens, Geotrichum candidum, and Penicillium camemberti can all convert methionine to methanethiol, dimethyl disulide, dimethyl trisulide, and other compounds, which we will see in Chapter 7. Another sulfur-containing amino acid, cysteine, is found at low levels in casein, though it may also contribute to formation of these compounds. Phenylalanine and tyrosine: Tyrosine is pictured below; phenylalanine is the same, but without the OH group attached to the ring. hese amino acids lead to the production of aromatic compounds, including benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol, and phenylacetic acid.
Two amino acids in cheese do not contribute to lavor but can be converted to compounds that cause discomfort. One product of tyrosine is tyramine, which causes headaches in some people. his “cheese efect” is observed in aged cheeses such as Cheddar or Stilton.
Another amino acid than can lead to trouble in susceptible people is histidine. Enzymes chop of the COOH group, converting the molecule into histamine, which produces the inlammatory response. People with allergies take antihistamines to inhibit this response.
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Molecules are three-dimensional, and their atoms can be oriented in diferent directions. In fact, amino acids and sugars (such as lactose) come in let-handed and right-handed forms. Your let hand is a mirror image of your right hand, but you can’t get your thumbs and other ingers to coincide—one hand will always be aligned incorrectly in relation to the other. his “handedness” was discovered in molecules by Louis Pasteur in the mid-1800s. Virtually all amino acids are let-handed and virtually all sugars are right-handed, which enables them to react with each other, but scientists don’t know why the handedness isn’t the other way around. Biology as we know it would not be possible if amino acids were a mixture of let and right, so something drove them toward one orientation. Many believe that let-handedness of amino acids and right-handedness of sugars developed at random, but another answer may have come from outer space. A meteorite weighing over 220 pounds fell on Murchison, Victoria, Australia, in 1969, and has been found to contain dozens of amino acids. Many of them, such as isovaline, are rare or not found naturally on Earth. Only half of the 20 amino acids needed for life were found, which eliminates the possibility of contamination from terrestrial microbes (all of the 20 would have been seen if the sample had been corrupted). Researchers discovered that the meteorite contains 18 percent more of the let-handed form of isovaline than the right-handed version, an indication that the preference for let-handed amino acids originated in outer space and developed when meteorites landed. Perhaps we owe the existence of proteins to interstellar material.
Enzymes split protein into pieces known as peptides, which are smaller chains of amino acids. Eventually the peptides in cheese are degraded into the individual amino acids, which can then be converted into other products. he breakdown of proteins into smaller molecules is called proteolysis (pro-tee-OLL-lih-sis) and is the most important lavor-producing process in cheeses with harder textures. Amines and other nitrogen-containing compounds come from proteolysis of amino acids (Box 5.2), as do alcohols, aldehydes, ammonia, and compounds containing sulfur.
Fatty Acids
Fatty acids are formed from the breakdown of triglycerides. Fats, oils, triglycerides, cholesterol, and the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are in a class of compounds are known as lipids, and the breakdown of these into fatty acids and other products is called lipolysis (lie-PAH-lih-sis). he butyric acid we saw in Box 1.1 is a fatty acid. Fatty acids not only have lavors and aromas of their own, but they are precursors of other aromatic compounds.
he Science of Cheese Box 5.2 Nitrogen-Containing Compounds An assortment of compounds in cheese contain nitrogen. We have already looked at amino acids and ammonia. he next simplest nitrogen compounds in cheese are amines, which have carbon atoms included. Here is methylamine:
Next is ethylamine, with two carbon atoms:
hen come propylamine (3 carbons) and butylamine (4 carbons). here are also dimethylamine, diethylamine, and dipropylamine. Diethylamine has this structure:
Triethylamine has a third ethyl group attached to the nitrogen atom, in place of the hydrogen atom. It has a ishy odor and can be detected at a concentration of half a part per billion. Pyrazines contain rings with two nitrogen atoms and four carbon atoms. Most of the pyrazines in cheese impart earthy lavors. Here is 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine:
Positions here are numbered clockwise: the nitrogen at the top is at the number 1 position, ethyl (2 carbons) is at number 2, and the two methyl groups (1 carbon each) are at numbers 3 and 5. Other pyrazines in cheese have methyl and ethyl groups at different positions. Indole and skatole are interesting compounds. At low concentrations, both have a lowery aroma and are used in perfume, but at higher levels they give human feces its characteristic odor. Yes, they are found in cheese. Here is skatole:
Indole has the same structure but without the CH3. he word indole is a combination of indigo, the plant from which it was irst isolated, and oleum, another name for fuming sulfuric acid, which was used to isolate it. Skatole comes from the Greek root skato, “excrement.”
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Here is a list of the fatty acids commonly found in cheese. he number in parentheses following the name is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. •
Butyric acid (4), from the Latin butyrum (butter, since rancid butter contains it; “butane” is derived from this word). It has a cheesy, rancid odor that has also been described as “dirty sock.” Caproic, caprylic, and capric acids (6, 8, and 10, respectively), from the Latin caper (goat, because of its odor). heir lavors are described as goatlike, rancid, waxy, and pungent. Lauric acid (12), from the Latin laurus (laurel, a main source of the compound). It is the irst of the category called long-chain fatty acids, which do not greatly contribute to lavor, though their breakdown products do. (he smaller fatty acids are short-chain and medium-chain). Myristic acid (14), named ater Myristica ragrans (the nutmeg tree, a major source). Palmitic acid (16), named ater the palm tree. Coconut, palm, and palm kernel coconut oils contain a sizable amount of palmitic acid. Stearic acid (18), from the Greek stear (tallow).
hese nine fatty acids are known as saturated because there are no double bonds between any of their carbons, allowing the carbons to be saturated with hydrogen atoms. he remaining three fatty acids are unsaturated because they do have double bonds, decreasing the number of hydrogen atoms in them. •
Oleic acid (18), from the Latin oleum (oil, since it is liquid at room temperature). Oleic acid has 18 carbon atoms like stearic acid, but contains a double bond in the middle that changes its properties. Its melting point is 56°, as opposed to 157° for stearic acid. Linoleic and linoleic acids (both 18), from the Greek linon (linen, since the lax plant contains it) + oleic. Linoleic acid has two double bonds and linolenic acid has three. he structures of stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linoleic acids are compared in Box 5.3.
You will notice that all of these fatty acids except propionic have an even number of carbon atoms. here are small amounts of odd-numbered fatty acids in milk and cheese such as the iteen-carbon pentadecanoic acid. Living things manufacture fatty acids by adding two carbons at a time, which favors even-numbered carbon chains. Straight chains are also favored, although there are a few important branched-chain fatty acids in cheese (Box 5.4). Branched-chain fatty acids are also found in unexpected places (Box 5.5).
he Science of Cheese Box 5.3 Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids Here is a comparison between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids containing 18 carbons. When a nutrition label lists “saturated,” “monounsaturated,” and “polyunsaturated” fats, it refers to fats such as these. he position numbers shown are counted from the COOH. Stearic acid has the full complement of 36 hydrogen atoms, making it a saturated fatty acid:
Oleic acid has a double bond ater the ninth carbon atom and is sometimes called an omega-9 fatty acid. It is missing the two hydrogen atoms that would have been bonded to the ninth and tenth carbons. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid since there is one double bond.
Linoleic acid has double bonds ater the ninth and twelth carbons, and is referred to as an omega-6 fatty acid. With the two double bonds, it is a polyunsaturated fatty acid.
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Box 5.3 (continued ) Linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid, is also polyunsaturated, with double bonds ater the ninth, twelth, and iteenth carbons.
he hydrogen atoms around double bonds are in either a cis or a trans coniguration. Cis is Latin for “on the same side”; all of the structures above have cis double bonds in their carbon chains. Trans means “on the other side,” and the atoms around a trans double bond look like this: H carbon chain │ / C=C
/ carbon chain
│ H
Oleic acid with a trans double bond is called elaidic acid, and the molecule is straight instead of bent. Elaidic acid is found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which by far is the largest dietary source of trans fatty acid in humans. Vaccenic acid, with a trans double bond ater the eleventh carbon, naturally occurs in milk. Elaidic acid has been implicated in decreasing “good cholesterol” (HDL, high-density lipoprotein) and increasing “bad cholesterol” (LDL, low-density lipoprotein); vaccenic acid has not. Rumenic acid has a cis double bond ater the ninth carbon atom and a trans double bond ater the twelth, making it both a cis and a trans fatty acid. Over 90% of the CLA in milk is rumenic acid (also called bovinic acid), with this structure:
(continued )
he Science of Cheese Box 5.3 (continued ) A molecule such as this where double bonds alternate with single bonds is referred to as conjugated. Rumenic and similar cis, trans fatty acids are called conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), and are important since they seem to have anti-cancer properties while reducing inlammation and risk for cardiovascular disease. he nutritional aspects of fatty acids will be covered in more detail in Chapter 14.
Box 5.4 Branched-Chain Fatty Acids and Hydroxy Acids Most of the fatty acids encountered in cheese are of the straight-chain variety as listed in the text, but there are a few branched-chain ones. Isobutyric acid, also called 2-methylpropanoic acid, has a sweaty, rancid odor, and its structure looks like this:
Isovaleric acid, or 3-methylbutanoic acid, has an aroma described as sweaty or cheeselike. Here is its structure:
Two branched-chain fatty acids have pronounced goat lavors, and are found in goats’ milk and sheep’s milk but not in cows’ milk: 4-methyloctanoic acid
and 4-ethyloctanoic acid
Small amounts of hydroxy acids are also found in milk. hese are fatty acids with an OH group attached at the fourth or ith carbon atom, counting from the COOH end. 4-Hydroxy and 5-hydroxy fatty acids rearrange into lactones, which we will encounter in Chapter 11.
he fatty acid content in milk varies according to species. See the bar graph (Figure 5.3) showing the percentages of fatty acids in the milkfat from cows, goats, and water bufalo. This fatty acid profile shows that sheep’s milk and goat’s milk contain significantly more caprylic, capric, and lauric acids than does cow’s milk. These fatty
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Box 5.5 Stinky Plants Many plants give of pleasant (to us) aromas to attract certain pollinators. Others let loose with odors that may charitably be called “disagreeable.” Notable among these are some plants in the Araceae (or Arum) family, including species of Amorphophallus (Greek for “misshapen penis,” referring to the spike projecting from it). he smells coming from these tubers are described as “dung,” “nauseating gas,” “rancid, rotting meat”—and strong cheese. Amorphophallus elatus in particular produces a powerful cheesy odor, and the only compound responsible is isohexanoic acid, also called isocaproic acid:
Isohexanoic acid has a pungent cheese aroma. Isovaleric acid, which has one less carbon atom, is found in several species of foul-smelling flowers. Flies are the pollinators of these plants, so we may assume they, like some people, are attracted to the odor of cheese. A couple of other Amorphophallus species generate cheesy fragrances, which have attributed to combinations of acetic acid, dimethyl disulfide (which we will meet in Box 7.1), ethyl acetate (Box 8.3), and 2-heptanone (Box 9.2).
Arum plants. Source: Author’s collection.
he Science of Cheese 55
Water bufalo
Percent in fat
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4
Number of carbon atoms Figure 5.3 Percentages of fatty acids in milk in diferent mammals.
acids, along with butyric and caproic, are responsible for a good deal of cheese flavor. Other things being equal, a cheese made from sheep’s or goat’s milk would have a stronger flavor than one made from cow’s milk. The fatty acids with 14–18 carbons are more plentiful in milk than the others, but are also much less flavorful. he plants that animals eat inluence the fatty acids in cheese, as do manufacturing procedures. Mozzarella is a bland cheese with less than 400 ppm of fatty acids, whereas its cousin Provolone, which has added enzyme and is aged, contains more than 2100 ppm. Parmesan has around 5000 ppm fatty acids. Lipolysis
Certain enzymes cause fatty acids break down into other compounds, including alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, and lactones. An enzyme in milk called lipoprotein lipase causes lipolysis in cheeses made from homogenized milk, since homogenization removes the membrane protecting milk fat globules (Box 2.2). Lipoprotein lipase is found in raw milk cheeses since pasteurization mostly inactivates it. Cheeses such as Feta, Pecorino Romano, and Provolone are made with a paste of rennet containing lipase, resulting in a good deal of lipolysis. he starter and adjunct cultures mentioned in Chapter 2 also break down fatty acids, with Penicillum roqueforti being the most efective. he fatty acid level in Roquefort cheese has been measured at over 26,000 ppm, more than any other variety.
Whey and Pickled Cheeses, Amino and Fatty Acids, and Salt
Proteolysis and lipolysis are afected by NaCl concentration, so this is a good place to talk about salt. NaCl is added to cheese to inhibit or stop microbial growth and enzymatic activity while afecting the moisture content, the lavor, and state of the casein. he dehydration caused by difusion of sodium chloride is the reason that it has been used since ancient times as a preservative in many foods, including cheese. Microbial functions are halted or greatly lessened when salt draws some of the water out of a cell, and enzymatic activity is inhibited as well. You will remember from Chapter 2 that there are three ways of salting cheese: by dry-salting the curd, rubbing NaCl on the surface, and brining. Sodium chloride difuses into cheese and causes moisture to difuse out, balancing the NaCl and H2O concentrations on the surface and just below it. When dry-salting or rubbing, NaCl dissolves in the moisture on the exterior of the cheese and starts to penetrate into the curd, sending whey out of the curd and creating a brine solution on the surface. he remaining salt crystals then dissolve and also start to difuse into the cheese. Surface rubbing is conducted over several days, but a piece of curd with an irregular surface will allow salt absorption from many directions at once, so salt penetrates through it in about 20 minutes. In brine salting, the center of the cheese block initially contains no NaCl, and it takes up to ive days for the salt to penetrate. he speed and amount of salt uptake increases with temperature, up to a point: above 90° melting fat on the surface blocks some of the NaCl from entering. Shape also afects salt difusion; we saw in Chapter 2 that a cheese with corners allows NaCl to enter from more directions than a curved piece. he amount of salt added to cheese depends on the microbes in it and the extent of growth required. For example, Emmental and Gruyère contain only 1.2 percent NaCl whereas Domiati and some blue cheeses have at least 4.5 percent. he variation is due in part to the levels of proteolysis and lipolysis desired. Strains of Lactococcus and Penicillium are stimulated at 1 percent NaCl and inhibited at 5 percent; and plasmin, the principal enzyme in milk that survives pasteurization, is stimulated at 2 percent NaCl and still displays some activity at 8 percent. herefore, the amount of sodium chloride in cheese has to be adjusted to create a product with the right balance of lavors. Salt directly afects lavor, and is the only basic taste in cheese that amino acids do not contribute toward. NaCl also seems to increase the amount of water held by the casein in the cheese, which has been found to help with cooking properties of Mozzarella. When Mozzarella has too little salt, it does not stretch enough when heated, and the oil is not liberated as much. We will explore Mozzarella in the next chapter.
To recognize good cheese: Not at all white like Helen, nor weeping, like Magdalene. Not Argus, but completely blind, and heavy, like a bufalo. —Anonymous, Le Ménagier de Paris, 1393
In Le Ménagier , a husband addresses his younger wife about marriage and housekeeping, and makes sure she selects cheese that has some color (Helen of Troy was famed for her gleaming white skin), that does not have whey coming of of the surface (Magdalene bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears), and does not have eyes (Argus was a mythical giant with multiple eyes). he bufalo probably referred to the wisent, or bison d’europe, but it is not a stretch to associate the reference to the water bufalo. Water bufalo milk is traditionally used in Italy for manufacturing Mozzarella, the most popular stretched-curd cheese. his category of cheese is also called pasta ilata (“spun paste”) or pulled curd because of the kneading required ater the whey is drained. he stretching step enhances melting, which makes Mozzarella the top choice for topping a pizza. Naples is credited as the place of origin of Mozzarella, perhaps as far back as the early iteenth century. According to legend, the irst Mozzarella came about ater some curd was accidentally dropped in a bucket of hot water. Provolone originated in southern Italy in the nineteenth century and Caciocavallo-type cheese was mentioned by Hippocrates in 500 bc. Scamorza is a drier version of Mozzarella, though the compositions of the two can legally be the same in the United States. One does not ordinarily associate alcohol with Mozzarella or Provolone, but one alcohol in particular, 1-octen-3-ol, is responsible for a signiicant portion of the lavor. And ethanol, which is created in alcoholic beverages by fermentation of sugar, arises in these and other cheeses through metabolism of lactose. 82
Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting
Box 6.1 Alcohols Alcohols have an OH group, an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, somewhere in the carbon chain. Ethanol is CH3CH2OH, and propanol, which has a sweet odor in cheese, is CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH. hese are “straight-chain” alcohols, with no forks or branches. Pentanol (fruity or alcoholic odor) has ive carbon atoms, hexanol (slightly fruity or green) has six carbons, and heptanol (unripe fruit) has seven. Other alcohols responsible for cheese lavor have branched chains. Here are three major ones:
2-Heptanol has the OH group at the second carbon atom. he lavor has been described as earthy, green, fruity, and sweet.
1-Octen-3-ol has a double bond ater the irst carbon atom and an OH group at the third one. It is also called mushroom alcohol since it is produced by, and has an unmistakable odor of, edible mushrooms.
One of the most common alcohols in cheese, 3-methylbutanol has a methyl group at the third carbon atom and imparts a fruity or alcoholic lavor.
In addition, some alcohols contain a phenyl group—a circle of six carbon atoms with what amounts to 1½ bonds between them. It is depicted as a hexagon with three double bonds inside. hese rings are common in nature, and molecules containing them are called aromatic compounds because they oten have aromas. he simplest alcohol with a phenyl group is phenol, shown here. It is used in disinfectants, and its odor is commonly described as medicinal, though in cheese it may carry a livestock odor.
(continued )
he Science of Cheese Box 6.1 (continued ) A pair of compounds, meta-cresol (with CH3 on the side of the ring) and para-cresol (CH3 opposite the OH), have aromas similar to phenol’s. When the concentration is too high, cresols impart a “cowy” or “barny” odor.
2-Phenylethanol has a phenyl ring attached to ethanol. his molecule smells like roses.
In America, Mozzarella and Scamorza are made from cow’s milk. Milk is cooled to 90°, starter is added, and the pH starts to decrease in 15–30 minutes. Ater rennet is added, the curd coagulates in 20–30 minutes and is then cut with quarter-inch knives. Ater 15 minutes, the temperature is raised to 106°, and curd is cooked until the pH reaches 6.1. he curd is sliced into slabs 6 inches deep and 18 inches wide along the sides of the vat. he slabs are cut in half and lipped every 15 minutes until the pH reaches 5.4. Originally, pieces of the curd were broken of by hand (mozzare is Italian for “cut of ” and scamozzare means “to behead”) and stretched multidirectionally under hot water. In mechanized production, the curd is chopped into small pieces and fed into a stretching machine that heats it to 122° and kneads it like dough. he starter generates enough lactic acid to dissolve CCP from the curd, allowing the curd to stretch at pH 5.25. he cheese is cut into the desired shape and loated in brine before packaging. When fashioned into tubes, it is marketed as string cheese. he Mexican version, Oaxaca (wah-HA-kuh, named ater the Mexican state), is braided into balls. Most Mozzarella cheeses are vacuum-packaged, but some, especially those made from water bufalo milk, are submerged in cups of whey to maintain freshness (shown in Figure 6.1). hese fresh Mozzarella cheeses are usually consumed within a week or two. Moisture is not tightly bound in Mozzarella immediately ater manufacture, so packaged cheese is aged for a few days. Mozzarella must be held that long if it is to be shredded, for otherwise the wet shreds will stick to the equipment and each other. It may surprise you to learn that Mozzarella, not Cheddar, is now the most popular cheese in the United States (Box 6.2). Much of the Mozzarella manufactured is low moisture (45–52 percent moisture) and part skim (30–45 percent fat in dried cheese) because this type does not release much whey or oil when baked on a pizza. Pizza is the most popular school lunch, and the National School Lunch Program is
Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting
Figure 6.1 Water bufalo Mozzarella in a cup of whey. Source: Author’s collection.
trying to combat childhood obesity by purchasing only “lite” (less than 10.8 percent fat) and part skim Mozzarella for schools. Provolone and Caciocavallo
Provola (from “globe-shaped”) is also a stretched curd cheese, but the better-known American variety is Provolone, which simply means “large Provola.” Rennet is added immediately ater the starter, and the curd is cooked at 118°–126°. he cheese may undergo a smoking process. Provolone is traditionally aged while hanging from a string, with one cheese tied to each end, and the surface is frequently hand-rubbed with an oily cloth soaked in brine. he lengthy ripening of this variety provides it with a more pronounced lavor than Mozzarella’s. Caciocavallo means “cheese on horseback” because this variety is traditionally aged by dangling on either end of a horizontal stick or rod, resembling saddlebags on a horse. It is fashioned into a teardrop or gourd shape for ease of hanging. Caciocavallo is made from cow’s milk using a procedure like those of Mozzarella and Provolone, and is aged from three months to two years. he similar Kashkaval is made in southeastern Europe from sheep’s milk.
he Science of Cheese Box 6.2 Production
0 1950
Millions of people
he production of cheese in the United States has increased faster than the population, as you can see in the chart below. In the 1950s and 1960s, Americans were consuming less than 10 pounds of cheese per capita, so there were more than ten times as many people as pounds of cheese produced. In 1970, there were 2,201,430,000 pounds of cheese made for 205,052,000 people, or 10.7 pounds per person. Cheese production and consumption has increased dramatically since then: in 2011, manufacturers produced 10.609 billion pounds for 311.6 million people, or 34 pounds per capita. About 95% of this cheese is being eaten by American consumers. he United States exported 494 million pounds in 2011 and imported 313 million pounds.
Millions of pounds
0 1960
Year All cheeses
Cheese production in the United States by year.
When you ask Americans to name a variety of cheese, many will choose Cheddar; and if you asked them to draw a picture of cheese, most will depict Swiss. But the most popular variety in the U.S. for the past few years has been Mozzarella, mainly due to the increasing popularity of pizza and string cheese. he chart below shows that production of Mozzarella irst surpassed that of Cheddar in 2001 and has stayed ahead every year since 2006. Cottage cheese, including creamed, dry curd, and lowfat, ranks third. he USDA reports Colby and Monterey Jack together, and they combine for fourth place. Cream and Neufchâtel are ith, and Swiss is sixth.
Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting
Box 6.2 (continued) 4000 3500
Millions of pounds
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1991
Year Mozzarella
Colby & Monterey Jack
Cream & Neufchâtel
Cheese production in the United States by variety.
he top cheesemaking state is Wisconsin, with 2.637 billion pounds in 2011, followed by California with 2.245 billion pounds. Idaho and New Mexico have built large cheesemaking industries, and check in at third and fourth place with 841 and 744 million pounds, respectively. New York (741 million pounds), Minnesota (603 million), and Pennsylvania (412 million) are the other states producing more than a quarter billion pounds of cheese a year.
Alcohols in cheese arise from metabolism of lactose, amino acids, and fatty acids. A common alcohol in cheese is 1-octen-3-ol; this and other lavor compounds containing eight carbon atoms originate from linoleic and linolenic acids (Box 6.1). Its mushroom odor has been identiied as important in Brie and Camembert (where it is a product of Penicillium metabolism) as well as Grana, Gorgonzola, and Mozzarella. 1-Octen-3-ol can be detected at a concentration of 10 ppb. he lavor of 1-octen-3-ol is enhanced by a similar compound, the ketone 1-octen-3-one. 2-Phenylethanol is a product of metabolism of phenylalanine and is present in Camembert almost immediately due to action of the yeast.
he Science of Cheese
One study showed that water bufalo milk contains 55 ppb of volatile alcohols, about as much as milk from cows, goats, and sheep combined. Water bufalo Mozzarella therefore has higher levels of alcohols than cow’s milk Mozzarella. Although alcohols are not the primary class of lavor compounds in milk (esters are), they still play an important role in cheese.
he stretching step in making stretched-curd cheeses aligns the protein matrix into parallel ibers, with the fat droplets and whey illing in the spaces between them. he separation of ibers decreases the number of connections between proteins, making the cheese easier to melt. he casein itself does not actually melt, but the increased movement of the ibers makes it behave in a more liquid-like manner. Fat droplets also decrease the number of connections by interrupting the continuity of the matrix, so melting improves as the fat content goes up. he liquefying fat allows the cheese to low since the matrix no longer has solid fat to help support it. he pH and amount of colloidal CCP have a bearing on the melting properties of any cheese variety. As the pH drops, more CCP goes from the casein into the whey, which means that more of the glue holding casein micelles together disappears, enabling the cheese to melt more readily. Cheese will not melt above pH 6.0, and it melts best around pH 5.0–5.4. It will still melt below pH 4.8, but the caseins start to reorganize into aggregates, preventing low. An increase in the ability of the casein to hold water enhances melting. Water-binding improves with age, as some of the caseins swell up and become soluble in water. he NaCl content plays an important role in this process. Melting also increases with proteolysis because the gradual breakdown of the protein structure allows fat droplets to coalesce. Figure 6.2 shows magniied images of a Mozzarella cheese made by our USDA research group and stored at 40° for one and six weeks. he gray areas correspond to the protein matrix, and the black areas to fat droplets. he fat is in the form of discrete globules ater one week, but aggregates into elongated shapes over the following ive weeks. You can also see some of the Streptococcus thermophilus starter culture inside many of the droplets at one week. hese bacteria, like all other starter cultures, die of, break open, and empty their contents over time, releasing enzymes that attack the protein and fat. Almost no bacteria are visible at six weeks, though their enzymes have clearly had an efect. Proteolysis was the key for the development of lite Mozzarella in our laboratory in the 1990s. Prior to then, a lack of melting and stretching was a key problem with low-fat versions of Mozzarella. Manufacturers had simply used low-fat milk, which increased the amount of protein in the cheese and decreased its ability to low
Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting
Figure 6.2 Scanning electron microscope images of Mozzarella cheese ater refrigerated storage for one week (let) and six weeks (right). he black lines at lower let correspond to 10 micrometers. Source: Author’s collection.
when heated. By lowering the temperatures at which the cheese is cooked and stretched, less of the starter culture and rennet was inactivated, allowing for more proteolysis and therefore more melting and stretching. Another problem with lowfat Mozzarella was a lack of lavor—most of the lavor compounds in cheese are found in the fat rather than the whey, so a reduction in fat meant a reduction in lavor. We added an extra Lactobacillus culture that imparts a strong cheese lavor, which solved the problem. Browning
Mozzarella and other cheeses turn brown when heated suiciently because of Maillard (“MY-yard”) reactions, a series of chemical reactions between amino acids and sugar, and not involving enzymes or microorganisms. he toasting of bread, browning of steak, aroma of cofee, and lavor of chocolate are all due to Maillard reactions. A slew of lavorful products is also generated (Box 6.3). Other reactions create molecules that impart yellow and brown colors to the cheese, which explains why cheese develops a deeper color during long storage periods. Free Oil
Free oil is the puddle of liquid fat that you may ind atop a freshly baked pizza. he protein matrix contracts as cheese is warmed, pushing out whey and creating gaps that allow oil to low out also. he oil does not low as readily in cheeses that do not have their curd stretched since the fat is distributed evenly throughout the matrix and not between ibers. he oil can be liberated from these varieties by heating higher and faster. he extent of free oil formation increases with fat content (because
he Science of Cheese
Box 6.3 Maillard Reactions his important series of reactions in food was irst described by French physician Louis Camille Maillard in 1910. he irst step is a reaction of a carbohydrate and an amino acid; in cheese, the carbohydrate is lactose, and the amino acid is primarily lysine. One of the rings in lactose opens up, and a C=O group (an arrow points to it in the diagram) is formed:
he C=O reacts with an NH2 group usually on the end of the lysine:
An unstable intermediate compound forms, containing both the amino acid and the lactose, and it then breaks down into a multitude of molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, oten in rings. he nitrogen-containing compounds include pyrazines (Box 5.2), and the ones with oxygen include furans (we will see these in Chapter 12).
the protein matrix can’t hold all of the melting fat) and with age (as proteolysis takes place). Stretching
Cheese can stretch when there is a continuous and intact casein matrix, but it loses that ability as proteolysis becomes more extensive. When you pull on two ends of a piece of warm Mozzarella, casein molecules break apart, slide past each other, and connect with other casein molecules, repeating the process many times. Stretchability is an important reason Mozzarella is used on pizza; consumers reject pies with non-stretching cheese. Cheese can stretch between pH 5.8 and 4.8, with 5.2–5.3
Stretched Curd Cheeses, Alcohols, and Melting
being the optimum. At that pH level, around 75 percent of the CCP has been liberated from the casein, which is still in a continuous network, resulting in a cohesive and stretchable curd. Proteolysis breaks the continuity of the network, reducing stretchability. Stretched-curd cheeses have strong and elastic structures owing to their manufacturing techniques. he same cannot be said for Brie, Camembert, and other surface mold cheese, which can become runny ater a while. We will learn about them in Chapter 7.
Sometimes I think I’m liquefying like an old Camembert. —Gustave Flaubert, two weeks before his death in 1880
The two common surface mold cheeses available in the United States, Brie and Camembert, will liquefy inside if allowed to sit around for too long. he bacteria, mold, and yeast added to these varieties are responsible for a rich eating experience, with characteristic appearances, aromas, lavors, and textures. he interplay of sensory inputs when eating cheeses such as these is the reason people enjoy eating them. his class of cheese appears to have been created in the Middle Ages by peasant farmers, who kept only a cow or two and had to store milk for several days to make cheese. he older milk began to sour, not only forming a natural starter culture but also creating a good environment on the cheese surface for molds, which are more tolerant of acid than bacteria. Camembert
Brie and Camembert are traditionally made from raw milk, although the large manufacturers in France apply heat treatment or iltration for safety. Camembert is named ater a village in Normandy where legend claims that it was invented by Marie Harel in 1791. hough a statue of Harel stands in the town, the cheese appears to predate her by at least a century. Camembert is made with milk that is not allowed to exceed 100°. Lactic acid bacteria are allowed to grow in milk for up to a day at 50°, allowing the pH to decrease below 6.5. he temperature is then raised, rennet and Penicillium 92
Surface Mold Cheeses, Sulfur Compounds, and the Senses
camemberti spores are added, and the curd forms. As the pH continues to drop, the CCP becomes soluble and dissolves in the whey, producing a fragile curd. he curd is not cut, but is hand-ladled into circular forms to produce cheeses 4½ inches in diameter, an inch thick, and weighing half a pound. he curds drain for 4–5 hours, the forms are lipped over, and the curds drain overnight without being pressed. he cheeses are removed from the forms, dry-salted, and placed on shelves in a low-humidity room at 54° for up to a week to dry the surface and allow for mold to grow. he pH starts at 4.6–4.7. Kluyveromyces lactis yeast, Geotrichum candidum mold, and P. camemberti bacteria metabolize the lactose and break down some amino acids to ammonia, with the net efect of decreasing the acidity. When the pH is above 5.8, Staphylococcus or Coryneform bacteria, which can adapt to the high salt content, grow further and ripen the cheese. P. camemberti becomes visible as a white, felt-like growth on the surface ater a week. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the CCP becomes insoluble as the pH increases and is drawn to the surface, causing the center of the cheese to soten. he product is wrapped in wax paper, transferred to wooden or cardboard boxes, and stored at 45° for another week. Proteolysis and lipolysis are quite extensive, generating a slew of lavor compounds. If held too long, the breakdown of the protein matrix will result in a runny cheese. Brie
he Brie region east of Paris is the birthplace of Brie cheese, which may date back as far as the eighth century AD. It is made in a similar manner to Camembert with some diferences in the details. Wheels of Brie are larger, with diameters ranging from 9 to 15 inches, thickness of 1 inch, and weighing 1–6 pounds. he larger size will cause Brie to age a little slower and produce a slightly blander lavor. Coulommiers (KOO-lohm-yay, named ater the town where it was developed) is similar to Brie but is made in diferent sizes and has no standard manufacturing procedure. Consumers oten trim away the rinds on Brie and Camembert, but they are edible. A variation on Brie is Brillat-Savarin, named ater French gourmet Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (appropriately born in Belley, France, in 1755). his is a triple crème cheese made from milk with enough added cream so that the product contains about 40 percent fat. It is aged only a week or two. Dusting with Ash
Morbier (named ater a French village) was traditionally made by taking soot from the base of the kettle and layering over the curds from the morning milk to protect it from insects and drying out. Curd from the evening milk would then be placed on
he Science of Cheese
top, resulting in a dark horizontal stripe through the cheese. Nowadays, vegetable ash or food coloring is added ater the wheel is cut horizontally. Humboldt Fog, originating in Humboldt County, California, emulates Morbier by illing the forms halfway with curd, sprinkling with vegetable ash, and adding more curd. Humboldt Fog is made with batch-pasteurized (30 minutes at 145°) goat’s milk, and Morbier with raw cow’s milk. Sulfur Compounds
Surface mold cheeses contain aldehydes, fatty acids, ketones, and lactones from lipolysis; amines and sulfur compounds from proteolysis; and alcohols and esters from both processes. 1-Octen-3-ol and the similar 1-octen-3-one provide mushroom aroma in a higher concentration than in stretched-curd cheeses. But unlike Mozzarella and Provolone, sulfur-containing compounds are prominent in Brie and Camembert (and the smear-ripened cheeses in the next chapter), and are essential components of the garlic/cabbage lavor. Methionine and cysteine are the sulfur-containing amino acids in milk proteins. he level of cysteine in cheese is low: αs1-, β-and κ-caseins do not contain it, although αs2-casein and whey proteins do. here’s plenty of methionine, however, and Geotrichum candidum and Penicillium camemberti degrade it to methional and methanethiol (Box 7.1). Both are important odorants in Brie and Camembert and precursors for other key compounds. At the concentrations found in cheese, methional has a cooked-cabbage aroma and methanethiol has a boiled-potato odor. hey can be detected at a level of tenths of a part per billion. At higher concentrations, methional is quite pungent and methanethiol can clear a building. Methanethiol, also known as methyl mercaptan, is added to natural gas to alert people of a leak. When I was an undergraduate in college, a classmate synthesized some in a fume hood, following correct procedures. But the odor went through the exhaust on the roof and wated downwind to the air intake of a 14-story oice building nearby, which was evacuated for fear that leaking gas would blow up the place. The Senses
Consumer acceptability of food depends on the ive senses. he appearance, the aroma, the lavor, the sound made when bitten and chewed, and the texture in the mouth must combine for a pleasing experience. Appearance is important when eating, since people look for speciic colors and patterns in their food and are repelled by food that doesn’t look right. In a study
Surface Mold Cheeses, Sulfur Compounds, and the Senses Box 7.1 Sulfur-Containing Compounds Of the compounds in cheese that contain at least one sulfur atom, the two most important are methanethiol and methional. A thiol contains a sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom and a carbon atom; methanethiol, CH3SH, is the simplest. hiols are also found in beer, wine, and some foods. A notable thiol in cheese is S-methyl thioacetate, which has an aroma described as cooked caulilower, cabbage, cheesy, and crab:
If you add another carbon to make S-methyl thiopropionate, you get a compound that smells just like Camembert:
A thiol that was recently discovered in Camembert and Munster is ethyl-3-mercaptopropionate, which is also found in wine and Concord grapes. It has a fruity, grapey, rhubarb aroma:
Methional is an aldehyde, and its structure is:
A compound that has both sulfur and nitrogen is 2-acetylthiazoline. It has a popcorn aroma:
Dimethyl sulfone has a sulfurous or burnt odor:
he other major sulfur compounds in cheese are sulides. Hydrogen sulide is H2S and has a rotten-egg odor. It is thought to come from degradation of cysteine. Dimethyl sulide has this structure:
Dimethyl disulide has two consecutive sulfur atoms, and dimethyl trisulide has three. All three compounds impart sulfurous, cabbage, and onion aromas.
he Science of Cheese
of Cheddar cheeses, panelists rated appearance as the leading factor, with color being most important. he exact coloration was a dominant factor. With surfacemold cheeses, ripeness is signaled by the shit from white to creamy yellow in the interior. Aroma originates in the olfactory receptors, a class of proteins found in neurons (nerve cells) in the nasal cavity. Humans have 347 of these receptors. When an odor molecule binds to a receptor protein, a signal is sent to the inside of the cell, which relays it to the brain for interpretation. Each receptor can be activated by a large range of odorant molecules, and an odorant can bind to several receptors, so we are able to detect many thousands of speciic smells. he type, size, shape, and concentration of molecules can all be distinguished. hat is why methional and methanethiol change aroma as they become more diluted, and why the octanol in Box 3.2 is described as “orange- and rose-like” whereas octanoic acid is characterized as “rancid and sweaty.” Scientists are not certain how our receptors are able to detect odors, but do know that no two odors are perceived to be identical. A substance cannot be smelled unless it is volatile, which is why compounds with long carbon chains, such as stearic acid, have little aroma. Aroma release is afected by the way a food is chewed, its texture (which may prevent difusion of some odorants into the nose), anatomy, and other factors. People seem to prefer complex scents, such as those in cheese, to simpler ones. Aroma perception is enhanced by inhaling orthonasally (through the nose) and retronasally (through the mouth) to bring odorants to the receptors. Flavor consists of three factors. he irst is olfactory, described above. he second, taste, encompasses ive sensations: bitter, salty, sour, sweet, and umami (Box 7.2). Taste buds, of which we have 2000–8000, are covered with taste receptors that send information to the brain. he inal factor is trigeminal, referring to the trigeminal nerve, also called the ith cranial nerve. his factor is responsible for facial sensations and contributes to lavor with sensations of heat, cooling (an example is menthol), pungency (hot peppers), tingling (carbonated drinks), and astringency (tannins in wine). he three factors together make up what we call lavor, with olfactory and taste factors being key for cheese. Sound is not usually encountered when eating cheese, but sometimes you can ind NaCl deposits on the outside of smear ripened cheese; calcium-containing crystals inside Camembert, Cheddar, and Roquefort; and crystalline clusters of tyrosine inside well-aged cheese, resulting in some crunchiness. When a brittle or rigid piece of food is bitten, the structure is ruptured and a cracking sound emanates. he fracture continues until the piece fragments, the bite is stopped, or the crack encounters a hole or something sot. Sound is sensed by the conduction of air to the ear, via sot tissues in mouth, and through conduction via the jawbone.
