Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (2024)

Beth Kassay

Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (1)

Do your kids LOVE Despicable Me? Zach & Lily are obsessed!

For Halloween Zach asked to be Grufrom Despicable Me, which I thought wasuberadorable,especially when I had the 'evil genius idea' to create a Lucy Wilde costume for Lovely Lily!

After I had a plan in place, as any normal warm blooded 4 year old would do, Zach changed his mind. Now he was bound and determined to be a Minion for Halloween...

After a quick re-planning of my initial plan; I re-assigned characters to the kids, incorporated Andy as Gru, the former villain turned good guy and myself as Lucy Wilde, theAnti Villain League Agent and Gru's Love Interest. I placed a call to a Dear Crafty Friend for a few D.I.YMinion costumes, started sewing up a storm and supply shopping for a husband-size Gru! As a Side Note: Many, Many of the costumes we have created are also available in a DIY Kit in our online shop at Happy Halloween Shopping!

DIY Instructions for a GruCostume...

Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (2)Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (3)

Lily & Frog Materials:

  • Black Coat
  • Black Slacks
  • Black & Grey Scarf
  • Skin TonColor Felt
  • Breathing Strips

Lily & Frog Instructions:

1. The Ensemble:Rummage through yourclosets, donation centers, or online shopping... Designing and sewing anything for this costume really isn't worth it, because the clothing is pretty basic, I swear!

  • Black Coat: Andrew has a black zip-up sweater in his closet. I know a sweater isn't a coat, but is it really that big of a deal if it isn't perfect... We are still getting the full Gru Effect.
  • Black Slacks: I grabbed a pair of Andy's black pants for this one, no fuss no muss.
  • Black & Grey Scarf: This was a purchase from, Premium Soft Knit Striped Scarf. Andy doesn't own scarves, this is why I didn't mind making the purchase here.

2. The NOSE: This one was a little tricky, I called in my Crafty Friend for help on this one little help. She was perfect for this project because the Halloween before she, her husband, kids, and family friends were a whole Despicable Me Crew. Purchase some skin tone color felt, cut and fold it onto a cone shape (like an ice cream cone), hot gluing the edges together. Now to stick it onto the husband's nose... I was ALL about taping that honkerto Andrew's nose, but she suggested Breathing Strips, much more 'Husband-Friendly.' Hot glue theBreathing Strip to the interior of the cone and where the bridge of his nose will be. Once cooled, peel away the backing and stick the felt nose on his nose.

In our case, I brought the nose along for the ride, it never made an appearance on his face. Hey, no fuss-no muss right... his costume still pulled together quite well in my opinion.

Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (4) Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (5) Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (6)

This was one of the easiest costumes I have put together... And Andrew didn't mind Rockin' it the WHOLE evening - A WINfor Wife!

Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (7)

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Despicable Me: DIY Gru Costume (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.