Surface Mold Cheeses, Sulfur Compounds, and the Senses Box 7.2 Taste he gustatory sense is composed of ive basic tastes, and possibly a couple of others. Bitter, sweet, sour, and umami can arise when proteolysis has proceeded to the point where casein have broken down into amino acids. Despite what was earlier believed, receptors for taste are found throughout the tongue and are not conined to speciic areas. Bitterness is the most sensitive of the ive tastes and is commonly encountered in cofee, citrus peel, and tonic water, which contains the notably bitter compound quinine. Many toxic plants contain bitter compounds, but rejection of foods for bitterness by animals and humans does not depend on whether response the food is harmful or harmless. Rather, it depends upon how many bitter and potentially toxic compounds are in their diet. Carnivores, who rarely encounter toxic plants, have a low bitterness threshold and a low tolerance for poisonous compounds, whereas grazers, who cannot limit their dietary choices as completely, have a high threshold and tolerance. A number of amino acids found in cheese have a bitter taste: arginine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine. hese are not nearly so strong as other lavor compounds, and they must be present at hundreds of parts per million to be detectable. Oleic acid in cheese appears to mask bitterness in cheese by bonding with bitter compounds. Sweetness is not only related to sugar, but also to aldehydes, ketones, and other compounds containing the C=O group. hese include the amino acids alanine, glycine, serine, and threonine. Proline is sweet and bitter. hese can’t be detected unless they are at a level of tenths of a percent. Sourness is a measure of acidity. Citrus and some other fruits are naturally sour, and so is cheese when the pH is low. Aspartic acid and glutamic acid are amino acids with sour tastes. hese amino acids can be detected at 30–50 ppm. Saltiness is related to NaCl and KCl, potassium chloride. KCl is used as a salt substitute for people who are reducing their intake of sodium, but the pure compound is bitter and imparts a metallic taste to some people. Umami, a savory impression imparted by monosodium glutamate (MSG), comes from the glutamate form of glutamic acid. It wasn’t identiied until 1908 and was not oicially recognized as a basic taste until the 1980s. Umami is described as stimulating the oral cavity and the tongue, on which there is a slight furriness. Umami enhances the lavor of food, which is why some chefs add MSG to their dishes, and it is a noted feature of ripe tomatoes, soy sauce, and aged cheese. Two other sensations that may be basic tastes are fattiness and calcium. A particular gene in mice and rats allows them to detect lipids, which may mean that humans also possess a fat receptor. Michael Tordorf of Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia reported at an ACS meeting in 2008 that mice have a calcium receptor that helps control their calcium intake, and that humans may have one also. When I asked him later what calcium tastes like, he replied that it was “calciummy.”
he Science of Cheese
Texture is considered by food scientists to be the sensory manifestation of the structural, mechanical, and surface properties of foods, and is detected through vision, hearing, and especially touch. Particle size, shape, and orientation lead to perceptions of crystalline, ibrous, grainy, and gritty characteristics. Mechanical properties include adhesiveness (sticky/gooey), cohesiveness (brittle/chewy/gummy), elasticity, hardness/sotness, and thinness/viscosity. Levels of moisture (dry/wet) and fat (oily/ greasy) also contribute. Humans obtain information about the feel of foods by using their tactile sense from inside the mouth along with nerve signals from jaw muscles and joints. God’s Feet
Camembert in particular has been featured in the ine arts. Brillat-Savarin said, “Camembert, poetry / Bouquet of our meals / What would become life / If you did not exist?” he Cole Porter song “You’re the Top” contains the lyrics “You’re the nimble tread / Of the feet of Fred Astaire / You’re an O’Neill drama / You’re Whistler’s mama! / You’re Camembert.” In his autobiography, Salvador Dalí claimed that Camembert inspired the sot, melting pocket watches in his famed 1931 painting he Persistence of Memory: “I adore Camembert precisely because when it is ripe and beginning to run it resembles and assumes exactly the shape of my famous sot watches.” he French poet Léon-Paul Fargue (1876–1947) once remarked, “Camembert, this cheese that smells of the feet of the good God.” he aroma of Camembert, as well as Limburger and some other cheeses, is indeed reminiscent of the odor emanating from feet. he explanation is in the next chapter.
Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horse-power scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards. —Jerome K. Jerome, hree Men in a Boat, 1889
While Camembert is revered as the epitome of food in poetry, art, and song, Limburger is held (and smelled) in a diferent light. In satire, cartoons, and comedy movie shorts, it is regarded as the quintessential malodorous food (Box 8.1). In reality, Limburger, Brick, and other smear-ripened cheeses have relatively bland lavors—if you can get past their interesting scents. Smear-ripened cheeses are thought to have been created over 1,000 years ago in monasteries, where they served as an important protein source. Monasteries had large herds that provided enough milk to make cheese from a single milking. Unlike the milk from small farms, the fresh milk had no time to become sour, allowing acidsensitive bacteria to readily grow on the cheese surface. Experimentation led to cheeses with meaty lavor notes, which was desirable for periods of religious fasting when meat could not be consumed. Smear-ripened cheeses tend to be made with large surface areas so that bacteria have plenty of space to work. hey are typically brown, orange, or red due to the production of carotenoid pigments by microorganisms such as Brevibacterium linens, with the color being afected by the yeast. American Munster cheese is not smear-ripened as it is in Europe, and it is rubbed with annatto to impart the characteristic orange color.
he Science of Cheese
Box 8.1 Limburger In Popular Culture In the mid-1800s, German and Belgian immigrants began to arrive in the United States with a taste for Limburger, which they enjoyed with raw onions and mustard in rye bread sandwiches accompanied with cold beer (to this day, aicionados claim this is the best way to eat it). By the 1880s, comedians began to associate Limburger with accented immigrants. Americans picked up on the idea that Limburger was a highly odiferous food that can be the butt of jokes, and have never let it go. In Mark Twain’s 1882 tale “he Invalid’s Story,” the narrator shares a railroad car with another man, a Limburger cheese, and a pine box they thought contained a recently deceased man. he smell from “the deadly cheese” overpowers them, and the story concludes: “My health was permanently shattered; neither Bermuda nor any other land can ever bring it back to me. his is my last trip; I am on my way home to die.” he irst record ever sold by
Limburger cheese. Source: Author’s collection.
Smear-Ripened Cheeses, Esters, and Aroma
Box 8.1 (continued ) the Victor Talking Machine Company was “Limburger Cheese” in 1901, a monologue by comedian Burt Sheppard. He relates that, as a boy, he bought some Limburger, placed pieces in his parents’ pockets before they went to church, and watched as the congregation gradually led. In the 1918 movie Shoulder Arms, Charlie Chaplin plays a World War I soldier who receives Limburger in a package from home, dons a gas mask, and lobs it into a trench full of German soldiers to force their surrender. When Prohibition was enacted in 1920, workers could no longer patronize bars to eat their Limburger sandwiches, and the popularity of the cheese never recovered. It sufered a further blow in 1935 when newspapers revealed that Limburger was the favorite snack of Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Over 6.5 million pounds of Limburger were produced in America in 1951, but it is now made in this country by only one company, in Monroe, Wisconsin, which turns out less than 650,000 pounds a year. Brick cheese, which gives of a less powerful aroma and has been called “the married man’s Limburger,” is manufactured at ten times that rate.
Limburger and Brick
Limburger was developed in the early nineteenth century in the Duchy of Limburg, now part of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. he milk is cooled to 90°, and starter and rennet are added. Ater 30 minutes, the curd is cut with 3/8-inch knives, and allowed to rest 10 minutes. It is then held at 98° for 30 minutes. Ater brining or dry salting, the curd is placed in forms and undergoes a low-temperature “sweat” for 1–4 hours by being placed in a 68°–72° room at 95–98 percent relative humidity. A culture of B. linens and other microbes is applied to the surface by smearing with a brush or by soaking with a high-pressure spray. he cheese is stored at 55°–59° and 95–98 percent relative humidity for two weeks, during which it is washed with brine several times. he humid conditions allow the bacteria to proliferate, and the brine washing controls their spread and inhibits mold growth. Moreover, yeast in the air settles on the surface and metabolizes lactic acid, raising the pH. he cheese is wrapped in aluminum foil and stored under refrigeration for up to two months. Liederkrantz, which we met in Box 2.7, is a milder version of Limburger. Production was suspended from 1985 to 2010, but it is now being made by a company in Richield, Wisconsin. Brick cheese, invented in Wisconsin in 1877, is brined for 24 hours and not subjected to the sweat step. It is traditionally pressed using actual bricks (its name was also inluenced by its shape) and is smeared six times over six weeks. he minimum pH of Brick and Limburger is a relatively high 7.0.
he Science of Cheese
Reblochon is from an old French word for “re-pinch the udder” and dates to the 1200s. During the following century, farmers in the Savoy Alps would partially milk their cows in the presence of the tax-collecting landowner, pay the levy based on the milk produced, and later complete the milking ater the taxman let. he second batch was richer and used for this cheese, which was made solely for family consumption, until the tax was lited ater the French Revolution. he cheese is made from unpasteurized milk from cows that graze on pasture in the Savoy during the warm months and eat hay cut from those pastures in the cold months. he milk is heated to 99°, starter and rennet are added, and the curd is cut into rice-sized pieces. Cheesecloth is stretched over a tray containing round cavities an inch thick and 5½ inches in diameter, the curd is ladled into the cavities, and wooden discs are placed on top to apply pressure. he cheese is aged in caves dug into the hillsides, allowing yeast to grow on the surface. he cheeses are turned every other day, washed with whey and brine, and packaged with the wooden discs. Reblochon is sot to the point of runniness, and the rind is pink-white and covered lightly with yeast. he lavor is nutty, and the odor is not as intense as Limburger’s or Brick’s. Smearing with Alcohol
Microbial growth on the rinds of some smear-ripened cheese is controlled by washing with locally produced alcohol instead of salt water. Époisses de Bourgogne (ay-PWOSS duh boor-GOYNE, named ater its village of origin) is a strong candidate for the most pungent cheese on Earth (though it is not banned on public transportation in France, despite stories to the contrary). It is coagulated with starter culture only, taking at least 16 hours. It is then ladled into forms, turned three times to drain the whey, removed from the forms, and sent to a cooler room for salting. he cheeses are dried for up to a week and washed daily with B. linens in brine. he inal washes contain Marc de Bourgogne, the local brandy. Other alcohol-washed cheeses include Belgium’s Herve Ainé à la Bière (“Herve matured with beer”), Scotland’s Bishop Kennedy (washed with malt whiskey), France’s Saint Vernier (wine-washed), and England’s Stinking Bishop (washed with pear cider). Trappist-Style
Trappist-style cheeses with powerful odors such as Maroilles (mah-WAHL, dating to tenth-century France) and Livarot (LEE-vah-roe, thirteenth century) originated with Trappist monks. Maroilles is stored for 10 days while B. linens begins to grow
Smear-Ripened Cheeses, Esters, and Aroma
on the surface. It is then washed and brushed for 2–4 months to remove mold and allow the B. linens to lourish, changing the color of the rind to orange-red. Unsurprisingly, the nickname for Maroilles is vieux paunt (“old stinker”). Livarot is always encircled with ive narrow bands of red bulrush, originally used to keep the shape of this cylindrical cheese. he bands resemble the ive stripes on a French colonel’s uniform, giving this orange-brown cheese the nickname “the colonel.” Both of these varieties are sot and riddled with small eyes.
Other Smear-Ripened Cheeses
Munster is named ater a village in Alsace, France, and is identical to Géromé, named ater the village of Gérardmer in Lorraine. his variety also originated with monks (Munster is from the Latin monasterium, monastery). he milk comes from cows native to the Vosges Mountains, and the curd is not washed or kneaded before being placed in forms. he cheese is brine-washed every other day for 2–3 months and has a sot, sticky, powerfully pungent rind and mild interior. Munster is not the same as the bland Münsters from Denmark and Germany. Pont-l’Évêque (pawn le VECK, named ater the village where it originated in the twelth century) is said to be the third-most-popular cheese in France behind Brie and Camembert. he milk is coagulated at 95°. he curds are then cut into blocks, and whey is drained by placing the blocks in cloth bags and then by pressing in square metal boxes on straw mats. he cheeses are held in a room at 68°–77°. Geotricum candidum mold initially grows on the surface, but is controlled by daily washing with a salt solution. he cheeses are removed from the boxes within ive days and brushed with coarse salt daily over the next 10 days. he salt draws out moisture and creates a rind, allowing to cheese to ripen properly. he cheese is aged 4–6 weeks and packed in square wooden containers measuring up to 8¼ inches on a side. he top rind bears the cross-hatching from the straw. Serra da Estrela, a Portuguese sheep’s milk cheese made with cardoon thistle rennet and named ater the mountain range where it originated, is subjected to high humidity for two weeks to allow yeast to grow. he smear is then removed, and the cheese is transferred to a low-humidity room to dry the surface and allow the formation of a rind. Teleme (TELL-uh-may) was developed by Greek immigrants to Northern California ater World War I. It is formed in squares weighing up to 6 pounds, dusted with rice lour to absorb moisture, and ripened for two months. At that point, the surface is lecked with green and black mold, and the center is almost liquid. Tilsit, or Tilsiter, invented in the 1800s by Swiss cheesemakers who settled near the East Prussian town of Tilsit (now Sovetsk, Russia), is popular in Germany and
he Science of Cheese
surrounding countries. he yeasts on the surface come from the environment, and young German Tilsit is smeared with growth from older Tilsit. Danish Tilsit is milder, but both versions have a brown-orange rind and a yellow interior sprinkled with small eyes. he pH on the surface increases to 7.5 during the irst two weeks, allowing salt-tolerant bacteria to grow. Aroma
he sense of smell, as discussed in the previous chapter, is an important component of lavor. Smear-ripened cheeses are the most odiferous on the planet because of the compounds generated on the surface, though the interior is usually mild. Not only is the casein degraded, but extensive breakdown of the lipids generates pungent short-chain fatty acids. Butyric, caproic, caprylic, and capric acids are responsible for the fatty, rancid, sweaty aromas in these varieties. hese compounds are major contributors to foot odor and might attract mosquitoes (Box 8.2). Methionine in these
Box 8.2 Foot Odor And Malaria “Mr. Bloom ate his strips of sandwich, resh clean bread, with relish of disgust pungent mustard, the feety savour of green cheese.” —james joyce, Ulysses, 1922
he aroma of sweaty feet is generated by Brevibacterium epidermidis, which resides between the toes and is closely related to the Brevibacterium linens used for making smearripened cheese. B. linens metabolizes amino acids and lipids in cheese, B. epidermis does the same with dead skin, and both convert methionine into odiferous methanethiol. Limburger and foot perspiration also contain plenty of short-chain fatty acids. hese facts carry implications for trapping mosquitoes. he Anopheles mosquito, dreaded for being the most efective carrier of the microorganism that causes malaria, comes in several species. Females of one of these species, Anopheles gambiae subspecies Giles, prefer to bite human feet and ankles, and are attracted to their odor. Washing with a bactericidal soap removes the attraction. Dutch researchers, who noted that their word for foot odor, tenenkaas, means “toes-cheese,” theorized that Limburger could be used as an attractant for Anopheles gambiae. A homemade trap containing warm water (for providing heat and moisture) and Limburger was tested in Western Kenya and collected about two Anopheles gambiae per day, as opposed to one per day with cold water and Limburger, and none at all with Limburger and no moisture. It seems that Limburger cheese has the potential to serve as a medium for trapping dangerous mosquitoes.
Smear-Ripened Cheeses, Esters, and Aroma
cheeses breaks down into dimethyl disulide and other sulfur-containing compounds (Box 7.1). Indole (Box 5.2), isovaleric acid (Box 5.4), and phenol (Box 6.1) also contribute to the aroma of Limburger. here have been studies on the primary lavor compounds in some of the smearripened cheeses. In addition to the compounds above, Pont-l’Évêque contains several ketones, which will be discussed in the next chapter, and Livarot and Maroilles generate 2-phenylethanol (Box 6.1). Livarot also has meta-and para-cresol (Box 6.1), accounting for its pungent barnyard odor.
Box 8.3 Esters Cheese contains a number of esters. Box 3.1 showed the structure of ethyl octanoate, which has an aroma of apricot. Methyl thioacetate, mentioned in Box 7.1, is the key ester in Limburger. Other important esters include the following. Ethyl acetate has an aroma of pear and apple. It is the most common ester in wine.
he main carbon chain of ethyl butanoate, shown here, has two more links than ethyl acetate. Ethyl butanoate imparts a pineapple odor and is oten added to orange juice to enhance aroma. Ethyl hexanoate contains six carbon atoms in the main chain and has the odor of pineapple and banana. Ethyl decanoate has ten carbon atoms in the main chain and has an aroma reminiscent of fruit or wine.
Ethyl-3-methylbutanoate has been described as having a fresh cheese aroma.
Isopentyl acetate (or isoamyl acetate) has a strong banana lavor and is sometimes called banana oil. It can also have a pear aroma.
Phenyl ethyl acetate has a rose-like lavor and is found in fruit, whiskey, and wine.
he Science of Cheese
he aroma of cheese is subjective, and some people are repelled by it. Several people have told me that they stay away from Parmesan because “it smells like vomit.” Butyric acid is a noted odorant of Parmesan and is generated in your stomach when the hydrochloric acid there reacts with food. Some compounds created in cheese are also found in decaying organic matter, which is not surprising since both processes involve decomposition of fat and protein. Humans are naturally repulsed by spoiled food, and sensitive individuals consider aged cheese to be in this category. Esters
Esters arise in cheese when alcohols from amino acid or lactose metabolism react with fatty acids. A wide variety of enzymes are responsible for the creation of esters in cheese, and their mechanism of formation is largely unknown. Esters containing twelve or fewer carbon atoms are fragrant compounds, typically with fruity aromas, and are commonly used as artiicial lavors and fragrances. he smaller esters are perceived in cheese at the parts-per-million range, which is ten times lower than the corresponding alcohols. hey may also lessen sharpness and bitterness. Many of the important esters found in cheese are described in Box 8.3. Other esters not commonly observed in cheese carry the characteristic aroma of the fruit in which they are found: methyl butyrate is in apples, isobutyl formate is in raspberries, and octyl acetate is in oranges. Esters are also formed in osmophore cells in lowers, where they arise from reactions of acids and alcohols. hese sweet-smelling compounds, such as benzyl acetate in jasmine, draw pollinating insects to the lower. Humans are conditioned to like these odors, though there might be a genetic component to our attraction to them. Esters and ketones are important contributors to the aroma of interior mold cheeses, and we turn to those next.
Roquefort should be eaten on one’s knees. —Alexandre Balthazar Laurent Grimod de la Reynière, French gourmet writer (1758–1837)
Roquefort is one of the most intensely lavored cheeses and has moved people to rhapsodize about it. Pliny the Elder wrote favorably about a similar variety in his Natural History in ad 79, and it probably dates back many years before that. Interior-mold cheeses are skewered with stainless steel or copper needles, introducing oxygen and allowing the mold to thrive inside the channels created, and in the issures between the curd pieces. he mold dominates proteolysis and lipolysis during ripening, metabolizing amino acids and fatty acids and creating spores, forming the blue-green veins. he pH of the cheese increases at the same time, afecting texture and lavor. Yeasts can also ind their way into the cheese and contribute to ripening. he “big three” interior mold cheeses are Roquefort, Gorgonzola, and Stilton. Lactobacillus lactis starter culture is used, sometimes with Leuconostoc species that create CO2 gas that helps open the structure and give the mold room to grow. Indigenous Penicillium roqueforti molds create the veins, though this genus of fungi is better known for another notable activity: saving lives (Box 9.1). Roquefort
According to legend, a shepherd boy let his meal of bread and sheep’s cheese in a cave to chase ater a pretty girl; when he remembered the meal weeks later, the cheese displayed veins of mold. He ate it anyway, liked it, and Roquefort cheese was born. 107
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Box 9.1 Penicillin Bread with blue mold on it was used to treat open wounds in Europe in the Middle Ages. Nobody knew at the time that the mold contained species of Penicillium (from the Latin penicillus, “paintbrush,” referring to its appearance under the microscope), which secrete a compound that interferes with production of bacterial cell walls. he bacteria die as a result, making Penicillium extract an efective treatment for many infections. But the mechanism of disease transmission was unknown until the late nineteenth century, and people died of infectious diseases in numbers that would be alarming to us today. he use of penicillin as an antibiotic for treating bacterial infections was pioneered by Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist working at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. Sixteen years ater the discovery, he told a story that is now famous: in the fall of 1928 he noticed that a staphylococcus culture in a petri dish in his laboratory was killed by Penicillium notatum spores that had loated in through an open window while he was on vacation. Fleming realized that the mold could be useful instead of a nuisance, identiied the antibacterial agent, and named it penicillin. In reality, the events could not have taken place as he remembered, since no bacteriologist would have an open window through which contaminants could drit in (his small laboratory window was never opened anyway), and the Penicillium would have overwhelmed the culture in the dish and not just established a few colonies, as he later recalled. he Penicillium probably came from the lab below Fleming’s (where the same strain was grown), and he performed an experiment on it as part of a study on something else (he mentioned this experiment in his notebook weeks ater his vacation, but wrote nothing about the staphylococcus in the petri dish). At any rate, Fleming set out to isolate penicillin in a form and quantity suitable for administering to people, but failed. Fortunately, Howard Florey and Ernest Chain at England’s Oxford University succeeded in converting penicillin into a stable powder in 1940. he next challenge was scaling up the process. Great Britain was involved in World War II by then and did not have the resources to pursue penicillin manufacture, so the scene shited to America. Originally, the mold was grown as a mat atop a nutrient solution. Diiculties with contamination and isolation resulted in enough penicillin for treatment of just one case by March 1942. Scientists at the USDA’s Northern Regional Research Laboratory (now the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research) in Peoria, Illinois, began pumping air into deep vats containing P. notatum suspended in corn-steep liquor, a non-alcoholic byproduct of wet-milling corn. his process was far more efective, and in July 1943, the War Production Board asked for mass-production of penicillin to begin as soon as possible. he Peoria lab began a search for the Penicillium species that would grow best in the huge vats. Since Penicillium grows in soil, U.S. Army pilots around the world sent in dirt samples to be tested. Peoria residents and lab employees were encouraged to donate moldy household objects. One lab technician, Mary Hunt, was assigned the task of visiting area groceries to locate spoiled
Interior Mold Cheeses, Ketones, and Microbial Strains
Box 9.1 (continued ) food, earning her the nickname “Moldy Mary.” he species that grew best, Penicillium chrysogenum, was found by Hunt on a cantaloupe from a Peoria market, and was used in the research. he process was successfully scaled up by several pharmaceutical irms, and the United States had 2.3 million doses in time for the Normandy invasion on DDay, June 1944. he drug was available to the general public by war’s end. Fleming, Florey, and Chain never patented penicillin and earned no royalties on it, though they did share in the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Penicillin was credited with saving countless lives and limbs during the war as it prevents gangrene, a common battleield infection, and destroys other bacteria that cause disease. It is still widely used as the irst line of defense against many dangerous bacteria.
Roquefort is made by seven companies in and around Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, France. If a similar cheese comes from outside that area, it must be called something else, such as blue cheese. he town is on the side of Le Cambalou hill, which contains natural limestone caves. he cheese comes from unpasteurized, unhomogenized sheep’s milk and is only made from December to July, when the sheep lactate (the rocky terrain allows for sheep grazing and little other agriculture). Roquefort is coagulated with locally obtained lamb’s rennet at 85° and held without stirring for two hours. he curd is cut, stirred, drained, and ladled into perforated cylindrical metal forms where Penicillium roqueforti is added. Roquefort and other interior mold cheeses are not pressed, so small holes and cracks remain in the curd and provide space and oxygen for the mold to develop. he cheeses are turned frequently for a week in a room at 50° and 98 percent relative humidity before being sent to the caves, where the temperature is 43°–46° and humidity is also about 98 percent. he air currents that pass through the rock issures help maintain the cave environment. he cheeses are covered with NaCl and skewered, and the surfaces are scraped ater a week. hey are then placed on oak shelves and ripened there for three months before being transferred elsewhere in the cave for at least three more months. he pH of the cheese increases to 6.4 as the mold converts amino acids to ammonia and other products. P. roqueforti for use in Roquefort cheese is traditionally obtained from homemade rye bread that is over-baked and allowed to deteriorate for a month in the caves. he coat of mold that develops on the bread is powdered and sprinkled on the cheese, though nowadays the mold is also grown in laboratories from strains recovered from the caves. Some 600 strains of P. roqueforti are known to exist, and the damp and draty caves are perfect environments for their growth. Ater a month of storage in
he Science of Cheese
the caves, the cheeses are wrapped with aluminum foil to prevent rind formation and further mold growth on the surface. he cheese is crumbly with green-blue veins; sheep’s milk contains no carotenoids, so the cheese apart from the veins is white. A wheel weighs about six pounds. Gorgonzola
Gorgonzola is named ater an Italian town near Naples and was recorded as being made there in ad 879. he legend states that a cheesemaker let work early to visit his girlfriend, leaving a batch of curd hanging overnight. he next day, he added it to the new milk and made cheese out of it to cover his mistake. He discovered a green mold in the center of the cheese a few weeks later, sampled it, repeated the procedure, and a new variety was created. he milk originally was supplied by cattle that were rested in and around Gorgonzola while being driven between Alpine and lowland pastures. he cattle produced much more milk than the town needed, and cheese was made out of it. he cattle were weary from their journey, which is why a similar cheese is called Stracchino (from stracca, “tired”). Gorgonzola is made by roughly 40 companies. he process begins when starter culture, rennet, and P. roqueforti are added to whole milk at 86°. he curd is cut into pieces measuring ¾–1 inch, stirred, and drained at 64° for 10 hours. he traditional piccante (“spicy”) or naturale Gorgonzola is made from two milkings, with cool curds from the previous evening’s milk being loosely sandwiched inside warm fresh curds from that morning’s milk. he evening curds are held in cloth bags to drain the whey, removed, and placed in the center of the forms lined with the fresh curd. he dolce (“sweet”) version comes from one milking and is much more common. he curd is salted and held for 3–4 days in “purgatory,” a room at 68°–72° and 95 percent relative humidity. he cheese, shaped into 26-pound wheels with a diameter of 12–14 inches and a height of 9 inches, is pierced ater 12 and 20 days and stored 3–6 months. Before shipping, the wheels are bisected horizontally for easier handling. he pH is 5.15–5.30. When a building housing the London Stock Exchange was completed in 1884, it was nicknamed Gorgonzola Hall because of the greenish veins contained in the interior marble walls. Stilton
British author Gilbert Keith Chesterton, who once said “the poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese,” tried to rectify the situation by writing Sonnet to a Stilton Cheese in 1912. hough not as world-renowned as Roquefort, Stilton is
Interior Mold Cheeses, Ketones, and Microbial Strains
England’s most famous interior mold cheese. It is no longer made in Stilton, Cambridgeshire, but by ive companies in the counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire, which are to the north and west. he cheese was apparently developed in the seventeenth or early eighteenth century and became popular when a Stilton inn began to sell it to travelers. We have no evidence of a lovesick boy’s inventing the cheese ater chasing a girl. Seventeen gallons of locally produced pasteurized milk are needed to make a 16-pound wheel of Stilton. he milk is cooled to 86°, and starter and P. roqueforti are added. he curd forms ater rennet is added and settles at the bottom of the vat as the whey is drained overnight. he curd is cut, milled, dry salted, and placed in cylindrical hoops, and the whey drains for 5–6 days without pressing. he temperature is held at 79°–86° and 90 percent relative humidity to allow the starter bacteria to generate acid. he hoops are removed, and the cheese is stored at 55°–59° and 90 percent relative humidity for a few weeks. he cheese is skewered ater four weeks and is ready for sale ater nine weeks. he pH of the cheese is a relatively low 4.7 at the start of ripening, resulting in a crumbly texture. A week or two later, the pH begins to climb as a result of proteolysis by the mold, eventually reaching 5.5. Sufolk Blue and Yorkshire are similar cheeses manufactured in those counties. Stilton may also be made without the mold, and is then called White Stilton.
Production of Danablu, or Danish blue cheese, began in 1927. Danablu is made from cow’s milk that is not pasteurized but instead thermized by heating it to 140°–150° for 15 seconds. his milder treatment allows the indigenous lipases in milk to remain active. Unusually for cheese, the milk is also homogenized, which promotes activity by lipase enzymes and enhances the lavor. Chlorophyll or titanium dioxide is sometimes added to whiten the product and make it appear like sheep’s milk cheese. Starter and rennet are added to milk at 91°, and the coagulation takes place over one hour. he curd is cut, and 90 minutes later the whey is drained and the curd is broken up. One pound of NaCl is sprinkled on for every 100 pounds of curd, followed by P. roqueforti powder. he curd is placed in hoops and held overnight at 70° as the pH decreases to 4.5. NaCl is then rubbed all over the cheese, preventing the starter bacteria from surviving. he mold is salt-tolerant, however, and will begin to appear within 10 days. he CO2 that had been generated from the starter creates small openings in the curd that enable additional growth of mold. he cheese is pierced the next day and then stored at 55° and 95 percent relative humidity for 2–3 months. Like Stilton, the pH starts at 4.6–4.7 and increases with storage.
he Science of Cheese
Maytag Blue
Maytag Blue has been made by hand in Newton, Iowa since 1941, ater the procedure was developed as an American version of Roquefort. he company is owned by the descendants of the founder of the Maytag appliance company. he milk is heated to 90°–92°, homogenized, and coagulated with rennet at that temperature. he curd is cut ater 30–45 minutes and ladled onto cheesecloth that is laid across the top of the vat. P. roqueforti and salt are sprinkled on the curd, which is rolled back and forth on the cheesecloth to drain some of the whey, resulting in a thick, crumbly texture in the inal product. he cheese is skewered ater three days to let in oxygen and promote mold growth. he cheese is aged for six weeks in caves dug into the side of a hill at the nearby dairy farm, ater which outside mold is removed and the cheese is coated with wax and aged a few more weeks. When the cheese is ready, it is pierced again, the wax is removed, and the product is packaged in aluminum foil. Ketones
Ketones are common industrial chemicals that are oten used as solvents in the explosives, fragrance, paint, and textile industries. he simplest and most important ketone in the marketplace is acetone, nail polish remover. In nature, ketones are found in some sugars such as fructose, and are produced in the body through breakdown of amino acids and fatty acids. When the body runs out of glucose in the liver for energy, it begins to break down stored fat into ketones. Cortisone is a well-known synthetic ketone. Many compounds contribute to the odor of a particular cheese variety, and much of the aroma of blue cheese is traced to ketones, specifically methyl ketones such as 2-undecanone (Box 9.2). Ketones arise in cheese when triglycerides undergo lipolysis. One half to three-quarters of the total aroma compounds in this class of cheese are due to methyl ketones. In Roquefort and Gorgonzola, 2-heptanone is the most abundant ketone, followed by 2-nonanone. The key ketones in Stilton are 2-heptanone, 2-butanone, and 2-pentanone. Enzymes break down ketones into alcohols such as 1-octen-3-ol (mushroom lavor) and 2-heptanol (herbaceous flavor). Interior mold cheeses generate large amounts of free fatty acids: Danablu and Roquefort each have 3.2 percent, whereas Parmesan contains 0.5 percent and Cheddar has 0.1 percent. hese fatty acids would ordinarily produce a rancid lavor, but they are neutralized as the pH increases in interior mold cheeses and some are converted to methyl ketones.
Interior Mold Cheeses, Ketones, and Microbial Strains
Box 9.2 Ketones As we saw in Chapter 5, nearly all fatty acids in cheese have an even number of carbon atoms. When a microorganism attacks a fatty acid, its lipases oten remove oxygen and one carbon atom to make carbon dioxide, CO2. herefore, most ketones in cheese have odd-numbered carbon chains. he oxygen atom in the ketone is frequently attached to the second carbon atom in the chain, making it a methyl ketone. A common compound in cheese, 2-undecanone, has 11 carbon atoms (hence the undec-, the preix for 11) and looks like this:
he C=O group is at the second position, accounting for the “2” preix. Similarly, 2-heptanone has seven carbons, and 2-nonanone has nine. hese two ketones are primarily responsible for blue-cheese lavor. 2-Undecanone and 2-pentanone (with 5 carbons) are described as loral or fruity. Ethyl ketones with an even number of carbon atoms and commonly found in cheese are 2-butanone (also known as methyl ethyl ketone, with a solvent odor) and 2-hexanone (blue-cheese aroma). We mentioned 1-octen-3-ol in Box 6.1. A similar compound is 1-octen-3-one, a ketone that also has a mushroom aroma. It has a C=O group at the third position:
Some ketones have more than one C=O attached. 2,3-Butanedione has two carbonyl groups:
2,3-Butanedione, also known as diacetyl, has a strong buttery aroma. If you buy a sealed package of a cheese that hasn’t been aged long, such as cottage cheese or mild Cheddar, put your nose close to the container and open it. he odor that irst hits you is diacetyl. Another odorant is 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, also known as acetoin. It is identical to diacetyl except it has a hydroxy group instead of one of the carbonyls. Acetoin has a buttery or sour-milk odor. Related compounds (though not ketones) are 2,3-butanediol, which has hydroxy groups in place of both carbonyl groups, and pyruvate, shown here:
he Science of Cheese
Box 9.3 Classifying Dairy Animals Taxonomy is the science of identifying living things and itting them into a biological classiication. From kingdom down to family, the most common dairy animals are classiied as follows: Kingdom: Phylum: Subphylum: Class: Order: Family:
Animalia (animals) Chordata (have spinal cords) Vertebrata (have backbones) Mammalia (mammals) Artiodactylia (have hoofs with even numbers of toes) Bovidae (cloven-hoofed ruminants)
he split comes with “subfamily,” which is inserted to distinguish size: Subfamily: Among the bovinae: Genus: Species: Subspecies: Common name:
Bovinae (bovines, large-sized bovids) Caprinae (caprines, medium-size bovids) Bos taurus
Bos grunniens
Among the caprinae: Genus: Capra Species: aegagrus Subspecies: hircus
Ovis aries
Common name:
Bos primigenius indicus Zebu
Bubalus bubalus Water Bufalo
We mentioned reindeer and moose in Chapter 1. hey belong to the Cervidine family, which consists of deer and related animals. Genus: Species: Common name:
Rangifer tarandus Reindeer
Alces alces Moose
Adjectives describing animals are taken from the family or generic names. Cows, yaks, and zebus are bovines; water bufalo are bubalines; goats are caprines; sheep are ovines; reindeer are rangiferines; and moose are cervines.
Interior Mold Cheeses, Ketones, and Microbial Strains
Box 9.4 Another Use For Fungus Microorganisms can be used for various purposes, not just fermenting food. For instance, a team in Germany fashioned a cleaning agent using P. roqueforti mounted on plastic. he device consisted of a three-layer sandwich: a plastic base layer used as a support, the living layer consisting of the fungus habitat, and a porous cover membrane for protecting the living layer from its surroundings while allowing gases and nutrients to pass through. he cover also protects the human user from the fungi. Under proper environmental conditions, the fungus remains in a nearly dormant state for weeks at a time until coming in contact with a nutrient source such as bacterial contamination or spilled food. he P. roqueforti consumes the nutrient while staying in its habitat and then reverts to its near-dormant condition. his arrangement can be used in a hospital setting since the cover allows the living layer to be active even if in contact with disinfectants or detergents. he research team speculates that antibiotic, self-sterilizing units will eventually be developed from this technology.
Species, Subspecies, and Strains
Every organism is classiied biologically in seven major ranks: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species (Box 9.3). he last two are the generic and speciic names. he generic name is always capitalized; the speciic name never is; and both are italicized. he kingdoms include animals, plants, and, importantly for cheesemaking, fungi and bacteria. he fungus P. roqueforti is classiied as phylum Ascomycota (distinguishing characteristic: forms spores in sacs), class Eurotiomycetes (distributes spores in a certain way), order Eurotiales (blue and green molds), family Trichocomaceae (processes dead organic matter), genus Penicillium (brush-like appearance), species roqueforti (grows in 0.5 percent acetic acid). Classiications change when new information comes to light. Scientists used to think that P. glaucum, P. gorgonzola, P. stilton, and several others were diferent from P. roqueforti, but they are now classiied as the same species. Scientists are also inding new ways to utilize P. roqueforti (Box 9.4). A common bacteria used in starter cultures, Lactococcus lactis, has this classiication: phylum Firmicutes (strong cell walls), class Bacilli (certain compounds in cell walls), order Lactobacillales (metabolizes lactic acid), family Streptococcaceae (grouped in chains), genus Lactococcus (spherical or oval cells), species lactis (found in milk). Two subspecies are used in cheesemaking, lactis and cremoris, which difer in the conditions in which they thrive: cremoris cannot grow in 4 percent NaCl or at 104°, whereas lactis can do both. Cheesemakers use mixtures of the two subspecies depending on the rate of acid formation and level of proteolysis they wish to attain.
he Science of Cheese
A “strain” is a group of organisms capable of interbreeding, and is deined as a population of genetically identical cells that is a variant of a bacterium, fungus, or virus. Strains are part of the same species but have some diferences (though not enough to be a separate variety). In one study, milk, curd, and cheese were collected in seven major cheesemaking regions of France, and strains of Geotrichum candidum fungus that colonizes most surface mold cheeses were isolated. Of the 64 strains that were obtained, 55 could metabolize lactic acid; nine could not. Some identical strains were found in places that were far apart geographically, and some facilities had several strains present. It appears that certain strains develop and thrive depending on temperature, NaCl content, and so forth. he diversity of microorganisms contributes to the diversity of lavor in cheese. hey also contribute to texture development, which we will see in the next chapter.
Poets with whom I learned my trade, Companions of the Cheshire Cheese —William Butler Yeats, Responsibilities and Other Poems, 1916
Yeats was referring to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, a London pub that has been operating continuously under that name since the 1600s. Cheddared cheeses such as Cheshire and Cheddar were created in Great Britain centuries ago and come under the category of British Territorial cheeses, which are named ater the place where they originated. hese cheeses are hard, semi-hard, or crumbly, and are distinguished from other types by the cheddaring step, where curd slabs are stacked atop each other. During World War II, most of the cheesemilk in the United Kingdom was diverted to making Cheddar, and production of most other varieties was curtailed. “Government Cheddar” was rationed along with other food due to wartime shortages. he restriction on cheeses other than Cheddar was not lited in the United Kingdom until 1954, and some varieties and many cheesemakers had disappeared by then, never to return. Cheddar
Cheddar cheese is the world’s most popular variety, and is certainly the most studied—more than 1,400 scientific publications mention it in their titles. It was first produced in Cheddar, Somerset County, in the twelfth century. It is no
he Science of Cheese
longer made there, but some is still aged in caves at Cheddar Gorge, a picturesque limestone gorge near the village (Box 10.1). Some 333 farms in Southwest England made Cheddar as late as 1939, but the effects of the war and the spread of industrial dairies reduced the number of farms to 32 by 1974. Manufacture begins when the milk is heated to 88° and starter culture containing Lactococcus lactis and Leuconostoc is added (Lactococcus lactis is so prominent in Cheddar, Colby, and Monterey Jack cheese manufacturing that the Wisconsin state legislature voted it the official state microbe in 2010). Calcium chloride and rennet are added after 15–30 minutes, and the milk is then stirred for 5 minutes. Coagulation occurs within 25 minutes, and the curd is cut with quarter-inch knives into pieces the size of a pea. After another 5–15 minutes of stirring, the vat is heated to 100°–102° with stirring for 30–45 minutes, and stirring continues for another 45–60 minutes after the temperature is reached. The process of cutting curd into small pieces and heating it over 100° is known as scalding, and allows for uniform expulsion of whey. When the curd pH reaches 6.1, the whey is drained and the cheddaring process begins. Slabs of curd around 6 inches wide are sliced along the sides of the vat and turned over every 10 minutes. The slabs are stacked two high and then four high during a 90-minute period, forcing out whey. As the pH drops to 5.2, the pressure, heat, and action of the starter bacteria cause the curd to mat into a solid mass with a texture similar to that of cooked chicken breast. The curd is sliced and sent through a milling machine to chop it into small pieces, which are then dry-salted in several applications. The curd is then let alone or “mellowed” while the salt dissolves in the water on the surface of the pieces. The curds are transferred into metal forms lined with cheesecloth and pressed. The aging ranges from three months to over two years in a 42°–50° room with a relative humidity under 80 percent. Nonstarter lactic acid bacteria, mostly Lactobacillus species, dominate during most of the ripening period and impart desirable flavors. Some strains are added as adjunct cultures to improve flavor quality, though some of these flavors by themselves are not exactly pleasing (Box 10.2). Traditional farmhouse Cheddar wheels are entirely handmade, cylindrical, and wrapped in muslin. In large-scale production, most steps are automated, and the cheese is in the form of plastic-wrapped blocks. Cheese vats are started every halfhour, and draining, salting, and mellowing take place on a conveyor belt. Cheddaring is performed by continuously passing curd into a large tower where the weight of the curds above squeezes out whey. Another tower is used to press the curd into blocks, which are guillotined into the desired size and vacuum-packaged. An acceptable Cheddar cheese can be made with a pH level anywhere from 5.0 to 5.4, making it a relatively easy cheese to manufacture compared to varieties with tight limits. Cheddar,
Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture
Box 10.1 Cheddar Gorge Cheddar Gorge is a popular tourist attraction and considered one of England’s greatest natural wonders. he gorge was formed by a surface river cutting into the limestone over the past 1.2 million years. Many caves are there, and the two largest, Cox’s Cave and Gough’s Cave, are open to the public. he gorge is home to several rare or unique species of plant life. Great Britain’s oldest complete human skeleton, dating back to around 7150 bc, was found in Gough’s Cave in 1903. Nicknamed “Cheddar Man,” he was an adult male who was apparently killed—the side of his skull has a hole in it. In 1997, Oxford University researchers led by Bryan Sykes extracted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from one of the molars. DNA carries all genetic information for an individual; mtDNA comes from cellular power plants, the mitochondria, and is inherited only from the mother. Cheddar Man’s mtDNA was compared to scrapings from the cheeks of 20 local residents, and one local teacher, who was born 15 miles away in Bristol, was a match. He and Cheddar Man therefore both had a common female ancestor.
Box 10.2 Meow “It’s a Cheshire-cat,” said the Duchess, “and that’s why.” —lewis carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1865
2-Mercapto-2-methylpentan-4-one is both a sulfur-containing compound and a ketone, with this structure:
It has been found in cheese, black currants, and other foods. It is also a breakdown product of a longer molecule, felinine, an amino acid found in the urine of male domestic cats. Felinine is presumed to be involved in the production of pheromones, which the cat uses to mark territories in order to attract females and repel other males. Tomcats excrete four times as much felinine as female cats or castrated male cats. 2-Mercapto-2methylpentan-4-one helps impart the characteristic odor to tomcat urine and is responsible for the catty odor that aged cheese sometimes has. In cheese it probably arises from the breakdown of methionine in casein and may be considered a desirable lavor in Cheddar. In fact, at least one noted manufacturer deliberately adds an adjunct culture that produces 2-mercapto-2-methylpentan-4-one in one of its Cheddar brands. Cheese tasters and graders will oten say “meow” when they encounter this aroma in a product.
he Science of Cheese
Stilton, Tomme de Savoie (Chapter 12), Mimolette (Box 16.5) and some other varieties are natural rind cheeses, meaning that their rinds are created during aging as the outer surface dries out (though industrial Cheddar no longer has rinds). hese rinds are not washed, and no bacteria or molds are added to them (as opposed to the cheeses in Chapter 8), though microorganisms from the environment may grow on them. Cheese rinds are safe to eat as long as they are clean and have no cloth or wax attached. Cheshire
Cheshire cheese was irst mentioned by name in the late sixteenth century, though it may date to pre-Roman times, and is sometimes called Chester ater the port from which it used to be shipped. It is now made in the English counties of Cheshire, Shropshire, and Stafordshire, and in the neighboring Welsh counties of Denbighshire and Flintshire. he Cheshire basin is an area of Great Britain featuring salt beds and a high amount of salt in its soil. he salt inds its way into pasture plants, imparting a unique lavor likened to sea spray or salt marsh. Milk is heated to 90°–95° and acidiied quickly with large amounts of starter. he acidic conditions increase the rennet activity and the loss of colloidal CCP to the whey. Ater cheddaring, the curd is milled to a granular texture, and the pH at pressing is only 4.8, leading to a crumbly cheese. Cheshire is stored at 43°–46° for 6–9 months and the texture and lavor have been described as being midway between that of Cheddar and Feta. In 1988, U.S. Customs asked our research group to help them with a problem: they had seized a shipment of English cheese described as “Cheddar,” but suspected that it was actually Cheshire that was mislabeled to circumvent import quotas. he United States has restrictions on Cheddar imported from England, since that variety is made domestically, but none on Cheshire, which is not manufactured in America. We found that the best way to distinguish the two was through the use of rheology, the study of low and deformation of matter. Our instrumental measurements showed that the body of the suspect cheese did not hold together nearly as well as that of genuine Cheddar of the same age, an indication that the cheese was really Cheshire. he importation rules were tightened up ater that. Red Leicester and Double Gloucester
Red Leicester (LESS-ter) was irst made in Leicestershire in the seventeenth century and is similar to Cheshire. It is traditionally made in wheels weighing 22–44 pounds and is ripened at 50°–59° for 4–8 months. Annatto is added to provide its characteristic
Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture
tangerine color, which originally came from beet or carrot juice. During World War II, Leicester was produced without the annatto, giving it a yellow color like most other cheeses’. When the dye was permitted again, manufacturers added the “red” in the name to distinguish it from the wartime variety. Annatto is used by some manufacturers to dye Cheshire as well. Double Gloucester (GLOSS-ter), dating to the sixteenth century, is made from whole milk, and not partly skimmed milk as in Single Gloucester. Both are made with milk from the rare Gloucester cow. he curds are cooked at 95°–100° and are milled twice. Annatto is oten added to Double Gloucester, and the cheese is aged 4–6 months, developing a rind. Double Gloucester is usually shaped in wheels weighing 8–18 pounds, and Single Gloucester comes in wheels weighing 7–12 pounds; this diference may also account for the adjectives “double” and “single.” Fourteen-pound Double Gloucester cheeses are used every May in the Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake, where a wheel is rolled down a 50 percent gradient slope in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, and people try to chase ater it. here are men’s and women’s races; in between, paramedics remove injured competitors and spectators. A cheese is awarded to the irst person in each race to reach the bottom of the hill without dying.
Other British Varieties
Caerphilly (care-PHIL-lee) originated in the area around the town of Caerphilly, Wales, where a cheese sculpture now stands and an annual three-day Big Cheese festival is held. Caerphilly dates back to the 1830s and is the only traditional Welsh cheese. Mesophilic starter cultures and calf rennet are used to produce the curd, which is held at 90°–93° for an hour. he curd is cut into half-inch cubes using knives that reach the bottom of the vat, and the curds and whey are hand-stirred. he correct acidity is determined by pressing a hand on the curd: if the imprint remains, the whey is drained. he curd is cut again, piled into forms, and pressed for less than 30 minutes. he cheeses are held in brine for a day to enable rind formation and are ready for sale in just two weeks, though they may be aged for 3–4 months. he less extensive pressing results in a higher moisture content and a soter, buttery texture. Caerphilly forms a gray rind, which may pick up mold growth. Welsh miners were said to have preferred this variety since the rind kept the dirt from their hands of of the cheese and the extra salt helped replenish what they lost through perspiration. Dunlop is the indigenous hard cheese from Scotland, dating to the late 1600s. Production stopped during the war and has been revived by artisan cheesemakers
he Science of Cheese
using Ayrshire cows. It is similar to Cheddar, being aged 6–12 months to prevent buildup of acidic lavor. Derby (pronounced “DAR-bee”) is also similar to Cheddar, but the curds are soter and the cheese has a loose texture. Authentic Sage Derby is made by adding chopped sage to the curds, giving the cheese a green marbling. Wensleydale, a blue-veined cheese made for eight centuries until World War II, was revived in the early 1950s as a variety similar to Cheddar and Caerphilly. A small amount of the blue version is still made, but the rest is white with an aging time of a few weeks. Locally obtained milk for Yarg Cornish cheese is coagulated, drained, cut into blocks, milled, brined for 24 hours, and allowed to dry for 48 hours. Edible nettle leaves are then applied by hand over the entire cheese surface, causing breakdown of the rind; the interior is crumbly like Caerphilly. he rind turns gray-green over the three-week ripening period as the nettles impart a mild mushroom lavor. Yarg is “gray” spelled backward, ater the surname of the couple who developed this variety in the 1970s. French Varieties
Cantal and Salers are similar cheeses from the Cantal Mountains in France and are made from milk of Salers cows. Cantal is mass-produced from milk of hay-fed cows from November to April, and Salers is artisanally made from pasture-fed cow’s milk during the other months. Salers is the only major French cheese that is entirely farmhouse-made. Both are cheddared with the curd being cut into half-inch cubes, pressed, and rested for eight hours. he curd is then ground through a milling machine, salted, packed into forms, and pressed a second time. hey come in the form of 80-pound wheels with thick rinds. Aldehydes
Aldehydes tend to be transient compounds in cheese, breaking down quickly into alcohols or acids. Straight-chain aldehydes (those without branched chains) are usually formed by enzymatic degradation of fatty acids, and can produce highly undesirable lavors when their concentration is too high. he branched-chain aldehydes originate from amino acid breakdown, and do not have to involve enzymes. A common aldehyde in Cheddar, methional (Box 7.1), imparts a boiled potato aroma and 3-methyl butanal (Box 10.3) is also important. hree branched-chain aldehydes combine to create nutty lavors in Cheddar.
Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture
Box 10.3 More on Texture Rheology (from the Greek word for low) is the study of low and deformation of matter and was pioneered by Isaac Newton. Tribology (from the Greek for “I rub”) is the science of interactive surfaces in motion and was irst studied by Leonardo da Vinci. Both are involved in food texture because the eating process changes from deformation to lubrication before swallowing. Teeth, tongue, palate, and saliva all attack the food, altering it from a chunk up to an inch in size to pieces less than a millimeter across. In the process, the food is bitten with the front teeth, transported toward the molars, accumulated into a mass, and swallowed. he primary and secondary mechanical properties listed above cover the initial chewing of a food and are rheological. he table below shows the sensations during the eating of cheese that are categorized under rheology and tribology.
Particle size, shape, orientation Juiciness
Gritty, grainy, ibrous Juicy, watery
Greasy, oily
Smooth, rough
Feel of food particles in mouth Amount of water relative to solids Amount of fat relative to solids Perceived smoothness of dairy foods Force required for moving surfaces relative to each other
Fattiness is an important factor when consuming cheese, which has a substantial fat content, since fat and oil have been found to remain on the tongue as a ilm or as droplets a half a minute ater the food is swallowed. One sensation that is categorized solely under tribology is astringency, the feeling inside the mouth of drying out, which we mentioned as a lavor factor in Chapter 7. Astringent compounds such as certain amino acids in cheese and tannins in wine combine with salivary proteins, resulting in an increase in friction inside the mouth.
he Science of Cheese
Table 10.1 Mechanical properties of cheese Parameter Hardness
Cohesiveness Springiness
Fracturability/ brittleness Chewiness
primary mechanical properties Sot, irm, hard Force required to compress cheese between molars (See secondary properties) Structural strength of the cheese Plastic, elastic Degree to which cheese returns to original shape once it has been compressed between the teeth Sticky, tacky, gooey Force required to remove the material that adheres to the palate during eating secondary mechanical properties Crumbly, crunchy, Force with which cheese brittle crumbles, cracks, or shatters Tender, chewy, tough Work required to masticate the cheese until it can be swallowed
he texture of a cheese may be considered as important as its lavor. Consumers will not accept cheese, or any food, if it doesn’t produce the expected sensation when they break of a piece and chew it. Even if the lavor is correct, people will shun a food that “feels wrong” to them. Texture is even more important in cheese when it used as an ingredient in another food. he cheese on a cheeseburger contributes to the overall lavor of the sandwich but becomes objectionable if it is rubbery or tough.
Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture
Box 10.4 Aldehydes he simplest aldehyde in cheese is acetaldehyde, with the structure at right:
or just
when the C’s and H’s are removed. Other simple straight-chain aldehydes are hexanal (6 carbon atoms), heptanal (7 carbons), octanal (8 carbons), nonanal (9 carbons), and decanal (10 carbons). All have aromas described as green, fatty, herbaceous, and soapy. he most common aldehyde in cheese is nonanal, with this structure:
he major aromatic aldehyde in cheese is phenylacetaldehyde, which has an aroma reminiscent of lowers or honey:
Aldehydes may have branched chains. he primary branched-chain aldehydes in cheese are 2-methylpropanal:
and 3-methylbutanal:
hese three compounds appear to be responsible for nutty lavor in Cheddar, though by themselves they have a green or malty aroma.
he Science of Cheese
Table 10.2 Factors afecting cheese texture Factor
Efect on cheese texture
Moisture content is high
Fat content is high CCP content decreases pH is under 4.9
Better stretching Weakens
Rigidity decreases as amount of protein decreases Protein network is less dense Links between casein molecules decrease Casein molecules become more compact
pH is over 5.8 Aging
More brittle and grainy, less cohesive and stretchable Crumbly, less cohesive and stretchable Sotens, becomes less stretchable and easier to fracture
Curd particles do not fuse together Proteolysis breaks bonds between caseins
Texture is a sensory property, meaning that only people can describe it, not instruments. Texture has many characteristics deriving from the structure of the food, and is primarily detected by touch and pressure. Alina Szczesniak was a pioneer in deining textural attributes of food while at General Foods Corporation in the 1960s, and she classiied texture descriptors into mechanical, geometrical, and compositional parameters. Table 10.1 shows these mechanical properties, adapted for cheese. Fracturability (or brittleness) and chewiness are secondary properties that are included in “cohesiveness.” “Geometrical properties” include particle size, shape, and orientation, and have descriptors such as gritty, grainy, and ibrous. “Compositional parameters” are moisture content (dry, moist) and fat content (oily, greasy). Texture changes as you eat a food because it is broken into small pieces and lubricated with saliva (Box 10.3). Cheese judges and graders also consider the size, shape, spacing, and number of eyes in Swiss-type cheeses to be a part of texture, though others refer to these aspects as part of the “body” of the cheese. We will talk about the ways to analyze texture in Chapter 15. Several factors determine the texture of cheese by afecting the casein, shown in Table 10.2. he pH at coagulation and draining afect the rate of acid production, which determines the mineral content of the cheese. For all intents and purposes, “mineral”
Cheddared Cheeses, Aldehydes, and Texture
means CCP, which increasingly dissolves in the whey as the pH goes down. For instance, the low pH of the interior of mold-ripened cheeses (4.6–4.7) causes much of the CCP to dissolve and migrate to the surface. Combined with proteolysis, these cheeses can become very sot on the inside, while the CCP collecting on the outside helps develop a rind. Stretching is particularly important with Mozzarella, and a number of studies have shown that pH has to be between 4.9 and 5.6 for the cheese to stretch acceptably. Washing of the curd also removes some calcium. We will look at washed curds next.
he woman on the phone had a voice that could melt the wax of a gouda. —Judith Stone, Light Elements, 1991
The above quote is the irst sentence of a story about some of my work, in this instance distinguishing mislabeled cheeses from the real things. he rules and regulations about cheese will be covered in Chapter 16, but this chapter will explain why Gouda (and Edam) cheeses have wax in the irst place, and why they, Colby, and Monterey Jack are in a class by themselves. Gouda and Edam
Gouda comes in wheels and is made from whole milk, and Edam comes in spheres and is made from part-skim milk. Otherwise, the procedures for making these two classic Dutch-type cheeses are the same. he milk is cooled to 86°, starter is added, and rennet is added immediately. he curd is cut with 5/8-inch knives and stirred gently 20 minutes. hen the curd is scalded: a third of the whey is drained and replaced with water at 95° over a 15-minute period. his curd-washing step rinses out much of the whey and removes some lactose from the curd, resulting in a cheese with a sweeter and less sour lavor. Stirring continues until the temperature levels of at 100°, and then stopped. When the curd has settled, it is pressed for at least 10 minutes while still under the whey, using steel plates. he whey is drained, and the curd is removed, pressed, and brined for anywhere from a day (1-pound 128
Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species
size) to a week (45 pounds). Cheeses intended for export are coated with red (or sometimes yellow) parain wax to prevent them from drying out; black wax is used if the cheese is to be aged a long time. Dutch-type cheeses were frequently used to feed sailors on long voyages and required a strong coating to stay in good condition. he cheese is initially stored for two weeks at 50°–55° and 75 percent relative humidity. he product is next moved to a room that is a few degrees warmer to encourage microbial growth. Both varieties develop some small eyes. Ater long aging, crystals of calcium lactate and tyrosine may form in Gouda, imparting some crunch. Industrial production of these varieties is always from pasteurized milk, but Boerenkaas (“farmer’s cheese”) is made on farms from raw cow’s, goat’s, or sheep’s milk. Gouda comes in wheels weighing anywhere from 1 to 88 pounds and Edam spheres weigh around 4 pounds. he cannonball shape of Edam once prompted its use as actual cannonballs (Box 11.1).
Box 11.1 Cannonballs “I was blown up while we were eating cheese.” —ernest hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1929
In the days of sail, iron cannonballs were ired from close range at enemy ships to damage their wooden hulls. Edam’s spherical shape inspired Commodore John H. Coe of the navy of Montevideo, Uruguay, to use the cheese as actual cannonballs when they ran out of ammunition while battling Admiral William Brown’s force from Buenos Aires in 1841. he Edam was rock-hard, and the irst lieutenant said that he broke the carving knife trying to cut it. One cheese shattered into dangerous splinters upon striking the main mast, another lew in through a porthole and killed two men before fragmenting, and several others ripped through the sails. Brown retreated. A 2009 episode of the Mythbusters television show attempted to show whether or not a cheese ired from a cannon at 30 feet (a typical distance in nineteenth-century sea battles) could put a hole in a sail. he Edam they used was too sot and simply bounced of the sail without damaging it. A smoked Gouda, which was hard and brittle, fragmented upon exiting the cannon barrel. hey also tried a hard Spanish goat cheese, Garrotxa (gar-ROH-chah, named ater a county), which did puncture the sail; its success was credited to its combination of irmness and lexibility. hey did not attempt to splinter wood (or kill anyone), and it is possible that the Edam on Coe’s ship was capable of wreaking the havoc reported.
he Science of Cheese
Colby and Monterey Jack
Colby was first made in Colby Township, Wisconsin, in 1874, and the procedure for manufacturing it is similar to that of Cheddar, up to the whey-drainage step. The whey is removed until it is at the level of the curd, and 59° water is added until the temperature in the vat reaches 79°. Water is added, and the curd is stirred vigorously over a 15-minute period to prevent a tight structure from forming. The warmer the water added, the lower the moisture in the final product. NaCl is added after draining and the cheese is placed in hoops and pressed. The cheese is vacuum-packaged and aged at 45°–55° for up to three months. Monterey Jack was developed by Franciscan monks in California in the seventeenth century and was pressed with a device called a “jack.” It was popularized by businessman David Jacks in the late nineteenth century, who shipped it out of Monterey and took credit for its invention and name. his cheese difers from Colby in that all of the whey is drained, and the curd is allowed to sit with occasional stirring until the pH drops to 5.3. he cheese forms a rind before packaging and is aged for up to two months. Monterey Jack curds are sometimes mixed with Colby or Cheddar curds to produce Colby Jack or Cheddar Jack. Havarti
Havarti is named ater the farm north of Copenhagen where modern Danish cheesemaking was developed in the latter part of the nineteenth century. he cheese itself was introduced in the 1920s. It is similar to a mild Tilsit, but the curd is washed and the smear on the surface is not allowed to develop, making it an interior-ripened cheese like the other washed curd varieties. Lactones
Lactones do not taste like cheese, but they are essential for the proper aroma and lavor of every cheese variety. heir concentration in milk fat is 10–30 ppm, which is well above their lavor threshold, making their fruity, sweet lavors easily detectable. All of the hydroxy acids in milk fat are converted to lactones upon heating, resulting in a lactone concentration over 80 ppm. hat’s why your kitchen is illed with such a lovely aroma when you bake foods containing butter. he most important lactones in cheese and how they are formed in Gouda are discussed in Box 11.2.
Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species
Box 11.2 Lactones As mentioned in Box 5.4, lactones are formed from hydroxy acids, which are fatty acids that have an OH group attached to the carbon chain. A recent study on Gouda during ripening showed that the reaction takes place while the hydroxy acid is still attached to the triglyceride, and the lactone then splits of. he same mechanism should be true for other cheese varieties. Formation of lactones in cheese is spontaneous and does not involve bacteria or enzymes. Lactones in cheese may have as few as four carbon atoms and as many as eighteen, but the most important lactones have eight, ten, or twelve carbons. γ-Octalactone (γ, gamma, is the third letter of the Greek alphabet) is similar to the δ-octalactone from Box 3.2 except that the ring contains four carbon atoms and the tail has four. Both lactones have a coconut or peach lavor. A similar compound with a CH3 group attached to the ring is found in oak and in alcoholic beverages aged in oak barrels. It is oten called “whisky lactone.” δ-Decalactone has ten carbons in all (deca- is the preix for ten) and also imparts a peachy, coconut lavor. γ-Decalactone is responsible for apricot lavor. δ-Dodecalactone has 12 carbons (dodeca- is the preix for twelve) and has lowery and buttery lavors.
Fodder versus Forage
As mentioned in Chapter 3, most American cows are on fodder, which is conventional feed consisting of hay, silage, and total mixed ration. “Hay” is composed of dried legumes (especially alfalfa) or dried grasses (such as fescue and timothy). “Silage” contains a combination of alfalfa, barley, corn, and soybean that is harvested while still wet, chopped up, placed in a silo, and fermented for a few weeks by bacteria. “Total mixed ration” is a blend of various plants, protein supplements, vitamins, and minerals. A study of milk from cows living in similar farms in an area of Italy showed diferences in the volatile compounds depending on the feed. When comparing three diets, milk from cows eating hay and corn was found to have higher levels of alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones than milk from cows that had silage in their feed (Box 11.3).
he Science of Cheese
Box 11.3 Feed Not only does fodder result in diferent compounds in milk than forage does, but the type of fodder is important. he following table (Table b11.3) compares the number and concentration (measured in parts per billion) of volatile compounds in one study of milk from cows with diferent diets. All three feeds contained 9% soybean meal. Table B11.3 Diet and volatile compounds in milk Compounds
Number found
57% hay, 30% corn, 4% sugar beet and wheat bran
Alcohols Aldehydes Ketones Others Total
8 9 8 16 41
51 110 213 15 389
59% corn silage, 17% hay, 14% corn ppb in feed 24 29 124 14 191
15% grass silage, 51% corn silage, 11% hay, 14% corn 7 58 184 11 260
he cows fed primarily with hay gave milk with higher levels of each compound class. hough tens and hundreds of parts per billion don’t seem like much, remember that these numbers are for whole milk and that the resulting cheese would concentrate these compounds by roughly a factor of ten. Also, some of these compounds have low odor thresholds, making them noticeable. The above study did not look at fatty acids, which are also passed on from the diet to the milk. In temperate climates, fresh grass contains 1%–3% fatty acids, with the higher number in spring and fall. Milk from cows on pasture has lower levels of myristic and palmitic acids, and higher levels of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, than from cows on grass silage or corn silage. Table 2 shows the distribution according to a study in France (the silage tested also contained some concentrated feed).
Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species
Box 11.3 (continued ) 45 Pasture
Grass silage
Corn silage
40 35
Percent in fat
30 25 20 15 10 5
c Li no
lei Li no
c lei O
St ea ric
c iti Pa lm
Bu ty Ca ric pr oi c, ca pr yli c Ca pr ic, lau ric M yr ist ic
Fatty acids Variations in fatty acids due to feed.
Some cows and most sheep and goats are on pasture most of the year. heir milk will contain a larger variety of compounds than milk from animals on conventional rations. In another study in Italy, sheep were grazed on three diferent pastures: a cultivated pasture containing a mix of perennial ryegrass and clover; an uncultivated pasture containing grass and plants in the crucifer, knotweed, and pea families; and a pasture of oats. he plants from the uncultivated pasture contained 38 volatile compounds, compared with 16 in each of the other two pastures. Only nine compounds were common to all three. When the milk was made into caciotta (a generic,
Figure 11.1 Holstein and Jersey cows feeding silage.
Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species
Box 11.4 Differences Between Species he milk from cows, goats, sheep, and water bufalo is most oten used to make cheese. Here are selected compounds from one study comparing volatiles in raw milk from these species: Table B11.4 Volatiles in cheese from diferent species (in ppb) Species Compound
alcohols Alcoholic 2 Mushroom 0 Rose-like 0 Stale 8 aldehydes Herbaceous 20 Herbaceous 40 Green 20 Herbaceous 10 Floral 0 esters Apple 120 Unripe fruit 90 Apple 80 Fruity 80 ketones Varnish 1 Rotten 1 Blue cheese 1 Blue cheese 1 Ketone 1 Oily 1 lactones Creamy 0.8
Pentanol 1-Octen-3-ol 2-Phenylethanol p-Cresol Pentanal Heptanal Nonanal Decanal Phenylacetaldehyde Ethyl butanoate Ethyl hexanoate Ethyl octanoate Ethyl decanoate 2-Butanone 2-Pentanone 2-Hexanone 2-Heptanone 2-Nonanone 2-Undecanone
Water bufalo
5 8 0 3
5 4 0 1
10 10 10 13
40 10 30 30 3
20 4 20 40 0
60 10 40 6 20
80 70 50 60
40 40 70 100
300 150 50 2
1 3 3 2 2 3
0 2 1 2 2 1
13 5 2 4 4 3
0.2 (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Box 11.4 (continued ) Species Compound
Indole Dimethylsulfone
nitrogen-containing Stale 0.2 2 sulfur-containing Sulfurous 200 250
Water bufalo
Water bufalo milk contained the highest concentrations of alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones, and the 1-octen-3-ol irst mentioned in Chapter 6 was at the odor threshold in water bufalo milk only. he microbial population in the rumen of water bufalo is higher than those of the other species, allowing them to break down fatty acids and amino acids faster and to a greater extent. 2-Phenylethanol, for instance, is a degradation product of the amino acid phenylalanine (both are described in Box 5.1), and this reaction apparently does not take place as quickly in milk from cows, goats, and sheep. he esters were the most important and potent odorants. heir concentrations in milk from cow and water bufalo decreased as the chain length increased; sheep’s milk had the opposite trend. he lactones were present at low concentrations, but were detectable due to their low odor thresholds. Dimethylsulfone represented 20%–28% of the volatile compounds in cow’s, goat’s, and sheep’s milks, but only 4% of the volatiles in water bufalo milk.
simply-made sot cheese) and aged for two months, the cheese made from the milk from the uncultivated pasture contained far more acetic acid and short-chained fatty acids than the other cheeses. Pasture plants vary according to season. When caciotta was made from goat’s milk, differences in the plants available depended on the time of year and resulted in differences in the cheese. Goats selected grasses as 85 percent of their diet in the winter, but new growth caused them to choose 60 percent legumes and herbaceous plants in the spring and 70 percent herbaceous plants in the summer. Winter and spring milk and cheeses had fruity and musty aromas due to alcohols, esters, and ketones. In summer, there were citrus, green, mint, and resinous odors from terpenes. We will discuss more about seasonality and terpenes in Chapter 13.
Washed Curd Cheeses, Lactones, Feed, and Species
In addition to food source, many volatile compounds that are found in milk and contribute to cheese lavor difer because of species. Cows, goats, sheep, and water bufalo metabolize food in diferent ways. A study demonstrated this by pooling the milk from about 100 animals of each of these species and determining the volatile compounds in them. All of the animals were pasture-fed in Caserta, Italy (the water bufalo), or Dijon, France (the others). he milk had dozens of compounds in common, but oten in widely varying amounts (Box 11.4).
Box 11.5 Bovine Somatotropin All animals produce growth hormone in their pituitary glands, where it helps regulate metabolic processes. In calves, bovine somatotropin (BST), also known as growth hormone (BGH), helps with growth by building tissue. In lactating cows, it allows body fat to be used less for growth and more for the energy necessary for milk production. Small amounts of BGH are passed on to milk, where 90% of it is destroyed by pasteurization. In the 1930s, injection of cows with BST was found to prevent mammary cell death, causing milk yield to increase. he use of BST was not cost-eicient then since it could only be obtained by extracting it from bovine pituitary glands. But by the 1990s it became economically feasible to produce BST by genetically engineering E. coli. his recombinant BST (abbreviated rBST or rBGH) boosts milk production by 10%–25%, though it increases the possibility of mastitis, an udder inlammation. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993 ater determining that its use would be safe to humans. he FDA found that BST was not biologically active when consumed by humans, and that the milk from cows treated with rBST was no diferent than milk from untreated cows. Furthermore, the FDA ruled that milk and milk products cannot be labeled as “hormone-free” since all milk contains hormones, including tiny amounts of BST. It is impossible to tell whether milk contains BST, rBST, or both. To date, over 30 million American cows have received injections of rBST. Nevertheless, only the United States, Mexico, most countries in Central and South America, and several other nations allow rBST. Many dairies, cheesemakers, and other manufacturers proudly state on their labels that milk from rBST cows is not used in their products. Why is there so much fuss about rBST? For one thing, consumers are wary about any changes to their milk—they have a strong emotional bond with baby’s irst food. Many people are concerned with the health of cows on rBST. Also, large operations are more likely to use rBST than family farms, giving them an economic advantage that many view as unfair.
he Science of Cheese
he lavor of cheese is important to consumers, but cheesemakers also have to look at yield, the amount of cheese they are able to make from a given quantity of milk. Species makes a diference here also. Back in Chapter 1 we saw that milk from sheep and water bufalo has more protein and fat than milk from cows and goats. When cheese is made, the milk is oten standardized so that the ratio of casein to fat is 3 to 4. As a result, the yield of sheep cheese is 15 pounds per 100 pounds of milk, with water bufalo at 12 and cow and goat around 10. How much milk do these animals provide? Dairy sheep average only 400–1,100 pounds of milk during a lactation period of 120–240 days, so their milk and the cheese made from it is scarcer and thus costlier than cow’s milk cheese. Dairy goats average 1,200–2,600 pounds of milk during an average lactation period of 284 days. Only a couple of dairy water bufalo herds are in the United States, so cheese made from their milk is sold at a premium. hese animals can be expected to produce around 2,600–3,300 pounds of milk during their lactation period of 200–230 days. Compare those numbers with the 15,000–24,000 pounds of milk per 305-day lactation for cows (see Box 11.5 for one reason for the high numbers). It is therefore no surprise that most cheese in the world comes from cow’s milk, including all of the varieties discussed in the next chapter.
You are not approaching Nature in one of her myriad tints of mood, as in the holy act of eating cheese. —G. K. Chesterton, Alarms and Discursions, 1911
The cheeses in this chapter are the “holy” (holey) Swiss types. hese varieties originated in mountainous regions where the climate is cool and the lactic acid bacteria population is relatively low, resulting in slow acidiication and whey expulsion. he NaCl levels are also low because of the cost of hauling salt up to the farms. he wheels are large due to lack of storage facilities for the milk—all of it is used to make one big cheese. hese factors make reduction of moisture to the proper levels diicult, so the curds are cut into small pieces and heated above 120° to facilitate whey removal. he resulting cheese has a hard rind and a relatively elastic body. he propionibacteria normally found in milk are able to grow best with low levels of acid and NaCl. hese bacteria metabolize lactic acid to propionic acid (Box 12.1), and two of the compounds formed, calcium propionate and magnesium propionate, appear to be responsible for the sweetish lavor of Swiss-type cheeses. Propionibacteria also produce CO2 gas, which forms the eyes within the supple structure of the cheese. In France, cheesemakers categorize the eye size as tiny (les yeux de perdix, “partridge eyes”), small (petit pois, “little peas”), medium (cerises, “cherries”), and large (noix, “walnuts”). Emmental has large eyes; Comté is classiied as having small to medium eyes; and Tomme de Savoie has tiny eyes.
he Science of Cheese
Box 12.1 Where the Holes Come From “On earth I was a manufacturer of Imported Holes for American Swiss Cheese, and I acknowledge that I supplied a superior article, which was in great demand.” —l. frank baum, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, 1908
he eyes in Swiss-type cheeses are created when Propionibacterium reudenreichii subspecies shermanii metabolizes lactic and propionic acid. he initial reaction looks like this:
3 lactic acid molecules form 1 acetic acid molecule, 2 propionic acid molecules, 1 carbon dioxide molecule, and 1 water molecule. Extra oxygen and hydrogen atoms are also produced, and these go toward an enzyme that transports energy within the bacterial cells. he CO2 gas accumulates at the weaker spots in the cheese matrix, forming the bubbles that we call “holes” or “eyes.” he cheese is made with a relatively low NaCl level, which allows the bacteria to survive. Some 120 liters (32 gallons) of CO2 are generated during ripening of a 175-pound wheel of Swiss cheese. About a third of the gas escapes into the air, half of it stays dissolved in the curd, and the rest forms eyes.
Swiss Cheese
Emmental (also called Emmentaler) is the name of the authentic Swiss cheese, originating in the thirteenth century in Switzerland’s Emmen valley. he starter consists of the thermophile Streptococcus thermophilus, the thermophile Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies lactis (which metabolizes glucose and galactose, and governs pH development), and Propionibacterium reudenreichii subspecies shermanii, the adjunct responsible for eye formation through generation of CO2. he P. shermanii grows slowly and at relatively high temperatures. Emmental and similar cheeses are tricky to make because of the balancing act between achieving the proper texture and the generation of the characteristic eyes. If too much CO2 is created, the cheese may explode, and if no CO2 is made, the cheese will be “blind” (no eyes). he starter is added to milk at 98°, and rennet is
Cheeses With Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing
added 15 minutes later. Quarter-inch knives are used until the curd is in small granules the size of rice grains. he curd is stirred for 30–60 minutes and heated to 125° over 30 minutes, with agitation to prevent the pieces from sticking to each other. he temperature is too high for bacterial growth, so the pH at this stage has only decreased to 6.3, which allows the CCP to be retained in the curd. Much of the chymosin activity is also halted at this temperature. Ater agitation is stopped, the curds are allowed to settle at bottom of vat under the whey. he curd is pressed with metal plates for up to half an hour before the whey is drained. Pressing continues for another 18 hours, during which the curd temperature drops and the bacteria begin to grow again and metabolize the lactose. he pH stabilizes around 5.2, which is ideal for curd elasticity (the cheese is stretchable when heated by the consumer) and allows the eyes to form. he curd is held in brine for two days and then stored at 75° for 6–8 weeks at 75 percent relative humidity. Ater a month, the P. shermanii starts to metabolize the lactic acid, creating bubbles of CO2. he cheese is then stored at 50° as eye-formation slows. A irm, dry rind that prevents the escape of CO2 is formed during storage. Eyes continue to be produced until refrigeration stops the process. he eyes are supposed to be up to an inch in diameter and 1–3 inches apart, with a 110-pound wheel containing a thousand eyes occupying a volume of 760 cubic inches. Oten, eyes are not perfectly formed throughout a cheese; a list of possible defects is in Box 12.2.
Gruyère and Similar Cheeses
Gruyère (gree-AIR, named ater a town in Switzerland) is made in the same basic way as Emmental but with smaller curds and longer, harder pressing. It is aged in cellars or caves at 96 percent humidity and a temperature of 56°. Gruyère has a few small, irregular eyes. Graviera (Greek for Gruyère) is similar but may be made from goat’s or sheep’s milk. Comté (French for “county” and made in Franche-Comté and the Rhône Alps) is also called Gruyère de Comté and is the most-produced cheese in France. It is made mostly from Montbéliarde cows, and it takes 120 gallons to make an 80-pound wheel. he milk must not travel more than 15 miles to the cheese plant, and it is heated only during coagulation. Beaufort (bow-FORE, named ater a French town) is similar to Gruyère but uses only L. helveticus as a starter. A wheel has inwardly curving sides because it is encircled by a beechwood belt during aging. he cloth rind is washed with brine containing whey and older cheese. Beaufort cheeses made in winter are white because of the hay fed to the cows; in summer the cheeses are light yellow because the cows are on pasture.
he Science of Cheese
Box 12.2 Eye Defects he eyes in Swiss-type cheeses should be around a quarter-inch in diameter, welldistributed, with a glossy, velvety appearance on the interior. he USDA changed their regulations in 2002, allowing smaller eye size because the slicing machinery would jam up with the larger eyes. he common eye defects come under ive categories and are shown here. I’m not sure where “streuble” comes from, but “cabbage” is a descriptor because the multitude of eyes results in a thin layer of cheese between them, giving the cheese a cabbage-like appearance. Checks, cracks, and splits are a result of late fermentation (when propionic acid breakdown restarts late in the ripening process) or when butyric acid is fermented. he body of the cheese cannot handle the additional gas generated, and begins to fracture. Eyes with the shell defect resemble a nutshell. Table B12.2 Defects in Swiss-type cheeses Defect
distribution : Eyes of various appearance, shape, and size Many small eyes in a small area Many small eyes just under surface Eyes unevenly distributed Eyes well-spaced on one side, lacking on other number : No eyes
Few eyes
Excessive eyes
size : Air bubble at least 5 inches in diameter
Gassy Nesty Streuble Uneven One-sided
Likely cause Unwanted microbial growth Improper pressing Curd temperature diferences Curd mishandling Curd temperature diferences Lack of microbial activity Too little microbial activity Unwanted microbial growth Poor pressing
Cheeses With Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing
Box 12.2 (continued) Defect
Likely cause
Large eyes
High CO2 generation
Splits Frogmouth
Eyes between 13/16 and 1 inch in diameter Eyes between 1/8 and 3/8 inch in diameter Small eyes caused by unwanted late fermentation shape/texture : Cheese overcrowded with many irregular eyes Flattened eyes Small, short cracks in cheese Small irregular openings in cheese Sizable cracks Eyes have spindle shapes
Eyes are distorted or elongated
Small eyes Aterset
Cabbage Collapsed Checks Picks
Dull eyes Dead eyes Rough Shell
interior : Eyes lack some glossy luster Eyes lack glossy luster Eye walls lack smooth appearance Multi-dimensional wall appearance
Low CO2 generation Poor quality milk
High moisture and sot body Body too sot Excessive proteolysis Excessive proteolysis Excessive proteolysis Curd too acidic and too irm Moisture within block varies Insuicient whey drainage, leading to high moisture, excessive acidity, and too irm body
Tomme de Savoie
Tomme de Savoie (“alpine cheese of Savoy”) is usually made from milk let over from the manufacture of other varieties such as Beaufort. he diferences between producers and seasons are noticeable with this cheese, which is made from partly skimmed milk. he curd is uncooked and pressed into 3-pound cylinders. he cheese is oten seasoned with cumin.
he Science of Cheese
Other Cheeses with Eyes
Samsø (named ater a Danish island) is a soter version of Emmental, with a milder lavor. It comes in blocks or wheels weighing 31 pounds. Jarlsberg (named ater a Norwegian county) has many similarities to Emmental, including the use of P. reudenreichii subspecies shermanii, but its manufacturing procedure has been secret since production began in the early 1960s. he wheels are 20–24 pounds. Appenzeller (named ater a Swiss town) is unusual in that the rind is soaked in brine containing a mixture of herbs, spices, and cider or wine. It may be brushed or submerged for a month or two, imparting a unique lavor to the cheese. Furans and Hydrocarbons
Some strains of Lactobacilli generate furans, in particular furaneol, homofuraneol, and sotolon (Box 12.3). Furans are formed in a wide variety of foods during breakdown of carbohydrates, and presumably arise from lactose degradation in cheese. Furaneol and
Box 12.3 Furans Furans are compounds containing one oxygen atom and four carbon atoms in a ring. Two furans that afect cheese lavor are furaneol and homofuraneol, both of which have a strawberry or caramel aroma. he structures are shown here with their common names and full names. his is furaneol, or 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone:
You can see why chemists oten prefer the common names. Here is homofuraneol, or 5-ethyl-4-hydroxy-2-methyl-3(2H)-furanone:
Another furan found in cheese is sotolon, or 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethylfuran-2(5H)one, which has a maple syrup aroma:
Cheeses With Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing
homofuraneol, which impart a caramel aroma in cheese, have been identiied as having a high impact on Emmental lavor; their concentrations in ripe Emmental are higher than those of any other lavor compound except δ-decalactone and 2-heptanone. Furaneol, homofuraneol, and sotolon are also partly responsible for Cheddar aroma. As you might guess from the name, hydrocarbons are molecules that contain just hydrogen and carbon. Cheese contains relatively low levels of hydrocarbons, which are breakdown products of fatty acids and chlorophyll from the plants that the animals eat. Some are described in Box 12.4. Most hydrocarbons in cheese do not contribute to lavor since they are relatively big molecules and are not volatile. Food Pairing
Cheese is the food that most resembles wine: both preserve a liquid food, both are matured by the action of microorganisms, and both travel well, improve with age, and have many varieties that cannot be exactly duplicated at a diferent location. Box 12.4 Hydrocarbons A volatile hydrocarbon found in cheese is toluene, which smells like paint thinner and fortunately is not present in large amounts. he compound resembles the phenol we irst saw in Box 6.1, but the OH group is replaced by a CH3.
he larger hydrocarbons, containing 12 or more carbon atoms, are not volatile and therefore impart no aroma to cheese. Smaller hydrocarbons do carry odors, though they are usually unpleasant ones. he 2-hexene shown below has a smell reminiscent of petroleum.
Phytene is found in chlorophyll and vitamins E and K. It has 16 carbon atoms in its “backbone” and another four attached at carbons 2, 6, 10, and 14. he double bond can be ater the second carbon, as seen below, or ater the irst.
Squalene is produced by all plants and animals, and is used in humans to make cholesterol, steroids, and vitamin D. his behemoth contains 30 carbons and 50 hydrogens. Squalene is a terpene, which we will cover in the next chapter.
he Science of Cheese
Unlike wine, cheese provides a wide range of textures that add to the enjoyment of consuming it. It is no surprise that wine and cheese go together. Beer is another fermented beverage that is traditionally consumed with some cheeses, especially British ones like Cheddar and very strong ones like Limburger. Why do some foods (we’re including beverages as foods) “go together” and others don’t? One of the reasons is cultural. In Mexico, most restaurants have small limes on each table so the diners can squeeze the juice on their food, but this practice is rare north of the border. Macaroni and many cheese varieties were invented in Italy, but most Italians never eat macaroni and cheese together (the combination originated in America). A recent study showed that the more lavor compounds that are shared by two ingredients, the more likely they are to appear in North American and Western European recipes and the less likely they are to appear in East Asian and Southern European recipes. People tend to eat foods in combinations they are accustomed to consuming. Another reason some foods are eaten together may be the presence of similar compounds in both. Foods with lavor compounds in common are oten complementary as long as they are not overpowering (Box 12.5). his lavor-pairing theory is controversial and has not been proven. If you accept the theory, then you can say that wine and beer go with cheese because they contain similar products of microbial breakdown. In winemaking, grape juice is initially fermented with yeast in open vats, and then undergoes secondary fermentation in sealed stainless steel vessels or oak barrels, where lactic acid bacteria metabolize the malic acid that naturally occurs in the grapes. In addition to adding Lactobacillus and Pediococcus species, which produce lactic acid and its breakdown products, winemakers include Oenococcus
Box 12.5 Flavor Pairing “But I, when I undress me Each night upon my knees Will ask the Lord to bless me With apple-pie and cheese!” —Eugene Field, he Poems of Eugene Field, 1919
Most people do not enjoy eating two foods together if they have the same basic taste, because sensitivity to that taste is diminished and less desirable tastes become
Cheeses With Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing
Box 12.5 (continued ) pronounced. Sweet foods and red wine both contain sugar; when consumed together, the tannins become more noticeable as one becomes desensitized to the sweetness. On the other hand, people might like consuming two foods at the same meal if they have smaller amounts of lavorful common compounds. Wine, beer, and cheese contain acetaldehyde, phenylethanol, esters such as ethyl acetate, and some sulfur-containing compounds. Mozzarella, Parmesan, mushrooms, and tomatoes have compounds in common, including 4-methylpentanoic acid, which could help explain why pizza topped with mushrooms is popular. his is the basis for pairing some foods and wines with cheese. François Chartier, a chef and sommelier in Quebec, has explored the compounds that food and drink have in common. In his Taste Buds and Molecules, he lists a number of foods that should go with cheese because they contain compounds such as acetoin, linalool (described in the next chapter), and sotolon. Blue-veined cheeses and chocolate have over 70 compounds in common, and a few restaurants are preparing dishes featuring both. But not everyone agrees with this idea. Some other compounds amplify or reduce lavors and may account for perceived pairing of lavors. For example, glutamic acid, a noted lavor-enhancer, is also found in the pizza components listed above, which may be the reason people like to consume them in one dish. Commenting on lavor pairing, Professor Hildegarde Heymann of the University of California–Davis told me “I personally do not quite buy it. I think ideal pairings have a great deal of situational efects that are not very dependent (or large) in terms of actual sensory efects.” She and graduate student Berenice Madrigal-Galan used a trained panel to taste eight red wines (two each of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Syrah) and eight cheeses (Gorgonzola, Stilton, Emmental, Gruyère, two Cheddars, Mozzarella, and Teleme) to see if wine lavor was afected by cheese, and vice-versa. hey showed that, in general, each individual cheese had the same efect on all eight wines, inding that most of the wine aromas and lavors were suppressed. hey theorized that binding of casein with volatile wine components prevented some of the aroma from being detected. he formation of a coating of milkfat in the mouth may also have prevented volatilization while producing a physical barrier to aroma compounds. Sourness in the wines was suppressed because the salt in the cheese counteracted the acid in the wine. he butter aroma in wine, originating in the diacetyl, was the only attribute that was enhanced. he authors concluded that any preferred cheese could be enjoyed with any preferred red wine. Some scientists feel that lavor pairing is a fad, that we have a shortage of data, and that we know too little about the workings of the brain in processing taste and aroma inputs from various receptors. Others feel that the concept makes sense and that a real efect exists, even if it can’t be explained yet. At some point, we will ind out which side is right.
he Science of Cheese
oeni, which generates diacetyl. Some wines (and, as we have seen, some cheeses) have a distinctly buttery lavor from the diacetyl. In beer brewing, malted barley is mixed with hot water, converting the starch to sugar. he sweet liquid is boiled, hops are added for lavor, and yeast is added ater cooling to ferment the beer. Cheese and beer originate with grass and grain, and one may argue that they are closer relatives than cheese and wine, which starts with grapes. A speciic reason for pairing cheese with wine or beer is the presence of tannin, a compound that binds to amino acids and proteins and is found in some plants. Tannin from oak bark is sometimes used to tan animal hides into leather, hence its name. Tannin is formed in grape skins, seeds, and stems and is found in red wine, which comes from the pulp of red or black grapes that are fermented with the skins. White wine, which contains little tannin, is made by fermenting juice from which the skins have been removed. Tannin is also found in hops and malt, and is desirable in some beers and undesirable in others (in lager it can combine with protein and form a haze). A disadvantage of tannin is its astringency, resulting in a puckering mouth and a bitter atertaste. Food with high levels of fat and protein, such as cheese, help neutralize the efects of tannin on the mouth. Milk also works, explaining why some people add it to tea, which also contains tannins. he salt in cheese also helps inhibit bitterness, which is found in some beers. Wine and Cheese
Food and restaurant consultant Clark Wolf agrees with the University of California– Davis study noted in Box 12.5, saying that most cheese goes with whatever wine is let from the meal, and that one should not struggle with having to choose a wine to match a cheese. He prefers serving cheese with ripe apples and pears, dried fruit, nuts, and latbread. He does admire the people who go to great lengths to pair cheese with just the right wine or beer. If you are inclined to pair wine and cheese, it is probably best to consider it more an art than a science. Consuming lavorful food begins with the “attack,” or initial sensory impressions, and ends with the “inish,” or atertaste, which involves the retronasal aroma; everything in between is savored when drinking wine and eating cheese. Paula Lambert of the Mozzarella Company in Dallas emphasizes balance and harmony, meaning that intensities should be similar: delicate cheeses with lighter wines, strong-lavored cheeses with young robust red wines, strong pungent cheeses with young full-bodied or sweet dessert wines, and aged mellow cheeses with older robust wines. Berkeley, California, food writer Laura Werlin lists ten rules, including the pairing of textures, where a light wine would go with a light
Cheeses With Eyes, Furans, Hydrocarbons, and Food Pairing
cheese. She also suggests pairing opposites (such as a sweet wine with a salty cheese) and using white wine, which has high acid and buttery and fruity notes and may go with some fresh cheeses. Maître Fromager (certiied cheese expert) Max McCalman in New York suggests matching fullness and persistence of lavors, complexity, aromas, appearance, and balance (sugar/salt, acidity, fat in cheese, and tannin in wine). He also considers terroir because, if the wine and cheese come from the same area, the water and soil will contribute to lavors of both (“if they grow together they go together”). A further discussion on terroir is in the next chapter.
In my snuf box I keep a piece of Parmesan cheese—a cheese made in Italy, very nutritious. —robert louis stevenson, Treasure Island, 1883
Parmesan has long been highly regarded. In the 1350s, Giovanni Boccacio wrote of a place featuring a fountain of grated Parmesan in his allegory he Decameron. As the Great Fire of London approached their homes in 1666, British naval administrator Samuel Pepys and Sir William Penn (father of Pennsylvania’s founder) dug a hole and buried some valuable possessions: wine and “Parmezan.” homas Jeferson watched Parmesan being made on a trip to Rozzano, Italy, in 1787, detailed the process in his journal, and made sure it was always served at the White House when he became president. A northern Italian bank maintains a vault of 300,000 wheels of Parmesan, worth $200 million, used as collateral for loans. Some consider it to be the king of cheeses. All of the very hard cheeses have thick rinds on the exterior and low moisture in the interior, allowing for long-term storage without refrigeration. A multitude of lavor compounds evolve during the lengthy aging period. Parmigiano-Reggiano and Parmesan
Parmigiano-Reggiano is a grana (“grainy”) cheese composed of ine, brittle granules. It originated in the thirteenth century in the Italian provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia; if the cheese is made outside of that region, it is called Parmesan. he cheese is made in copper-plated steel kettles that are much wider at the top than the bottom. Milk from evening milking is allowed to form a cream layer, which is skimmed of ; the remainder is mixed with whole morning milk. Whey from the previous day is incubated to serve as 150
Very Hard Cheeses, Terpenes, and Terroir
a starter culture in Parmigiano-Reggiano, and commercial starters are used for Parmesan. Lipase powder (for Parmesan) and calf rennet (for both) are added ater 15–30 minutes at 108°, and the curd is cooked at 130° over 25 minutes. Rapid stirring of the curd (so the pieces do not stick to each other), high heat, and relatively high pH level (6.2– 6.3) result in extensive syneresis. he curd is turned over and broken up into pieces the size of wheat grains using a sharp-edged wire whisk known as a spino or “thorn-bush.” he curd collects in the bottom of the kettle for 30 minutes and is moved into a large hemp cloth bag, which is lited by two people and slung from a wooden beam placed across the top of the kettle. Ater being divided into two masses and draining for a day, the curd is transferred into round hoops. he cheese is salted in brine or three weeks and ripened at 60°–64° and 85 percent relative humidity for up to two years. he cheese is graded ater 14 months by striking it with a hammer and listening to reverberations. Parmesan is typically found in wheels weighing 55–85 pounds. Grana Padano, which comes from the Padano (Po River) area, is made in a similar manner, using partially skimmed milk from one milking. Asiago
Asiago comes from the Asiago plateau (elevation 3300 feet) in Northern Italy and comes in Pressado (“pressed”) and d’Allevo (“raised,” referring to the mountainous area) versions. Pressado is made from whole cow’s milk heated to 95°. he starter consists of whey from the previous run, and a rennet paste is added. he curd is cut and cooked at 113°. he curd is dry-salted, transferred into wooden hoops, and pressed for four hours. he wheels are wrapped with plastic bands and held 2–3 days at 50°–59°. he bands are removed and the wheels are placed in brine for two days. Finally, the cheese is aged at least three weeks. Asiago d’Allevo is made from partly skimmed milk that is cooked at 104° and again at 117°. Pressing is performed by stacking several cheeses atop each other and turning them several times. Asiago stravecchio (“very old”) is aged for 15 months and is very hard. Asiago mezzano (“middle”) and Asiago vecchio (“old”) are aged at least 3 and 10 months, respectively. Asiago comes in wheels weighing 24–33 pounds. Other Very Hard Cheeses
Romano is traditionally made from whole sheep’s milk and called Pecorino Romano; it may also be made from cow’s milk (Vacchino) or goat’s milk (Caprino). he starter may be commercially supplied or from the previous day’s whey. he curd is coagulated at 100° using rennet paste, cooked at 113°–115°, and cut into 1/8-inch granules,
he Science of Cheese
the size of rice grains. Romano is aged for eight months. he whey from Romano manufacture is oten used to make Ricotta. Many other Pecorino cheeses are made elsewhere in Italy and are usually similar to Romano. Roncal is an example of milk obtained from transhumance, the seasonal movement of herders and their lock between lowlands in the winter and highlands in the summer. Roncal is a hard and granular raw sheep’s milk cheese made in northern Spain since the thirteenth century. It is acidiied by the naturally occurring microlora, and cooked around 100°. Ater the whey is slowly drained, the curds are pressed against the sides of the vat, placed in forms, and pressed normally. It is smoked and ripened at 45° and 100 percent humidity for seven weeks. he Spanish island of Menorca is the home of Mahón-Menorca, a cheese that is tied up in cloth and pressed by pushing down on the knot with the hands, imparting a cushion shape. he cheese purchased ater a few weeks of aging and ripened by ainadores (Spanish for aineur). Ater 10 months it has a texture similar to Parmesan’s and a lavor with notes of peaches and sea salt. Bitto, named ater an Italian river, is made with cow’s milk with up to 10 percent goat’s milk allowed for added lavor. It is produced in Sondrio and Bergamo provinces from June through September. In another example of transhumance, the herds move from lower to higher elevations in those months and then move back down to the previous pasture, where new plants have grown. he cheese is made in copper kettles, transferred to wooden forms, dry-salted for three weeks, and initially aged in mountain huts. he remainder of the aging, which takes a year or two, and sometimes 10 years, is performed in factories in the valley. Kefalotyri (keh-feh-low-TEE-ree, Greek for “head cheese,” referring to the shape) is made from goat’s or sheep’s milk standardized to 6 percent fat. he curds are cooked at 111° and subjected to light pressure that is slowly increased. he next day the cheeses are both brined and dry-salted, and are also washed with a cloth soaked in brine. Not surprisingly, Kefalotyri has a strong lavor of salt. Schabziger or Sapsago (sop-SAH-go, a corruption of Schabziger and also spelled Sap Sago), was originated by Swiss monks in the eighth century and has required a speciic procedure for manufacture and stamp of origin since the iteenth century. Nonfat milk is coagulated, the whey proteins are also coagulated, and the mixture is pressed and ripened for six weeks until dry. he fat-free cheese is then ground, salted, and mixed with the fenugreek herb. he cheese is fashioned into truncated cones, pressed, and ripened until hard enough to be used as a grating cheese (Schab is German for “scrape” and Ziger is the name for the curd produced in this manner). his “novelty cheese” is grayish green. Our ability to store hard cheeses for a long time allows us to make them for special occasions and keep them around for a while, as described in Box 13.1. Sufolk cheese could also be held for an extended period, but it is hard to imagine an event in which someone would want to eat it (Box 13.2).
Very Hard Cheeses, Terpenes, and Terroir
Box 13.1 Baby Cheese Sbrinz (from Brienz, a town) and Saanen (another town) are very hard cheeses from the Swiss Alps. Sbrinz is similar to (and may be inspiration for) Parmesan, and is purported to be the oldest European cheese. Some wheels of Saanen are literally the oldest cheeses in Europe—they are oten made to commemorate a birth, and pieces are eaten on special occasions throughout the person’s life. If he or she has a notable career, small pieces of the cheese may be consumed for decades ater his or her death. Sbrinz and Saanen are full-fat cow’s milk cheeses cooked at 130°. Sbrinz weighs 80 pounds, Saanen weighs 12–25 pounds, and both are aged at least two years. In England there was a superstition, lasting through the nineteenth century, in which a husband would have a wheel of hard cheese made to insure his wife’s good delivery. Called a “groaning cheese,” alluding to her complaints during childbirth, it was eaten from the center outward, starting when the baby arrived and continuing until the cheese became ring-shaped. he newborn was passed through the middle of it on the day of the christening. Small pieces of the irst cut of the cheese were placed in the midwife’s smock to cause young women to dream of their lovers, or placed under the pillows of young people for the same reason.
Box 13.2 Suffolk Cheese “And, like the oaken shelf whereon ’tis laid, Mocks the weak eforts of the bending blade; Or in the hog-trough rests in perfect spite, Too big to swallow and too hard to bite.” —Robert Bloomfield, “The Farmer’s Boy: A Rural Poem,” 1800
Bloomield was writing about Sufolk cheese, which was made in that English county. It was manufactured from full-fat milk until 1650, when cattle disease reduced milk production. To recoup their losses, dairies began to skim of the fat from their milk to make butter, which sold at a premium in London, and made Sufolk cheese from skim milk. Many consumers griped about the hardness of the cheese: a 1661 diary entry by Samuel Pepys mentioned that he and his wife were “vexed” at the servants for grumbling about having to eat Sufolk cheese. But it was cheaper than cheeses with normal fat contents, and in 1677, Pepys himself drew up standards requiring Royal Navy sailors to receive 4 ounces of Sufolk cheese or 2.7 ounces of Cheddar three days a week. he basic cheese ration remained in efect for another 170 years, but Sufolk was replaced in
(continued )
he Science of Cheese
Box 13.2 (continued) 1758 when cheesemakers began to reduce the aging time in response to heavier demand during the Seven Years’ War, resulting in even more complaints. By then, Sufolk was known as a very hard cheese that became even harder with age (sailors were said to have carved it into buttons), but the manufacturing shortcuts taken could cause it to be too sot, which led to spoilage and infestation with long red worms. Stories about the hardness of Sufolk abounded. In the 1720s, Daniel Defoe referred to Sufolk County as being “famous for the best butter, and perhaps the worst cheese, in England.” Bloomield referred to it as “the well-known butt to many a linty joke.” In 1885, Charles Dickens noted the saying that “hunger will break through stone walls or anything but Sufolk cheese” and related the tale of Sufolk bound for India packed in sheet tin—the rats gnawed through the tin but could not eat the cheese. Sufolk cheese became scarce by the 1950s, though new versions are now being made artisanally.
Terpenes are found in many plant species and are thought to serve as a defense against microorganisms. Over 60,000 terpenes have been identiied, and some of them are volatile, pleasant-smelling compounds found in milk from animals that have been allowed to graze. Box 13.3 shows a few of these compounds; Asiago, for instance, contains other terpenes not on the list, with the composition depending on the plants the animal has eaten. Alpine cheeses have considerably more terpenes than cheeses from the lowlands, and scientists can tell if an Asiago sample is the genuine article from the Asiago plateau by examining the terpenes in it. his leads us back to terroir, irst mentioned in Chapter 3. More on Terroir
Large-scale commercially made cheese is manufactured to be basically the same throughout the year. he product of a Cheddar factory in California in December will not vary appreciably from the same company’s Cheddar made in Wisconsin in June. In contrast, a piece of farmhouse cheese is like a piece of geography. Economics (Box 13.4) and local know-how also come into play in the making of a particular variety in a particular location. But terroir mostly consists of a number of natural factors that interact with each other to create a unique product: Vegetation is an obvious contributor to cheese lavor, since lavor compounds vary with plant species. he Sicilian variety Ragusano was found to contain 27 odoractive compounds ater four months of aging when the milk was obtained from cows on pasture; only 13 were detected in cheese from cows on conventional feed.
Very Hard Cheeses, Terpenes, and Terroir
Box 13.3 Terpenes Terpenes are absorbed by animals grazing on pasture plants and are transferred to their milk. heir levels in cheese do not change appreciably during aging. Terpenes are commonly found in tree resin (the word comes from turpentine), but are also formed in lowers and spices. hese compounds are derived from isoprene, which has this structure:
Isoprene (short for isoterpene) was irst isolated from natural rubber and is found in many naturally occurring compounds, including camphor, menthol, and vitamins A and E. Here are some of the terpenes that have been found in cheese:
Terpineol, which has a lilac aroma, comes in α, β, and γ forms, depending on the position of the double bond. α-Terpineol is shown at right. Limonene smells like citrus fruit and is found in citrus rinds (the chemical name comes from lemon). As mentioned in Chapter 5, many molecules come in lefthanded and right-handed forms. Limonene is one of these. The right-handed form is R-limonene, which has an orange aroma. R comes from rectus, Latin for right. he thicker vertical line at the lower part of the molecule means that we can imagine it coming toward us.
he let-handed form is S-limonene, which smells more like lemons. S comes from the Latin sinister, let. he dashed lines mean that the lower section is pointed away from us.
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he Science of Cheese
Box 13.3 (continued) Another terpene is linalool, which has a loral lavor, though it is also used as an insecticide for cockroaches and leas.
α-Pinene is responsible for the characteristic aroma of pine trees. It is a bicyclic compound, meaning that it has two rings. he rings are at angles to each other, which is why the structure is represented in three dimensions. Again, the thicker lines can be visualized as sticking out toward us.
Geraniol and the similar compound nerol impart rose aromas. Terpineol, limonene, linalool, geraniol, and nerol are all found in grapes and hops and are transferred into wine and beer.
2-Methylisoborneol has a musty smell that contributes to the aroma of Brie and Camembert, as well as the scent of moist soil. It is also responsible for an of-lavor and bad odor of drinking water, and scientists have been trying to determine how to inhibit its formation in water sources. Two enzymes make it from geraniol diphosphate (geraniol with a pair of PO4 groups attached to the oxygen atom), converting it into a bicyclic compound.
Climate is measured by rainfall, temperature, and the amount of sunlight reaching the land. It determines the vegetation that is able to grow in a particular region and afects the breeds of animals that can lourish there. Animals are selected by the farmer to match the climate and vegetation. Cows prefer lush pasture, whereas goats and sheep are able to deal with more arid and less verdant areas. Moreover, we saw in Chapter 1 that fat and protein content vary with cow breed, which afects the properties of the cheese.
Very Hard Cheeses, Terpenes, and Terroir
Box 13.4 Location, Location, Location “A poet’s hope: to be, like some valley cheese, local, but prized elsewhere.” —w. h. auden in Collected Poems, 1976
Why are certain varieties of cheese made in speciic places? A major reason is tradition, but another has to do with the economics of terroir. One aspect of the economics in the United States is the modern back-to-the-land movement, which has provided the incentive for dairy farmers to produce artisanal cheeses with a “sense of place.” A farmer/ cheesemaker oten sets out to identify a variety that could be produced on site, and if successful, markets it with emphasis on its handmade origin and unique geography. Many consumers appreciate the land-stewardship that farmhouse cheeses imply and consider these products to be preferable to mass-produced ones. Another economic facet is the ability to sell the cheese in a far-of market. he soter, more perishable cheeses were traditionally made to be consumed in the immediate area, while the harder, longer-lasting ones (such as Edam) were frequently manufactured with long-distance transportation in mind. Cheesemakers experiment with different varieties until they ind one that is not just special, but also proitable. Before refrigeration and automobiles, Vermonters came to realize that a sturdy Cheddar would survive the trip to the lucrative New York market better than a high-moisture cheese that aged quickly. Cows are more viable in the Vermont landscape than goats or sheep, so the cheese was made with cow’s milk. Vermont specializes in cow’s milk Cheddar to this day.
Season of the year afects milk composition and therefore the cheese made from it. For example, research in our laboratory revealed seasonal variability in Queso Chihuahua, a cheese based on Cheddar and traditionally made from raw cow’s milk by Mennonite communities in Chihuahua, Mexico. heir average September rainfall is 3 inches, but they receive only two-thirds of an inch per month in December, January, and May. he average temperatures are 46° in December and January, and 64° in May and September. hese diferences afect the feed and consequently the fat content in the cheese, which was 35 percent in the summer and 31–32 percent in the winter and spring. As a result, winter cheeses were signiicantly harder, springier, stifer, and less cohesive than summer cheeses, with May cheeses in the middle. Altitude afects the types of plants growing in pastures. Research on Abondance, a French cow’s milk variety similar to Gruyère, found that it undergoes more protein breakdown and is less elastic when the milk comes from mountain pastures as opposed to valley pastures. Even the location within the same pasture afects the
he Science of Cheese
properties of Abondance: the plant species on the north side of one grazing area induced more protein breakdown in the resulting cheeses, which were less irm, more easily fractured, and stickier than cheeses from the south side. he north-side cheeses were also more bitter and salty with more intense aromas. Soil has an impact on the plants growing in it, and some soil components carry over to the milk. As mentioned in Chapter 10, the salty lavor of Cheshire originates in the soil. Cantal and Salers come from the Cantal Mountains, which are extinct volcanoes, and the cheese is described as having a detectable metallic lavor as a result. Microorganisms that ind their way into the milk and cheese vary with location, as we saw in Chapter 9. As with many aspects of cheese, disagreement exists over the impact of terroir. Professor Paul McSweeney of University College Cork, Ireland, is skeptical about the concept, saying that the rumen of the cow has a great leveling efect. he biological processes occurring in the bovine stomach can produce compounds that override any of the characteristics listed above. Consumers who are not experts in cheese may be unable to detect any diferences due to geography. Much depends on your experience and ability to detect subtle lavors. Now that we have explained the concept of terroir, let’s move to a chapter and topic that have nothing to do with it: process cheese.
Presidential debates are to real debates as processed cheese is to cheese. —george f. will, political columnist, 2004
For many adults, the problem with process cheeses is that they lack the authenticity, lavor, and texture of the real thing. Although process cheese is frowned upon by connoisseurs, it does provide nutrition, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals. We will discuss process cheese (“processed” is not the legal term in the United States) and nutritional aspects of cheese in this chapter. Process Cheese
Starting in 1911, James L. Krat began experimenting with blending and cooking young cheese with aged cheese to obtain a product with a long shelf-life. Krat had been selling cheese to Chicago grocers since 1903, and was looking for a way to utilize cheese that had not sold. He received a patent for the “Process of Sterilizing Cheese and an Improved Product Produced by Such Process” in 1916, and process cheese was born. In the past, factories used trimmings and older cheese for this procedure, but nowadays much of the cheese is younger stirred-curd Cheddar prepared especially for processing. he average age of the blended cheese is typically three months. he manufacturer may add ingredients from these nine categories: •
Acids such as citric and propionic acid, for preventing microbial growth and improving texture Butter oil or cream, for melting
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he Science of Cheese
Color such as annatto and β-carotene Emulsifying salts such as sodium phosphate, which promote emulsiication of fat and hydration of protein Flavoring, including spices Preservatives for preventing mold growth Skim milk powder and whey powder, to boost the protein content Stabilizers (see Box 4.2) Sweeteners such as sugar and corn syrup
he product is prepared in a cooker, with grinding, blending, heating, and oten homogenization. It must be heated to at least 150° for at least 30 seconds. As the mixture cools, a new matrix forms as caseins interact with each other and enclose emulsiied fat globules. he strands of casein are shorter and iner than those of natural cheese, and the fat globules are smaller and more uniformly distributed. he globule size decreases as the processing temperature and concentration of salts increase, which causes the product to become irmer and less meltable. he United States has legal deinitions for process cheese labeling (see Chapter 16 for more on laws regarding cheese). In brief: •
“Pasteurized process cheese” is made from one or more cheese varieties. If the varieties are Cheddar and Colby, it is labeled “Pasteurized process American cheese.” If it contains Cheddar, Colby, and other varieties, it is labeled “American cheese.” he moisture content is usually no higher than 43 percent, and the fat content is usually at least 47 percent. he pH must be at least 5.3. It cannot contain skim milk or whey powders, stabilizers, or sweeteners. “Pasteurized process cheese food” must contain at least 51 percent cheese. he moisture content must be no higher than 44 percent, and the fat content must be at least 23 percent. he pH must be at least 5.0. It cannot contain stabilizers or sweeteners. “Pasteurized process cheese spread” must contain at least 51 percent cheese and must be spreadable at 70°. he moisture content must be between 44 percent and 60 percent, with at least 20 percent fat. No pH requirement is speciied, and the product may include ingredients from all nine categories listed above.
None of the above can contain cream or Neufchatel cheese. “Pasteurized blended cheese,” however, does contain them but cannot include emulsifying salts or acids. Other products on the market are labeled “pasteurized process cheese food,” “pasteurized process cheese product,” and so on. hese are names devised by the manufacturers and are not spelled out in any regulations. Velveeta, for instance, is sold as “pasteurized
Process Cheeses and Nutrition
prepared cheese product.” It was developed in 1918 by Emil Frey (the Liederkrantz inventor whom we irst met in Box 2.7) and derives its name from “velvet,” alluding to its smooth texture. Krat Foods, which had bought the Velveeta Cheese Company in 1927, used to label the product as “pasteurized process cheese spread.” hey changed it ater the FDA warned them in 2002 that one of the ingredients was milk protein concentrate, which is not included in any of the nine categories listed above. Cold-pack cheese, also called “club cheese,” is a blend of at least one variety each of fresh and aged cheese. It difers from process cheese in that it is manufactured without heating. Children, who tend to prefer bland foods, are oten fed process cheese, and sometimes expect cheese to have the same characteristics when they grow up. In fact, commercially made non-process cheeses in America tend to have fewer and less intense lavors than those from small outits because large-scale operations can maximize proits by replacing fat and protein with water up to the legal limit. Moreover, higher moisture content could lead to formation of of-lavors from more extensive enzymatic activity, so these cheeses are stored for shorter times, which also results in decreased production of desirable lavors. Other Products
Some cheeses have added lavors or spices, which are legal as long as the additives do not simulate the lavor of cheese. Fruits, vegetables, and meats are also legal additives. Cheese may also be smoked while being cured at room temperature or with heat, or by adding “liquid smoke” to it. he latter is obtained by burning wood or sawdust, allowing the smoke to collect and condense in a cold vessel, and dissolving it in water. he name of the cheese has to include the name of whatever has been added. Imitation cheeses and cheese analogues cannot be considered “cheese” since they are manufactured with vegetable oil substituting for milk fat. hese products exist because they are less expensive than authentic cheese, are usually not noticed when used as an ingredient (such as in fast food restaurants or ready-to-eat foods), and can be promoted as low in saturated fat. he United States does not have standards for these products, either. Pasteurized process sandwich slices, for example, contain casein and whey along with starch and soybean oil, but no actual cheese. Nutrition
Cheese, including the process version, is highly nutritious, as it contains protein, vitamins, and minerals that people need. he surviving lactic acid bacteria are considered
he Science of Cheese
probiotic, conferring health beneits. Even the fat has some advantageous properties. Consumers purchase products such as cheese in part for their nutritional beneits, even if they do not consciously realize it (Box 14.1). Table 14.1 shows the major components of cheese along with recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for men and women aged 19–70. RDA is deined as the average dietary-intake level suicient to meet the nutrient requirements of 97–98 percent of the healthy individuals in a group. he National Academy of Sciences reviews the scientiic evidence and periodically sets the RDA for foods. he Academy has not established an RDA for water or for polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), so the numbers listed in those columns are for “adequate intake.” No minimums or maximums are stated for fat, cholesterol, or energy, so those spaces are let blank. he information for cheese was compiled by the Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrient Data Laboratory, and is based on averages for typical cheeses. Within Table 14.1, the quantities listed for RDA are per day, and the other quantities are per 100 grams (3½ ounces) of cheese. he abbreviation for milligrams is mg, and T stands for trace amount. he
Box 14.1 Why People Buy Cheese Rule developing experimentation (RDE) was created by Howard Moskowitz, the President of Moskowitz Jacobs, Incorporated, a market research irm he founded in 1981 in White Plains, New York. In RDE, researchers create short advertisement-like phrases (“vignettes”) about a product, present them to consumers, and record their reactions to determine what exactly is appealing. Moskowitz’s group provided 36 vignettes about cheese to 241 consumers and found that overall and among males, females, and people under 40, “the classic, traditional lavor of your favorite mozzarella, cheddar, or American cheese” and “the robust and zesty lavor of your favorite aged cheese” were the only high-impact vignettes. Brand names and health messages bore modest or no relevance. But when analyzing the pattern of reactions to cheese (“mindset segmentation”) the researchers determined that 58 of the consumers were highly interested in health speciics, 46 more found healthy eating appealing, and the other 137 were most concerned about brand and tradition. he vignettes “An essential source of the nutrients that are important for heart health ... like potassium, magnesium, and folic acid” and “Contains 13 vitamins and minerals your body needs” carried medium impact among all respondents but had the two highest impacts among those with the health-speciics mindset. “Low fat ... only 2 g per serving” scored 32nd among all respondents but sixth among the health-speciics consumers. Moskowitz credited the diferences in response to allowing people’s subconscious feelings to take over. his information gives some direction to manufacturers who wish to appeal to people with a particular mindset.
Table 14.1 Cheese components and RDA Water (grams) RDA Males Females Fresh Cottage Cream Whey Ricotta Pickled Feta Stretched curd Mozzarella Surface mold Brie Camembert Smear-ripened Limburger Interior mold
Protein (grams)
Fat (grams)
PUFA (grams) 18 13
Carbohydrate (grams)
Cholesterol (mg)
Energy (Calories)
3700 2700
56 46
130 130
78.6 45.5
12.6 3.1
4.3 47.4
0.13 1.44
3.1 T
16 95
101 439
48.7 54.4
20.3 21.5
29.1 22.7
0.91 0.72
93 72
343 290
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Table 14.1 (continued )
Roquefort Stilton Cheddared Cheddar Cheshire Stirred curd Edam Gouda With eyes Emmental Gruyère Very hard Parmesan Process American
Water (grams)
Protein (grams)
Fat (grams)
PUFA (grams)
Carbohydrate (grams)
Cholesterol (mg)
Energy (Calories)
41.3 45.8
19.7 19.9
32.9 31.3
1.32 1.11
T 0.1
90 105
375 362
36.6 40.6
25.4 24.0
34.9 31.4
0.98 0.87
0.1 0.1
97 90
416 379
43.8 40.4
26.7 25.3
26.0 30.6
0.67 0.86
71 85
341 377
35.7 35.0
28.7 27.2
29.7 33.3
0.97 1.73
90 100
382 409
Process Cheeses and Nutrition
Mozzarella is low-moisture part-skim, and the American cheese is pasteurized process without added vitamin D. he energy is calculated by multiplying the protein and carbohydrates by four (they average 4 Calories per gram), multiplying the fat by nine, and adding the two numbers. he composition of most of the varieties is in this range: 35–50 percent water, 19–29 percent protein, 20–35 percent fat, 0–4 percent carbohydrate, 70–105 mg cholesterol, and 290–450 Calories. You’ll note that as the water content increases, the amounts of the other components decrease. he outliers contain low moisture (Parmesan), high moisture (cottage, Ricotta, Feta), or high fat (cream). Now take a brief look at what the components do in humans.
Proteins and Peptides
You can see from the table that cheese is a signiicant source of protein. About 98 percent of the protein in cheese (except for ricotta and other whey cheeses) is casein. Casein contains every essential amino acid, though the amounts of sulfur-containing cysteine and methionine are relatively low. Much of the protein is broken down to amino acids and peptides before consumption, making cheese highly digestible. Some of the peptides are bioactive, meaning that they exert an efect on the body. he main bioactivity observed is inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). ACE converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a hormone that constricts blood vessels and leads to hypertension. People take ACE inhibitors to lower their blood pressure, but studies on Gorgonzola, Gouda, Parmesan, and others have found ACE inhibitors among the peptides.
Fat and Cholesterol
he vast majority of cheese varieties contain at least 20 percent fat. hat is one reason why cheese tastes so good: most of its volatile compounds are soluble in fat and not water, making fat a carrier of lavor. Fat also greatly afects the texture of cheese. About two-thirds of the fat in cheese is saturated, which physicians want their patients to limit in their diets. However, studies including over 347,000 subjects have shown that saturated fat intake is not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, or stroke. Cheese consumption does not increase total and low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations when compared with an equivalent intake of fat from butter. he high calcium content of cheese evidently results in a higher excretion of fat.
he Science of Cheese
You’ll remember from Box 5.3 that cheese contains saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fat, along with some trans fat. Polyunsaturated fat, which is in the form of linoleic and linolenic acid in cheese, is credited with lowering heartattack risk. In general, the higher the total fat level, the higher the PUFA. Trans fat has been linked to increases in LDL and decreases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), but research has shown that it is the artiicially occurring elaidic acid created in partially hydrogenated oils that is harmful; the naturally occurring vaccenic acid found in dairy products ofers a protective efect against coronary heart disease in mice. As mentioned in Box 5.3, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may have anticarcinogenic properties, and 0.3–0.7 percent of the fat in cheese is CLA. CLA is generated from linoleic acid, and linoleic acid by bacteria in the rumen. he amount increases when animals forage on lush green pastures, decreases with lengthy aging due to lipolysis, and may be afected by processing methods during cheesemaking. he CLA content of process cheese is 0.5–1.0 percent of the fat, making it a better source of CLA than natural cheese. When consuming 4 ounces of Cheddar per day for four weeks, the CLA concentration in the blood of nine subjects increased by 19–27 percent. Studies on anticancer properties of CLA in humans have not been completed, but results on mice and rats are promising. With fat comes cholesterol. Cholesterol is required for building and maintaining cell membranes and is converted to bile in the liver, allowing for absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Cholesterol is manufactured by the body and obtained through the diet, but high levels in the blood are associated with heart attack and narrowing of the arteries. Carbohydrates
Lactose-intolerant people can eat ripened cheese because nearly all of the lactose in milk is lost in the whey during cheesemaking, and most of the rest is metabolized by lactic acid bacteria. Only the higher-moisture cheese varieties, which hold some whey, contain more than a tenth of a percent of lactose. Vitamins
Next are the vitamins (Table 14.2), which fall into two groups. he fat-soluble vitamins, those that are stored in fatty tissues and the liver, are A, D, E, and K. he watersoluble vitamins, which are not stored in the body and must be replenished daily, are C, which is almost nonexistent in cheese, and the B-complex vitamins. he latter
Table 14.2 Vitamins in cheese Vitamins: RDA Males Females Fresh Cottage Cream Whey Ricotta Pickled Feta Stretched curd Mozzarella Surface mold Brie Camembert Smearripened Limburger
900 900
15 15
15000 15000
120 90
1200 1100
1300 1100
16000 14000
5000 5000
1300 1300
46 385
0 0.3
100 1000
0 2.9
50 30
240 130
200 100
300 270
50 40
297 230
0.2 0.1
840 650
2.3 2.0
30 50
330 520
500 900
500 800
140 230
NR 360
30 70
30 30
400 400
2.4 2.4
22 11
0.6 0.3
55 83
0.6 1.1
5.1 1.6 NR 2.4
NR 3.6 7.5
(continued )
Table 14.2 (continued) Vitamins: Interior mold Roquefort Stilton Cheddared Cheddar Cheshire Stirred curd Edam Gouda With eyes Emmental Gruyère Very hard Parmesan Process American
295 360
NR 0.2
550 600
40 30
650 470
364 350
0.3 0.2
520 700
2.8 NR
30 30
188 258
0.2 0.2
480 570
2.3 2.3
320 325
0.5 0.3
440 580
570 700
500 900
90 130
2.3 3.3
45 78
0.4 1.2
39 480
10 100
500 310
150 90
4.4 4.0
31 40
2.4 0.9
30 30
350 300
100 100
380 320
90 80
1.8 1.4
40 43
2.1 1.7
2.5 2.7
50 30
350 390
100 40
400 350
90 110
3.0 1.5
20 12
2.0 1.6
Process Cheeses and Nutrition
group includes thiamin (hia), ribolavin (Ribo), niacin (Nia), pantothenic acid (Pan), vitamin B6, biotin (Bio), folate (Fol), and vitamin B12. he numbers for pantothenic acid, biotin, and K are for “adequate intake.” he amounts are micrograms per day for the RDA numbers and micrograms per 100 grams of cheese for the other data. he vitamin K igures are from the Nutrient Data Laboratory. NR stands for “not reported.” Vitamin A (retinol) promotes vision and keeps mucous membranes and skin healthy. β-carotene, described in Box 2.5, is converted to vitamin A in the intestine and liver. Eating 3½ ounces of most of these varieties will give you at least a quarter of your RDA of vitamin A. Vitamin D (calciferol) regulates blood levels of calcium and phosphate, thereby promoting bone and tooth health. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell injury. Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is necessary for blood clotting. hiamine (also called vitamin B1), helps with energy metabolism and nerve function. Ribolavin (also known as vitamin B2), and pantothenic acid are involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Cheese is considered a good source of ribolavin. Niacin (a.k.a. vitamin B3), functions with some cellular enzymes and has a role in cholesterol reduction. Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, is partially responsible for amino acid metabolism. Biotin helps produce and metabolize fats. Folate is used to make and repair DNA. Vitamin B12, cobalamin, is produced by bacteria, including those in cheese. B12 helps to create new cells and maintain nerve cells, and cheese provides a good deal of it.
And here in Table 14.3 are the minerals, in units of milligrams per 100 grams of cheese, along with RDA in units of milligrams per day for men and women aged 19–70. he abbreviations for the chemical elements are shown here. he potassium (K) and sodium (Na) data are for adequate intake. For women aged 51–70, the RDA for calcium (Ca) increases to 1200 mg per day, and the RDA for iron (Fe) decreases to 8 mg per day. he other minerals shown here are copper (Cu), iodine (I), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn). As before, NR stands for “not reported” and T is “trace amount.” Cheese is considered a good source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Calcium is involved in blood clotting, magnesium and phosphorus are necessary for enzyme reactions and transporting cellular energy, and all three are required for forming bones and keeping them strong and healthy. hese minerals, along with potassium and sodium, play roles in water-balance and blood vessel, muscle, and nerve activity. Zinc is part of some proteins and has a role in enzyme activity. Iron is used for oxygen transport (especially in hemoglobin, found in red blood cells), copper is an antioxidant,
Table 14.3 Minerals in cheese Minerals: RDA Males Females Fresh Cottage Cream Whey Ricotta Pickled Feta Stretched curd Mozzarella Surface mold Brie Camembert Smearripened
1000 1000
0.9 0.9
0.15 0.15
8 18
127 985
T 0.04
0.024 NR
256 235
420 320
700 700
4700 4700
T 0.10
13 10
171 100
0.016 NR
0.055 0.055
1500 1500
11 8
161 160
0.004 0.004
300 300
0.6 0.5
15 14
232 241
91 104
0.005 0.007
556 605
2.0 2.1
Limburger Interior mold Roquefort Stilton Cheddared Cheddar Cheshire Stirred curd Edam Gouda With eyes Emmental Gruyère Very hard Parmesan Process American
530 326
0.09 0.04
NR 0.040
0.40 0.20
33 15
400 314
91 96
NR 0.007
1670 788
1.6 2.9
739 560
0.03 0.13
0.030 0.046
0.30 0.30
29 19
505 400
75 87
0.006 0.011
723 550
4.1 3.3
795 773
0.013 NR
0.30 0.30
34 32
508 498
89 85
0.007 0.008
996 925
3.8 3.9
950 970
0.13 0.13
0.30 0.30
18 37
400 610
91 99
0.007 NR
450 670
1.6 2.3
he Science of Cheese
and iodine and selenium are found in thyroid hormones, but cheese has only minor amounts of those minerals. A study has shown that replacement of dairy products with other foods containing calcium adversely afects the intake of magnesium and phosphorus, as well as protein, potassium, and vitamins A, B2, B12, and D. hough you can consume enough calcium without eating dairy foods, calcium-replacement foods are not nutritionally equivalent unless you eat unrealistic amounts. Other Health Beneits
Some people feel that dairy products are bad for you (Box 14.2). But milk, cheese, yogurt, and so forth are complex foods containing many nutrients, so singling out cholesterol or saturated fats as being dangerous to one’s health ignores the possibility that other components may in fact be beneicial. he only way scientists can draw conclusions about health and a particular food is by carrying out long-term studies of the consumption of that food and seeing how disease and death rates are afected. hough consumption of cheese and dairy products has long been implicated as increasing the
Box 14.2 On the Other Hand ... “We recommend deleting milk and dairy products rom your grocery list or taking them in extremely small quantities. You can make up the minerals by taking bone meal and the B vitamins with brewer’s yeast.” —j. i. rodale, he Complete Book of Food and Nutrition, 1961
You wouldn’t be reading this book if you ate bone meal and brewer’s yeast instead of cheese and other dairy products. Rodale was concerned about antibiotics inding their way into milk, but sick cows are now taken out of the milk supply. Farmers can tell if a cow is ailing by checking the milk for the number of somatic cells, the white blood cells that indicate that a cow is ighting an infection. Analyses are always run on every truckload of milk, and if trace amounts of antibiotics are detected, which happens a few times a year across the United States, that milk is then dumped. Tests for six common antibiotics such as penicillin take just minutes, and the FDA is looking for rapid techniques for other antibiotics (the current tests take a week for results to appear and the milk would be in stores by then). he institute Rodale founded is now working with our laboratory on the properties of organic milk from pasture-fed cows. Some people just don’t like cheese. he conversion of milk by microorganisms into a solid product is accompanied by the liberation of strong-smelling compounds. Some of these compounds are also generated when microbes spoil food, work in the digestive system, consume dead animals, and do other things that microbes do. To avoid food
Process Cheeses and Nutrition
Box 14.2 (continued) poisoning, people are taught to shun decay and some are sensitive to the aromas surrounding it, causing them to shy away from safe products created by controlled spoilage. Others do not eat cheese by choice. Vegetarians do not eat meat, ish, or poultry. Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products but not eggs, ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy products, ovo-lacto-vegetarians eat both, and vegans are people who won’t eat any product of animal origin. Some vegetarians will not consume cheese made with animal rennet, considering it to be a meat product. Microbial or vegetable rennets are acceptable to them, and some artisanal and industrial cheesemakers market their products for this group of vegetarians. Finally, some people restrict their cheese consumption because of possible adverse health efects. We explained in this chapter that these worries may be overblown, but in any case it is always best to consume food in moderation. Even if a food is good for you, too much of it isn’t. And foods that are not good for you are tolerable in small amounts. Remember that cheese consumption continues to climb—as does life expectancy.
risk of cardiovascular disease, recent reviews of long-term studies have indicated otherwise. Cholesterol levels in blood did increase modestly in subjects who consumed cheese, but the calcium present also reduced blood pressure signiicantly. A review of research showed no clear evidence that consuming dairy food results in a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, some evidence indicates that cheese is associated with reduced risk, which may have to do with the calcium and some types of fat in the cheese. Moreover, feeding volunteers a diet rich in dairy foods and calcium has been found to enhance weight loss and loss of fat from the abdomen; calcium supplements were not as efective. In a study aimed at altering the course of age-related cognitive decline, the results indicated that people who consumed dairy products at least once a day scored higher in memory and other tests. he reason for this result is not yet known, but the theories include the efect of bioactive peptides in whey proteins and the beneits of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus as described above. Cheese and other dairy foods may reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes through a mechanism that has not been determined. Dental caries, popularly called tooth decay, is signiicantly reduced by eating cheese. Four theories for this efect are: cheese inhibits the acid-producing bacteria that cause caries, saliva lessens the efect of the acid, increased salivary low from eating cheese removes carbohydrates that the acid-producing bacteria thrive on, or calcium and phosphate in the cheese restore tooth enamel. Some combination of the four may be true. Now that we have described the components of cheese, we can turn to Chapter 15 and ind out how they are measured.
Never commit yourself to a cheese without having irst examined it. —T. S. Eliot, 1935
Scientists examine cheese to determine its characteristics and to ofer ways of improving it. Composition, microbiology, structure, texture, color, melt, and lavor are all analyzed, and not many foods have been researched in such detail. In this chapter we will see how these classes of analysis are performed and who does them. Composition
he irst step in characterizing a cheese is to determine its composition. Some of the procedures are performed using an instrument that emits light in the near-infrared region; the water, fat, protein, and lactose molecules absorb the light at speciic wavelengths in proportion to their concentrations in the cheese. he traditional methods also work well, and here are some of them: •
he moisture content is found by drying a sample in an oven and seeing how much weight is lost from water evaporation. Fat content can be determined by mixing pieces of the sample with water and sulfuric acid in a special glass bottle with a long, narrow neck. he acid dissolves the protein and the heat generated melts the oil, which loats on top. he bottle is placed in a centrifuge, which spins it around rapidly, and the amount of fat is measured in the neck.
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons •
he NaCl concentration is found when the chloride is reacted with a silver compound, producing a color or a change in the ability to conduct an electric current. he pH is determined with an electrode connected to a meter that measures voltage and converts the number to a pH value. Also, carbohydrate, speciically lactose, is sometimes measured by electrode and meter, with the voltage depending on the extent of a reaction with an enzyme. High temperatures are used to measure the protein and mineral content. he protein concentration is found by heating a sample to over 1500°, which converts the nitrogen in the amino acids to nitrogen gas. he electrical resistance in a heated ilament changes when the nitrogen gas passes through, with the change being proportional to the amount of protein in the sample. he minerals present in a cheese are found by irst heating a sample in a furnace at 1000° to drive of the water, fat, lactose, and protein. he remaining ash is dissolved and sent into an instrument inside which the liquid is sprayed into a lame, where each mineral emits light at characteristic wavelengths. he intensities of the responses reveal the concentrations of the minerals.
More specialized methods are employed to ind other components. Scientists use electrophoresis (el-lek-troh-for-EE-sis, movement of particles by an electrical force) when looking at speciic proteins, such as αs1-casein and β-casein. he proteins are extracted from the cheese with water and broken apart with urea or sodium dodecyl sulfate. Urea is produced in the body and excreted in the urine, and “SDS” (also called sodium lauryl sulfate) is a detergent found in loor cleaner, shampoo, and toothpaste. A small amount of the extract is placed near the bottom of a thin, lat gel about 1.5 inches square. he gel is subjected to an electrical ield, and the diferent proteins migrate toward the top of the gel at a speed depending on their size and electric charge. he gel is removed, a dye is added, and short stripes (known as bands) appear. he positions of the bands tell the researcher which protein is which, and the amount of dye on the stripe indicates the concentration of that protein. Peptides, which are sections of proteins, are examined at the same time, revealing the extent of proteolysis that has occurred. he fatty acids are analyzed by converting them to esters by dissolving the sample in a solvent containing an acid and a compound that has a methyl group (such as methanol or sodium methoxide). he acid causes the fatty acids to break of of the triglycerides, and the methyl group reacts with the fatty acids to form methyl esters. hese fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) are injected into a gas chromatograph, which vaporizes the sample in an inert gas and sends it through a column, which is actually a coiled glass or metal tube illed with an inert solid containing a layer of a
he Science of Cheese
speciic liquid or polymer. he smaller FAMEs pass through the column faster than the larger ones, and the amounts are measured when the gas travels through a lame. An untreated piece of cheese contains negligible levels of methyl esters, so the measurement relects just the fatty acid composition. A gas chromatograph is also used for analyzing lavor compounds (Box 15.1).
Box 15.1 It Goes Up Your Nose Flavor compounds are determined by gas chromatography (GC). he lame mentioned above in connection with FAMEs is a type of detector, a sensor that is responsive to the compounds being examined. Another type of detector used with GC is the mass spectrometer (MS), which bombards the compound with electrons coming from a ilament (comparable to the one inside an incandescent light bulb). he electrons cause the molecule to fragment in a predictable way, and the instrument’s sotware suggests which compounds may correspond to the fragmentation pattern. he scientist decides the most likely one, does the same for the other patterns, and thus compiles a list of what compounds are in the sample and how much of each is present. Whereas GC is capable of looking at one class of compound at a time, such as fatty acids, GC-MS can examine
Prof. Devin Peterson of the University of Minnesota detecting cheese aromas using gas chromatography-olfactometry. Source: Courtesy of Devin Peterson.
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons
Box 15.1 (continued ) various classes. he technique is used in forensics and airport security, and NASA has launched several interplanetary probes with a GC-MS instrument inside. Another GC detector is the human nose. In this technique, gas chromatographyolfactometry (GC-O), the gas that exits the GC is split, with half going into an MS unit and the other half traveling through a heated tube that is smelled by a scientist (in the photo below, it’s Dr. Devin Peterson of the University of Minnesota). As each odiferous compound passes through, the scientist notes the aroma. One thus determines not only which odor-active compounds are present in a sample, but what they smell like in a cheese matrix. GC-O is valuable because it provide guidance to understanding what volatile compounds potentially contribute to the aroma of foods.
A bacteria, fungus, mold, or yeast in cheese is identiied by irst growing and isolating it. Microorganisms are frequently grown in a petri dish containing agar, a gelatinous extract from red algae. Most microbes do not digest agar but can grow on top of it when it is at the proper temperature, forming visible colonies. A microbiologist may then use genetic techniques to identify the microbe, study the observable traits such as structure and physiological properties, or use molecular characterization, where fatty acids, nucleic acids, proteins, and enzymes are identiied. he number of living microorganisms is determined by counting the colonies on a plate, leading to a calculation of colony-forming units per gram. Structure
he internal structure of cheese used to be hidden from view until the wheel or block was cut open. Some cheese plants have X-ray machines to see if the structure has formed properly. Researchers at the University of California–Davis have examined Swiss cheese with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) unit to check eye development (they did this at their laboratory and not at a hospital where patients were waiting). hese methods allow the macrostructure to be viewed. To observe the microstructure, features too small to be seen with the naked eye, a thin slice of cheese is placed in a microscope. A regular optical microscope, using ordinary light, can be used to observe structure and bacteria, but scientists more oten use an electron microscope, which is capable of magnifying images by a factor
he Science of Cheese
of tens of thousands instead of hundreds. Electron microscopes use electrons emitted by an incandescent electrode (oten tungsten) and focused on the specimen, producing black and white images. In scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a rectangular area of a gold-coated specimen is scanned with an electron beam, causing some electrons to be relected of of the specimen and others to be knocked of of the gold. he result is an image that appears three dimensional. he electron micrographs in this book were obtained by SEM. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electrons pass through a very thin slice of sample, producing a two-dimensional image. Certain structural components may be stained with metal to highlight them in the TEM image. We use SEM in our laboratory to view how the bacteria, fat globules, and protein matrix change with aging, and we have observed casein submicelles rearrange during storage using TEM. Texture
As mentioned in Chapter 10, texture is quite important when enjoying cheese. A common instrumental technique for characterizing the texture of cheese (and many other foods) is texture proile analysis, which is performed on a universal testing machine or a texture analyzer—basically a cheese squeezer. A cylinder of cheese perhaps half an inch in diameter and half an inch high is placed on a lat plate, and a second plate comes down, compresses the sample, comes up, and repeats the action. his test imitates the act of chewing a piece of cheese twice and produces a graph of force vs. time that resembles a tall, thin mountain peak followed by a shorter peak. he height of the irst peak—the amount of force required to compress the sample in the irst “bite”—is the hardness, and the height the sample recovers before the second bite is the springiness. Cohesiveness is the ratio of the area of the second peak to that of the irst. If the cheese is sticky, the force needed to pull the upper surface of of the sample is the adhesiveness. If the cheese is brittle, the force at which it breaks is the fracturability. Chewiness is the product of hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness. Rheology (Box 10.4) is characterized by measuring the response when a sample is wiggled gently or twisted until it breaks. hese tests provide information on the strength of the protein matrix. Color and Melting
We saw in Box 2.5 that color is an important factor in acceptability of food. he color of a block of cheese is accurately determined by using a colorimeter. Light is relected of of the sample, and the relative lightness, redness/greenness, and
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons
blueness/yellowness are found. he technique is known as tristimulus relectance and comes with speciic well-deined rules. he extent to which a piece of cheese melts is found by heating it at a particular temperature for a few minutes and noting how far it spreads out. he amount of free oil, the fat that melts and lows to the surface, can be measured by using a variation of the fat-determination procedure above but without adding the sulfuric acid. Flavor
As described in Box 15.1, aromas can be analyzed by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O). But if you don’t want to rely on an instrument to tell you about the texture or lavor of a piece of cheese, you can assemble a group of people to do it. Texture panels and taste panels consisting of ordinary consumers or trained panelists are assembled for this purpose. If panelists are going to be trained, they have to practice on diferent samples and be given references to judge them against (a training session is shown in Figure 15.1). For instance, standardized descriptive language for Cheddar lavor—a lexicon—is shown in Box 15.2. Complete training takes perhaps twenty hours, spread over days or weeks. Taste panelists snif, bite into, and chew the cheeses, inhaling through the nose and from inside the mouth to obtain the orthonasal and retronasal aroma perceptions mentioned in Chapter 7. Texture panels are able to tell quite a bit from manipulating the sample in their ingers before biting into it. Impressions of each component are marked on a scale,
Figure 15.1 Prof. MaryAnne Drake of North Carolina State University conducting a cheese taste panel training. Source: Courtesy of Diane Van Hekken.
he Science of Cheese
Box 15.2 Lexicon “I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With.” —title of movie written by and starring jeff garlin, 2006
he following table (b15.2) contains descriptive language for panelists when they taste Cheddar cheese. he reference materials and compounds in the last column are used to train the panelists about the terms in the irst column. he above was developed just for Cheddar by researchers at Mississippi State University and Sensory Spectrum, Incorporated. Lexicons have also been created for lowfat, full-fat, and smoked Cheddar, Gouda, and Swiss; other aged cheeses; and sheep’s milk cheese. he additional terms include such descriptors as ammonia, animal, astringent, biting, buttery, caramel, creamy, decaying animal, fresh ish, goaty, mushroom, pineapple, pungent, rancid, sauerkraut, smoky, soapy, soy sauce, sweaty, and toasty.
Table B15.2 Lexicon for Cheddar lavors
Term Bitter Salty Sour Sweet Term Umami Prickle
Term Bell pepper Brothy
fundamental tastes Elicited by: Reference Cafeine, quinine 0.08% cafeine in water Salts 0.5% table salt in water Acids 0.08% citric acid in water Sugars 5% sucrose in water chemical feeling factors Definition Reference Elicited by certain peptides 1% MSG in water and nucleotides Sensation of Soda water carbonation on tongue aromas and aromatics Associated with: Reference Freshly cut green vegetables Freshly cut green pepper, 5 ppb methoxypyrazines Boiled meat or vegetable Canned potatoes, beef soup stock broth cubes, 20 ppm methional
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons Box 15.2 (continued ) Term Catty Cooked Cowy/ phenolic Diacetyl Fecal Free fatty acid Fruity Methyl ketone/bleu Milkfat/ lactone Moldy/musty Nutty Oxidized Rosy/loral Scorched
aromas and aromatics Associated with: Reference Tomcat urine 20 ppm 2-mercapto-2methylpentan-4-one Cooked milk Skim milk heated to 185° for 30 minutes Barns and stock trailers Bandages, 160 ppm p-cresol Diacetyl Complex protein decomposition Short chain fatty acids Diferent fruits Blue-veined cheeses Milkfat
Molds and/or freshly turned soil Diferent nuts
Oxidized fat Flowers Extreme heat treatment of milk proteins Sulfurous compounds
Waxy/crayon Whey Yeasty
Medium chain fatty acids Cheddar cheese whey Fermenting yeast
20 ppm diacetyl 20 ppm indole or skatole 20 ppm butyric acid Fresh pineapple, 20 ppm ethyl hexanoate 40 ppm 2-octanone Fresh coconut meat, heavy cream, 40 ppm δ-dodecalactone Potting soil, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol Lightly toasted unsalted nuts, wheat germ 20 ppm 2,4-decadienal 20 ppm 2-phenethylamine Milk heated to 250° for 25 minutes Boiled mashed egg, struck match 10% capric or lauric acid Fresh Cheddar whey Raw yeast dough, yeast in warm 3% sucrose water
he Science of Cheese
oten 1 to 10, and compared. Water and unsalted crackers are used to cleanse the palate between samples. Flavor Comparisons
In Chapters 4 through 13 we talked about the classes of cheese and the types of compounds found in them. Now is the time to combine the information to look at the characteristic lavors of cheese varieties. Researchers used to think that the typical lavor of a cheese variety resulted from just one compound or class of compounds. In the 1950s, Cornell’s Frank Kosikowski developed the “component balance theory,” which states that cheese lavor was produced by a combination of compounds and that the cheese would not taste right if the compounds were not in the correct proportions. he theory has held up, as scientists have found that many compounds from diferent categories compose the aroma and lavor of cheese. Some are obviously more important than others, but all contribute. In the following tables, each column lists a compound and the aroma corresponding to it in that type of cheese. “Farm Ched” is a farmhouse Cheddar, “Grana Pad” is Grana Padano, and “Bov Mozz” and “Buf Mozz” are Mozzarellas made from cow’s milk and water bufalo’s milk, respectively. he goat cheese is Bouton de Culotte (“trouser button”), a 2-ounce French cheese that becomes hard and brittle with time. “Smear” corresponds to an unspeciied French smear-ripened cheese. he odor descriptors were obtained from researchers using GC-O in several diferent studies. We start with acetic acid, propionic acid, and the short-and medium-chain fatty acids, which we read about in Chapter 5 (see Table 15.1). All of the compounds listed for Cheddar and Roncal are essential parts of the odors of those varieties. Butyric acid is a particularly important odorant in Camembert, Grana Padano, Gruyère, Pecorino, and Ragusano, and caproic acid is a key compound in Grana Padano. And in Table 15.2 are branched-chain fatty acids along with a long-chain fatty acid, lauric. Isovaleric acid is an important compound in Camembert and Gruyère. 4-Ethyl caprylic acid and 4-methyl butyric acid are the major aroma compounds for the goat cheese listed. Nitrogen-containing compounds were also described in Chapter 5, and the ones shown here in Table 15.3 are major contributors to the aromas of these cheeses. You may wonder why anyone would want to eat something that smells like a dirty sock or a stable. Remember that these aromas are combined with many others to form the total picture, and cheese would not taste the same without them.
Table 15.1 Short-chain acids in cheese and their aromas Acetic
Peppers, green
Gas, burnt
Toasted cheese
Bad breath, popcorn
Farm Ched Emmental Goat
Vinegar Pungent, vinegar
Pungent, sweet
Fecal, cheesy Rancid Cheesy
Grana Pad
Acetic, sour
Cheesy, rancid
Gruyère Parmesan Pecorino Ragusano Roncal
Fruity, pungent
Vinegar, pungent
Sweaty Cheesy, rotten Dirty sock Dirty sock Strong cheese, manure Rancid cheese, putrid
Acetic Vinegar Vinegar, pungent
Capric Stale butter
Sweat Goat
Rancid, pungent Fatty, rancid
Cheese rind
Cheese, milk
Pungent, blue cheese
Goat, waxy
Rancid fat
Cheese rind, sweaty Goat
Grassy, fatty
he Science of Cheese
Table 15.2 Lauric and branched-chain fatty acids in cheese and their aromas Lauric Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Emmental
4-Methyl caprylic
4-Ethyl caprylic
Cheese Soapy
Goat Grana Pad
Gruyère Roncal
Cheese, rancid butter Sweaty Soap, hot milk
Swiss cheese Sweet, sweaty Cheese Cheese rind, rancid
Roncal cheese
Table 15.3 Nitrogen-containing compounds in cheese and their aromas 2-Ethyl-3,5dimethyl pyrazine Cheddar Gruyère Bov Mozz
3-Ethyl-2,6dimethyl pyrazine
Fecal Earthy
Buf Mozz Pecorino Ragusano
2,3-Diethyl5-methyl pyrazine
Mothball Stables, jasmine Stables, jasmine
Roasty Roasty
Table 15.4 shows the alcohols that we irst saw in Chapter 6. We see that the compounds in the last three columns have a consistent odor, with some diferences in the irst three columns. hese results show that compounds can be perceived as having various aromas, depending on the other compounds present. 2-Heptanol is an important odorant in Gorgonzola and Grana Padano, and 1-octen-3-ol
Table 15.4 Alcohols in cheese and their aromas Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Goat Gorgonzola Grana Pad Gruyère Bov Mozz Buf Mozz Pecorino Roncal Smear
3-Methyl butanol
Phenyl ethanol
2-Phenyl ethanol Floral Rosy
Alcoholic Balsamic
Herbaceous Earthy
Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom
Honey Alcoholic
Mushroom Mushroom
Rose Rose
Fruity Fruity, alcohol
Roses Rose
he Science of Cheese
is a key compound in Camembert, Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, and water bufalo Mozzarella. Next ( Table 15.5) are the sulfur-containing compounds, which were covered in Chapter 7. he perceived odors show a great deal of consistency. Methional is the primary lavor compound in potato, and the sulides are major odorants in garlic and onion. Methional is a crucial component of the aromas of all the cheeses on this list. Dimethylsulide is a key compound for Camembert and Cheddar, dimethyldisulide is important for Ragusano, and dimethyltrisulide is a necessary part of Gruyère aroma. Now for the esters ( Table 15.6). We saw in Chapter 8 that esters have fruity aromas, and research has shown that to be true in cheese. Unlike the other classes of compounds above, esters almost always impart a particular aroma without regard to cheese variety. Ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate are key odorants in Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Pecorino, and Ragusano, as well as Emmental. Ethyl-3-methyl butanoate is important for bovine Mozzarella. he ketones ( Table 15.7) were in Chapter 9. 2-Heptanone and 2-nonanone are vital compounds in Gorgonzola aroma, 2-nonanone is a primary compound for Ragusano odor, and 2-undecanone is important for Camembert. Diacetyl and 1-octen-3-one, which consistently have mushroom and buttery aromas, are essential for most of the varieties in which they are present. In Table 15.8 are the aldehydes, which we covered in Chapter 10. he lower in the last column refers to Spanish broom, an ornamental plant. Nonanal is green, fatty, or soapy, and is a key odorant for Grana Padano and water bufalo Mozzarella. 3-Methylbutanal is important for Camembert, Emmental, and Gruyère. Phenylacetaldehyde, which smells like honey or lowers, is another signiicant contributor to Gruyère aroma. he lactones from Chapter 11 are in Table 15.9. he lactones impart coconut and peach aromas to some cheeses. δ-Decalactone appears to be important for Camembert and Emmental lavor. Table 15.10 shows the three furans that we covered in Chapter 12. Furans are responsible for a range of odors. Furaneol and homofuraneol are particularly signiicant compounds for Cheddar and Emmental lavor. Finally, the terpenes of Chapter 13 appear in Table 15.11. Some cheese varieties have more terpenes than these three. For instance, Bitto (Chapter 13) contains α-pinene, limonene, and ive other terpenes. he French smearripened Mont d’Or, also known as Vacherin du Haut-Doubs, is encircled with a strip of spruce and picks up as many as a dozen terpenes, including α-terpineol, limonene, and linalool, from the wood. Several unidentiied terpenes with a dirt or fungus odor have been detected in blue cheeses.
Table 15.5 Sulfur-containing compounds in cheese and their aromas
Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Goat Gorgonzola Grana Pad Gruyère Parmesan Pecorino Ragusano Roncal Smear
Dimethyl sulide
Dimethyl disulide
Dimethyl trisulide
Sulfur Sulfur
Boiled potato Boiled potato Baked potato Potato Boiled potato Cooked milk Boiled potato Potato Potato Potato Boiled vegetables Cooked cabbage
Sulfur Cabbage
Sulfur, sour
Vegetable, sulfur Putrid Sulfur, cabbage
Sulfur Onion Onion
Sulfur, cabbage Garlic Garlic Garlic
Caulilower, garlic
Sulfur Sulfur
Table 15.6 Esters in cheese and their aromas Ethyl acetate Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Goat Gorgonzola Grana Pad Gruyère Bov Mozz Buf Mozz Parmesan Pecorino Ragusano Smear
Fruity, pineapple
Ethyl butanoate
Ethyl hexanoate
Sweet, fruity
Fruity, malty Fruity, melon
Ethyl octanoate
Ethyl-3-methyl butanoate
Phenylethyl acetate Floral, rosy
Fruity, melon
Fruity Fruity, green Fruity, green
Moldy Fruity, apple Fruity, apple
Fruity Green, tallowy
Fruity, green
Fruity, sweet Fruity, sweet
Orange Orange
Green, fruity Fatty, fruity Fresh cheese
Fruity, melon
Fruity, pineapple
Orange Floral, rose
Table 15.7 Ketones in cheese and their aromas 2-Heptanone Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Gorgonzola Grana Pad Gruyère Buf Mozz Pecorino Ragusano Smear
Gorgonzola cheese Fruity, fatty Green Animals, blue cheese
Malty, fruity
Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom
Buttery Buttery
Sour milk
Gorgonzola cheese
Hot milk Hot milk
Blue cheese
Herbaceous Mushroom Mushroom Buttery
Table 15.8 Aldehydes in cheese and their aromas Acetaldehyde Camembert Cheddar Gorgonzola Grana Pad Gruyère Bov Mozz Buf Mozz Pecorino Ragusano Smear
Green Sweet
2-Methyl propanal
2-Methyl butanal
3-Methyl butanal
Phenyl acetaldehyde
Green Caramel
Green, fatty
Green Floral
Honey Rosy Flower
Herbaceous Green, tallow Green
Malty Green, tallow Green, tallow Soapy Soapy
Honey Flower Flower
Fruity Daisy Green, malty
Table 15.9 Lactones in cheese and their aromas Camembert Cheddar Farm Ched Goat Grana Pad Gruyère Bov Mozz Buf Mozz Parmesan Roncal
Coconut Coconut Peach, coconut
Sweet, soapy Cheese, coconut
Fruity Creamy, coconut Sweet, coconut
Coconut, buttery
Peach Peach Sweet, coconut Peach, almonds
he Science of Cheese
Table 15.10 Furans in cheese and their aromas Furaneol
Cheddar Farmhouse Cheddar Grana Padano
Caramel Sweet, burnt sugar
Gruyère Parmesan
Sotolon Curry, seasoning
Caramel, burnt sugar Caramel, burnt sugar
Seasoning Coriander, curry
Table 15.11 Terpenes in cheese and their aromas
α-Pinene Cheddar Farmhouse Cheddar Pecorino Ragusano
Pine, green Sweet, loral Orange, lower Flower
Cheese Scientists
Anyone can compare the lavors and textures of diferent cheeses and rank them by preference. Some organizations formalize the procedure by sponsoring cheese contests (Box 15.3). When cheese is to be purchased for government programs, USDA graders go to the plant to judge the appearance, color, lavor, and texture of samples, and send them to a lab for compositional and microbial testing (Box 15.4). hese traditional tests by human judges are subjective, however, and their opinions vary according to the judges’ background, experience, and other factors. he scientiic techniques in this chapter are more reliable because they give objective results. he researchers who analyze cheese have backgrounds in animal science, biochemistry, chemistry, engineering, food science, microbiology, and related ields. hey develop improved starter cultures, create cheese with reduced fat or sodium, improve packaging and preservation, establish standards, characterize obscure varieties, ind better ways to analyze cheese, and verify identities and geographic origins (Box 15.5). hey also look at health beneits, igure out how compounds are formed in cheese, identify
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons
Box 15.3 Cheese Contests “One cheese difers rom another, and the diference is in sweeps, and in landscapes, and in provinces, and in countrysides, and in climates, and in principalities, and in realms, and in the nature of things.” —hilaire belloc, First and Last, 1911
You can measure the diferences in cheese for yourself or rely on experts to make a recommendation. Annual contests provide an opportunity for trained cheese judges to evaluate the products of various companies, score them, and determine winners. he Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association has some 2,300 entries grouped into 40 classes at their World Championship Cheese Contest, which is held in even-numbered years. Cheeses are broken out into diferent categories. he Cheddar class, for instance, includes mild (aged 0–3 months), medium (3–6 months), sharp (6 months–1 year); aged 1–2 years, aged 2 years or more; bandaged (ripened in a cloth wrapping) mild to medium, and bandaged sharp to aged. In 2010 they had 35 judges from 16 countries, including Nana Y. Farkye, a professor in the Dairy Science Department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (who also supplied much of the information below). Nana and the other judges employ a 100-point scoring system including lavor (45 points), body and texture (30), make up and appearance (15), color (5), and rind development (5). Working on the assumption that each cheese/entry is the best a company has to ofer, the judges start with an initial score of 100 from which deductions are made for defects to give the inal score. A perfect score of 100 is an exception, while scores less than 95 are unusual. Two judges independently score each cheese, and the inal score for each entry is the average score of the two judges. he deductions for defects are on a one-tenth point basis: Very slight defect—detected under very critical examination, 0.10 to 0.50; Slight defect—detected upon critical examination, 0.50 to 1.50; Deinite defect—detected easily, but not intense, 1.60 to 2.50; and Pronounced—detected easily and intense, 2.60 or greater. Because each judge is experienced, the pair working together may confer with each other initially at the beginning of judging each class to make sure they are seeing the same defects in each entry. he American Cheese Society has around 100 categories and over 1,000 entries at their annual meeting. A technical judge (who looks at body, lavor, and texture) deducts points from 50, and an aesthetic judge (appearance, aroma, lavor, texture) adds points up to 50. A suggested score card for Cheddar by the American Dairy Science Association lists these lavor defects: bitter, feed (tastes of animal feed), fermented (vinegary), lat/low lavor, fruity, heated (reminiscent of spoiled milk), high acid, oxidized, rancid, sulide, unclean (dirty atertaste), whey taint, and yeasty. heir body and texture defects are corky (dry and hard), crumbly (falls apart), curdy (rubbery), gassy (eyes), mealy (grainy), open (spaces in the interior), pasty (sticky), short (laky), and weak (sot). Appearance defects are not listed but may include mold, mottled, of-colors, and white specks. he specks would be the crystals and NaCl deposits mentioned in the “sound” section of Chapter 6.
he Science of Cheese
Box 15.4 Grading Cheese USDA graders come into cheese plants or warehouses to give their unbiased opinions on the products. hey examine the condition of the cheese container and compare the weight marked on it with the actual weight. hen they use a trier like the one shown in Chapter 3 to extract a cylindrical “plug” of cheese and examine it by sniing, touching, and tasting. hey also cut the cheese in half and examine the two cut surfaces. Any defects are noted, along with the descriptors “very slight,” “slight,” and “deinite.” he type and extent of defects are compared with the standards for that cheese variety, and a grade is then assigned. For Swiss-type cheese, the grades are A, B, and C; and for Cheddar, AA, A, B, and C. Barrels containing at least 100 pounds of American cheese are assigned U.S. Extra Grade, U.S. Standard Grade, or U.S. Commercial Grade. Any cheese scoring below the requirements would be listed as “No inal U.S. grade assigned.” To quote from one standard: he determination of U.S. grades of Swiss cheese shall be on the basis of rating the following quality factors: (1) Flavor, (2) Body, (3) Eyes and texture, (4) Finish and appearance, and (5) Color ... in a randomly selected sample representing a vat of cheese ... he inal U.S. grade shall be established on the basis of the lowest rating of any one of the quality factors. he eye and texture defects for Swiss-type cheeses were described in Box 12.2, and we’ll use that information to look at the standard for Grade B Swiss and Emmental cheese: he cheese shall possess well-developed round or slightly oval-shaped eyes. he majority of the eyes shall be 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. he cheese may possess the following eye characteristics to a very slight degree: dead eyes and nesty; and the following to a slight degree: dull, frogmouth, one sided, overset, rough, shell, underset, and uneven. he cheese may possess the following texture characteristics to a slight degree: checks, picks and streuble. Grade A cheeses are allowed very slight dull, rough, shell, checks, picks and streuble, and none of the other defects. Grade C cheeses would have slight or deinite levels of any or all of the defects in Box 12.2.
microbes, improve manufacturing processes, and study structure, texture, and lavor. Serious research on cheese began in the latter part of the nineteenth century ater Louis Pasteur, who discovered the handedness in molecules (Chapter 5), also showed that microorganisms caused many diseases and were responsible for spoiling milk. Gradually, scientists learned that microbes were involved in cheese-ripening, enabling
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons
Box 15.5 The Cheese Caper “We sat through two and a half hours of a fantastic murder mystery that had more holes in it than a piece of Swiss cheese.” —mickey spillane, I, the Jury, 1947
Although most cheese scientists are not hardboiled detectives like Spillane’s Mike Hammer, they are sometimes involved in legal matters. As we will see in Chapter 17, the labeling of a number of cheese varieties is regulated, and science is used to track down possible violators. In the late 1980s, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), which purchases cheese and other commodities for the National School Lunch Program, came to us with a problem. A plant from which AMS purchased Mozzarella was found by inspectors to contain bags of calcium caseinate powder, which could have been added to the milk to increase the yield of cheese inexpensively. he regulations prohibit the use of milk powder in making genuine Mozzarella; if added, the cheese would have to be labeled as imitation. AMS suspected that the plant was selling imitation cheese to them but had no way of proving it. We found that the composition of their cheese was no diferent from authentic Mozzarella’s, and the pattern of protein breakdown was also the same. But then I looked at the melting characteristics of their product and found something wrong. I used a diferential scanning calorimeter (DSC), which measures the heat taken in or given of (the “calorimeter” part) by a sample in a tiny pan as it is heated or cooled (“scanning”) and compared to an empty pan (“diferential”). When the cheese was removed from the refrigerator, and heated immediately in the DSC, the amount of fat that melted at 60°–64° was too low. We made some Mozzarella containing 1% and 2% calcium caseinate and saw that the amount of fat melting in that temperature range decreased. he caseinate apparently acted as an emulsiier and prevented some of the fat from solidifying in the refrigerator, meaning that it would already be liquid when the cheese was heated, producing a smaller DSC signal. We then looked at microstructure with an SEM and saw that the fat globules in genuine Mozzarella were uniformly dispersed, but were oten coalesced into large globules in the company’s cheese and in the 1% and 2% calcium caseinate cheeses. With this information, we concluded that the company was making imitation Mozzarella and passing it of as genuine. he company, which had been taken to court, changed their plea from not guilty to guilty. hey were convicted, ined $515,000 for defrauding the U.S. Government, and went out of business. Scientists use other advanced techniques to determine if a cheese is really from the place identiied on the label. hey will see if the microorganisms match those in the place of origin and do the same with ratios of the chemical elements present. If they observe bacteria that are not found in the starter culture or NSLAB of a variety made in a particular area, then the cheese was probably made elsewhere. Similarly, the geology of a region will lead to proportions of certain elements being present in the feed and eventually the cheese.
he Science of Cheese
Box 15.5 (continued ) A major issue with some varieties is the substitution of goat, sheep, or water bufalo milk by cow milk, which is less expensive. Electrophoresis and chromatography are oten used to conirm authenticity. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a test in which enzymes and antibodies or antigens are used in a reaction to produce a color change. Speciic proteins found in the milk of various species are identiied in this manner. ELISA is most oten used to detect virus antibodies, some drugs, and food allergens. In another identiication technique, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), a section of DNA is separated into its two strands, an enzyme (DNA polymerase) is used to synthesize two-stranded DNA from each strand, and the process is repeated until many copies of the original are formed. PCR is now a mainstay of forensics and disease diagnosis. ELISA and PCR are not routine procedures, but manufacturers may resort to them if they are losing business to competitors who are adulterating their products.
Box 15.6 Imperial Russia and Cheese Science Two noted scientists who lived in the Russian Empire were involved in cheese and cheese cultures. Dmitri Mendeleev (1834–1907) was a chemist who developed the periodic table of the elements and had element 101, Mendelevium, named ater him in 1955. He was also a consultant on agricultural matters, including artisanal cheese production, which he thought could be a model for organizing industry. Mendeleev was a member of Russia’s Free Economic Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture and Husbandry, a learned society independent of the government that operated from 1765 to 1919. (Luminaries such as Leo Tolstoy were also members.) Mendeleev was supposed to inspect cheesemaking cooperatives for the Society on March 1–12, 1869, but had to delay the trip by a day because his inal form of the periodic table was completed and sent to printer on March 1. A colleague presented the periodic table paper to the Russian Chemical Society later that month. Ilya (also translated as Élie) Metchnikof (1845–1916) shared the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on the immune system. In his later work he incorrectly theorized that aging is caused by slow poisoning by toxins that pathogens produce in the digestive system, and that resistance is weakened as these bacteria proliferate. He concluded that lactic acid bacteria such as those we irst mentioned in Chapter 2 would counteract these efects and prolong life. Metchnikof singled out the thermophile Lactobacillus bulgaricus (now called Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus) as having the ability to establish itself in the intestine (it doesn’t) and to prevent pathogens there from multiplying (it can’t). Others then found that Lactobacillus acidophilus, the yogurt culture we irst met in Box 4.1, is capable of colonizing the
Analysis and Flavor Comparisons
Box 15.6 (continued ) gastrointestinal tract and exerting a healthful physiological efect. Japanese scientist Minoru Shirota found that a particular strain of another culture used for cheese, Lactobacillus casei, also survives in the gut and assists in good intestinal health. In 1935 Shirota began to produce Yakult, a fermented skim milk drink that is quite popular in his native Japan and other places. his product helped accelerate interest in probiotics, live microorganisms that confer a health beneit when adequate amounts are consumed. Some probiotic cheeses have been developed, but the most popular probiotic product that eventually resulted from Metchnikof ’s work is commercial yogurt.
Box 15.7 Reporting Cheese Research When academic, government, and some industrial scientists complete an aspect of their research, they try to publish a paper about it in a scientiic journal. Papers’ elements are usually arranged in this order: an abstract, which summarizes the work; an introduction providing background information on the problem being examined, why they are examining it, and the research that has been done previously; materials and methods, describing how the work was performed, with enough detail so that others can repeat it; results and discussion, where the indings are presented and explained along with tables, graphs, and pictures; a conclusion tying everything together; acknowledgements of people and organizations who helped; and a list of articles that the authors cited. Most papers are submitted and published online, which greatly reduces costs. When a paper is received, the journal’s editor-in-chief sends it out to at least two scientists in that ield who ofer suggestions to improve it (though they may reject it altogether). his peer-review process is meant to insure that the quality of the work is sound. he editor has the inal decision on whether the paper is good enough to print. A variety of scientiic journals publish papers about cheese science, including: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of Food Science Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Food Chemistry Food Research International LWT—Food Science and Technology (the original title was Lebensmittel-Wissenschat und Technologie) Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Trends in Food Science and Technology Some journals focus on dairy foods. hese include: (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Box 15.7 (continued ) International Dairy Journal International Journal of Dairy Technology Journal of Dairy Research Journal of Dairy Science Dairy Science and Technology (formerly Le Lait) Scientists may opt to publish in other specialized journals that sometimes have articles about cheese, such as Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Food Protection, Journal of Texture Studies, and Small Ruminant Research. Cheesemakers and cheese scientists also read monthly trade journals, such as Food Product Design and Prepared Foods. Two weekly trade newspapers are also published, Cheese Reporter and Cheese Market News.
manufacturers to reduce variations within a variety. Two noted Russian scientists contributed to advances in cheese technology while concentrating on other things (Box 15.6). he goal of research is the dissemination of knowledge by presenting indings at meetings and publishing in scientiic journals. In the United States, much of the work on cheese is presented orally or in poster form at meetings of the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society for Microbiology, the Institute of Food Technologists, and other groups. Cheese scientists publish in many of the journals shown in Box 15.7. Some of their work deals with the laws and regulations about cheese, and we will turn to those next.
How can you govern a country in which there are 246 kinds of cheese? —Charles DeGaulle, Les Mots du General, 1962
It is a challenge to run a nation with so many approaches to making cheese (France now has some 400 distinct varieties), but at least some rules can be enforced regarding how the cheeses are made and labeled. he United States has “Standards of Identity” for cheese and other foods in its Code of Federal Regulations, the rules published in the Federal Register by the government. hese rules specify which ingredients may be used in cheese and sets limits on moisture, fat, and storage time. he regulations for cheese are in Title 21 (Food and Drugs), Part 133 (Cheeses and Related Cheese Products). he Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for enforcing these rules. he laws regarding process cheese, mentioned in Chapter 14, are also found here. he following are the complete regulations for Edam and Gouda, which are found in Sections 138 and 142. Federal Regulations Concerning Edam and Gouda Cheeses
§ 133.138 Edam Cheese
a. Description. 1. Edam cheese is the food prepared by the procedure set forth in paragraph (a)(3) of this section or by any other procedure which produces a inished cheese having the same physical and chemical properties. he 199
he Science of Cheese
minimum milkfat content is 40 percent by weight of the solids and the maximum moisture content is 45 percent by weight, as determined by the methods described in § 133.5. If the dairy ingredients used are not pasteurized, the cheese is cured at a temperature of not less than 35°F for at least 60 days. 2. If pasteurized dairy ingredients are used, the phenol equivalent value of 0.25 gram of edam cheese is not more than 3 micrograms, as determined by the method described in § 133.5. 3. One or more of the dairy ingredients specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section may be warmed and is subjected to the action of a lactic acid-producing bacterial culture. One or more of the clotting enzymes specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is added to set the dairy ingredients to a semisolid mass. After coagulation the mass is cut into small cube-shaped pieces with sides approximately three-eighthsinch long. The mass is stirred and heated to about 90°F and so handled by further stirring, heating, dilution with water or salt brine, and salting as to promote and regulate the separation of curd and whey. When the desired curd is obtained, it is transferred to forms permitting drainage of whey. During drainage the curd is pressed and turned. After drainage the curd is removed from the forms and is salted and cured. One or more of the other optional ingredients specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section may be added during the procedures. b. Optional ingredients. he following safe and suitable ingredients may be used: 1. Dairy ingredients. Milk, nonfat milk, or cream, as deined in Sec. 133.3, used alone or in combination. 2. Clotting enzymes. Rennet and/or other clotting enzymes of animal, plant, or microbial origin. 3. Other optional ingredients. i. Coloring. ii. Calcium chloride in an amount not more than 0.02 percent (calculated as anhydrous calcium chloride) of the weight of the dairy ingredients, used as a coagulation aid. iii. Enzymes of animal, plant, or microbial origin, used in curing or lavor development. iv. Antimycotic agents, the cumulative levels of which shall not exceed current good manufacturing practice, may be added to the surface of the cheese.
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
c. Nomenclature. he name of the food is “edam cheese.” d. Label declaration. Each of the ingredients used in the food shall be declared on the label as required by the applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter, except that: 1. Enzymes of animal, plant, or microbial origin may be declared as “enzymes”; and 2. he dairy ingredients may be declared, in descending order of predominance, by the use of the terms “milkfat and nonfat milk” or “nonfat milk and milkfat,” as appropriate. § 133.142 Gouda cheese
Gouda cheese conforms to the deinition and standard of identity and complies with the requirements for label declaration of ingredients prescribed for edam cheese by § 133.138, except that the minimum milkfat content is 46 percent by weight of the solids, as determined by the methods described in § 133.5 and the maximum moisture content is 45 percent by weight. he second paragraph in the Edam section mentions “phenol equivalents.” Milk contains an enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, that is inactivated by pasteurization. his enzyme is more heat-stable than any pathogens that may be present, so the absence of alkaline phosphatase is an indication (though not a guarantee) that the product is safe. he presence of the enzyme is tested by adding disodium phenyl phosphate; the phenyl portion is broken of and reacts with a color-producing compound to produce a measurable blue tint. If a quarter of a gram of Edam produces a value in excess of 3 micrograms of phenol, the cheese is not safe. It is also possible that a cheese failing the test has been adulterated with unpasteurized milk. Unscrupulous manufacturers may resort to adulteration with other ingredients to save money (Box 16.1). Paragraph (3) of the Edam cheese regulation quoted here provides an outline of the cheesemaking procedure. Some leeway is given—the type of starter culture, length of heating, and pressing conditions are not speciied—but moisture and fat levels are strictly deined so that the consumer does not purchase an inferior product. “Antimycotic” under (b) (3) (iv) is another word for antifungal. Appellation Systems
Other countries also have rules and regulations for their cheeses. In 1919, France adopted a standardized system for protecting from imitation any foods traditionally produced in certain regions, as well as assuring consumers that the food
he Science of Cheese
Box 16.1 Adulteration The first book detailing tainted food was A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons published by Fredrick Accum in 1820. Accum was a German chemist who moved to London and made advances in gaslighting and helped popularize science before turning his attention to impure food. Subtitled “Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employed in Domestic Economy,” the book’s cover featured a spider on a web and the quotation “There is death in the pot” from 2 Kings 4:40. He mentioned in the chapter “Poisonous Cheese” that there were cases in which the orange color of the rind of Gloucester cheese was provided by annatto spiked with red lead. The angry reaction from businesses chased Accum back to Germany, but the public became aware of the unethical and dangerous practices occurring in their food supply. The anti-adulteration cause in the United States was taken up by Harvey Washington Wiley, who was born in a log farmhouse in Indiana in 1844 and began serving as Chief Chemist at the USDA’s Bureau of Chemistry, the forerunner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in 1883. Four years later, a report by the bureau noted that the cream in cheesemilk was sometimes replaced with cottonseed oil and margarine, and that arsenic and zinc sulfate could be added to give mild cheese the flavor of aged cheese. Adulteration with mashed boiled potatoes was not unknown. The report also noted that in some places Limburger and other cheeses were soaked with urine to give the appearance of ripeness. Through Wiley’s efforts, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt, and the Bureau of Chemistry began to conduct the first federal food and drug inspections the next year. Adulteration has never really stopped, despite the advances in detection by scientists and government agencies and heavy penalties imposed by the courts. In a legendary 1969 case, a product sold as grated Parmesan actually consisted of grated umbrella handles. While we are on the subject of breaking the law, a 2011 retail survey showed that cheese is the most-stolen product from stores around the world. It had a global thet rate of 3.1%, ahead of fresh meat and candy (both 2.8%).
was true to type. They called it Appellation d’Originie Contrôlée, “controlled designation of origin,” and Roquefort became the first AOC cheese six years later. Other European countries later developed their own systems. Finally, in 1992, members of what is now the European Union (EU) established three
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
regimes of protected geographical status: protected designation of origin (PDO), protected geographical indication (PGI), and traditional specialty guaranteed (TSG). PDO foods define the (traditional) manufacturing method and usually use the name of a place or area where the food is prepared and produced, and whose quality or properties are significantly or entirely determined by the natural and human environment in that location. PGI is less strict: the food still uses the name of the location where it is traditionally made, but it only has to have some characteristic that is attributed to that location. TSG foods merely have to have traditional composition or production and are not confined to a specific geographical area. Countries outside the EU cannot export into the EU any foods with the same names as protected ones. American cheesemakers, therefore, cannot ship Neufchâtel into the EU—and for good reason, since the American version is low-fat cream cheese and the PDO version is closer to Camembert. (The United States does export and import a lot of cheese, as you can see in Box 16.2). Switzerland, which is neutral and not an EU member, nevertheless abides by EU regulations and uses an AOC system that is equivalent to PDO and is included here. Here is a portion of the PDO speciications for Xygalo Siteias, the newest Greek cheese to receive PDO status: Xygalo Siteias is a product of milk acidiication. It is white, pasty and/or granular in texture and skinless. It tastes fresh, sourish, slightly salty, and has a pleasant characteristic aroma. It has a maximum moisture content of 75 percent and a maximum salt content of 1.5 percent, whilst its fat in dry matter ranges from 33 percent to 46 percent and it has a minimum protein content of 31.5 percent. Xygalo Siteias is produced from goat’s milk or sheep’s milk, or a mixture of both if the quantity of goat’s milk is insuicient, with the fat content of the sheep’s milk adjusted, so that the fat content of the inal product remains under 46 percent (in dry matter). he milk mixture is then pasteurised (optional) and cooled to 25°C. Salt (NaCl) is added to a maximum of 2 percent by weight, as are harmless acidic bacterial cultures and small amounts of natural rennet from animals’ stomachs (mainly if the milk has been pasteurised). hen the milk is let to ferment naturally in food-grade containers that are kept stationary and covered, but not hermetically sealed, for seven to ten days at a temperature of 15°–20°C. he excess fat and butter are removed from the surface of the curd. Ripening continues in these containers for approximately one month at a temperature of 10°–15°C, with no stirring of the curds for the
he Science of Cheese
Box 16.2 U.S. Cheese Imports and Exports As mentioned in Box 6.2, the United States exported nearly half a billion pounds of cheese and imported 313 million pounds in 2011. Table b16.2-1 lists the leading destinations for American-made cheese in that year. Half of these countries are in eastern Asia, which shows that their attitudes toward dairy foods are changing. Traditionally, residents of those places did not consume milk, butter, or cheese to a great extent since it was not part of their culture (though dairy products were introduced to Japan when that country modernized in the latter part of the nineteenth century). With increasing globalization, Chinese, Koreans, and others are being exposed to these products, trying them, and liking them. In fact, part of our laboratory’s research on Queso Fresco was performed by a visiting scientist from Harbin, China. he USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service classiies imports by type and country. The leading countries that exported cheese to the United States in the irst half of 2012 are listed in Table b16.2-2:
Table B16.2-1 Leading exporters of cheese to the U.S. Type
Blue mold Cheddar Edam and Gouda Gruyère Italian type Swiss and Emmentaler All others
Denmark, Germany, France United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland Netherlands Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland Argentina, Italy Finland, Norway, France, Switzerland France, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Italy
Table B16.2-2 Leading importers of American-made cheese Country Mexico South Korea Japan Canada Saudi Arabia Australia & Oceania Egypt China & Hong Kong
Millions of pounds 106.5 77.4 50.5 24.6 24.3 23.8 16.2 18.9
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
entire duration of the acidiication-ripening process. Finally the product is separated from the whey that is concentrated at the bottom of the containers, placed in food-grade casks and refrigerated at a temperature of under 4°C. If the milk has not been pasteurised, Xygalo Siteias should remain refrigerated for at least two months before it is released for consumption so that checks can be carried out to ensure that the product is free from any undesirable micro-organisms. These regulations are much more detailed than those in the United States, and go on to specify the plants that the animals may feed upon, packaging, exact geographical area of production, and differences between Xygalo Siteias and similar varieties. Any significant variations from a procedure will result in a different cheese, one that is too moist or dry, too hard or soft, and so forth. As we have seen, the terroir affects the flavor because of the food that the animals eat, so the geographical limitations are important. About 200 cheeses carry a PDO, PDI, TSG, or (for Switzerland) AOC appellation. Some cheeses cannot be granted an appellation since they are common enough to be considered generic, so some cheesemakers have to be creative. Cheddar is made in such great quantities around the world that an appellation would be impossible, but handmade West Country Farmhouse Cheddar is a PDO cheese. Lancashire cheese is made all over England, so manufacturers in that county received a PDO for their Beacon Hill Traditional Lancashire Cheese, named ater a hill there. The following sections show PDO cheeses by country. The list highlights an exceptional aspect of cheese: the countless ways to make it. In addition to the parameters listed in Chapter 2, variations include the number of milkings, season, altitude, region, use of alcohol and wood, and even the gender of the cheesemaker. These aspects (except perhaps the gender) lead to a product that is noticeably different than one with a variation in the process. For example, a cheese that is in contact with wood throughout ripening will boast an aromatic balsam flavor that others will not have. Here is where science and art come together. Under the Characteristics column, C indicates that the cheese is made from cow’s milk, G from goat’s milk, and S from sheep’s milk. Almost all of these cheeses are made from raw milk. Note that some of them are not exported, and a few are rare even in their own countries. he list will undoubtedly be incomplete by the time you read it since additions are made every few months.
he Science of Cheese
About two-thirds of Austria is mountainous, including the states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg in the west. All of the PDO cheeses are from this area, are made from cow’s milk, and have a hard texture. (See Table 16.1.) France
he French climate may be Alpine, Mediterranean, or oceanic. Much of the land is lat or rolling hills, allowing for cattle grazing, and most of its cheeses are from cow’s milk. he country classiies its cheeses into eight categories: fresh, sot with natural rind, sot with washed rind, pressed, pressed and cooked, goat, blue, and processed. (See Table 16.2.)
Table 16.1 Austrian PDO cheeses Name
Gaitaler Almkäse
Tiroler Graukäse
Cheese from pastures of the Gailtal (a valley) Cheese from pastures (or Alps) of Tyrol Cheese from mountains of Tyrol Gray cheese from Tyrol
Vorarlberger Alpkäse
Cheese from Vorarlberg Alps
Vorarlberger Bergkäse
Cheese from Vorarlberg mountains
Morning milk mixed with skim milk from previous evening Washed in brine, smeared with Brevibacterium linens Brined twice a week, develops gray surface mold Coagulated with lactic acid, pressed twice, develops gray surface mold Made from summer milk produced at 3300−5900 feet, blend of evening skim and morning whole milk Similar to Vorarlberger Alpkäse but non-seasonal version and from one milking
Tiroler Almkäse (or Tiroler Alpkäse) Tiroler Bergkäse
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.2 French PDO cheeses Name
Name of cattle breed and town
Abondance de Savoie
Abondance of Savoy
Name of town
Beaufort Bleu d’Auvergne
Name of town Blue of Auvergne (region)
Bleu de Gex (or Bleu de Haut-Jura or Bleu de Septmoncel) Bleu des Causses
Blue of Gex (a town), of high Juras (mountains), or Septmoncel (a town)
Blue of Causses (plateaus)
Bleu du VercorsSassenage Brie de Meaux Brie de Melun
Blue of Vecors (mountain mass) and Sassenage (a town) Brie of Meaux (a region) Brie of Melun (a town)
Abondance C, hard, made immediately ater milking, aged 90 days Abondance C, same as Abondance but aged 12 weeks G, uncooked, unpressed, wrapped in chestnut leaves and then tied with ribbon See Chapter 12 C, similar to Roquefort, aged at least 2−4 weeks Montbéilard C, interior mold grows because air is injected with a syringe, outside mold wiped of before eating C, similar to Roquefort, aged at least 70 days C, interior mold, uncooked, unpressed, mild
Brocciu Corse
Corsican fresh goat or sheep cheese Camembert of Normandy (a town) Cheese of Cantal (mountains)
Camembert de Normandie Cantal (or Fourme de Cantal or Cantalet) Chabichou du Poitou
Goat of Poitiers (a town)
See Chapter 7 C, same as Brie de Meaux but coagulated without rennet and aged up to 10 weeks G or S, made from whey to which whole milk is added See Chapter 7 See Chapter 10
G, sot, coagulated at room temperature over 24 hours, cylindrical (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Table 16.2 (continued ) Name
Name of town
Goat milk
Comté Crottin de Chavignol
County Horse dung (referring to shape) of Chavignol (a town) Époisses (a town) of Burgundy (a region) Form (for shaping curd) of Ambert (a town)
C, coagulated over 12 hours, whey drained without pressing, eaten fresh or aged G, based on Reblochon, made in Upper Savoy See Chapter 12 G, similar to Chabichou du Poitou but drum-shaped
Époisses de Bourgogne Fourme d’Ambert
Fourme de Montbrison Laguiole
Cheese of Montbrison (a town) Name of town
Name of plateau
Livarot Maroilles (or Marolles) Mont d’Or (or Vacherin du Haut-Doubs)
Name of town Name of abbey in Ardennes forest Mont d’Or (a region in France and Switzerland) or young cowherd of Upper Doubs (an area) Name of town Name of town
Morbier Munster or MunsterGéromé
See Chapter 8 C, semi-hard, injected with Penicillium spores and later with air, mild lavor C, almost identical to Fourme d’Ambert C, milk obtained at 2600 feet or higher, pressed twice, thick rind with aluminum plaque for identiication C, similar to Époisses de Bourgogne, sunken top, sometimes eaten with champagne poured on it See Chapter 8 See Chapter 8 C, smear-ripened, spruce wood used to hold wheels together, ripen upon, and package in See Chapter 7 See Chapter 8
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.2 (continued ) Name
Name of town
Names of valleys
Small goat cheese
Pont-l-Évêque Pouligny-SaintPierre
Name of town Name of town
Reblochon de Savoie Rocamadour
Re-pinch the udder of Savoy Name of town
C, ripe cheese kneaded into fresh curd, appearance similar to Camembert S, lightly pressed, varies with cheesemaker G, sot, uncooked, made in Languedoc-Roussillon region G, similar to Pélardon, from Rhône river valley, six recognized sub-varieties See Chapter 8 G, similar to Chabichou du Poitou but shaped like Eifel Tower or pyramid See Chapter 8
Roquefort Sainte-Maure de Touraine
Name of town Name of town
Marshal of Sennecterre, who introduced it (along with Cantal and Salers) to Louis XIV Cattle breed Name of town
Salers Selles-sur-Cher
G, aged 12−15 days, small disks weighing 11/3 ounces See Chapter 9 G, surface mold, log-shaped with stick or wheat straw through middle to cheese together and introduce oxygen C, smear-ripened, purple-gray rind with orange and white mold See Chapter 10 G, similar to Chabichou du Poitou but size and shape of hockey puck and coated with charcoal (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Table 16.2 (continued ) Name
Tome des Bauges
Alpine cheese of Bauges (mountains) Name of town
C, uncooked, pressed, molds on surface G, similar to Chabichou du Poitou but shaped like truncated pyramid coated with ash
The German landscape is often hilly and mountainous, but it is not rough enough to preclude the breeding of dairy cattle. Allgäu is made in Bavaria, Altenburg comes from Saxony, and the Odenwald mountains are in Hesse. (See Table 16.3.) Greece
Greek cheeses are predominately made from milk of goats and sheep, as the rugged stony terrain is not conducive to cattle breeding. Several whey cheeses are on the list. (See Table 16.4.) Italy
Italy has more PDO cheese varieties than any country outside France. he country encompasses the Alps, river basins, plains, and the Mediterranean coast, resulting in a variety of landscapes, dairy species, and cheese types. Many Italian cheeses are hard, low-moisture varieties that can withstand extremes of temperature. (See Table 16.5.) Netherlands
he Dutch make many varieties of cheese, but only six have the PDO designation to date. Dutch cheeses are made from cow’s milk because the lat, rich soil is ideal for raising dairy cattle. Note that the last cheese is named “Noord-Hollandse
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.3 German PDO cheeses Name
Allgäuer Bergkäse
Mountain cheese from Allgäu cattle
Allgäuer Emmentaler
Emmental from Allgäu cattle
Altenburger Ziegenkäse
Goat cheese from Altenburg (a town)
Odenwälder Frühstückskäse
Breakfast cheese from Odenwald (mountains)
C, similarities to Emmental, made in late spring and summer only C, very similar to Emmental, but smaller and faster ripening G, sot, can contain caraway seeds and up to 85% cow’s milk, mold-dusted rind C, sot, small lat disks, washed rind
Table 16.4 Greek PDO cheeses Name
Anevato (a town)
Hut used to milk animals
Feta Formaella Arachovas Parnassou Galotiri
Slice Cheese of Arachova, Parnassos
G, sharp, salmon-pink whey cheese, from Grevena and Voios G or S, semi-hard pickled cheese from northern Greece, originally a byproduct of Manouri manufacture See Chapter 5 G or S, shaped in wicker cylinders and immersed in hot whey
Graviera Agrafon Graviera Kritis
Gruyère from Agrafa Mountains Gruyère from Crete
Milk cheese
S, sot, hung until needed, from Epirus and hessalia G and/or S, sharp Gruyère type, dry-salted over 2−3 weeks G, similar to Graviera Agrafon (continued )
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Table 16.4 (continued ) Name
Graviera Naxou Kalathaki Limnou
Gruyère from Naxos Little basket of Limnos (island)
Kars (a town in Turkey) Domokos (a district) goat Combination of Kefalotyri (another variety) and Graviera Beaten
C, Graviera Agrafon but mild G, similar to Feta, held in a wicker basket while the whey is drained S, stretched curd, from Lesvos and northwestern Greece G, consistency of thick yogurt, eaten fresh and used as spread S, cross between very hard Kefalotyri and Graviera, from northwestern Greece
Ladotyri Mytilinis Manouri
Olive oil cheese from Mytilinis Cream cheese
Pichtogalo Chanion San Michali
Combination of Metsovo (a town) and Provolone hick milk from Hania St. Michael
Xigalo Siteias
Acid milk of Sitea region
Xynomyzithra Kritis
Sour whey cheese of Crete
Katiki Domokou Kefalograviera
C, S, or G, sot, aged with fresh cheese kneaded in, from Cyclades Islands S, hard, preserved in olive oil G or S, sot whey cheese made throughout Greece with 25% added milk or cream Primarily C, similar to Provolone, smoked Blend of G and S, consistency of thick yogurt, eaten fresh C, very hard, curd pressed four times, from Syros Island S, similar to Feta, curd reheated ater cutting, from southern Peloponnese G or S, uncooked and unstirred, curds separated ater 30−45 days at room temperature G or S, from whey with up to 15% whole milk, ripened in cloth bags
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.5 Italian PDO cheeses Name
Asiago d’Allevo
Raised Asiago (a plateau)
Asiago Pressato
Pressed Asiago
Bitto Bra
Bitto (a river) Bra (a town)
Caciocavallo Silano Canestrato Pugliese
Sila (a plateau) cheese on horseback Puglia (a region) woven basket
Part skim C, cooked twice, lightly pressed, aged 3 months to 2 years Whole C, regular pressing, aged 1 month See Chapter 13 Skim C, sometimes with added G or S, aged 45 days to 2 years See Chapter 6
Casatella Trevigiana Casciotta d’Urbino
Woman of the home in Treviso (Small circle of ) cheese from Urbino (a town)
Castelmagno (a town)
Fiore Sardo
Flower of Sardinia
Fontin (a family)
Formai de Mut dell’Alta Valle Brembana Gorgonzola
Alpine cheese of the high Brembana Valley Gorgonzola (a town)
S, drained and shaped in basket, dipped in very hot water or whey to form rind, which is rubbed with olive oil C, sot, uncooked, eaten fresh S with 30% C, aged a month, made December to September, comes in 2-pound wheels Primarily C, aged in caves, oten eaten before blue veins develop S, hard, uncooked, dipped in very hot water or whey to form rind, which is rubbed with olive oil, very strong lavor Whole C, made in Aosta Valley as soon as cows are milked C, similar to Fontina but made from two milkings See Chapter 9 (continued)
he Science of Cheese
Table 16.5 (continued ) Name
Grana Padano Montasio
Grainy of Po (valley) Montasio (a mountain mass in Fruili)
Monte Veronese
Verona (a province) mountain
Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Murazzano
Bufalo Mozzarella of Campania (a region) Murazzano (a town)
See Chapter 13 Part skim C, similar to Asiago, fresh (2 months), medium (5−10 months), and aged (1−4 years) versions Whole C (similar to Asiago Pressado) or part skim C (aged 3 months to 3 years) See Chapter 6
Nostrano Valtrompia Parmigiano Reggiano Pecorino di Filiano
Our Trompia (a valley) Parma and Reggio Emilia (provinces) Sheep cheese of Filiano (a town) Roman sheep cheese
Pecorino Romano
Pecorino Sardo
Sardinian sheep cheese
Pecorino Siciliano
Sicilian sheep cheese
Pecorino Toscano
Tuscany sheep cheese
Provolone Valpadana
Little Provola of Po Valley
S with up to 40% C, not cooked or pressed, eaten within 2 weeks C, very hard, safron added, aged at least a year See Chapter 13 S, hard, surface rubbed with olive oil and vinegar, cave ripened S, very hard, coagulated with lamb rennet, wheels weigh 44−77 pounds S but coagulated with calf rennet, semi-cooked, mild and matured versions S, drained in baskets that impart pattern on rind, must be aged 4 months S but coagulated with calf rennet, semi-cooked, relatively sot C, stretched curd, fresh version coagulated with calf rennet, piquant version uses kid or lamb rennet
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.5 (continued ) Name
Quartirolo Lombardo
C, fresh version eaten within a month, more mature version develops red rind
Fourth (referring to growth following third mowing) Lombardy Ragusa (a city)
Rachera (a lake)
Ricotta Romana Robiola di Roccaverano
Roman recooked Red of Roccaverano (a town)
Spressa delle Guidicarie
Pressed of Guidicarie (a town)
Squacquerone di Romagna
Wobbly from Romagna (a region) Stelvio-Stilfser (a national park) Taleggio (a valley)
Stelvio (or Stilfser) Taleggio Toma Piemontese
Valle d’Aosta Fromadzo Valtellina Casera
Piedmont fall (referring to curds sinking in vat) Aosta Valley part skim cheese Valtellina (a region) aging cellar
C, similar to Caciocavallo but in blocks weighing 26−35 pounds, sometimes indented around middle from ropes used to hang it Part skim C, G, or S, springy texture, aged 1−6 months See Chapter 5 Traditionally G and aged 3 days, may contain up to 85% C and 15% S and then aged 3 weeks, develops reddish rind, similar to Taleggio Part skim C, aged up to 6 months, texture changes from elastic to granular C, very sot and runny, 5-day shelf life C, pressed, smear ripened, aged 60 days C, smear ripened, relatively mild aroma C, semi-hard, varies depending on cheesemaker C, similar to Fontina but contains part skim milk from two milkings C with up to 10% G, non-seasonal version of Bitto
he Science of Cheese
Gouda” despite the fact that the town of Gouda is in southern Holland. (See Table 16.6.) Portugal
Sandwiched between the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains, Portugal has not developed as extensive a cheese industry as neighboring Spain. Nevertheless, the country is well represented on the PDO list. Several Portuguese cheeses are coagulated with cardoon thistle (see Chapter 2). Queijo da Beira Baixa covers three varieties: Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo de Castelo Branco, and Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa. (See Table 16.7.)
Table 16.6 Dutch PDO cheeses Name
Boeren-Leidse met Sleutels
Leiden farmers with crossed keys
Sharp edge cheese
Sharp edge cumin cheese
Noord-Hollandse Edammer
Sharp edge nail cheese (cloves resemble nails) North Holland Edam
Low-fat, farm made, contains cumin seeds, Leiden’s crossed keys coat of arms stamped on rind Hard, sides of wheel are straight instead of bulging, originated in Friesland Same as Kanterkaas but containing cumin seeds, originated in Friesland and Westerkwartier region Same as Kanterkaas but containing cloves, originated in Friesland
Noord-Hollandse Gouda
North Holland Gouda
Similar to Edam but less salty, skimmed evening milk mixed with whole morning milk, spherical Similar to Gouda but less salty
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.7 Portuguese PDO cheeses Name
Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa Queijo de Azeitão
Yellow cheese of Lower Beira region Cheese of Azeitão region
Queijo de Cabra Transmontano Queijo de Castelo Branco Queijo de Évora
Goat cheese from beyond the mountains Castelo Branco (a town) cheese Cheese of Évora (a town)
Queijo de Nisa Queijo do Pico Queijo Mestiço de Tolosa Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa Queijo Rabaçal
Cheese of Nisa (a town) Cheese of Pico Island Mixed cheese of Tolosa district Piquant cheese of Lower Beira region Rabaçal parish cheese
Quiejo São Jorge
St. George Island cheese
Quiejo Serpa
Serpa (a town) cheese
Quiejo Serra da Estrela Queijo Terrincho
Serra da Estrela (“Star Mountains”) cheese Terrincha sheep cheese
Characteristics G and S blend, lavor and texture vary widely, yellow rind S, coagulated with cardoon thistle, brine-washed, eaten by spooning out interior, from Serra da Arrábida area G, very hard and rare, from Trás-os-Montes S, coagulated with cardoon thistle, mild and crumbly S, coagulated with cardoon thistle, aged over 60 days, hard and crumbly, many small eyes S, similar to Queijo de Évora but semi-hard C, semi-sot, aged over 20 days, intense aroma G and S blend, may be rubbed with ground paprika and water G and S blend, gray rind, very strong spicy lavor Blend of 80% G and 20% S, coagulated with goat rennet, wheels are ½−1 pound C, crumbly and similar to Cheddar, wheels weigh 18−26 pounds, rind may be mottled with red-brown mold S, coagulated with cardoon thistle, rind has blue-gray mold, eaten by cutting of top and spooning out interior See Chapter 8
S, rare, 2- to 3-pound wheels tied with straw
he Science of Cheese
Spain experiences a variety of climates: Alpine, Mediterranean, oceanic, semi-arid, and subtropical. he conditions for grazing animals therefore vary greatly, leading to a large range of cheeses. Afuega’l pitu, from the Asturian region, has been translated from the local language as “stick in the throat,” “sufocate the chicken,” “hard to swallow,” or more literally “ire in the palate” or “sets ire to your gullet.” he irst three translations apparently come from ancient practice of testing the curds by feeding them to a chicken: they were drained enough if the bird had trouble swallowing them. he ire references come from the hot and spicy paprika version. (See Table 16.8.) Switzerland
he Swiss landscape is hilly in the northern half of the country and mountainous in the south. Four-iths of the cultivated land is used for grazing. Goats and sheep are usually not used for dairying, and all of their AOC cheeses are made from cow’s milk. Tête de Moine derives its name either from the tax levy of one cheese per monk or its resemblance to a shaved monk’s head ater some of the cheese is scraped of. he scraping is performed by a pushing the cheese through a stainless steel rod that projects upward from the center of a round wooden board, and then turning a pivot arm with a knob on the top and a blade on the underside. he device, known as a girolle, was invented for Tête de Moine and may be applied to other varieties of similar shape and texture. (See Table 16.9.) United Kingdom
England, Scotland, and Wales have temperate climates. Most of their cheese comes from cow’s milk. Many varieties are not being produced in large quantities—of the 11 British PDO cheeses, three are made at only one place, and three others are not being made at all. (See Table 16.10.) Other Countries
Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia also make cheeses with the PDO appellation. (See Table 16.11.)
Table 16.8 Spanish PDO cheeses Name
Afuega’l pitu
See above
Arzúa-Ulloa Cabrales
Arzúa (a town) Ulloa (a river) Name of town
Cebreiro Flor de Guîa
Name of town histle lower
Gamonéu (or Gamonedo) Idiazábal
Name of town (Gamonedo is Spanish translation) Name of town
C, made in northwest Spain, shaped like cone or pear, may be dyed with smoked paprika C, sot, almost runny interior, similar to Queso Tetilla but ripened at least 15 days Mix of C, G, and S, acquires mold from cave, blue-purple veins, oten covered with sycamore leaves S, sot, shaped like mushroom C, S, made in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, sot, coagulated with cardoon thistle, rare and made only by women Mix of C, G, and S, similar to Cabrales, but irmer and smoked
Máhon-Menorca Picón Bejes-Tresviso Queso de la Serena
Máhon, island of Minorca Bejes and Tresviso, in Picos de Europa mountains Cheese of La Serena region
Queso de l’Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya
Cheese of Alt Urgell and Cerdanya regions
S with at least 6% fat, lamb rennet used, aged in cave 2 months, then usually smoked in beechwood kiln and aged 1 year See Chapter 13 Mix of C, G, and S, similar to Cabrales but also smeared with Brevibacterium linens S, coagulated with vegetable rennet, eaten by cutting of top and spooning out sot interior C, semi-sot, aromatic bark placed on surface (continued )
Table 16.8 (continued ) Name
Queso de Murcia Queso de Murcia al Vino Queso de Valdeón Queso Ibores Queso Majorero
Cheese of Murcia region Cheese of Murcia region with wine Cheese of Valdeón valley Cheese of Ibores (a district) Cheese of Maxorata (old name for Fuerteventura Island) Cheese of La Mancha (a region) Cream cheese of Cantabria region Cheese of La Palma, anary Islands Small breast cheese Cheese of Zamora province Small cheeses from Liébana region Name of valley Saint Simon of Costa Torte of Casar de Cáceres
G, pressed in grass-lined forms, eaten fresh G, same as Queso de Murcia but washed with local red wines
Queso Manchego
Queso Nata de Cantabria Queso Palmero
Queso Tetilla Queso Zamorano Quesucos de Liébana Roncal San Simón da Costa Torta del Casar
C, similar to Cabrales, wrapped in sycamore leaves G, semi-sot, rind may be coated with olive oil or smoked paprika G, lightly pressed in palm leaf forms, may be rubbed with oil, paprika, or roasted corn meal S, sot, crumbly, or very hard depending on age (2 months to 2 years), zigzag markings on side, surface may have dark green mold C, sot, eaten fresh G, coagulated with goat rennet, lightly smoked or rubbed with oil, crumbly C, made in Galicia, shaped like a teat, eaten fresh Churra S, hard and aged, intense and nutty lavor Primarily C, may be smoked, 1-pound wheels S, hard and granular, oten smoked, imprinted with cloth it is aged in C, made in Galicia, shaped like teardrop, smoked over birch wood S, similar to Queso de la Serena but coagulated with cardoon thistle
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.9 Swiss AOC cheeses Name
Berner Alpkäse
Bernese Alp cheese
Berner Hobelkäse
Emmentaler Formaggio d’Alpe Ticinese
Bernese planing cheese (referring to shaving of slices) Emmen Valley Cheese of Ticino Alps
Gruyère L’Étivaz
Name of town Name of town
Raclette du Valais
Raclette (scrape) of Valais (a canton)
Sbrinz Tête de Moine
Brienz (a town) See above
Vacherin Fribourgeois
Young cowherd of Fribourg (a canton) Young cowherd of Mont d’Or (a region in France and Switzerland)
Hard, washed with brine, aged 6−12 months Same as Berner Alpkäse but aged 18 months and very hard See Chapter 12 May contain up to 30% G, semi-hard, aged on wood planks for at least 45 days See Chapter 12 Made between May 10 and October 10 in Vaud canton, cooked in copper kettle over open wood ire Smaller version of Gruyère, commonly heated with melted layer scraped onto food See Chapter 13 Made in Bern, similar to Gruyère but aged 3−6 months, 1½ pounds Uncooked, lightly pressed, similar to Fontina
Vacherin Mont d’Or
Smear ripened, wheels held together by strip of bark, aged on wood plank and washed in brine
he Science of Cheese
Table 16.10 British PDO cheeses Name
Beacon Hill Traditional Lancashire Cheese
C, made on farm with blend of curds from 2−3 days of milking, cheddared, creamy and crumbly versions, made by one company See Chapter 9 C, sot, similar to Camembert, only cheese on list originating in Scotland, revived in 1980s but not currently made C, harder version of Blue Stilton but with annatto on outside, not currently made C, interior mold, brined instead of dry salted, aged 3−4 weeks, not currently made See Chapter 10 C, wrapped in cloth, similar to Cheshire, revived in 1980s, made by one company C, hard, covered with wax or blue-gray mold, revived in 1980s and made by one company S, but otherwise same as Swaledale C, same as Cheddar but must be handmade on farm
Blue Stilton Cheese Bonchester
Buxton Blue Dovedale Cheese Single Gloucester Stafordshire Cheese Swaledale Cheese Swaledale Ewes Cheese West Country Farmhouse Cheddar White Stilton Cheese
C, same as Blue Stilton but without Penicillium or resulting veins
PGI Cheeses
hese cheeses are only partially produced in their traditional geographic areas. (See Table 16.12.) TSG Cheeses
he TSG label indicates that the cheese is manufactured in a traditional manner with no reference to geographic origin. (See Table 16.13.) Some places obviously have a huge cheesemaking tradition. Box 16.3 shows how much cheese is eaten in various countries.
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.11 Other PDO cheeses Name
Bovški Sir
Bovec (a Slovenian sheep breed) cheese Bryndza from Podhale region of Poland Cheese from Herve, Belgium
S with up to 20% C or G, intense aroma and lavor, brittle but not crumbly See Chapter 5
Bryndza Podhalanska Fromage de Herve Imokilly Regato
Slovenská Bryndza
Regato cheese from Imokilly, County Cork, Ireland Small javelin (in Polish) Slovakian Bryndza
C, hard, comes in sweet, spicy, and strong versions, depending on aging time C, very hard, uses specially developed rennet, brined and dry-salted S with up to 40% C, stretched curd, hand-shaped into double cone around a skewer, smoked See Chapter 5
Other Special Cheeses
Plenty of other cheese varieties come from a speciic location and are not on the above lists. Some have applied for an appellation and have not yet received it, others come from European countries outside the EU, and still others are relatively new products developed by a particular company. Many cheeses have originated in Mexico and Central America (such as the Oaxaca mentioned in Chapter 6), South America (Minas, which is aged in open air, is the major Brazilian variety) and Asia (including India’s Paneer, covered in Chapter 4), but no appellation systems exist for those areas. A few cheeses would never be approved, such as Casu Marzu, which contains live lies (Box 16.4). In fact, cheese used to have mites crawling on it all time and a couple still do (Box 16.5). If you want to make cheese at home without things crawling on it, turn to the next chapter.
Table 16.12 PGI cheeses Name
Danablu Dorset Blue Cheese Emmental Français Est-Central Esrom Exmoor Blue Cheese Queso de Valdeón Queijo Mestiço de Tolosa Ser Korycinski Swojski
Danish blue From Dorset (England) Emmental from east central France
See Chapter 9 C, blue and green veins, also called Blue Vinney C, Similar to Emmental, 154-pound wheels
From Esrom Abbey (Denmark) From Exmoor (England) Cheese from Valdeón valley (Spain) Mixed cheese of Tolosa (Portugal) Homemade cheese of Korycin (Poland) Slovak smoked cheese Slovak steaming Sweden (in Latin) Alpine cheese of French Pyrenees Alpine cheese of Savoy (France) Teviotdale (on border between England and Scotland) Greater Poland fried cheese
C, similar to Port Salut, rubbed with brine over several months Jersey C, plant rennet used, blue and white mold cultures added C, blue-veined interior mold G and S mix, may be coagulated with vegetable rennet C, no processing except iltering and cooling, produced within 5 hours of milking, has eyes S with C added, hand-stretched, egg-shaped and decorated S, fresh, stretched and wound into spirals, darkened by steaming C, similar to Edam and Gouda, curds not cooked C, G, or S, usually coated with black wax See Chapter 12 Full-fat Jersey C, brined instead of dry salted, not currently made
Slovenský Oštiepok Slovenská Parenica Svecia Tomme de Pyrénées Tomme de Savoie Teviotdale Wielkopolski ser Smažony
C, crumbled, aged on metal sheets for 2 days, mixed with butter and fried for 15 minutes
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Table 16.13 TSG cheeses Name
Farmer’s cheese (in Dutch)
Household cheese (in Swedish) To cut of (in Italian)
C, G, S, or water bufalo, similar to Gouda and Edam but must be made on farm; see Chapter 11 C, similar to Port Salut
See Chapter 6
Box 16.3 Cheese Consumption Around the World On average, every man, woman, and child in America consumes over 32 pounds of cheese per year, and Canadians eat 27 pounds each. But people wolf down a lot more in some other countries. Here is a (Table b16.3) showing the igures for the 28 countries where recent statistics are available.
Table b16.3 Cheese consumption in various countries Country
Consumption (pounds per capita) north america
United States Canada Mexico
32.6 27.1 5.9 south america
Argentina Brazil
24.9 7.0 europe
Greece France Iceland
68.4 57.4 55.9 (continued )
he Science of Cheese
Box 16.3 (continued ) Country
Consumption (pounds per capita)
Germany Switzerland Netherlands Italy Finland Sweden Austria Czech Republic Norway Hungary United Kingdom Poland Slovakia Spain Russia
49.7 47.1 46.2 46.0 45.5 41.6 38.3 36.7 33.7 24.2 24.0 23.8 20.9 18.0 12.3 elsewhere
Turkey Israel Australia New Zealand Japan
42.7 36.1 26.4 13.2 3.7
Box 16.4 Do You Want Flies With That? “he whole round sea was one huge cheese, and those sharks the maggots in it.” —herman melville, Moby Dick, 1851
“Maggot” is the common name for ly larva, including ly species that inhabit cheese. he most common ly associated with cheese is Piophila casei, also known as the “cheese skipper,” so named because the larvae can propel themselves through the air. hey feed
Laws, Regulations, and Appellations
Box 16.4 (continued ) on decomposing protein, which is why they are also found on dead animals, including humans. Piophila casei pupae (the stage between larvae and adult) were found on a packet of organs in the abdomen of an Egyptian mummy dating to approximately 170 bc. heir size and age are used to date corpses, but they prefer stored foods, especially cheese. Maggots, lies, and mites were commonly found on cheese until well into the twentieth century, but modern hygienic practices and storage systems have eliminated this annoyance. One cheese variety deliberately includes lies and is illegal to sell, though it can be made for home consumption. Casu Marzu (“rotten cheese”) is a sheep’s milk cheese made in Sardinia and containing live larvae of Piophila casei. Pecorino is let in the open air with part of the rind removed to allow cheese skippers to lay eggs. When they hatch, the larvae eat their way into the cheese, breaking down the fat and protein to the point where some of the structure liqueies. he cheese is considered safe to eat as long as the maggots are alive. Cheese skippers are able to jump a few inches, so consumers are advised to protect their eyes. People who do not wish to eat live maggots will place Casu Marzu inside a paper bag and seal it. he maggots will bang around in the bag until they have sufocated, and the cheese is then consumed. Guinness World Records 2009 listed it as the most dangerous cheese to human health. he Italian government considers it to be a traditional food that has been continuously produced for more than 25 years, making it exempt from some of their safety rules. his type of product will never ly in other countries, where regulations prohibit such a thing.
Cheese skipper.
he Science of Cheese
Box 16.5 Mites “he cheese-mites asked how the cheese got there, And warmly debated the matter; he Orthodox said that it came rom the air, And the Heretics said rom the platter. hey argued it long and they argued it strong, And I hear they are arguing now; But of all the choice spirits who lived in the cheese, Not one of them thought of a cow.” —Arthur Conan Doyle, Songs of Action, 1898
Cheese mites include Acarus siro and Tyrolichus casei, and used to be considered inseparable from cheese. he 1811 dictionary cited in Box 1.2 lists “mite” as slang for cheesemonger. he very irst science documentary movie was Cheese Mites, ilmed through a microscope and shown in a theater in London’s Leicester Square in 1903. he movie, which lasts less than a minute (and may be viewed online), showed mites of various sizes crawling around a piece of cheese. For some time thereater, inexpensive microscopes oten included packets of mites for the customers’ viewing pleasure. In the past, cheese mites were oten consumed along with the cheese. In homas Reade’s classic 1861 novel he Cloister and the Hearth, which was set in the iteenth century, the protagonist was appalled to be served a cheese thoroughly consumed by mites, though his dining companions thought nothing of it (“hese nauseous reptiles have made away with every bit of it.” “Well, it is not gone far. By eating of the mites we eat the cheese to boot”). Even today, cheese mites are deliberately introduced into a couple of cheese varieties to produce a characteristic nutty and fruity lavor. When the cheese has aged suiciently, it is covered with a powder of living and dead mites along with their feces and molted skins. Milbenkäse (“mite cheese”) hails from Würchwitz, Germany, where a cheese mite statue stands. Caraway-lavored Quark is placed in a box containing Tyrolichus casei, and the product is consumed ater aging. he rind is reddish brown ater three months and black ater a year. Mimolette Vieille (from the French molle, “sot,” referring to the crust of the immature cheese, and vielle, “aged”) originated in Lille, France as a version of Edam. It is shaped like a sphere and colored with annatto. Acarus siro are sprinkled on the surface, tuning the rind gray and crumbly ater a year, making this variety resemble a rusty cannonball. If uncontrolled, Acarus siro can consume up to a quarter of a piece of cheese, leaving a powder nearly an inch high.
here are old village wives who can make magniicent cheeses by rule of thumb or no apparent rule while scientiically trained girls freshly armed from college with thermometers, percentages and other gadgets may fail hopelessly—cheese-making is an art rather than a science. —john sq uire, Cheddar Gorge , 1938
Cheesemaking may well have been art back in the 1930s, but the science has advanced to the point where we can predict what will happen most of the time. Not all of the time, though, for we are dealing with living things, bringing luck into the equation. Yes, some art is involved, since skill and experience are required to make a top-notch product, but even a beginner is capable of making cheese. Equipment
You probably have some of the equipment you need in your kitchen: measuring cups, a whisk for stirring, a knife, and a stainless steel or ceramic pot with a lid. Everything coming in contact with milk should be stainless steel, glass, or enamellined because aluminum and iron will leach into the curds when milk is acidiied, resulting in of-lavors. You may use plastic ater the curds have formed. Finely woven cheesecloth will be necessary, but a white handkerchief or cotton dish towel may serve as a substitute. You must also have an accurate thermometer that reads to within a degree and goes up to 200°. If you are making hard cheese, you should create a cheese press. You can take a straight-sided plastic bucket or canister, punch out some small holes in the bottom, and position it elevated in a tray so the whey drips from the cheese. For smaller cheeses, you could use an arrangement such as a 229
he Science of Cheese
length of PVC pipe that its into a PVC loor drain. Even a big metal can should be OK. he pressure is applied by placing bricks, hand weights, or a container of water atop the “follower,” which is the name for the disk that sits on the cheese. You may have to fashion a follower that its snugly in the press. Unless you’re making cream cheese, you will also need milk. If you have access to fresh milk from a farm, you’re in good shape. Homogenized whole milk from the store has small fat globules that cling to the casein and don’t undergo lipolysis readily, afecting the texture and lavor. herefore, you may want to use skim milk and add cream to it before you begin. Other ingredients may include starter culture, rennet, calcium chloride (CaCl2), and salt. he starter culture may be cultured buttermilk, which behaves like a mesophilic starter, or a spoonful of plain yogurt with live and active yogurt cultures, which would serve as a thermophilic starter. Rennet tablets are found in the pudding section of the supermarket, but you may want to send away for cheese rennet. Some calcium may be lost with pasteurization and homogenization, so if you are not using raw milk, the addition of CaCl2 will make coagulation easier and the curd stronger. he powder may be familiar to you as a non-NaCl deicer on roads and as a water hardener in swimming pools, but you would want the food-grade version, which is also used to make pickles crisp. CaCl2 may be purchased in places that sell home canning and brewing supplies. Use non-iodized salt such as kosher salt, as iodine inhibits the growth of starter culture. Chlorine would also kill the starter, so any water that is mixed with rennet or CaCl2 must be non-chlorinated. Most of all, you have to keep everything clean and sanitary. If starter bacteria are able to grow in cheese, so are pathogens and spoilage microbes. Everything gets sterilized before being used. Clean your pot with hot, soapy water; boil water in it; and immerse your utensils in the boiling water for ive minutes. hen wash them of with diluted bleach (a tablespoonful in half a gallon of water) and rinse thoroughly. Wash of milk by irst rinsing with cold water (hot water will cook the milk onto the pot or utensil). Don’t forget to wash your hands and the work surfaces.
Making Soft Cheeses
he easiest cheese to make is Queso Blanco. Take a gallon of whole milk and heat it in a pot with occasional stirring (to prevent scorching) until the temperature reaches 180°. hen stir every 30 seconds for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Add 4–5 ounces of vinegar until curds form, and stir for 10 minutes. Line a colander with cheesecloth and pour the curds and whey in it. hen tie up the corners of the cloth and allow it hang over the sink until the dripping stops, which takes up to 3 hours. Add salt to taste, enclose the curd in plastic wrap, and you’re done.
Do Try his at Home
Cream cheese is also easy. Use a quart of light cream, add a teaspoon of cultured buttermilk, and allow the cream to coagulate at room temperature for 12 hours. hen pour, tie, and hang as above, but allow 12 hours for draining. Add salt, herbs, pieces of fruit or vegetable, etc., if desired, and place in a container to shape it, such as an empty butter tub.
Making Mozzarella
his variety will require rennet and a thermophilic starter. Warm 2 gallons of whole milk to 90° and dissolve a rennet tablet in ¼ cup of cold non-chlorinated water. Add 4 ounces of plain yogurt to the milk and stir for a minute. Dissolve ½ teaspoon CaCl2 in ¼ cup of water and gently stir it in for a minute. hen add the dissolved rennet. Stir gently using an up and down motion so the rennet is thoroughly mixed, and allow the milk to rest, covered, for 45 minutes at 90°. If the curd is ready, you will be able to poke a inger in it and see the curd fall away to either side as you lit your inger. If you do not get this “clean break,” wait some more, but do not stir the curd. Take a knife and cut the curd into ¼-inch cubes. To do this, cut straight down along the opposite side of the pot and drag the knife toward you. hen cut parallel to the irst cut and continue until you have sliced through all of the curd. Rotate the pot 90° and repeat. Cover and allow to rest for 15 minutes as the cubes sink in the whey and irm up. Pour into a colander lined with cheesecloth (you may want to save the whey for making Ricotta) and rinse the curds with cold water. Wrap up the curds with the cloth and hold overnight. Eat the rest of the yogurt, and clean and save the cup. Next you will have to see if the curd, which is now in one solid mass, has reached the desired pH of 5.2–5.3. Heat a half gallon of water to 180°, drop in a forkful of curd, stir, and stretch the curd by pulling some of it with the fork while holding the rest of it against the side of the pot with the whisk. You should be able to pull the curd into a string because, at this pH level, enough of the CCP has been removed to make the curd stretchable. he curd should also have a glossy sheen as the casein becomes fully hydrated with water. If the curd strings and looks shiny, it is ready (if not, wait a couple more hours). hen cut the rest of the curd into ½-inch cubes and place it in the hot water. Once the curd is sot, fashion it into several balls and stretch each one in all directions for a minute. Shape the curd by stuing it into the empty yogurt cup. hen remove it and loat it in a gallon of cold non-chlorinated water to which a pound of salt has been added. When your Mozzarella has cooled, dry it of and wrap it. To make Ricotta, take the fresh whey and heat it to 200°. hen add ¼ cup of vinegar to coagulate the whey protein. Strain through a ine cloth, and tie and hang. You may only get a cup of cheese per gallon of whey, but that’s better than throwing the whey out.
he Science of Cheese
Making Monterey Jack
Warm 2 gallons of whole milk to 88° and shut of the heat. Add mesophilic culture by sprinkling onto the milk. If you have sent away for a powdered culture, wait 5 minutes to allow it to be hydrated by the milk. Stir the culture using an up-and-down motion into the milk, and allow it to rest, covered, for 45 minutes. Dissolve ½ teaspoon CaCl2 in a half a cup of water, and gently stir it in for a minute. Dissolve ½ teaspoon liquid rennet or ¼ of a rennet tablet in a half a cup of water. Add the rennet and stir gently up and down for a minute. Cover the pot, and allow the milk to coagulate at 88°F for 30 minutes. Check if the curds have a clean break; if not, wait another 10 minutes. Once the curds have a clean break, cut them into ½-inch cubes and wait 5 minutes. Increase the heat slowly to 100° over a 30-minute period, stirring gently every minute to prevent the curds from sticking together. Hold at 100° for another 30 minutes, stirring gently every 2–3 minutes as the curds sink in the whey. Allow curds to rest for 5 minutes. Pour and scoop out the whey, leaving some around the curds, and stir at 100° for 15 minutes. Pour curds and whey into a colander lined with cheesecloth, and allow whey to drain. Transfer the curds and cloth into the pot, sprinkle in a tablespoon of salt, and gently mix by hand. Take the cloth full of curds, tie up the corners, latten with your hands, and press for 6–8 hours with 10 pounds of weight. Remove the cheese from the cloth and rub a tablespoon of salt on the surface. Allow to air-dry for a day on a draining rack, lipping once ater 12 hours. Wrap the cheese, or, if you prefer, obtain cheese wax and melt it over the entire surface. Age it at 55° for a month or two, lipping daily for consistent ripening. Books describing artisanal cheesemaking are listed at the end of this chapter. You ought to consult these for the nuances of the procedures and for the many other varieties you can make at home.
Serving Cheese
Whether you call it a cheese board, cheese platter, or cheese tray, anybody can serve a selection of cheeses in a logical manner. he idea is to have diferent and contrasting classes represented, so serving Brie and Camembert together would not be optimal since they are similar. Samples of surface mold, interior mold, cheddared, Swiss-type, and very hard cheeses would work. A sot goat cheese would provide a contrast in texture, lavor, and species. Distinctive appearances are also appealing: the log of goat cheese, a round red Edam, a cheese with an interesting rind, and a wedge of another variety would look attractive on the plate. If you are looking for quality instead of a supermarket item, ind a cheese shop, ask for recommendations, and taste samples.
Do Try his at Home
Once you have the cheese, cut of the amount you will be serving and allow it to warm to room temperature. Many volatile compounds responsible for lavor are not as detectable under refrigeration, so leave the cheese on the counter or table, wrapped, for 30–60 minutes. Unwrapping cheese too early will cause drying out. Ideally, cheese is sliced with a sharp knife, although a wire slicer is also helpful. How do you cut a log of sot goat cheese, which falls apart easily? Slice it with dental loss. Have a separate knife for each cheese and serve on separate boards or plates to avoid intermingling. Make sure each cheese is identiied. Some people are a bit more formal with cheese tasting and prefer to go through a progression. Trying a strong cheese irst will overpower the nuances of the milderlavored examples. Instead, start with the milder cheeses and work up to blue-veined varieties. You may ind yourself ordering them from “young” to “old,” and with goat cheese irst and blue cheese last. We already covered wine and beer with cheese in Chapter 12. Although most people serve cheese with crackers, you should try crusty bread, olives, and nuts. he spread shown in Figure 17.1 has plates of each. Apples and pears are good accompaniments, but dried fruits are also ine. Some people feel that chocolate goes well with interior mold cheeses.
Figure 17.1 Cheese platters surrounded by bread, crackers, figs, nuts, olives, and chocolate. Each cheese is labeled and has its own knife. Source: Author.
he Science of Cheese
Allergies and reactions have to be considered. My wife is allergic to penicillin and therefore cannot eat blue-veined cheese, and some people can’t stand the butyric acid aroma of varieties like Parmesan. If you have anybody with some sort of aversion to a type of cheese, you may have to avoid it or at least keep it segregated and covered. If you have any cheese let over, use a new wrapper for it because the old one won’t reseal properly. If any mold starts growing on letover cheese, you can simply cut of that section and enjoy the rest. Speaking of letovers, stale bits of cheese do not have to be discarded. In some countries, these pieces are mixed with raw milk to restart fermentation, and alcohol is later added to stop the process. he result is a pungent cheese spread, called Bruss in Italy and Fromage Fort (“strong cheese”) in France. A Middle Eastern variety, Naboulsi, consists of a Feta-like cheese that is boiled in brine and lavored with spices.
Other Things to Try
We explained in Box 2.5 that cow’s milk cheese is yellow because of the β-carotene in it, and milk from goats, sheep, and water bufalo does not have β-carotene, resulting in white cheese. But why is milk white to begin with? Let’s begin with light. Light comes in the form of waves, as seen in Figure 17.2. he distance between two successive wave crests (or two successive wave troughs) is the wavelength, which is measured in nanometers, abbreviated nm. here are 25,400,000 nm in an inch. Objects have colors because they relect or scatter light of certain wavelengths and absorb light of other wavelengths. Violet light has a wavelength between 380 and 450 nm, blue is at 450–475 nm, green is at 495–570 nm, orange is at 590–620 nm, and red is at 620–750 nm. Grass is green because it contains chlorophyll, which absorbs blue and red light, and relects other colors, mostly green. he chlorophyll in grass and other plants converts the blue and red light into energy. If you search online for the question “Why is milk white?” you will encounter some answers that say “Because it contains casein, which is white.” hat is logical, but wrong. Casein micelles range from 30 to 680 nm in diameter, and the fat droplets in milk are not much larger, on the order of 1000–10000 nm. he tiny sizes of the micelles and fat droplets cause them to scatter light of all colors, creating the appearance of white light. Figure 17.2 Waves of light.
Do Try his at Home
he sky is blue for the same underlying reason, scattering of light. he nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air relect blue and violet the most. We see blue because our eyes are more sensitive to that color, and also because the sun radiates more blue light than violet. Sunlight passes through more air at sunrise and sunset, so there are more molecules to delect blue and violet light. hose colors are scattered away, and red, orange, and yellow shine through. Here’s a dairy-related experiment illustrating this efect, and you can do it at home. Take a plain, clear drinking glass, ill it with water, and shine a lashlight through it. If you look down into the water, you will have diiculty seeing the beam. But if you add a few drops of milk, the beam becomes visible due to scattering by the micelles and fat droplets. If you add more milk, the color of the water will turn bluish, and if you look through the side of the glass opposite the lashlight, the beam will appear orange-red. Another thing you can try at home is calculating the speed of light by heating cheese in a microwave oven. Like visible light, non-visible light is also in the form of waves. Infrared rays and microwaves have longer wavelengths than red light, and ultraviolet light and X-rays have shorter wavelengths than violet light. Infrared radiation is used for cooking because its energy level makes water molecules in food vibrate vigorously, creating friction and heat. Microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2,450,000,000 hertz, meaning that the waves alternate from crest to trough almost 2½ billion times each second. he water molecules rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating waves. As they rotate, they collide with other molecules, generating energy in the form of heat. All light travels at the same speed, and you can ind it by heating cheese in a microwave. First, cover a plate with slices of process cheese. Remove the turntable from the oven and replace it with the cheese plate. If necessary, elevate the plate so it will not turn when the oven is on. Cook on low heat until several melted spots appear (it takes about half a minute). hen remove the plate and measure the average distance in millimeters between the centers of the spots. hat distance equals half the wavelength of the light, so double it and divide by 1000 to get the wavelength in meters. Finally, multiply by the frequency of 2,450,000,000 per second to get the speed of light in meters per second.
Science Fair Projects
Scientists learn about the universe by following the scientiic method, which is laid out in the following steps: 1. Ask a question about something you are interested in. 2. Look up information to see what other scientists have done.
he Science of Cheese
3. Come up with a hypothesis, which is an educated guess about how things work. You will have to predict what you think will happen in the experiment if your hypothesis is correct. 4. Conduct experiments to see if your hypothesis is right. Make sure you test everything more than once and that the results are repeatable. 5. Evaluate the results to explain the data, and draw a conclusion. If you see something unexpected, you may want to continue the research in a new direction. 6. Communicate your indings by presenting them at a meeting and writing a paper. If you are a school student and if you apply the scientiic method to some aspect of cheese, you should be able to discover things you did not know about before, and perhaps enter your project in a science fair. Even a student in elementary school is capable of performing experiments on cheese. he correct procedure is to vary just one thing at a time so you know what is causing the changes you observe. For instance, you can let some bread grow mold and then place the mold spores on diferent cheese samples. hen you can see if some cheese varieties grow more mold than others. You can also experiment with just one cheese variety and see if the growth of the mold difers with
Figure 17.3 Kira Pelletier and her winning science fair project. You can read about it at
Do Try his at Home
the type of wrapper (plastic, aluminum foil, wax paper, etc.). You could also make one variety of cheese, change one thing about the procedure, and see how it turns out. In 2012, a Pennsylvania sixth-grader named Kira Pelletier conducted experiments on which type of milk (raw, pasteurized, high-temperature pasteurized, powdered, evaporated) made the best Mozzarella cheese. She won second place in the biochemistry category at the Chester County Science Fair and advanced to the Delaware Valley Science Fairs, where she won a Future Scientist Award from our laboratory (Figure 17.3). If you are more advanced, you could make a type of cheese with milk from cows, goats, and sheep, and mixtures of the milk, and investigate the diferences between the cheeses. If you have access to a professional laboratory (and some colleges and industries will allow it, with supervision), you could see how the fatty acids or caseins change with age under various storage conditions. You could even try to make a new cheese variety. Remember that all of the cheese varieties in the world were developed as a result of experimentation and trial and error. Books to Read You should have no trouble inding an array of books about cooking and baking with cheese. Other books, many no longer in print, have been written about making, buying, serving, and enjoying cheese. Below is a list of ten non-technical books still available that cover these topics well. Some of these authors have written previous books that are also worth checking. Cheesemaking at home Ricki Carroll, Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Homemade Cheeses (Storey Publishing: North Adams, Mass., 2002). Originally titled Cheesemaking Made Easy, this popular book is in its third edition. Jody M. Farnham and Marc Druart, he Joy of Cheesemaking (Skyhorse Publishing: New York, 2011). Describes cheesemaking in detail, along with stories of artisanal cheesemakers and recipes. Mary Karlin and Ed Anderson, Artisan Cheese Making at Home: Techniques and Recipes for Mastering World-Class Cheeses (Ten Speed Press: Berkeley, Calif., 2011). he title says it all. Purchasing Steve Jenkins, Cheese Primer (Workman Publishing, New York, 1996). Describes hundreds of cheeses from around the world, and gives highly opinionated advice about buying, storing, and serving them. Tasting Max McCalman and David Gibbons, Mastering Cheese: Lessons for Connoisseurship rom a Maître Fromager (Clarkson Potter: New York, 2009). A wealth of information, focusing on how to be a connoisseur.
he Science of Cheese
Wine and cheese pairing Laura Werlin, All American Cheese and Wine Book: Pairing, Proiles, and Recipes (Stewart, Tabori & Chang: New York, 2003). Won a James Beard Award for best single-subject book. History Paul S. Kindstedt, Cheese and Culture: A History of Cheese and Its Place in Western Civilization (Chelsea Green Publishing: White River Junction, Vt., 2012). he story of cheese from prehistoric times. General information Juliet Harbutt, World Cheese Book (Dorling Kindersley: London, 2009). Pictures and descriptions of over 750 cheeses, with in depth discussions on the most important varieties. Sharon Tyler Herbst and Ron Herbst, he Cheese Lover’s Companion: he Ultimate A-to-Z Cheese Guide with More han 1,000 Listings for Cheeses and Cheese-Related Terms (William Morrow: New York, 2007). A small encyclopedia of cheese. Rob Kaufelt, he Murray’s Cheese Handbook: More han 300 of the World’s Best Cheeses (Broadway Books: New York, 2006). About 300 varieties each get a paragraph, and there’s a section with frequently asked questions. Other Resources Two periodicals about cheese, Culture Magazine and Cheese Connoisseur, are published four times a year. Arthur R. Hill’s website at the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada,, contains technical information about all aspects of cheesemaking. And several blogs about cheese are on the Internet.
if a swiss cheese could think it would think that a swiss cheese was the most important thing in the world just as everything that can think at all does think about itself —Don Marquis, archygrams, 1933
Cheese isn’t the most important thing in the world, but it is one of the more pleasurable things life has to ofer. What is nicer than being with friends, consuming and comparing various cheeses, accompanied by wine or beer? Making your own cheese is a rewarding experience, too. It may even lead to romance (see Chapter 28 of the homas Hardy novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles). Cheese has been the subject of more than just the written word. Several countries have thought highly enough of cheese to have postage stamps (Figure 18.1) devoted to the varieties they have developed. Mike Geno is an artist who creates oil-on-panel still life paintings of cheese, such as those below (Figure 18.2). 239
Figure 18.1 Postage stamps from France (let side), Portugal (top right, with a cardoon thistle postmark), Italy (right center), and Canada (bottom right).
he Cheese Stands Alone
Figure 18.2 A wall of Mike Geno’s studio. Source: Courtesy of Mike Geno.
Figure 18.3 “Kids and Calves” by Jim Victor. Source: Courtesy of Jim Victor.
A neighbor of mine, Jim Victor, creates sculptures from food, including butter, chocolate, and cheese. He made the one shown in Figure 18.3 out of Cheddar for the Nebraska State Fair in 2008. So why does cheese evoke enough passion to move people to create works of art? Mostly, I think, it is the multitude of aromas, lavors, and textures found in cheeses throughout the world, more than you encounter with any other food. It’s not just food, it’s a variety show. And all of the science behind the transformation from
he Science of Cheese
plants to milk to cheese is amazing. Cheese may be good and it may be bad, but the process behind its formation is never dull. Cheese also provides nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein. It comes in hundreds of varieties, and even within a variety, diferences are noticeable: depending on origin of the milk, the microbes used, and the procedure the cheesemaker followed. Our Fertile Crescent traveler from 8,000 years ago was certainly on to something.
his shop is a dictionary; the language is the system of cheeses as a whole. —Italo Calvino, Mr. Palomar, 1985
he following shows the deinitions of terms that appear in more than one chapter. Words in italics refer to another term in the glossary. he chapter in which the term is most fully discussed is shown in parentheses at the end of the entry. acid A compound that dissolves in water and lowers its pH value. Lactic acid and vinegar are examples. (4) adjunct A bacterial culture added to milk to generate additional lavors during ripening. (2) affineur A person in charge of aging cheeses, in a process called ainage. (3) aging Storage of cheese so that the proper lavor and texture develop. (3) alcohol A compound that has an OH group, where the oxygen atom is bonded to a carbon atom. (6) aldehyde A compound containing an oxygen atom that shares a double bond with the carbon atom at the end of the carbon chain. (10) amino acids he building blocks of proteins. Amino acids consist of an amino group, a COOH group, and a “side chain” containing carbon, hydrogen, and possibly nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur. (5) amino group A part of a molecule where a nitrogen atom has two hydrogen atoms bonded to it. (5) annatto A plant-derived dye that imparts a yellow color to cheese. (2)
artisanal cheese Hand-made cheeses made from local milk in small batches in a traditional manner. (1) β-carotene A red-orange compound that passes from cow’s milk into cheese. It also acts as a vitamin A precursor. (2) bond A link between atoms. In food molecules, most of the bonds are single (the atoms share one electron) and some are double bonds. (1) branched chain A carbon chain with a fork in it. (5) calcium chloride (CaCl2) A powder that is added to milk to bolster its calcium content, which aids coagulation and leads to a irmer curd. (2) calcium phosphate A compound containing calcium, phosphorus, and oxygen atoms. It is the principal form of calcium found in milk. Colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP) helps hold micelles together. (1) carbon chain A string of carbon atoms bonded together. (1) casein he primary protein family in milk and cheese. It comes in four types: αs1-casein, αs2-casein, β-casein, and κ-casein. (1) cheddared cheese A cheese whose recipe includes lipping slabs of curd and stacking them to remove whey and allow acid development. Also known as English style cheese. (10) cheese knives Parallel wires strung across a metal frame, used to cut curd into cubes. (2) colloidal Referring to miniscule particles suspended in a liquid. Calcium phosphate is colloidal in milk. (1) conjugated Alternating single bonds and double bonds in a carbon chain. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) appears to have health beneits. (5) cooh group A part of a molecule where a carbon atom (C) share bonds with two atoms of oxygen (O). One O is double-bonded to the C, and the other O is bonded to both the C and to a hydrogen atom (H). Acids found in cheese usually contain a COOH group. (1) cook Heating curds to facilitate bacterial growth and expulsion of whey. (2) curd he solid portion of milk ater coagulation. (1) denaturation When a protein unfolds and loses its biological activity. (1) double bond A link between atoms in which they share two pairs of electrons. Double bonds are represented by the symbol = when depicting a molecular structure. (1) enzyme A special type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions. (1) ester Fragrant compound where a carbon atom shares a double bond with an oxygen atom and also share a bond with (usually) another oxygen. (7) eyes he round “holes” in cheese caused by the generation of carbon dioxide gas. Varieties with large eyes are also called Swiss type cheeses. (12) farmhouse cheese Artisanal cheese made on a farm from the milk of that farm. (1) fat A triglyceride that is solid at room temperature. (1) fatty acid A carbon chain with a COOH group at one end; the other end attaches to a glycerol molecule. Fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated. (1) flavor he combination of aroma, taste, and facial sensations (hot, cold, pungent, tingle, astringent). (7) fresh cheese A cheese that is not stored for more than a few weeks. (4) furan Molecules containing one oxygen atom and four carbon atoms in a ive-sided ring. (12) globule A droplet. Fat in milk and cheese is in the form of globules. (1) green he aroma of cut grass. (4) Also, an unripened cheese. (2)
homogenization Conversion of fat globules to a small, uniform size by forcing milk through a narrow oriice under pressure. (2) hydrocarbon A compound containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms. (12) interior-mold cheese A cheese which is pierced with needles to introduce oxygen and allow mold to grow inside. Also called blue cheese or blue-veined cheese, though the mold may be green. (9) ketone A carbon chain where one of the carbon atoms is linked to an oxygen atom with a double bond. (9) lactase he enzyme (also known as β-galactosidase) that splits the lactose molecule into glucose and galactose. People who are able to digest lactose are lactase persistent. (1) lactic acid A product of the bacterial breakdown of lactose. (2) lactone An ester where the portion containing the oxygen atoms is within a several-sided ring. (11) lactose he primary carbohydrate in dairy products. Milk is the only natural source. People who cannot digest lactose are lactose intolerant. (1) lipase An enzyme that breaks down fat. (2) lipids Triglycerides, cholesterol, and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. (5) lipolysis he breakdown of lipids. (5) mesophilic starter Bacteria that thrive best at 68°–104°. (2) micelle A microscopic, spherical aggregate of casein molecules in milk. (1) moisture he amount of water in a food. (1) oh group A part of a molecule where an oxygen atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom and to a carbon atom. (6) oil A triglyceride that is liquid at room temperature. In this book, fats and oils are lumped together as fats. (1) orthonasal Perception of aroma by inhaling through the nose. (7) pasteurization Heating to a temperature and length of time suicient to kill pathogens. (2) peptides Pieces of a protein molecule, consisting of some amino acids linked together. (5) ph he measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a material. (2) pickled cheese Cheese stored in a salt solution. Also called brined cheese. (5) process cheese A blend of younger and older cheese. (14) protein he three-dimensional structural network in cheese, consisting of amino acids connected together. Except for whey cheeses, nearly all of the protein in cheese is casein. (1) proteolysis he breakdown of protein into peptides. (5) raw milk Milk that has not undergone pasteurization. (2) rennet Enzymes (mostly chymosin) present in the stomach of mammals, and also secreted by certain fungi and derived from some plants. A rennet preparation is added to milk to coagulate it into curd. (2) retronasal Perception of aroma by inhaling through the mouth. (7) ripening Chemical and physical changes during aging. (3) saturated A fatty acid containing no double bonds between carbon atoms. (5) scalding Cutting curd into little pieces and heating it. (10) smear-ripened cheese A cheese that is washed with a yeast solution. Also called washed rind cheese (8).
species A group of similar living things capable of exchanging genes and interbreeding. (9) starter culture Bacteria that convert lactose to lactic acid, lowering the pH of milk at the start of cheesemaking. (2) strain Microorganism that is a variant of others within its species. (9) stretched curd cheese A cheese whose curd is pulled like taf y before being placed in brine. Also called pasta ilata cheese. (6) surface-mold cheese A cheese ripened from the outside in because of mold on the exterior. Also called bloomy rind cheese. (7) taste Sensations of bitter, salty, sour, sweet, and umami as perceived by the taste buds. (7) terpene A compound produced by pasture plants and containing isoprene, a structure with ive carbon atoms, two double bonds, and a branched chain. (13) terroir A French word describing the characteristics that altitude, soil, and weather give to a food. (13) texture he perception of structural, surface, and mechanical properties of food. (10) thermophilic starter Bacteria that thrive best at 86°–122°. (2) trans fat A fatty acid, possibly harmful to health, in which carbon chains extend from opposite sides of a double bond. (5) triglyceride Molecules consisting of three fatty acids attached to glycerol. he structure may be visualized as shaped like an “E.” (1) unsaturated A fatty acid containing at least one double bond between carbon atoms. (5) washed-curd cheese A cheese where the curd is rinsed by draining some of the whey and replacing it with hot water. (11) whey he liquid portion of milk ater coagulation. (1) whey cheese A cheese made from coagulated whey proteins. (5)
“he Daily Telegraph heralded it as the most important cheese book ever written.” —Giles Morton, Edward Trencom’s Nose: A Novel of History, Dark Intrigue, and Cheese, 2008
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Serving cheese: 500, 154–55. CP, pp. 18–33. Ensrud, B. Wine with Food. Fireside: New York, 1991, pp. 44–45. Fletcher, J. he Cheese Course: Enjoying the World’s Best Cheeses at Your Table. Chronicle Books: San Francisco, CA, 2000, pp. 9–17. McCalman, M.; Gibbons, D. Mastering Cheese: Lessons for Connoisseurship rom a Maître Fromager. Clarkson Potter: New York, 2009, pp. 204–17. Other things to try: Ackerman, S. WxWise web site. Available at: Gibbs, W.W.; Myhrvold, N. Microwaves and the speed of light. Scientiic American 2011, 305(12), 20.
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Ater cheese comes nothing. — James Clarke, Proverbs English and Latin , 1639
Abondance, 157–158, 207 Abondance de Savoie, 207 Acarus siro, 228 acetaldehyde, 66, 125, 190 acetic acid, 65–66 acetoin, 66, 113 2-acetylthiazoline, 95 acid-coagulated cheese, 58–59 acids, 55, 65–67, 182–183 additives, 27 adjunct cultures, 31–32 adulteration, 202 ainage, 52 aineur, 52 ainadores, 152 Afuega’l pitu, 218, 219 aging , 44–45, 49–56 alcohols, 55, 56, 83, 87–88, 185 aldehydes, 55, 56, 66, 122, 125, 186, 190 Allgäuer Bergkäse, 211 Allgäuer Emmentaler, 211 Altenburger Ziegenkäse, 211
altitude and lavor, 157–158 amines, 74 amino acids, 4, 55, 71 branched-chain, 39 let- and right-handed, 73 amino group, 71 ammonia, 71 amorphophallus plants, 79 analysis of cheese, 174–192 aroma, 182–192 color, 178 composition, 174–177 lavor, 176–177, 179–182 melting , 179 microbiology, 177 structure, 177–178 texture, 178 Anevato, 211 annatto, 27, 28 AOC (Appellation d’Originie Contrôlée), 202, 221 appearance, 94, 96
Appellation d’Originie Contrôlée (AOC), 202, 221 appellation systems, 201–202, 204–205 Appenzeller, 144 aroma, 96, 104–105 analysis of, 182–192 aromatic compounds, 83 artichoke thistle, 34 artisanal cheese, 6 arum plants, 79 Arzúa-Ulloa, 219 ash, 93–94 Asiago, 151 d’Allevo, 213 Pressato, 213 Austrian PDO cheeses, 206 Bacteria mesophilic, 30 thermophilic, 30–31 bacteriophage, 32 Banon, 207 barns, red color of, 17 Batzos, 211 Beacon Hill Traditional Lancashire Cheese, 222 Beaufort, 141, 207 beer, 146, 148 Bel Paese, 61 Belgian PDO cheese, 223 Berner Alpkäse, 221 Berner Hobelkäse, 221 Bishop Kennedy, 102 bitterness, 97 Bitto, 152, 213 bixin, 28 Bleu d’Auvergne, 207 Bleu de Gex (or Bleu de Haut-Jura or Bleu de Septmoncel), 207 Bleu des Causses, 207 Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage, 207 block, 41 blue cheese, 109 Blue Stilton Cheese, 222 Boerenkaas, 129, 225 Boeren-Leidse met Sleutels, 216 Bonchester, 222 books about cheese, 237–238 Bouton de Culotte, 182 bovine somatotropin, 137
Bovški Sir, 223 Bra, 213 branched-chain fatty acids, 78 Brevibacterium linens, 31, 101–104 Brick cheese, 101 Brie, 92–93 Brie de Meaux, 207 Brie de Melun, 207 Brillat-Savarin, 93 Brin d’Amour, 61 British PDO cheeses, 218, 222 British PGI cheeses, 224 Brocciu Corse, 207 browning , 89 Brunost, 68 Bruss, 234 Bryndza, 70 Bryndza Podhalanska, 223 2,3-butanediol, 113 2,3-butanedione, 66, 113 butyric acid, 75, 160, 182 Buxton Blue, 222 Caboc, 61 Cabrales, 219 Caciocavallo, 85 Caciocavallo Silano, 213 Caerphilly, 121 calf stomach, 34–35 Camembert, 92–93, 98 Camembert de Normandie, 207 Canestrato Pugliese, 213 Cannonballs, 129 Cantal (or Fourme de Cantal or Cantalet), 122, 207 capric acid, 75 caproic acid, 75, 182 caprylic acid, 56, 75 carbohydrates, 4, 166 cardoon, 34 β-carotene, 28 Casatella Trevigiana, 213 Casciotta d’Urbino, 213 casein, 4, 15, 16 κ-casein, 35–36 micelles, 14–15, 35–36 Castelmagno, 213 Casu Marzu, 227 catty odor, 119 caves, 49, 109–110
Index CCP (colloidal calcium phosphate), 14, 35, 117 Cebreiro, 219 Chabichou du Poitou, 207 Chaource, 208 Cheddar, 117–120, 157 Cheddar Gorge, 118, 119 Cheddar Man, 119 cheddared cheeses, 117–122 cheddaring , 38 cheese analogues, 61 cheese consumption, world, 225–226 cheese iron, 52 cheese knives, 36 cheese skipper, 226–227 cheesecloth, 40–41 cheesemaking , 21–42 at home, 229–232 problems and solutions, 50–51 Cheshire, 120 Chevrotin, 208 Chhena, 62 cholesterol, 162 chymosin, 34 citric acid, 30, 65–67 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), 78, 166 classes of cheese, 27, 29, 47 climate and lavor, 156 coagulation, 35–36 Colby, 130 cold-pack cheese, 161 colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP), 14, 35, 117 color analysis, 178 of barns, 17 of cheese, 28 of milk, 234 of sky, 235 compositional analysis, 174–177 Comté, 141, 208 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 78, 166 contests, 193 cooking curd, 37 Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake, 121 corneyform bacteria, 31 cottage cheese, 58 Coulommiers, 93 cows, 6, 8–10, 114 cream cheese, 60–61 making at home, 231
cresol, 83–84 Crottin de Chavignol, 208 Crowdie, 61 Cryphonectria parasitica, 34 curd, 3, 34, 43 curing , 49 cysteine, 94 dairy farms, 8–9 Danablu, 111, 224 Danish PGI cheeses, 224 decalactones, 131, 186, 191 denaturation, 4 Derby, 122 diacetyl, 66–67, 113, 148 diethylamine, 74 dimethyl disulide, 95, 186, 187 dimethyl sulide, 95, 186, 187 dimethyl sulfone, 95 dimethyl trisulide, 95, 186, 187 dodecalactones, 131, 191 Domiati, 70 Dorset Blue Cheese, 224 Double Gloucester, 120–121 Dovedale Cheese, 222 Dunlop, 121–133 Dutch PDO cheeses, 210, 216 Dutch TSG cheeses, 225 Dutch-type cheese, 128–129 E. coli, 34, 64 Edam, 46, 128–129, 199–201 elaidic acid, 77 Emmental(er), 140–141, 221 Emmental Français Est-Central, 224 energy, 4, 165 enzymes, 4 Époisses de Bourgogne, 102, 208 Esrom, 224 esters, 55, 56, 105, 106, 186, 188 ethanol, 66 ethyl acetate, 105, 188 ethyl butanoate, 105, 186, 188 ethyl decanoate, 105 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, 74, 184 ethyl hexanoate, 105, 186, 188 ethyl octanoate, 56 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 78, 182, 184 ethyl-3-mercaptopropionate, 95
ethyl-3-methylbutanoate, 105, 186, 188 ethylamine, 74 etymology, 7–8 Exmoor Blue Cheese, 224 eyes in cheese, 38, 67 defects in, 142–143 varieties containing , 139–145 farmer’s cheese, 59 farmhouse cheese, 6 fat, 4, 165–166 fat globules, 15–16, 24 fatty acids, 55, 73, 75–80 branched-chain, 78 long-chain, 75 saturated, 75–77 short- and medium-chain, 75, 182–184 by species, 78, 80 unsaturated, 75–77 Feta, 70, 211 ines, 59 Fiore Sardo, 213 lavor altitude and, 157–158 analysis, 176–177, 179–182 climate, 156 compounds, 55, 57 lexicon, 180–181 microbes and, 54 processing and, 54 seasonality and, 157 sense of, 96 soil and, 158 species and, 156 vegetation and, 154 Fleming, Alexander, 108 lies, 226–227 Flor de Guîa, 219 fodder, 53, 131–132 Fontina, 213 foot odor, 104 forage, 53 Formaella Arachovas Parnassou, 211 Formaggio d’Alpe Ticinese, 221 Formai de Mut dell’Alta Valle Brembana, 213 formic acid, 65 Fourme d’Ambert, 208 Fourme de Montbrison, 208
free oil, 89–90 French PDO cheeses, 206, 207–210 French PGI cheeses, 224 fresh cheese, 58–67 fresh cheese curd, 43 Frey, Emil, 33, 161 Fromage de Herve, 223 Fromage Fort, 234 furaneol, 144–145, 186, 192 furans, 56, 144, 186, 192 Gaitaler Almkäse, 206 β-galactosidase, 17–18 Galotiri, 211 Gamonéu (or Gamonedo), 219 Garrotxa, 129 gas chromatography, 176–177 Geotricum candidum, 32, 93, 103, 116 geraniol, 192 German PDO cheeses, 210, 211 giant cheese, 46 Gjetost, 68–69 glucono-delta-lactone, 57 glycerol, 4, 5 goat milk, 53 volatile compounds in, 135–136 goats, 11, 114 Gorgonzola, 110, 213 Gouda, 128–129, 201 grades of milk, 23–24 grading , 194 Grana Padano, 214 Graviera Agrafon, 211 Graviera Kritis, 211 Graviera Naxou, 212 Graviera, 141 Greek PDO cheeses, 210, 211–212 green aroma, 66 green cheese and meat, 33–34 Gruyère, 141, 221 guar gum, 60 Halloumi, 70 Havarti, 130 hay, 131–132 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), 63 2-heptanol, 83, 184–185 Herve Ainé à la Bière, 102
Index 2-hexene, 145 histidine, 72 homofuraneol, 144–145, 186, 192 homogenization, 16, 24–25 human breast milk, 16 Humboldt Fog , 94 Hushållsost, 225 hydrocarbons, 145 hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), 33–34 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, 113 Idiazábal, 219 imitation cheese, 161 Imokilly Regato, 223 imports and exports, United States, 204 indole, 74, 184 inspections, 63–64 interior mold cheese, 107, 109–112 Irish PDO cheese, 223 isobutyric acid, 78 isohexanoic acid, 79 isopentylacetate, 105 isoprene, 155 isovaleric acid, 78, 182, 184 Italian PDO cheeses, 210, 213–215 Italian TSG cheeses, 225
lactose, 4, 166 lactose-reduced milk, 20 Ladotyri Mytilinis, 212 Laguiole, 208 Langres, 208 lauric acid, 75 laws, United States, 199–201 let- and right-handed molecules, 73, 155 L’Étivaz, 221 leucine, 71 Liederkranz, 33 light scattering , 235 Limburger, 100–101, 104–105 limonene, 186 linalool, 156, 186, 192 linoleic acid, 75–76 linolenic acid, 75, 77 lipase, 32, 34 lipids, 73 lipolysis, 73, 80 lipoprotein lipase, 80 Listeria monocytogenes, 64–65 lite Mozzarella, 88–89 Livarot, 102–103, 105, 208 loaf, 41 locust bean gum, 60 long-chain fatty acids, 75
Jarlsberg , 144 Kalathaki Limnou, 212 Kanterkaas, 216 Kanternagelkaas, 216 Kanteromijnekaas, 216 Kashkaval, 85 Kasseri, 212 Katiki Domokou, 212 Kefalograviera, 212 Kefalotyri, 152 ketones, 55, 56, 112–113, 186, 189 Kluyveromyces lactis, 34, 93 Kopanisti, 212 labneh, 59 lactic acid, 29–30, 65–67 Lactobacillus, 31 Lactococcus lactis, 30, 118 classiication of, 115 lactones, 55–56, 130–131, 186, 191 lactose intolerance and persistence, 17–20
Máhon-Menorca, 219 Maillard reactions, 89–90 make sheet, 22 malaria, 104 mammals, 6, 10–11, 114 Manouri, 212 Maroilles (or Marolles), 102–103, 105, 208 Mascarpone, 61 Maytag Blue, 112 mechanical properties, 124 mellowing curd, 118 melting , 88–89 analysis of, 179 Mendeleev, Dmitri, 196 2-mercapto-2-methylpentan-4-one, 119 mesophilic bacteria, 30 Metchnikof, Ilya, 196–197 meteorite, 73 methanethiol, 94, 95 methional, 94, 95, 186–187 methionine, 72, 94
methylamine, 74 2-methylbutanal, 125, 190 3-methylbutanal, 125, 186, 190 3-methylbutanol, 83, 185 2-methylisoborneol, 156 4-methyloctanoic acid, 78, 182, 184 2-methylpropanal, 125, 190 Metsovone, 212 micelles, 14–15, 35–36 microbes and lavor, 54 microbiological analysis, 177 microwave oven, calculating speed of light with, 235 Milbenkäse, 228 milk, 3–4, 10–14, 16–20, 134–138 white color of, 234 milling , 40 Mimolette Vieille, 228 minerals, 4, 169–172 mites, 228 moisture, 4 molds, 32 Mont d’Or (or Vacherin du Haut-Doubs), 208 Montasio, 214 Monte Veronese, 214 Monterey Jack, 130 making at home, 232 moose, 11, 114 Morbier, 93, 208 mosquitoes, 104 Mozzarella, 82, 84–85, 225 di Bufala Campana, 214 lite, 88–89 making at home, 231 Munster (or Munster-Géromé), 103, 208 Murazzano, 214 myristic acid, 75 Mysost, 68 Naboulsi, 234 natamycin, 44 Neufchâtel American, 61 French, 209 nitrogen-containing compounds, 74, 182, 184 nonanal, 125, 186, 190 nonstarter lactic acid bacteria, 32–33 Noord-Hollandse Edammer, 216 Noord-Hollandse Gouda, 216
Nostrano Valtrompia, 214 nutrition, 161–172 Oaxaca, 84 octalactones, 56–57, 131, 191 octanal, 56 octanoic acid, 56 2-octanone, 56 1-octen-3-ol, 83, 184–186 1-octen-3-one, 113 Odenwälder Frühstückskäse, 211 OH group, 83 oleic acid, 75–76 olfactory receptors, 96 orthonasal inhalation, 96 Oscypek, 223 Ossau-Iraty, 209 packaging , 41–42 paintings of cheese, 239, 241 pairing of foods, 145–149 palmitic acid, 75 Paneer, 62 Parmesan, 150–151 Parmigiano Reggiano, 50, 150–151, 214 pasta ilata, 82 pasteurization, 25–26, 54 pasteurized process cheese, 160 pasture plants, 136 pathogens, 64–65 PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), 203, 205–223 Pecorino di Filiano, 214 Pecorino Romano, 214 Pecorino Sardo, 214 Pecorino Siciliano, 214 Pecorino Toscano, 214 Pélardon, 209 penicillin, 108–109 Penicillum camemberti, 32, 92–93 Penicillum roqueforti, 32, 109 classiication of, 115 as cleaning agent, 115 pepsin, 34 peptides, 73 PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), 203, 222, 224 pH, 34 phage, 32 phenol, 83
Index phenol equivalents, 201 phenylacetaldehyde, 125, 186, 190 phenylalanine, 72 2-phenylethanol, 84, 185 phenylethyl acetate, 105, 188 phytene, 145 Pichtogalo Chanion, 212 Picodon , 209 Picón Bejes-Tresviso, 219 α-pinene, 186, 192 Piophilia casei, 226–227 pizza, 84–85 Polish PDO cheeses, 223 Polish PGI cheeses, 224 Pont-l’Évêque, 103, 105, 209 Portuguese PDO cheeses, 216, 217 Portuguese PGI cheeses, 224 postage stamps depicting cheese, 239–240 pot cheese, 59 Pouligny-Saint-Pierre, 209 pressing , 40, 42 process cheese, 159–161 processing and lavor, 54 production of cheese in United States by state, 86 by variety, 87 by year, 86–87 propionibacteria, 31, 139–140 Propionibacterium reudenreichii, 31, 140 propionic acid, 66 protease, 34 Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), 203, 205–223 Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), 203, 222, 224 protein, 4, 165 proteolysis, 73 Provola and Provolone, 85 Provolone Valpadana, 214 pyrazines, 74 quark, 60 Quartirolo Lombardo, 215 Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, 217 Queijo de Azeitão, 217 Queijo de Cabra Transmontano, 217 Queijo de Castelo Branco Queijo de Évora, 217 Queijo de Nisa, 217 Queijo do Pico, 217
Queijo Mestiço de Tolosa, 217 Queijo Mestiço de Tolosa, 224 Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa, 217 Queijo Rabaçal, 217 Queijo Terrincho, 217 Queso Blanco, 58, 62–63 making at home, 230 Queso Chihuahua, 157 Queso de l’Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya, 219 Queso de la Serena, 219 Queso de Murcia al Vino, 220 Queso de Murcia, 220 Queso de Valdeón, 224 Queso Fresco, 22, 62–63 Queso Ibores, 220 Queso Majorero, 220 Queso Manchego, 220 Queso Nata de Cantabria, 220 Queso Palmero, 220 Queso Tetilla, 220 Quesucos de Liébana, 220 Quiejo São Jorge, 217 Quiejo Serpa, 217 Quiejo Serra da Estrela, 34, 103, 217
Raclette du Valais, 221 Ragusano, 154, 215 Raschera, 215 raw milk cheese, 26 Reblochon de Savoie, 102, 209 recommended daily allowance, 162 Red Leicester, 120–121 reindeer, 11, 114 rennet, 34–36 rennin, 34 reporting cheese research, 197–198 Requeijão, 68 Requesón, 68–69 retronasal inhalation, 96 rheology, 123 Rhizomucor miehei, 34 Ricotta, 68 making at home, 231 Ricotta Romana, 215 rind, 42 ripening , 44–45, 49–56 Robiola di Roccaverano, 215 Rocamadour, 209 Romano, 151–152 Roncal, 220
Roquefort, 107, 109–110, 115, 209 rule developing experimentation, 162 rumenic acid, 77 Russian cheese research, 196–197 safety, 63–65 Sainte-Maure de Touraine, 209 Saint-Nectaire, 209 Saint Vernier, 102 Salers, 122, 209 Salmonella, 64–65 salt, 40, 81 saltiness, 97 Samsø, 144 San Michali, 212 San Simón da Costa, 220 Sapsago, 152 saturated fatty acids, 75–77 Sbrinz, 153, 221 scalding , 118 Schabzinger, 152 science fair projects, 235–237 scientists, 192, 194, 196–197 sculptures of cheese, 241 seasonality and lavor, 157 Selles-sur-Cher, 209 senses, 94, 96–98 Ser Korycinski Swojski, 224 Serra da Estrella, 34, 103, 217 serving cheese, 232–234 Sfela, 212 sheep, 11, 114 sheep milk, 53 volatile compounds in, 135–136 short- and medium-chain fatty acids, 75, 182–184 shredding , 44 silage, 131–132 Single Gloucester, 222 skatole, 74, 184 sky, blue color of, 235 slang , 7–8 Slovakian PDO cheese, 223 Slovakian PGI cheeses, 224 Slovenská Bryndza, 223 Slovenská Parenica, 224 Slovenský Oštiepok, 224 smear-ripened cheese, 99–106 smearing with alcohol, 102 smearing with Brevibacterium linens, 101 S-methylthioacetate, 95, 105
S-methylthiopropionate, 95 smoked cheese, 161 sodium chloride (NaCl), 40, 81 soil and lavor, 158 sotolon, 1445–145, 192 sound, 96 sourness, 97 Spanich cheese, 48 Spanish PDO cheeses, 218, 219–220 Spanish PGI cheeses, 224 species deinition of 115 milk production and, 138 volatile compounds and, 135–137 species and lavor, 156 Spressa delle Guidicarie, 215 Squacquerone di Romagna, 215 squalene, 145 squeaking cheese, 43 stabilizers, 60 Stafordshire Cheese, 222 standardization, 23 starter culture, 29–31 stearic acid, 75–76 Stelvio (or Stilfser), 215 Stilton, 110–111 Blue Stilton, 222 White Stilton, 222 Stinking Bishop, 102 strain of organism, 116 Streptococcus thermophilus, 31, 88–89 stretched curd cheese, 82–91 stretching cheese, 90–91 structural analysis, 177–178 structure, molecular, 5 Sufolk, 152–154 sulides, 95 sulfur-containing compounds, 55, 94, 95, 186–187 surface mold cheese, 92–94 surnames, 8 Svecia, 224 Swaledale Cheese, 222 Swaledale Ewes Cheese, 222 Swedish PGI cheese, 224 Swedish TSG cheese, 225 sweetness, 97 Swiss AOC cheeses, 218, 221 Swiss cheese, 140–141 syneresis, 37
Index Taleggio, 215 tannin, 148 taste, 97 taxonomy, 114 Teleme, 103 Teleme, 70 temperature of cooking , 37–38 terpenes, 56, 154–156, 186, 192 terpineol, 155, 186 terrior, 53–54 factors afecting , 154, 156–158 Tête de Moine, 218, 221 Teviotdale, 224 texture, 98, 123–124, 126–127 analysis of, 178 thermization, 111 thermophilic bacteria, 30–31 thiols, 95 Tilsit, 103–104 Tiroler Almkäse (or Tiroler Alpkäse), 206 Tiroler Bergkäse, 206 Tiroler Graukäse, 206 titanium dioxide, 27, 28 toluene, 145 Toma Piemontese, 215 Tomme de Pyrénées, 224 Tomme de Savoie, 143, 224 Tome des Bauges, 210 Torta del Casar, 220 total mixed ration, 131–132 Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG), 203, 222, 225 transhumance, 152 Trappist style cheese, 102–103 tribology, 123 trier, 52 triethylamine, 74 trigeminal factor, 96 triglycerides, 4, 6 tryptophan, 71–72 TSG (Protected Geographical Indication), 203, 222, 225 tyramine, 72 Tyrolichus casei, 228 tyrosine, 72 umami, 97 2-undecanone, 112–113 United States cheese imports and exports, 204
cheese production by state, 87 cheese production by variety, 87 cheese production by year, 86–87 laws, 199–201 unsaturated fatty acids, 75–77 vaccenic acid, 77 Vacherin Fribourgeois, 221 Vacherin Mont d’Or, 221 Valençay, 210 valine, 39 Valle d’Aosta Fromadzo, 215 Valtellina Casera, 215 vats, 26–27 vegetation and lavor, 154 Velveeta, 160–161 very hard cheese, 150–154 vitamins, 4, 166–169 vitamin D, 17–18 volatile compounds, by species, 135–137 Vorarlberger Alpkäse, 206 Vorarlberger Bergkäse, 206 washed curd cheese, 128–130 water bufalo, 11, 114 water bufalo milk, volatiles in, 135–136 water bufalo Mozzarella, 84–85, 88 Wensleydale, 122 West Country Farmhouse Cheddar, 222 wheel, 41 whey, 3, 16 draining , 38 powders, 38 White Stilton Cheese, 222 Wielkopolski ser Smažony, 224 wine, 145–149 world cheese consumption, 225–226 xanthan gum, 60 Xygalo Siteias, 203, 205, 212 Xynomyzithra Kritis, 212 yak, 11, 114 Yarg Cornish, 122 yeasts, 32 yield of cheese, 21, 23, 138 yogurt, 59 zebu, 11, 114